I made that Twister costume! I bought a white t-shirt and skirt from the charity shop and painted on the circles and the logo. I didn't think about the fact that I had circles on my boobs and ass and had people groping me all night.
There was a Buttercup too but not in that photo! My friend's grandmother made those costumes for us- I still have mine! I wore it for a friend's birthday a few years ago. I've attached the photo since there's a super cool transformer costume in the photo too. I found a few more recent ones too.
Those costumes are great!!! I am so excited for Halloween! I don't have many old Halloween photos of me, but I will find ours from last year and put them up on here.
Fezzle, I was a Powerpuff, too, and my husband was the professor, for one of our parties. I will post them here.
That was one of my favourite ones- especially since I got to wear a warm (fake) fur coat when out on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill that year (which is one of the best places for Halloween street parties!)
Man... was I drunk that year. That was the second winery we went to.. (and thank GOD it was indoors, in an air conditioned cellar. it was at least 88 degrees outside that day). We did 4 total, and I pretty much do not remember anything past this second one. It didnt help that we had champagne service in the limo. I really set myself up for disaster
I LOVE seeing others costume pics! Love the Royal Tenenbaums!!! My sister would love that!
Me one year at work with a wig, with a coworker. Me doing the slutty thing lol and me as the crazy old cat lady, of course everyone kept telling me "you're supposed to dress up" lol
Hmm my full body pic seems to have gone missing but here we go
I found more pictures of me dressed up! Embarrassingly, none of these are from Halloween.
Lady Link at the ren faire:
Saloon girls in Gatlinburg (when my hair was short and straightened):
School girl at an anime convention:
Sluty girl version of a male anime character at the same convention:
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