{CLOSED} All we want for Christmas is a BFP!!

Girls, question. It's my works Christmas Do tomorrow night. Casino night. Lots of wine and dancing. Do you reckon I would be ok to drink? No confirmed O yet. I could do with really letting my hair down but don't want to fuck anything up if it turns out I have ovulated yesterday, today or tomorrow!
I've been drinking all along...I didn't think it really mattered before you O, you could always just limit yourself to a few drink you know enough for a good buzz but not so much that you'll wake up hungover.
I don't think that doing that would stop you from getting your BFP and I know people who drank while they were pregnant (before they got the BFP- not once they knew) and everything turned out ok! But if do what feels right for you!
I had red wine the night before my BFP! I wouldn't get smashed, but a few won't do any harm :)

Your temp tomorrow may answer those questions for you though if it skyrockets!
I'm only cautious incase I've ovulated. I would get smashed if no O. Guaranteed! :lol:
Happy Friday, ladies! I'm doing a serious happy dance over here, I can't wait for the weekend!!

AF is still here and being a total bitch. Crazy heavy flow, on day 5 now. Weird, but I'll take it. Just getting antsy. Haven't BD'd in a while ;)

We have our work holiday party today so thankfully this day will be short and easy.
Hahah speaking of holiday parties..

We had ours on Wednesday at a comedy club, open bar and all (I had THREE virgin mango/strawberry Daquiris.. yum :)). And a nice dinner before the show. Too bad like 3 of my co-workers DIDN'T even MAKE IT to the show because they all got so toasted they couldn't even walk straight. Made total fools of themselves. One guy who DID (somehow) make it to dinner and the show (all in the same building lol) ended up talking too loud and the comedian said "DUDE, OVER THERE, SHUT THE F**K UP!!! You are interrupting my performance." Bahahaha he then did a walk of shame right out of the theater.. it was priceless. Needless to say, he isn't a co-worker anymore ;)

Word of advice though- (although I'm sure you girls aren't as stupid as these idiots lmao) DON'T over-do it. Lol.
Hi ladies, sorry to be MIA. I've been sick and just sleeping as much as I can. I hate being sick! I think I've passed it to DH too which makes me feel super bad.

Nothing to report. Starting clomid tonight. Debating if I want to temp this cycle or just use opks again. Not temping did help my stress but I didn't like not having temps to confirm O.

Hope all is well with you ladies!
Hi ladies, sorry to be MIA. I've been sick and just sleeping as much as I can. I hate being sick! I think I've passed it to DH too which makes me feel super bad.

Nothing to report. Starting clomid tonight. Debating if I want to temp this cycle or just use opks again. Not temping did help my stress but I didn't like not having temps to confirm O.

Hope all is well with you ladies!

I hope you feel better!

Feel free to ignore this but I just wanted to give my $0.02 lol
I tried temping and using opks a LOT and finally I gave up and both times we have been successful at getting a BFP we just bd every other day from cycle day 8 through day 24. I am sure all doctors say different things but bding every day depletes his count faster than his body can refill so sometimes it helps to do it every other day so you are getting a full erm... shot? every time! lol

Hi ladies, sorry to be MIA. I've been sick and just sleeping as much as I can. I hate being sick! I think I've passed it to DH too which makes me feel super bad.

Nothing to report. Starting clomid tonight. Debating if I want to temp this cycle or just use opks again. Not temping did help my stress but I didn't like not having temps to confirm O.

Hope all is well with you ladies!

I hope you feel better!

Feel free to ignore this but I just wanted to give my $0.02 lol
I tried temping and using opks a LOT and finally I gave up and both times we have been successful at getting a BFP we just bd every other day from cycle day 8 through day 24. I am sure all doctors say different things but bding every day depletes his count faster than his body can refill so sometimes it helps to do it every other day so you are getting a full erm... shot? every time! lol


My fertility doc also told me to not temp. She didn't like how negatively it affected me (as soon as my temp wasn't "good" i'd feel like a failure) but she did want me to continue doing OPKS twice a day (morning and night) to confirm ovulation.

She was totally fine with having sex everyday - the only time she said it was a contra-indication is if there is low sperm count to begin with but DH had his tested so she basically told me to suck it up and have sex every day at least once if not twice if I could fit it in since we were only together in the same city for four days.
Kayla-do you want me to add your pregnancy to the front page or wait a bit yet? Completely up to you, just curious!
Amanda-I hope af leaves you soon
Nichole Feel better!
AFM: Chores have been taking forever as of late. I still haven't bought opks yet this cycle and I don't really know if I will. I just want to enjoy the holidays as much as possible. Still temping though but I had to void todays temp it was a little high, probably from a little to much Kinky last night. But it was worth it, the couple we went with bought our dinner as a gift, such a nice surprise.
STG, I guess I'm not sure if therapy is going to fix me. I will never get to know why God chose to take our baby back after we worked so hard to get him.. and I am just SO afraid that we won't get another chance. Everyone says, "Oh it happened once.. it will happen again. " My theory on that is that people win the lottery once, but not necessarily again. Just had a rough day yesterday .. like usual after AF shows. Part of me expected a Hallmark Channel Christmas miracle && everyone lives happily ever after.. The End! And I don't know where to ask for help sorting this out.. or whether reassurance from my doctor would help.

:hugs: I'm just so sorry you are having to go through this. :hugs: I would say that therapy helps you manage things like this, helps you get the open wound down to a scar and manage that, rather than fixes it. Maybe a therapist might help you make some peace with the not knowing or help you work out some theories and make peace with not knowing for sure (I've found it helpful for my questions of "why did I get IF?" and "why did I get the vestibulitis cure only to have to do IVF anyway?" - at the very least it is a weight off my shoulders and cathartic to talk it out with a sympathetic pro). Just having someone you can talk to about any of your feelings can be helpful, I've found, even if there are no solutions available. They have therapists that specialize in IF, now, too. Or perhaps you could try a pastoral counselor (which is a member of the clergy who also offers counseling) or someone who specializes in counseling believers? (My first therapist worked with the church I attended and specialized in counseling the parishioners and other believers. I only stopped seeing her because I got better to the point of not needing counseling for a while, and she had moved her practice by the time I needed counseling again.) If you find the right therapist/counselor, it can help. But if nothing else, you have us here. ;) :hugs:

Meditation is a good thing to try, too. ;)

One thing that has helped me with the fear of it not working out has been to tell myself that I can handle it, whether it works out or doesn't. Try taking a leap of faith with yourself, and do a daily mantra of "whatever happens, I can handle it" or something like that (not that you might not need help, sometimes, but getting help if you need it counts as handling it). Even if you don't believe it at first, eventually you will (say something for a long enough time and you will start to believe it - which can work for the good as well as the bad.) And I believe we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for, so I believe it's true. Hope any of this helps! :hugs:

PS: There are infertility grants out there. (https://www.resolve.org/family-buil...tility-treatment-grants-and-scholarships.html) It couldn't hurt to check them out and apply.

And Amelia gives good advice about finding a doc that can code stuff as not being fertility.


FX'd, Katrina and BB!

Glad things are looking up for you and your DH, Brittney! Glad you have a good feeling about your counseling appt. with your pastor - FX'd! :)

Morgan and Brittney, I find God to be a good resource for help, as well. Even when I don't get the answers I want, I feel the touch of God and that helps. O:)

Sorry AF is still being such a pain, Amanda! :( :hugs:

Sorry you and now DH got sick, Nichole! :( :hugs: I hope you both feel better soon!

I've found that the benefit of not stressing over temps has outweighed my not liking not having the temp to confirm O, but that's me. I support whatever you decide. ;)


AFM: Yesterday I was still sick with labyrinthitis, bleh. I'm feeling much better today, but my sleep schedule is all messed up, so now I'm trying to get that back on track. I'm so sleepy, but need to try and stay up as long as possible, so I can be awake during business hours.

Yesterday, my Money Back IVF contract was received and signed, and will be sent out in the mail with notarized IVF consent forms on Sat., 12/14/13 (also got assurance from the IVF nurse today that even if those things got lost in the mail, my cycle would still proceed as scheduled - phew! :cool:)

The nurse also assured me it was okay to wait and sign the consents at the clinic with them as the witnesses (no notary needed then) but since the notary is free at our credit union, we are going to just go ahead and send that out in the same envelope as the contracts, to have it done and off my mind, and the nurse said that was okay, too. :)

LOL, my girl cat is half on the back of my chair and half on my shoulder, purring and giving me love. And begging for food. :cat:

Sending all you ladies prayers and well wishes! [-o<
Hi ladies, sorry to be MIA. I've been sick and just sleeping as much as I can. I hate being sick! I think I've passed it to DH too which makes me feel super bad.

Nothing to report. Starting clomid tonight. Debating if I want to temp this cycle or just use opks again. Not temping did help my stress but I didn't like not having temps to confirm O.

Hope all is well with you ladies!

I hope you feel better!

Feel free to ignore this but I just wanted to give my $0.02 lol
I tried temping and using opks a LOT and finally I gave up and both times we have been successful at getting a BFP we just bd every other day from cycle day 8 through day 24. I am sure all doctors say different things but bding every day depletes his count faster than his body can refill so sometimes it helps to do it every other day so you are getting a full erm... shot? every time! lol


My fertility doc also told me to not temp. She didn't like how negatively it affected me (as soon as my temp wasn't "good" i'd feel like a failure) but she did want me to continue doing OPKS twice a day (morning and night) to confirm ovulation.

She was totally fine with having sex everyday - the only time she said it was a contra-indication is if there is low sperm count to begin with but DH had his tested so she basically told me to suck it up and have sex every day at least once if not twice if I could fit it in since we were only together in the same city for four days.

I agree that temping makes you feel CRAZY.. I remember saying a million times "I just wanna go to sleep so I can wake up and TEMP!" Lol and that can't be healthy.

The way we approached BD was after AF we'd have our "Hoorah, she's gone" BD, celebrating the week we went without, haha. And then I'd try MY HARDEST to abstain from CD9 (my AF was 7-8 days :evil:) to CD14. Then from CD15-20 we'd BD EVERYDAY (twice a day when I KNEW I was Oing) and then crossed our fingers from there. I don't understand why you'd skip a day in between (that is- if your lady bits aren't crying LOL.. that happened plenty, too!) if it meant increasing your chances. I always felt like okay if this egg lives a minimum of 12 HOURS.. I'm gonna BD my BUTT off to get it covered. It really depends on if your O date is regular. It's so much easier to have those 5 fertile days mapped out to BD in. Just avoid sex before and after those 5 days and it's not that big of a deal!

STG- Sorry for being sicky :/ I can't wait to hear how IVF goes.. so, sooo exciting!

Kayla- Do you have the BabyMamas thread link? I will add you to our page, too, if you'd like! :)
I got my BFP having :sex: every day which why missing days upsets me this month :(
We skipped some days early this cycle. After we got back from our trip but since O hasn't been coming until 17/18 I am not to worried.
we bd'd friday night, saturday morning, monday night, tuesday night. i ovulated monday sometime. also, cass bd's 48 hours before O. i say do the best you can - my man wouldnt do every day, so i got EOD out of him. follow tony horton (p90x dude) - "do your best and forget the rest!" - then again, this is coming from Ms. Temp Lady Crazy-pants.
oh, and use softcups!
I might invest in some this cycle, then again I might not. I haven't bought opks yet and am frankly enjoying it. I hate peeing on things, in things and I want a break.
If it doesn't work next month will be all sorts of different things, opks, temps, pre seed and soft cups-if they don't freak me out to much. Got to give it one last shot before knocking on the drs door.
Seriously BB don't stress it!! Your BD timing is still impeccable. We BD'd midnight on a Tuesday and pretty sure I O'd right around midnight that Thursday. Used a softcup :)
Katrina- Yes, you can add me. I appreciate you asking! I need to be more optimistic :) my due date is set at 8-14

Morgan- I think I do have the link, you can add me! Sometimes I just get overwhelmed with all of the conversations lol

I agree with HWPG- Do whatever you can and whatever feels right for you and your DH! Different things are going to work for different people. And there is so much research out there supporting so many different ways to do it! :)

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