{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

BB, You still may have, but covee your bases til you're sure.

STG, I guess I'm not sure if therapy is going to fix me. I will never get to know why God chose to take our baby back after we worked so hard to get him.. and I am just SO afraid that we won't get another chance. Everyone says, "Oh it happened once.. it will happen again. " My theory on that is that people win the lottery once, but not necessarily again. Just had a rough day yesterday .. like usual after AF shows. Part of me expected a Hallmark Channel Christmas miracle && everyone lives happily ever after.. The End! And I don't know where to ask for help sorting this out.. or whether reassurance from my doctor would help.

It's true tho - my fertility doc was so excited when we got pregnant - she said the best indicator for getting pregnant is being pregnant before because it means that:

- there are eggs that are maturing
- the ovaries are doing what they are meant to do
- the tubes are open (BIG BIG BIG deal!!)
- the uterus isn't hostile and the lining is thick enough for the egg to burrow
- the sperm are good

All of these things are really hard to test for but fortunately the fact you have gotten pregnant means that these key ingredients have been proven to work which raises your chances considerably.

So hang in there. Try to meditate through the shit. I know it's hard, believe me... I know.


Thank you for reminding me. It's just very scary.. since I have PCOS and insurance that doesn't cover any fertility treatments, I know we are on our own. We needed no medical intervention last time, so hopefully it will happen with the clomid. It's hard for Hubby because he can't fix it for us.
BB, You still may have, but covee your bases til you're sure.

STG, I guess I'm not sure if therapy is going to fix me. I will never get to know why God chose to take our baby back after we worked so hard to get him.. and I am just SO afraid that we won't get another chance. Everyone says, "Oh it happened once.. it will happen again. " My theory on that is that people win the lottery once, but not necessarily again. Just had a rough day yesterday .. like usual after AF shows. Part of me expected a Hallmark Channel Christmas miracle && everyone lives happily ever after.. The End! And I don't know where to ask for help sorting this out.. or whether reassurance from my doctor would help.

It's true tho - my fertility doc was so excited when we got pregnant - she said the best indicator for getting pregnant is being pregnant before because it means that:

- there are eggs that are maturing
- the ovaries are doing what they are meant to do
- the tubes are open (BIG BIG BIG deal!!)
- the uterus isn't hostile and the lining is thick enough for the egg to burrow
- the sperm are good

All of these things are really hard to test for but fortunately the fact you have gotten pregnant means that these key ingredients have been proven to work which raises your chances considerably.

So hang in there. Try to meditate through the shit. I know it's hard, believe me... I know.


Thank you for reminding me. It's just very scary.. since I have PCOS and insurance that doesn't cover any fertility treatments, I know we are on our own. We needed no medical intervention last time, so hopefully it will happen with the clomid. It's hard for Hubby because he can't fix it for us.

Of course - perhaps it's time to talk to your doc about how you can get access to fertility treatments without fertility coding? I know that the first bunch of tests I had she coded 99% of them under standard GP codes. There was only one that wasn't able to be coded and I paid $50 on the day.

It could be a start? I also wonder if there is a way to code it for PCOS treatment rather than fertility. I'm SURE your PCOS causes you to have some icky affects each month right? Some pain? Some swelling? Perhaps you are in bed for many days? See where I'm going? perhaps they can do something more invasive that might have similar consequences as a fertility type treatment (visualization of tubes, confirmation of ovulation etc) but can be billed differently.

If your current doc isn't interested maybe it's time to change docs and start afresh.
Hi ladies.
DH got his appointment scheduled for his blood draw and physical for the end of December and Jan 3. They are booked solid with college kids for the next few weeks. I finally started temping.
Hi ladies.
DH got his appointment scheduled for his blood draw and physical for the end of December and Jan 3. They are booked solid with college kids for the next few weeks. I finally started temping.

YAY!:happydance: Nice work!! Glad that things are starting to move.

You doing vijayjay temping? :winkwink:
Nope, no way. I figured if I didn't get a temp shift by mouth I would do vijayjay but I do so I will stick with that. I have been temping the last few months. I just forgot to start again after af :haha:
Nope, no way. I figured if I didn't get a temp shift by mouth I would do vijayjay but I do so I will stick with that. I have been temping the last few months. I just forgot to start again after af :haha:

hehehe - my temps were all over the place by mouth. Unfortunately vijayjay was SO much more reliable for me.

Nope, I mean my temps stayed within .2 degrees after my dip last month for 6 days. I am calling it reliable. Besides since I get up in the middle of the night and temp then dh would probably wonder what I am doing-since I do it in the dark.
Oh I kept the thermometer next to the bed. Alarm goes off. I roll over grab it, take the temp, record on my phone. Back to sleep/get up. When DH was around it was just part of the routine.
DH would probably think I was having a naughty dream and then wouldn't leave me alone :haha:
Thanks Amelia. I'll keep it in mind. That's a relief. I didn't think about it that way. I have a similar routine.. actually, it's almost identical. Haha.

FX Katrina!!

I'm probably going to wait til day 12 or so to start temping. AF is MUCH MUCH lighter again. One day of heavy, crampy miserable-ness and now it's medium and not bad. So weird.
Hi ladies.
DH got his appointment scheduled for his blood draw and physical for the end of December and Jan 3. They are booked solid with college kids for the next few weeks. I finally started temping.


Sandy I'm glad AF is being kinder to you!

AFM - I've no idea what my body is doing. Just going with the flow now. I'm kinda hoping O will have on CD20 like with my BFP cycle just because it's works Christmas party on Saturday and I would like to get drunk!
fx'd BB...I'm still waiting to O still cd17 over here and I'm getting almost positive OPKs...i think. Hoping to O by sunday or monday.
Good luck girlies.. I've got faith.. Let's bring in the New Year with lots of little beans!!! FX'd :)
Also, I'm so excited we are meeting with our pastor this coming Tuesday for some counselling and I just have this gut feeling that after we talk through some things I think our relationship will be in a much better place. We have been getting along a lot better lately for the most part and last night he cooked me a nice salmon dinner...even though he doesnt like fish at all, he just wanted to make something that he KNEW i liked. I thought it was really sweet, then we decorated our christmas tree...FINALLY! It was great!
Sorry I miss so much when I am away for a day or two! I hope that everyone is doing well!

Sandy- good luck with round 3! My doctor always pushed for using days 3-7.

Brittany- That is actually a really good idea that I think both families will like! That also made me think of using some website (I can’t remember what it is called but I am sure it will come to me) that takes names and words (hmm wordle??) and makes a really cool picture out of them! They have one but it is not up to date!

Amelia- What day was that US from? I have one on the 23rd and that will be at 6.3 for me. I am wondering what I might see…

Nichole- I hope you don’t need to, but if you do, I hope that they let you try fermera after clomid. Not necessarily the best answer but would you be able to switch to a different OB that would not make you see a specialist?

BB- I hope your lady bits are doing ok haha I seriously busted a gut when I read your post. My homeroom students gave me a funny look haha

AFM- I am doing ok. I am just feeling stressed. Yesterday I got so dizzy I had to sit down because I was pretty sure I was going to pass out.
Brittany- So sweet.. Our pastor came and talked to us a few weeks ago too, ended up staying until well past 9 o'clock and the elder he brought along with him fell asleep on our couch bc we were talking so long!!! Hahaha It was wonderful though.. it helped DH and I tremendously, I know this is not a place to force anything upon anyone, but since you showed interest, I'd just like to say that there is nooo better way to fix your relationship and learn how to truly love on one another without the Lord. He helps you really work on things, we've had so much improvement these last few months by quitting trying to figure things out on our own, and giving it up to God!! My DH was just laid off, came home angry and I said okay, no reason to be angry. Fight your battles on your knees, PRAY about it. And sure enough, next day a car dealership called offering him a full-time position! It's wonderful sweetie, keep it up, I promise He is the answer! My Gma sends me scripture every morning, today I was reading in John 11 and found this verse. I just shared it with a coworker, too, and we had a mini "get pumped for the day off scripture" session haha.

John 11: (8) “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back?” (9) Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. (10) It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

Big fat metaphor.. something to think about for today! Sending love sweets, from a sista ;)
My husbands 16 year old niece who has no job and her babies Dad is in prison has just given birth to a baby girl. *sigh*
Brittany- So sweet.. Our pastor came and talked to us a few weeks ago too, ended up staying until well past 9 o'clock and the elder he brought along with him fell asleep on our couch bc we were talking so long!!! Hahaha It was wonderful though.. it helped DH and I tremendously, I know this is not a place to force anything upon anyone, but since you showed interest, I'd just like to say that there is nooo better way to fix your relationship and learn how to truly love on one another without the Lord. He helps you really work on things, we've had so much improvement these last few months by quitting trying to figure things out on our own, and giving it up to God!! My DH was just laid off, came home angry and I said okay, no reason to be angry. Fight your battles on your knees, PRAY about it. And sure enough, next day a car dealership called offering him a full-time position! It's wonderful sweetie, keep it up, I promise He is the answer! My Gma sends me scripture every morning, today I was reading in John 11 and found this verse. I just shared it with a coworker, too, and we had a mini "get pumped for the day off scripture" session haha.

John 11: (8) “But Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and yet you are going back?” (9) Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light. (10) It is when a person walks at night that they stumble, for they have no light.”

Big fat metaphor.. something to think about for today! Sending love sweets, from a sista ;)
Thanks Morgan, I have SLOWLY been learning that I cannot fight this battle on my own and when I throw up the white flag and accept help from the Lord I always feel much much better and things just seem to fall into place. Thanks for sharing that verse, it did make me feel better.

I'm so glad I found all of you ladies!!
Me too. I'm such a control freak, so it has been hard, but so much easier than trying to figure everything out on my own. A weight has surely been lifted off our shoulders after deciding to take this path instead :)

And I agree, they've helped me through such an awful and dark part of my life. So thankful things fell perfectly into place and allowed us all to find e/o to lean on for support!

BB- Oh my haha. Don't let it get to you, your rainbow is right around the corner Miss Fertile Myrtle ;)
sorry ladies I'm feeling a bit ick and DH is here so I have to be fast - I'll check in later today.

Kirby - I was 6+2 according to LMP (although the scan said 6+1 because I effed up my dates when they asked me the date of my last period) but the doc thinks I'm actually about 5 days behind so I could have been 5+5.... making today my 6+2.

Next US will be next Fri.

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