[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

Hello pretty ladies...
Nichole i understand how u feel about not knowing whether its possible or not but trust me u dont want to ever lose a pregnancy...never even say such a thing hun...it will happen soon...IT WILL....and im due on on 5th june and if im not wrong julie is due 5th may :hugs:

I know it is horrible to think. I just hate the limbo part not knowing if it is even possible.
I caved and tested, even tho i was spotting earlier, with a rite aid blue dye test. got a nasty evap/indent. theres a line but I don't trust it because its blue dye :(
I'm pretty sure blue dye tests shouldn't exist. Is there a way to tell the difference between a true BFP and an evap on those? Is there something in the way the line looks to differentiate?
I'm pretty sure blue dye tests shouldn't exist. Is there a way to tell the difference between a true BFP and an evap on those? Is there something in the way the line looks to differentiate?

I agree- I've seen solid blue lines before that are BFN's. Ugh, oh well! If AF doesn't show up in the next few days I'll pick up some FRER's.
Man, the :witch: hit me with a bang. Cringing in pain waiting for Midol to kick in so I can catch some ZzzzZzz.
:hi: girls! Still no O for me :( When checking CM this morning it's blood tinged, I can only hope that that's a good sign and it's going to happen soon!

Sorry some of you girls are feeling down, sending :dust: to everyone in this thread!
STG-Glad you checked in! We were wondering where you'd been! I hope they get it figured out for you and it works really soon :)

STG: I hope you get answers soon!

STG- So glad you stopped in! We miss you around here. FX for you and much :dust:

AFM- DH'S SCANS CAME BACK CLEAN! NO CANCER!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Thanks for thinking of me and for the well wishes, everyone! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I just have to really limit my visits to the boards to keep from obsessing (I can't take any anti-anxiety meds while TTC, so I have to do what I can to combat the OCD/anxiety, naturally). I look forward to my monthly check in with you guys, though. <3

Yay, for clean scans, Nichole!!! :happydance:

Amanda- Praying for good news for you. Like I said how AWESOME would it be if they could find some spermies in there to save and try IVF?! Sending love your way, I can't imagine how DH feels. I know that has to be so hard to deal with. I'm so sorry that making babies is so dang difficult :/ Idk what you all are considering, but I think it is a fabulous idea to help an underprivileged baby out by adopting.. That would be so rewarding and DH wouldn't have to feel bad over donor sperm. Just my opinion though, FX'd for some sort of good news, I'll be thinking of you guys. <3

Thanks, hun. I don't want to sound selfish--and, I too think it would be amazing, I just really want to carry my own child first. I love being pregnant and I really want to give birth-- I have a really strong "craving" almost to experience that. Of course, if it isn't possible, then it isn't possible. Time will tell.

So sorry to hear you are having all this trouble, Amanda! :hugs::hugs::hugs: My condolences for the chemical and for whatever is going wrong with your DH's sperm. :hugs::hugs::hugs: What is going on with the sperm, exactly?

Anyway, FX'd and prayers for you!

Hi gals. I was away all wkd, and couldn't possibly catch up. Can someone give me a summary?
Afm, had a LOVLEY wkd with my honey. We visited friends in Boston fri-sat, then went sailing all day Sunday. I'm so in love with him, it was such a nice nice weekend.
Had a drs appt this morning with RE - he said a few things that really got me upset, and a couple good things as well. Basically, at 18 months ttc, and six cycles of clomid, our chances of conceiving naturally are low. OH continues to be supportive and positive and thinks nothing is wrong! All is well! We had a chemical so see! We can fertilize and egg! The next step would be some version of iui - medicated, monitored, etc.
The up side of the visit was he'll let me continue on clomid thru the end of the year. So at least I will continue to have regular cycles with good ovulation.
End of saga. :)

Sorry for the bad news :hugs::hugs::hugs: but yay for the good! FX'd and prayers for you!

That's true. I definitely would be a wreck if I had a chemical. I just wish I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

I so feel you on that.

Take heart that one way or another, the TTC journey will eventually be over, hopefully with a desired ending. But I'm thinking even an undesired ending is better than forever in limbo. Limbo is the worst. One can always make the best of a bad situation, but the not knowing is absolutely maddening.

I've taken to breaking up my tunnel into pieces (like the natural piece, the IUI piece and the IVF piece), so that I can see the light at the end, even if that light seems like it's going to be a train (BFN). In 3 more months, I'll know if natural is going to work, I can see the light. It might be train, but I'm almost out of the natural tunnel and ready to move on to whatever is next.

I really hate this whole TTC tunnel though. Worst. Tunnel. Ever.

I don't know how it is for the rest of you still TTC, but for me, it's reached the point where each failed cycle is like the death of a loved one. It feels like each month I lose a baby that I never really had. And each failed cycle feels like the failure of all future cycles, like it's a portent of doom. And yet, I can't really know what will happen until I play out the string all the way to the end, so I'm stuck going through the cycle of hope and grief over and over and over, until I run through all my options or money, whichever comes first. Or until I get PG, but that's not been happening.

But at least I know the cycle of hope and grief will not be forever. One way or another, that cycle will come to an end and I'll be free of it. Wish it would happen sooner rather than later (by way of BFP) but whatcha gonna do. :/
Nichole and Mirolee, I kinda know how you feel.. I thought I couldn't get pregnant. Then I did, and I was so thankful for the miracle. And I thought at 12 weeks, okay big check mark. Then again at 20 weeks, and again at 24, then 30, then 37, and then finally he was going to be born. Everything was perfect.. and then it was a nightmare that I'm still waiting to wake up from. I know my body can get pregnant and create a perfect baby.. but he was a fluke thing. I have never been more thankful for anything in my entire life, but I STILL have the fear of whether or not I can get pregnant again. I feel worse than I felt before I got pregnant because I have the whole thought buried in the back of my head that I should NOT have to be doing this, I should have a 3 month old. And the PCOS. And not ovulating properly. It's such a horrible place to be stuck in for all of us, and I hate it for all of us. I always pray that we each get our much deserved BFP's and can move forward from this place.

That being said, I couldn't help myself, and I tested. BFN. I'm not surprised. I still have hope that I will get a BFP, but I kinda feel out. I know the odds are not good to get a BFP much before 10 dpo, and I even browsed the galleries last night, thinking "They're saying that's positive, but I can't see a thing!". I think it's extra hard because this is the first month I have actually felt like we might possibly have a chance at all. Today is the day AF is due on a 29 day cycle, but since I didn't O til CD 22, I have a biggggg problem if she shows. I'm going to wait until Thursday, which is 10 DPO to test again.. or maybe Friday morning which is 11 DPO and I have a OB/GYN apt that morning, too.
Morning ladies!!!

I hope the new thread brings lots of BFPs!!!

Hugs to all of you who are feeling down. I know the feeling of a long awaited bfp, but can't imagine the feeling of a loss. I'm still scared every day, and pretty sure I will be until this baby comes out.
Morning girlies :)

I hope it's the real deal Amanda. Stupid blue dye tests, post a pic if you can! Isn't your doc appt today, too?

Katrina- My heart skipped a beat when I read your "faint line" post, thought you were talkin HPT! Still no AF signs?! I am banking on a ninja BFP like the other girls said! How strange for AF to be so late.

BB- I say a little spot about now means your egg may have popped! A few months ago I had a really strong O and saw the tiniest dot after I had some ovary pain, assuming it just bled a bit. Those little eggs can be lethal!! Lol :)

As for all you other girls, can't wait to see some temps and whatnot when you wake up! FX'd the witch stays away, and I'm sorry she's being so brutal Marie. :hugs:

And Rachel plz post a belly pic soon, I know it starts to "pop" a bunch at 12 wks, esp being a skinny mini!! :)

P.s. I hope everyone is okay during this Gov't Shutdown. How embarrassing. But I hope none of you girls have been affected, I know Nikki & Amanda were worried.
Morning Ladies...trying to catch up from the old thread...

Katrine- FX that :witch: stays away and you get your :bfp: soon!

Brittney- I hope the provera works! It was my lucky charm hen I had a 60 day cycle.

Amanda- I am super jealous of your insurance too. I would stay where I had the best insurance too. I hope you guys figure something out and get your rainbow baby.

Morgan- Eeeek for gender reveal party! I say baby girl!

Sonia- I can't wait for you to post pics of your sticky bean. This is the one that stays and no more ectopic!

Marie- Booo! The :witch: needs to stay away!

STG- So glad you stopped in! We miss you around here. FX for you and much :dust:

Amelia- I am glad you had a great time with DH! Enjoy your move to Denver and I hope it brings you guys closer together :hugs:

AFM- DH'S SCANS CAME BACK CLEAN! NO CANCER!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: The doctor also called for no more scans. It's only been 1 1/2 years since last chemo so I am a bit wary on that call. People usually get scans 3-5 years after last chemo. He basically said the bad starts to out weight the good because of the radiation they pump into DH, he could start developing side effects from it. If he starts having any kind of symptoms he will most certainly send him for a scan. I guess its a good thing, especially on our wallets, but the clean scans really put my mind at ease.

On the tww front, no signs, no nothing. I am 8dpo with nothing going on at all. Makes me sad and feel out. I am having hot flashes though which I guess could be a sign. I don't think I am going to test until I officially miss my period. That will have me testing on Sunday. If my temps stay high cd 12 and 13 I might test. I just don't want to see another :bfn:
That's great news!!! I'm sorry you're bummed about the progesterone levels but like Julie said, She had prog of 10 and was preggo with twins!! Keep your head up, you WILL get your baby :)

:witch: is officially here. Booooo....

The good news, a 31 day cycle! Shortest EVER!

I seriously recommend pure vitex tincture! It took about three months for it to really kick in. I did about 70 drops first thing in the morning. It's supposed to not only help women with long cycles but those with short as well. The point is, it helps regulate hormones. Obviously, I am not a doctor and you should read up on your own and decide for yourself if you want to try it.

This is the one I use in case any ladies with irregular cycles are interested. I use about two bottles per cycle.
Sorry the witch got you, but thats good about your cycle being shorter. I take a vitex supplement but I haven't seen any results yet but its only been a month and a half I think.

Ok..., so I'm trying this new things - it's not stressing, giving myself permission to eat and not freak out and gentle exercise. I'm hoping it all turns into some super zen this month.

DH has already bought tickets to LA in Oct! He arrives late on Thursday the 10th. I'm due to O either Sat or Sunday so HUGE FX that this month we nail it (no pun intended... ok, ok, ok EVERY pun intended).

Our plans are to move to Denver. I like my job but I'm now very much unwilling to compromise the rest of my life for work. It's not as important to me as it once was. I love what I do but I can't have a relationship with it, or cuddle it, or even really talk about it with DH.

We talked to his folks and they are on board to help us get a house - we are asset wealthy and savings poor right now so they are helping us with the deposit until our other house sells... Anyone on here from Pittsburgh and wants to buy an almost totally renovated house a few mins from Downtown and right near the gorgeous Squirrel Hill??

I'm excited. My housemate has already noticed a huge difference in my demeanor.

I'm going to keep talking to my favorite production house in Denver. Fingers crossed I can land a gig there by late this year/early next.
I'm so happy you had a great weekend and are staying positive about this new cycle...I really hope you get your BFP this month!
Hay guys, sorry I haven't really been around today. Feeling kinda emotional and irritable so have been staying away from the boards. 4 more days until testing...will catch up later
:hugs: Sorry you were feeling down yesterday.
Don't give up Cass & Nichole! Both of your charts look great. You're not out til you're out!

AFM, I'm exhausted and crampy tonight. FX those are good thing. AF should technically be here tomorrow if I continue with 29 day cycles, but I'm only 7 dpo. Trying not to get my hopes too far up; I was a mess last cycle when AF showed.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed the witch stays away.:af:
Hi gals. I was away all wkd, and couldn't possibly catch up. Can someone give me a summary?
Afm, had a LOVLEY wkd with my honey. We visited friends in Boston fri-sat, then went sailing all day Sunday. I'm so in love with him, it was such a nice nice weekend.
Had a drs appt this morning with RE - he said a few things that really got me upset, and a couple good things as well. Basically, at 18 months ttc, and six cycles of clomid, our chances of conceiving naturally are low. OH continues to be supportive and positive and thinks nothing is wrong! All is well! We had a chemical so see! We can fertilize and egg! The next step would be some version of iui - medicated, monitored, etc.
The up side of the visit was he'll let me continue on clomid thru the end of the year. So at least I will continue to have regular cycles with good ovulation.
End of saga. :)
Mirolee, what a beautiful weekend it was for sailing in Boston. I'm sorry that your appt has you feeling down. I will continue to pray for you to get your well deserved BFP and I know it will happen eventually (times like this I wish I could just send an email to the Big Man upstairs and ask for a time frame to keep me sane lol)

Well that was exhausting and I don't even think I got to everyone..AFM nothing new to report...boo.
Morning ladies still no af. My back hurts a bit, but I have been ignoring everything else.
Morning ladies, subscribing to new thread...temp dip this morning which differs from last month...implantation? Going back to be for a little longer, catch up later
If you get a slightly positive opk can that mean pregnant? I know some girls use them as pregnancy tests but I thought they test for a completely different hormone than a hpt ?
If you get a slightly positive opk can that mean pregnant? I know some girls use them as pregnancy tests but I thought they test for a completely different hormone than a hpt ?

I have heard that as well I guess the hormones that the opk test for is very similar to the pregnancy hormone so you can get a positive. I just poas because I am obsessive. I will walk down to the pharmacy and buy some more today. Which will be awkward since I know everyone in there but I am not driving twenty miles to buy one when we don't have any other shopping to do.
I am trying to avoid buying any. I have been good so far
I have been testing every other day since I have been late.
I hope so Ashlee!! I had one yesterday. Fx for us! Glad to see you on :)

Lots of creamy cm.. fx!

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