[CLOSED GROUP] Trick or treat, Baby feet, Give me some chubby cheeks to eat

I've gotten horrible headaches ever since my miscarriage. The first month after miscarriage was the worst though, they've calmed down a lot.
I used to run regularly and was pretty good at it. One day I could barely breath whilst running. I got my BFP a few days later. I had to give up running because for some reason I just couldn't do it pregnant!

Fingers crossed for you!

Thank you...not getting my hopes up!

I couldnt run when i got my bfp but it was because my :holly: felt like great balls of fire on my chest and i have TINY tatas.

My boobs were strapped into a sports bra and hurt like hell, too! I have tiny tatas too but they are big right now. Oh calls them period boobs.


Marie- My cramps are HORRIBLE the first of AF, but after that they completely go away. I'm so sorry you are feeling bad from AF!

Yeah, it usually just lasts 24 hours for me too. I'm getting a few extra hours worth today. I am feeling a bit better now though since DH got home.

Ughhh pain. Advil and hot pad on my belly. Stupid :witch:

Anybody else here get really bad cramps? I know the intensity varies per woman. Mine affect my lower back, legs, groin area, etc. basically from belly button down, front and back. I know I should be up and moving to encourage blood flow but I am just sulking in bed right now.

Eugh yes it's horrible. I forced myself to go to the gym last time it was painful and it really helped. Although I would prefer bed and chocolate. Is it just the first 2 days that are painful ? Try a hot bath

I'm going to go outside later and walk around for a while. Should help a bit. I should be more active anyways. :blush: i usually only get it the first day.

Ughhh pain. Advil and hot pad on my belly. Stupid :witch:

Anybody else here get really bad cramps? I know the intensity varies per woman. Mine affect my lower back, legs, groin area, etc. basically from belly button down, front and back. I know I should be up and moving to encourage blood flow but I am just sulking in bed right now.
I have the worst cramps and it always gives me a horrible lower backache at the same time. That's usually how I know AF is coming. The backache hits first!

Can't get a break :nope: every cycle since I was 11. Tea helped today.
I hope you start feeling better. I get horrid cramps days 1-3, and a heating pad is my best friend. Mine radiate down into my legs :(

Yes! That's exactly how mine are too. My thighs get horribly crampy. Sigh... The joys of womanhood. Lol
I didn't have cramps at all until I started BCP's when I was 16. After that-- they have been terrible. Especially bad the past few years, absolutely horrible when I had an IUD too.
So, according to FF, those 88cent First Signal tests from Walmart are better than FRER for testing at 9DPO. 28.5% of positive tests were First Signal and only 16% were First Response. Wondfo is 25.3%. Wish I had OSOM strips though cuz that's listed at 62.5%!! Way over the rest of them.

I'm so tempted to go get a pack of FRER's. someone tell me not to!
Don't do it!!

I think I'm gonna grab a First Signal to test with at 12DPO
So I just got done running and have tons of creamy cm when I got done. Thats all I've got. Lol!!
Also, I think I might get a new BBT next cycle if no BFP. I actually think my temp was lower today but I tried to temp when I first woke up and it was taking forever and didn't beep so I turned it off then back on again and it worked. That's happened a couple times, stupid cheapy walmart thermometer

Woohoo! Getting some dull aching in my uterus area!! FX I see pretty lines in a few days!
Hi Ladies!! Just finally getting settled after vacation...which was good...I barfed all over Disneyworld, but hey, I wasn't at work!! :)

Nichole- 10dpo tomorrow and your chart looks phenomenal?! I can't wait to see a positive test from you lady! I've got my fingers crossed so tightly for you, you've been through so much and you so deserve it!! Also, so so happy to see that DH is cancer free! I can't even imagine what a relief that must be to have a clean scan. I hope you two are doing something special to celebrate!

Katrina - I admire your patience. I know you're going crazy inside but to have ridden this out and not called the doctor yet is quite the accomplishment in my eyes!! Fx'd that you'll get your bfp soon!! If you did O around CD20, did you have BD coverage?

Amanda- I'm so sorry to hear about DH's SA results. That's a huge thing for you both to have to deal with and I so hope that the doctor has some good options for you and its easily fixed...or better yet, that you go get those FRER and get a nice surprise BFP!

Ashlee+Cassidy- I have such high hopes for you two also!!

On a totes unrelated note - Dole (who makes the bagged salads) just came out with these new "chopped" salads...if you girls haven't tried them, I suggest you do!! LOL, im a little obsessed!!
Yes we pretty much did the smep until day 17. Then every three days after that.
So sorry to hear you are having all this trouble, Amanda! :hugs::hugs::hugs: My condolences for the chemical and for whatever is going wrong with your DH's sperm. :hugs::hugs::hugs: What is going on with the sperm, exactly?

Anyway, FX'd and prayers for you!
Nice to have you back! :hugs: sorry you're having a hard time as well. Don't be a stranger, please! :)

We had a SA done and OH has no sperm present. not even under 5mil. Nothing. He has an appointment today to get more info.

Ah, I see. I'm so sorry to hear that they found none at all! :( :hugs: Hopefully they will be able to find and fix the problem. [-o<

I've adjusted my meds recently and hopefully I'll be able to pop in more often. I think my anti-depressant (Wellbutrin) was too much with the cabergoline (since they have the same mood effect on me and too much anti-depressant makes my anxiety worse which undoes the anti-depressant effect) as well as actually exacerbating my prolactin problem, because I stopped taking the Wellbutrin last month, and now that it's more out of my system I feel better (less OCD/anxiety) and yet I'm not plunging into a pit of depression where I can't get out of bed or something, and I'm also having less nipple discharge than when I was on both the cabergoline and wellbutrin (although I'm still having some, so I'm still getting that rechecked tomorrow). Hopefully I'll be able to stay off the Wellbutrin, because I don't think that was helping me TTC wise and even my FS doc said that he thought it might be causing my prolactin to be high, as that happens in some people. At least the cabergoline is doing the wellbutrin's job as an anti-depressant.

Thanks for the warm welcome back :hugs:

I don't know how it is for the rest of you still TTC, but for me, it's reached the point where each failed cycle is like the death of a loved one. It feels like each month I lose a baby that I never really had. And each failed cycle feels like the failure of all future cycles, like it's a portent of doom. And yet, I can't really know what will happen until I play out the string all the way to the end, so I'm stuck going through the cycle of hope and grief over and over and over, until I run through all my options or money, whichever comes first. Or until I get PG, but that's not been happening.

But at least I know the cycle of hope and grief will not be forever. One way or another, that cycle will come to an end and I'll be free of it. Wish it would happen sooner rather than later (by way of BFP) but whatcha gonna do. :/

I am so sorry TTC is so tough on you. You deserve to get your :bfp: and I just know it will happen for you. Idk if you saw or not but DH's SA came back that he only has 2% morphology. The chances of us conceiving naturally are low and we probably can't afford assisted conception. Well, except for clomid which I have 4 more cycles of. We are thinking about looking into foster/adopt options if I don't get pregnant off of clomid.

Keep checking in and let us know how you are doing. We will always welcome you with open arms :hugs:

Thanks so much! :hugs: And I'm so sorry to hear about your bad news! :(:hugs: One of my mom's friends is doing foster to adopt and I've looked into that and have that as something I'd do, if need be, too.

Have you heard of the Attain program for IVF, by the way? It might be worth looking into. Actually, if you go to the Attain Fertility website (attainfertility dot com), they talk about financing options for all kinds of treatments.

FX'd that you beat the odds and 2% morph will do it for you, though! [-o<

Af is due tmw, sure she'll be here right on time as my temp dipped lower again :( ugh. Onto next month.

:hugs: stg you will get your baby! We all will :hugs: keep thehope alive!

Thanks, Cassidy! :) :hugs:

Bummer the witch seems to be on her way, but FX'd the witch stays away anyway for you!


If anyone replied to me past page 10, let me know, please! (These boards move too fast for me, lol)


- Ashley, hope you get your rainbow this month/soon! :dust: If the FS wants me to temp again, I might ask him what a good brand of thermometer is to get.

- Disney, glad you enjoyed your vacation, even with all the barfing. :)
I have been out of the loop today. All caught up I think.. I love fall. It's my favorite. Hoping to bake this weekend. I love pumpkin everrrrything! :) And I love to bake. And decorate for fall. We took stuff out to our little guy's grave tonight. I painted him a pumpkin. We ordered his headstone today. I felt like we were making his funeral arrangements all over again. Ugh. I can't pull off skinny jeans either, Nichole!

Nikki, sorry about this gov't thing! Ugh. Ridiculous.

FX for everyone that AF hasn't gotten yet! I'm feeling crampy but not AF crampy so IDK. I feel so in and so out both.
So, according to FF, those 88cent First Signal tests from Walmart are better than FRER for testing at 9DPO. 28.5% of positive tests were First Signal and only 16% were First Response. Wondfo is 25.3%. Wish I had OSOM strips though cuz that's listed at 62.5%!! Way over the rest of them.


Where'd you come across this?? I've been all over FF and never discovered it.
Hi Ladies!! Just finally getting settled after vacation...which was good...I barfed all over Disneyworld, but hey, I wasn't at work!! :)

Nichole- 10dpo tomorrow and your chart looks phenomenal?! I can't wait to see a positive test from you lady! I've got my fingers crossed so tightly for you, you've been through so much and you so deserve it!! Also, so so happy to see that DH is cancer free! I can't even imagine what a relief that must be to have a clean scan. I hope you two are doing something special to celebrate!

Thanks Kara! I still feel out but I am trying to keep positive. If my temps stay up 12dpo I will probably test. It was definitely a relief. I mean, we knew the scans were going to be clean but that doesn't help your nervousness. It also kind of brings back that whole awful time. I am glad you had a great time on your vacations. Where are the pics?! :haha:
FX for you Katrina!

Sandy- I agree with Morgan. I think clomid will work great for you since you were able to conceive before with irregular cycles.

So I just checked my cm and it was watery. Anyone experience fertile cm during their bfp cycle.

I had watery CM either the day I ovulated or the day after and then creamy CM leading up to my BFP.
So, according to FF, those 88cent First Signal tests from Walmart are better than FRER for testing at 9DPO. 28.5% of positive tests were First Signal and only 16% were First Response. Wondfo is 25.3%. Wish I had OSOM strips though cuz that's listed at 62.5%!! Way over the rest of them.


Where'd you come across this?? I've been all over FF and never discovered it.
Hi Ladies!! Just finally getting settled after vacation...which was good...I barfed all over Disneyworld, but hey, I wasn't at work!! :)

Nichole- 10dpo tomorrow and your chart looks phenomenal?! I can't wait to see a positive test from you lady! I've got my fingers crossed so tightly for you, you've been through so much and you so deserve it!! Also, so so happy to see that DH is cancer free! I can't even imagine what a relief that must be to have a clean scan. I hope you two are doing something special to celebrate!

Thanks Kara! I still feel out but I am trying to keep positive. If my temps stay up 12dpo I will probably test. It was definitely a relief. I mean, we knew the scans were going to be clean but that doesn't help your nervousness. It also kind of brings back that whole awful time. I am glad you had a great time on your vacations. Where are the pics?! :haha:

I have VIP FF so in the pregnancy monitor it has pregnancy test probability, there's a link that's says results per brand and that's where you find it.

STG- thanks so much! I hope we'll be seeing you around here more often!
Grrrrr, Kaiser website shows my doc read my e-mail 25 mins ago but never responded back. I am so thinking about finding a different doc.

As I posted this, I got a response lmao.

Hi Nichole,
You are still ovulating which is good news. Yes, it can be normal.
We can try the higher dose of Clomid this next cycle and Progesterone supplementation is controversial on whether or not it is beneficial but I have prescribed it (it may not be covered on your plan). Both prescriptions are "on file" at the pharmacy. Continue the Progesterone supplementation for 2weeks, stop if pregnancy test is negative.
Also, we can proceed with the consult to the infertility specialist is you are not pregnant by your next cycle.
We will recheck a progesterone level 5-7 days after your ovulation kit is positive, this is ordered.
Take care,
Grrrrr, Kaiser website shows my doc read my e-mail 25 mins ago but never responded back. I am so thinking about finding a different doc.

As I posted this, I got a response lmao.

Bahaha:haha: what did she say?

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