So I told DH the story and then went barreling out the door to the dollar store because I don't have a single test in this house. I think it is negative. Only a 30 minute hold, but it would show up with any pee by now, I would think. I am actually really relieved because I had a couple glasses of wine the other night and I would have felt super guilty. I also had this nagging itch that I mentioned that I wanted to make sure I wasn't still pregnant from January and having the hook effect. And so I did one with part pee and part water and that was clearly negative. I can even see the indent on it. I am feeling much better now. No more nagging worries and I can move on! I'm definitely not, right? I mean I passed chunks of tissue and stuff so it isn't possible, right?
Natalie, I am soooo soooo happy for your news! What an awesome story! I can now properly be excited for you because I am not panicking at the same time. Lol
Fleur, your numbers sound great! I bet baby is baking away and will stay nice and snug until it is time to come out.
Terrissa, did you ever get numbers back from your first draw? Don't know if maybe I overlooked it or something.
On to a new month for me. And I need some advice. Now that I don't have a nagging feeling I am pregnant anymore, I have a first appointment at the chiropractor this week... And they do x-rays at the appointment. It is safe if you aren't pregnant and are within 10 days of CD1 (for whatever reason... Maybe because your egg for the month likely isn't matured yet and won't get zapped with radiation). I will be cd8 that day. Should I go or reschedule in a few months or just go and not have x-rays? What would you guys do? If they say it is "safe" right now. Because I have definitely got SOMETHING out of place in my back and would love to have it fixed. Do you guys think it is worth the x-rays to see where everything is and all that? Needing input.