Thanks ladies! The holidays have been so tough on top of it just being tough. Blah. I'm almost out of OPK's.. yes I have used 19 since Tuesday. Does that make me a POAS addict? I have just been using 3 a day because I keep expecting to O since it is CD 23 now and all and I have a short surge.. and no progression.. no BAM +.. nothing! Just the same color lines for over a week. I'm switching back to Answer. I'm going to Walmart after work, as bad as I hate to. Ugh. Maybe that will help matters. If no O by.. Thursday or Friday, I'm going to call my doctor before I lose my mind. I can't keep waiting. These damn long cycles are ridiculous. I can't get preggo if I don't O. Stupid effin body, just cooperate PLEASE! Hopefully getting back to eating healthy and losing a couple pounds will help, too. I'm just at my wits end with this whole TTC thing.
Nichole, I am so sorry you're in the position you're in. It isn't fair. I hope your BFP is right around the corner.
Cassidy, I was the total opposite. I wasn't sick, but I wasn't hungry either. For months. Then I was STARRRRRVING! ALL. THE. TIME! Crazy! Glad you're feeling well!
Nikki, good luck!

I'm not even pregnant, and I'll be *hoping* to stay awake til midnight. I'm so tired lately, and I'm not even pregnant. FX for her arrival soon!
All of your NYE plans sound lovely! We still have nothing planned, and that's fine. We'll just make some snacks, hang out with each other and our dog in our sweats, ring in the new year, BD in hopes of making a New Year's baby.. and I want to clean. Clean clean clean. I am so ready to take down my Christmas stuff tomorrow. I'm over Christmas. Maybe next year will be better. And I'm making smoked sausage and cabbage for good luck tomorrow.... I'll take all I can get!

Do you ladies do anything to bring good luck in the new year? I'm open to suggestions! Lol
I will make the new thread when I get home tonight. Does anyone have any name suggestions??