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[[Closed]] Let's ring in 2014 and see those BFP's!!

Whoa whoa whoaaaa Amelia!! This is what I do for a living love-and it is SO not your fault!! Shame on your doctor if he said that because it is in NO way shape or form true!! The most common cause of a 69,XXY constitution is an egg being fertilized by two sperm. This is called a partial molar pregnancy and is extremelyyyy common. I have dozens of them come across my desk every week. Men have an XY chromosome compliment and most definitely have the ability to contribute X's! That how we end up with little girls!! Please don't blame yourself. Believe me, I know how you feel and went through the same self doubt with the trisomy 16 conception we had. The good news in this is that genetically, it the best case in a "worst case scenario". The odds of the conception abnormality happening again are no greater than the the lay population. It's really really shitty cards and I'm so sorry that you were dealt them. You will conceive a perfect little boy or girl before you know it! Lots and lots of love! Im here for any questions if you have them! Xx
Thanks - yes they absolutely said it was my egg that was busted.
Nope talked to the doc - in this instance the XX means the double was on the mother's side of the fence. Xyy would mean it was the sperm.

This one was all me.

This makes me angrier then you can possibly imagine. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY I deal with OBGYNs that know how to measure bellies and weight women and perform a pap smear and deliver babies but in no way shape or form understand genetics and how the delicate cell division process that it takes to make a baby works and what/how/why things go wrong. If you'd like, ask them to speak to a genetic counselor for some facts and some real education and HELP dealing with this awful occurrence instead of a dipshit doctor that is going to make a hurting patient feel BLAME and self doubt. Fuck that and screw him, he doesn't know his shit. Ask for a referral to someone that does!

Pardon my French. Love you woman.
It was a fertility specialist who had the embryo sent off for genetic testing... I assumed the lab laid it all out for them and they just relayed the results to me.

I need to get out of this funk. I hate ttc. I am having a hard time with this month it's either get pregnant or go to the Dr. No maybe next month or anything.
Glad you were able to shed some light on matters, Kara!! :)

Katrina, I am so sorry. I hope this is the month for you! If not, at least you should have some answers and options next month. I hope you don't have to go that route.

Still no snow plow. :( Maybe tomorrow..
I'm confused! I usually temp at 6.30 but have taken the first 3 around 7.15 because we've been off holiday and slept in but it's saying those are correct and my usual ones are not. I got a new phone, do you think it wiped my settings? Also Tristan is still asleep (8.45) and I've only just woken. I've taken my temperature anyway but used an adjuster and put the real temp and time in the notes. Do you think this is ok? I got 36.64 and adjuster says 36.41.
Yeah, I'd say that's fine. You have the real one if needed.
Morning girls.. boyyy is it cold here, -10 when I started the car this morning!

Katrina- I just wanted to tell you that I'm sure you are frustrated BUT I think that there is some kind of minor problem preventing you from conceiving, and since you've not had any tests done, there's no reason to worry! You just got your "trying" period out of the way so that the doc will move on to actually helping you guys now. You may need a very simple fix and I feel like after you find out what's going on in there it will be a huge relief! I know you will have your little bean here soon, just try and tough it out through this last month.. you can do it!! :)

And Kara/Amelia- I did about 4 minutes of Googling and found what Kara said to be true.. but NO doctor should EVER tell a patient that kind of thing anyways.. I am NOT happy with that guy either!! You can't control any of what happened, and yes DH could have very well contributed that X! Don't you worry, hop right back on that TTC train and forget that he ever said that :)
Morning Ladies...

Congrats Nikki!! Can't wait to see pictures :)

Nichole and Amanda, I will miss you ladies but I will be fb stalking you two!

Katrina, I'm so sorry you're feeling down about TTC, your BFP is right around the corner I can just feel it :hugs:

Amelia, Please don't feel like this is your fault. Its not like you can type in a code and choose what goes on in there. Take time to heal and try not to blame yourself for things you have no control over...I wish we could all have an easy TTC journey but it makes us stronger women :hugs:

Rachel, I said it the other day but again, Im so sorry about your cat - losing a pet is never easy but I hope he/she goes in peace.

Morgan, Happy belated V-day!

AFM, got the ok from the doc to start clomid, they said just call on day 1 of my next cycle...so I emailed back asking if I had to wait to start a natural period (I really hope not) or if they will do provera again to jump start it. They are also having me do day 3 blood work. We'll see what January/February has in store for me!
Morgan, I found the same info when I was looking. I can't belive some dumb doctor would make Amelia feel even worse! :( It's suuuuper cold like that here, too! Ugh. We have been snowed since Sunday morning.. ahh!

BB, how is Tristan doing, by the way?

Brittney, yayyyyy!! :) So excited! Hope that's just what you need! It has worked making me O. FX for you, and FX they give you provera and get you started. What are they checking on day 3?

AFM, suuuuper high temp this morning. Yay! :) FX this is the cycle, but trying not to get my hopes up.. that really hasn't worked out in the past for me.
He seems better today. Only woke once last night and didn't wake until 9am. Sleep must have done him good. He hasn't mentioned his ear so hoping now that it's popped most of it has gone. The swelling on his face gone down on his forehead but his eye has swelled :wacko: Weird side effects! Are you on the FB group?

Thanks for asking :)
Wow that temperature is impressive. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you!!
Sandy, no clue what they are checking lol...I was just happy they said yes! I really hope they give me provera...I'm so impatient but I really think that if I let it go naturally I would never get AF. I went over 100 days before!
they will probably check estradiol, FSH, and LH (FSH:LH ratio should be close to 1:1, i had a 1:4 ratio indicating surging LH but no ovulation, and so on and so on). they may also check your testosterone, and even thyroid. again, i had whacked testosterone (i'm wicked manly, obviously ;) ) but all these hormones being a bit crazy was one more piece of evidence for them to put me on clomid.
BB, I'm not on the facebook group, no. Glad he's better!! And thanks. I hope it means something good.. we'll see!

Brittney, I'm with you! After I stopped BCP, I had periods in January, March, and June of 2012, and I found out I was pregnant in October of 2012 so I get those long cycles. They SUCK!! I LOVE having less than the average women's number of tries to get pregnant, don't you?! Thank you, PCOS. They have been better since I had our little guy, but I weigh less than I did in 2012. And the clomid has definitely helped. I'm still O'ing late.. but maybe I just do? This cycle was CD 26, and the earliest it's been for me is CD 19. I never tracked it before August of 2013, so I wouldn't know.

Thanks for the info, Mirolee. They have never checked any of my hormones.. but they diagnosed me with PCOS based on other things that didn't require labs. So.. whatever. At least they have diagnosed and done something for me with the clomid.
Feeling much better today. Cut some more blankets for you ladies and will get them going again. I wish it would warm up fast. Today -30, tomorrow 10, then 30 by the weekend.
Amelia im sorry sorry ur doc made u feel the way he did...wat a horrible thing to do....so glad kara was able to clarify so much for u...u go girl!! :hugs:

Katrina how r all your animals doing in this weather....gosh i feel the worst for them :nope:

BB im sor glad Tristan is feeling better now and at least can sleep longer...im sure u need some rest to hun...take care both of u :hugs:

Brittney so glad u get to start clomid...i can almost c tht bfp ard the corner hun :thumbup:
I want to walk out on work today. I am so desperate to get out of here and go home... part of me is considering just getting in the car on Friday and driving to boulder.

I hate this. Looking at houses. Every single one we like that we can afford (now that the in-laws decided that as a reward for not giving them a grandchild they are pulling the loan they offered us a few months ago) is under contract the day we go to see it.

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