{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Nichole- Did AF ever show?!

STG- So now that it's in, are you guys going to start IVF this cycle?

Yeah, we'll start at the end of this month (unless I get a Christmas miracle bfp).:xmas7:

Hi ladies! So much to catch up on! Hope you're all well. Oh had a great appt on Friday with his urologist. Will fill you all in later.

My car was broken into this morning and everything was stolen :( dealing with this mayhem all day. Ugh.

Can't wait to hear about the appt! :)

How terrible that your car was broken into! :(:hugs: I hope nothing is too hard to replace!

I think I spoke too soon. AF is here. Light and steady. Witch.

Boooo, witch, booo! :xmas21: Sorry she got you :( :hugs:

I know a girl that had 3rd time's a charm luck with Clomid. Fx. On the clomid, I'm getting the temp rise. IDK. This is all way more complicated than they made it seem in school.. if you look at a penis, you're gonna wind up pregnant is how they made it seem!

IKR?! Those sex ed teachers lie, they lie like dogs!:change:

Ughh I have to go back to work for a couple hours. I think I'm taking Friday off. Thank goodness. I don't know why I'm not more upset; probably because I knew already that I was out? I'm frustrated, but there's no point in letting it ruin my life for the time being. Ugh. I don't know.

Yay for Friday off. :) Glad you are having some peace and not letting it ruin life, even though it's super frustrating. It's so hard. :hugs:

Hey girls, sorry I haven't been on. DH and I have been running errands all morning. So far no AF but I am not surprised since last time on progesterone I went to 16dpo. I stopped progesterone yesterday so I was hoping it wouldn't delay AF again. I feel AF like cramps on and off so I am guessing it will be here soon. I didn't temp this morning but with the last 2 days, it went from 98.45 to 98.18. If AF isn't here by tomorrow I might use an IC just to see. My bbs are tender again but just a little bit. I really freaking hate TTC.

FX'd for you, Nichole! [-o< And hugs!:hugs:

Today but progesterone delays it. I have pink tinged cm so I think it's on it's way.

Nooo, back, witch, back! :grr::gun:

I wish I had someone to talk to in real life about all of this. I'm so sad and down about everything and need a girls night with chocolate, wine, and sappy movies. All my girlfriends are too busy with one thing or another and just dont understand. Sometimes I feel so alone with all of this. Thank god for you girls.

I wish I could be there in person for you!:hugs:

Sorry your support network hasn't been to great, either, BB! :hugs:

Sorry I was gone so long ladies- when I get stressed like that I go hermit mode. I still have regular cramps- I really thought they would stop by now. I had my 2nd lab draw today and Dr. says she will call me tomorrow with my results.

I'm exactly the same, Kayla (with hermit mode). :hugs: FX'd for your results and sticky dust! (And the others are right, cramping is a common early PG symptom, so try not to worry.)

Afm, at 9dpo, HPTs are finally blank from the trigger. Any line now would freak me out. Here's to hoping!

FX'd! :dust:

AFM: Today (well, yesterday, now) I received a confirmation email that the loan paperwork has been processed, and the funds will be at clinic no later than 12/10/13 :):happydance:

In other news, I got to use my wound care skills on DH today, (poor thing! :( ) since he had a blemish on the center of his back turn into a nasty necrotic boil, and I had to debride it for him. It was hurting him so bad he woke up and asked me to tend to it and it looked just awful (all yellow and grey)! And what came out when I expressed it was equally awful (TMI: good thing I have a high tolerance for puss, because there was a lot and it was NASTY) and of course getting it out hurt DH like the dickens, but it needed to be done (and he felt better once it was done and was able to get back to sleep). I had to debride it again in the morning before he headed off to work and change the bandage (it was starting to abscess). When he came home from work, he said it was feeling much better, though, so hopefully we've caught it in time and it will heal right up, like the other boils I've treated him for. (He got some from a bad reaction to deodorant, once, and it was even worse, then. This time I think he got some breakout from the detergent his work switched to using on his uniform - he's got sensitive skin.)

As for me, I've been battling sinus ick and telemarketers and an overgrown cat claw. I didn't sleep hardly at all at night, and I tried to lay down in the day, but the phone kept waking me up, and then one of my cats kept waking me up by tromping on me with a really sharp claw that was starting to curl under and hook on stuff. I finally gave up and got up to trim that claw (which she did not want trimmed, even though it really needed it - the others were fine, go figure).
Marie fingers crossed.

Nicole I'm sorry AF Got you too. I hope this is the lucky cycle for both of us. I know what you mean about not having anybody there really understand all this. Even my husband doesn't know how I feel in tirely. His body is not the one that is broken.

STG, I'm very glad the money got to the clinic and everything is all ready for you to go. I hope the first time is the time for you.

AFM, I finally feel a little better. I finally have what I would call medium flow. I don't know whether to think its just the clomid that has changed my period so much or what. I was getting nervous though. I'm going to consider this CD 2 and start my clomid tomorrow morning. I hope this is the cycle. I don't care if I have to be pregnant all summer long. Last time I was lucky enough to be pregnant in the winter, but I've got a bathing suit that'll fit a fatty. Beggars can't be choosers right? Haha :)I I started back on my low carb diet yesterday. I did okay. A little piece of cheesecake when I got home from work probably wasn't on the plan but hey I earned it. Today's a new day I'll do better. I decided not to call my doctor yesterday. I'm going to see what happens with cycle and if I don't get a BFP, I'll make an appointment and we will decide what we're going to do differently. Maybe I just need to give it a little more time. And my body could use any extra time to heal from the c-section. I know that. I'm just impatient.
STG-I hope you get your miracle before then! But I am excited about you getting the chance to use ivf!
Nichole-I know what you mean. My friends either get pregnant right away or aren't trying yet. My all time favorite is just relax it will happen.
AFM: Its cold and the snow plow has gone by since 4 am. Soon I will head out and feed cattle I just haven't dragged myself out to the subzero yet.
Oooh Katrina, yuck! Brrrrr. We just have a dusting of snow here.
Morning Ladies,

Sandy I'm so glad you're feeling better!

I know how you feel about being impatient....I wish we could just like press our belly button and get a full report of what our cycle is going to be so there are no surprises lol

Katrina, brrrrrrrrrr. I just got a chill reading that you have to go outside :cold:

STG, a christmas miracle BFP would be so wonderful!! Fx'd for you!
Oh, Marie...I forgot to add you to my post. I am also keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!! When are you going to start testing?
I have made progress I have two layers on now. I still haven't gone out to start my truck yet.
Marie fx!!
Lol Katrina! It is super cold here, too. I dont mind it though. I'd rather that than hot.

Af made up for her slow start. Ugh. My uterus hates me today! I want my sweats, my couch, and my blanket.. lol
I'm sorry if Nichole. TTC sucks. There's not a better way to describe it I don't feel like. AF for better clean out our uteruses good because we ARE getting BFP's this cycle!!
Ok- I am a little behind....

I wish I had someone to talk to in real life about all of this. I'm so sad and down about everything and need a girls night with chocolate, wine, and sappy movies. All my girlfriends are too busy with one thing or another and just dont understand. Sometimes I feel so alone with all of this. Thank god for you girls.

I completely agree. I am so glad that we ran into each other on MFP. :hugs:

STG- I am glad the paperwork came through :)

We just got a little bit of snow here- maybe 1-2 inches. It all looked so pretty until my dog ran all around the yard. She just loves snow, and she is crazy pumped about going outside now!

Fxed for you guys on this cycle!

Afm- I got results back from my Dr. this morning. On Friday at 11:30 my #'s were 185 and the on Monday at 3:45 our #'s were at 915. Dr. was very happy with that. Dh and I decided that we think we were going to wait until 1st week of Feb. before we announce anything to anyone besides our parents and siblings- we will see if we can keep quiet until then! We kept our original date for the ultrasound and so I am hopeful that we will be able to hear a little heartbeat on the 23rd.
i hate the cold. hate. it's one major reason i keep telling OH we are NOT getting a dog. we got a little snow yesterday that turned to rain and then froze into an ice skating rink around our town.... and i hate it. i dont specifically hate the snow itself, but the cold. brrrr. dont know how you do it K.
You hate the cold therefore you aren't getting a dog??

I don't follow...:wacko:


My dogs (one came with me from Australia and one I rescued here) LOVE the snow - just gotta wipe their feet with a towel after they go out in it... and there is nothing better than snuggling up with 100 lbs of puppy love :thumbup:

I say get the dog.. hell, get the whole zoo :p
If we could have a dog, we would! We currently have a zoo and I love it (even though im allergic to them all...so worth it!)

back at work after taking fri & mon off, will catch up later.
I'm here girls. Will catch up properly later. Manic day, fire at work followed by rude patients. Everyone is ok.

Nichole sorry AF got you :hugs:
sorry about that (the whole train of thought was in my brain and made sense) - i do not want to walk a dog in the cold/rain, and since maine is cold for like 6 months, i do not want a dog. (although, in reality, i'm sure we'll get one at some point.)
in the summer months, i'm all "we should have a dog!". then it snows. ha.
i used to have a jack russell who enjoyed the snow quite a bit, until her little paws got too cold.
and recently we pet-sat for a dacshcund (yes, horrible spelling) and my bf now wants a pint-sized puppy. so we'll see....
Those are great numbers Kayla!

I am so going face deep into a plate of brownies today. Af is kicking my ass. I'll make up for the brownies with a good workout on the treadmill.

I hate walking my dog in the cold and it's not nearly as cold here. I had to walk the dog last night when it was 30 degrees out and my California body could not handle it. I was so bundled up and still freezing. I felt so bad for my dog. He is short haired and has lost some due to age. He refuses to wear clothes though.

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