[CLOSED GROUP] TTC to 1st diaper - Welcome Freya! Congrats to fezzle!

Wohoo only 10 weeks to go Lamago the most exciting time :happydance:

AF arrived the day I moved Elliot into his own room even though I was still breastfeeding so he was just over 6 months old then - apparently there are triggers in the mothers body that will cause it to start AF again being no longer breastfeeding, No longer co-sleeping or baby wearing for me it was no longer co-sleeping and tbh they are pretty regular but OMG so much more painful and heavy than they ever were before (AF is here now boo)
Yea, it's getting pretty exciting now. Hard to stay focused! Sorry about the painful AF's, so weird what the body does! Did Elliot sleep in the bed with you until 6 months?
I wish I could cosleep, but I don't see that in our future as my OH snooooooores something fierce! :dohh:
I know under a month now until he turns one seems like only yesterday he was born the time has flown by :( just wish it would slow down a little bit for me to catch up!

Hope everyone is doing well? I miss this group also

we are TTC#2 eeek still VERY early days and I am very nervous about it but we will see how it goes (TTC is not as easy the second time around ha ha)

I'm sure you meant this differently than it sounds to some of us LTTTCers. Telling me that TTC#2 is "not as easy" after I've gone through more than two years of TTC#1 plus a MC kind of makes you sound like an asshole.
Cland - I'm sure Twag did not mean anything hurtful by her comment. She was WTT/TTC since 2010. She had a different journey than the LTTTC folks in here, but she knows what it means to wait. I think one thing that makes this group special is that none of us would ever intentionally hurt the feelings of the others. I think it's OK for us to playfully call the 17-year-old who gets pregnant from a drunken one night stand an "asshole," but it's really not acceptable for us to call each other names. We have each others' best interests at heart.

Lil - you'd be surprised about the snoring. Ellie loves napping with OH, and he sounds like a freight train when he sleeps. She greatly prefers his snoring to white noise or music. :haha:

lamago - I can't believe you're already in the home stretch. Do you have Zeus' room decorated yet?
Having read Twag's journal a few days ago, I took it to mean more about her feelings of ambivalence over having another one since she can't imagine loving another baby as much as Elliot than the actual trying, but I don't want to put words in her mouth!

Emotionally, I imagine the stress of TTC would be less in some ways- knowing that no matter what happens, you have a child, and knowing your body has the ability to get pregnant and have a healthy baby, but OMG, getting OH to BD enough in my fertile time is hard enough now though- I can't imagine how much harder it would be if we had a baby making us more tired.
Ouch, Cland! I think tx and fez summed things up pretty well. I just wanted to add TTC #1 was no walk in the park for Twag. And in her journal she has expressed her concerns and doubts about TTC#2. I think her quick blurb here was taken out of context, but I understand your frustration as well.

Let's just try to take everyone's feelings into consideration. Sometimes it's hard to tiptoe around people in a different situation than your own. My eyes have been opened to things that I wouldn't have taken a 2nd thought to saying if someone on this site hadn't mentioned that it makes them upset.

I don't want to censor anyone. We've always been a very honest group, but I think we can be a little nicer than that when dealing with each other.

Group hug, ladies....pleeeeease! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

tx, maybe it's because the baby hears it before they are born...so maybe it's soothing to them. Hmmmmm food for thought!
Lil, we can't start hugging in here like a bunch of hippies or Snack will never come back. :haha: Well said, though.

It is a cold and rainy day here. I don't feel like doing anything! I am ready for it to be fall or spring again.
I said what I felt and I know I'm not the only one on here that had that reaction to it.
Twag - AF returned for me two weeks after Ellie slept through the night the first time. I was still BF full time. My friend with 7 mo twins stopped BFing exclusively at 1.5 months and now only BFs twice a day, but her AF hasn't returned yet. I am jealous, although I bet her body doesn't want her to get pregnant again so soon after twins.
Lil, we can't start hugging in here like a bunch of hippies or Snack will never come back. :haha: Well said, though.


Cland, maybe when you've had time to cool you'll come back.

This is a group with ladies in different situations. Some have had MCs, some have never gotten a BFP at all, some will be trying for number two, some can't imagine having a #2, some are still trying to get from the BFP to #1 in arms. Going forward let's just try A. to be considerate of those in different situations than ourselves and B. if you respond to something insensitive, which is totally appropriate because how else will the offender know they offended, just try to consider that the intent was not to offend. The person said what they said because they need support as well in their situation.
I think that we have all learned two important things here. First that words have meaning and can hurt people and that we should really pause to consider the impact our words can have on others. Second we need to remember that diplomacy is an essential skill when you are a member of a group that is as diverse as this one.

As for me, in the time I have been a member of BnB, have seen things that have made me angry or maybe even hurt my feelings a little bit, but Twag's spoiler was the first time that anything I've read on this site has reduced me to an ugly cry. While I am positive that she did not write her statement with any intent to hurt someone, it doesn't make it hurt any less. I also believe that it was in poor taste to lament that TTC a second child was more difficult than the first in a group where half of the members are still STC their first child or have given up altogether. Words can hurt. Think about what you say before you say it.

Since other's have been so quick to call out Clandie and defend Twag, I would like to take a minute to defend Clandie. First, I will acknowledge and concede that implying that someone is an asshole in a public forum is not a very diplomatic thing to do. That being said, I do agree completely with her sentiment. Clandie was obviously very hurt by Twag's words. And while I haven't spoken to Clandie about this and can't know for sure, I can only assume that her words came from a place of deep hurt and a bitterness that can only be acquired by spending a lot of time in the trenches of infertility with little chance of success. People who are STC don't need yet another glowing reminder of the failure of their reproductive systems.

So with as supportive as this group has been for me for long time, it seems we have come to a point where we are defending one member's feelings and saying that they are ok while simultaneously hanging another member out to dry by implying that her feelings are wrong or have less value. That's not ok in my book. I'm not saying that everything always has to be rainbows and glitter, I'm just saying that if a group is truly supportive of one another, all members' feelings have to be equally valued and acknowledged as valid, and that definitely wasn't the case here.

All that being said, as soon as I post this response I plan to unsubscribe from this thread and respectfully request that my name be removed from the first page of the thread. I no longer feel like this thread can support me where I am right now since I have very little in common with anyone on this thread anymore. I am in a completely different place than half of the thread and the worst nightmare of the other half. So I will fade quietly to stage left.

I wish you all success and the best of luck whether you are trying to conceive your first, second, or seventh. If you take nothing else from this post, please remember that words can hurt. Peace.
I am so very very sorry if I upset anyone that was not my intention at all in anyway shape or form :(

TTC is hard and I feel for you all and I follow you all hoping every cycle you get a bfp

I purely meant having sex at all was hard

I really am so upset that I upset anyone and feel awful :(

Again so sorry :hugs:
I am sitting here in tears that I caused anyone hurt and pain

Gawd I am f*cking stupid and so didn't mean to hurt anyone
Ok, I take it back. We need to bring out the group hugs. Ameli might even need to bring in some of her weird flowery hugs.

Clandie, Pirate - If you see this: No one here would ever intentionally want to hurt anyone else in this group. I'm sorry that you felt this thread had become hostile. I know that is the last thing I want for this group.

Twag - Thanks so much for your apology. I was pretty certain you hadn't intended to hurt anyone with your offhanded comment.

As for me, I didn't intend to jump on one person or single them out. I just feel very protective of this thread, and I wanted to make sure that it stayed a friendly place. Of course, I also want people to feel free to bitch/moan/cry in here, keeping in mind that sometimes we'll have challenges that may not make sense to everyone else. I just don't think it's helpful to attribute malice to every thoughtless remark one of us makes. :flower:

Anyway. Let's not let this bring us down. At the end of the day, we're all smart, funny, strong women who just want to support each other.
I knew this was going to happen. I knew it would be considered that we were defending Twag and attacking Cland and that's why I said over and over again that I understand where Cland was coming from, it was just how she said it that seemed a bit harsh.

But I'm done. If you want to leave the group, so be it. I wish everyone that leaves the group all the best and I will still follow you individually and cheer you on because I want nothing more than for us all to have a happy ending no matter what that ending holds for us as individuals.

I will removed ClandestineTX and Pirate from the 1st page.

Oh god I feel awful that people are leaving because of what I posted I truly did not mean to upset anyone in fact my whole reasoning for putting it in spoilers was so it would not upset anyone.
The wording was bad and truly wasn't meant how it ended up coming across. I purely meant from having to do the sex point of view and due to me rushing it came out wrong :(

I know I don't post often but I always follow you all and I am always rooting for you all

Please don't leave the group if anyone should it should be me :(

Clandestine & Pirate ladies I feel like the worst form of an arsehole right now and I can only apologise again I am so sorry :( xx
I'm sorry to see or little group shaken. Hopefully we can move forward with all of us or foollowing individually if needed. Thanks twag for the apology, I must admit I had the tought "wow". I hope its not harder than it already was for me, but I know how u were one of the last in your first to get pregnant. Try not to be to hard on yourself.
Thank you, lamago, for reminding me to thank twag for apologizing.

Thank you, Twag. I was so busy trying to hold on to others I didn't say thank you to you for apologizing. I know you didn't mean anything by your comment and I wish it hadn't hurt the other ladies the way that it did. We're all human and we not only all make mistakes but we interpret things differently. :hugs:

I want this to be a safe place for us ALL to talk about our journeys. Everyone here needs to be understanding that we are at different points in our journeys. If someone says something inconsiderate it is totally ok to point it out, but without being too harsh. If you are unsure if an approach is too harsh then please take it to a private message and individuals can hash it out there.

I love you ladies, it's been TWO YEARS! I don't want to see anyone leave and I don't want to see anyone hurt. Some times if we just talk things out instead of reacting on pure emotion we can come to an understanding. :hugs:

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