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{CLOSED} We'll be thankful forever for BFPs in November!

I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I don't mind waiting, and hopefully we will both get BFP's and it song matter :)
No worries, I am still thinking positively. I hope no on has to worry about jan.
Hey Marie- I'm bloody hoping they tell me same day!!!

I'm crampy and exhausted. Not looking good. I had a short follicular phase this month so it's possible my luteal is off too. 8am tomorrow. If I wasn't in the TWW I'd go drink a half a bottle of wine to put me to sleep. Dinner tonight was tough- drinking virgin punch. SO not my usual style.

I wonder if the IUI is a proof of concept test?
Katrina, I hope you're right!!

Amelia, FX for good news for you today.

AFM, I am not excited that it's Monday. I'm beat. I don't know why I'm so tired lately, but man, I sure am! I wanted to go to bed at like 8 last night, but I stayed up with hubby because we have to BD.. and if I'm asleep when he comes to bed, the odds are that I'm not waking up for that. Lol. I doubt I get my positive today or tomorrow. At this point, I'll be thankful to get it before Thanksgiving when we have a house full of people until Saturday. Entertaining makes BD difficult, especially since our bedroom is right off the living room where some will be sleeping. Super Sneaky Quiet BD. Lol. We got our Christmas decorations out, mostly anyway. Tree going up tonight and decorating. One more strand of lights on the house to do tonight.. we had to go to the city and get them because we miscalculated and the closest town didn't have any that matched of course. A few in the yard to put up yet.. otherwise, done. Yay! Just have to order a grave blanket for little man. I got a lot done around the house yesterday, too. Not enough, but a lot. I'm going to be busy these next few nights! I love the holidays, but they are busy! At least that gives me something to think about other than TTC. Ugh. I hate TTC. I keep saying, "I hope this is the month." and hubby keeps saying, "Don't get your hopes up." Umm easier said than done. My hopes are definitely up that clomid is going to help me get pregnant.. isn't that the point? I know he just hate to see me disappointed, but gotta be positive!

The BD-athon is going on, but I'm a little nervous. We don't usually BD every night. We started Friday and have 3 in a row, and I'm afraid if we take a night off, we'll miss it or mess it up.. But I don't want it to be like that's the only reason we're having sex.. because it's not. There is wayyy too much to consider. I guess we'll see what OPK's are looking like tonight and go from there. I threw the clomid calendar away yesterday. I showed him I was. I hope that helps with his concerns about "scheduled sex". Poor guy. I can keep track in my head just fine! haha
okay I need to vent. I'm really nervous about getting pregnant again. everything was fine until the end last time. then I almost died and he did die. nothing like facing your own mortality at 26 eh? and that of your only child .. I really want another chance but I'm really scared too . I truly don't think I could face it again .. I know the only way to get from here to there is pregnancy , but I sure do wish the stork saying was true
:hugs: Sandy. Pregnancy is scary enough without going through what you and Morgan have been through. Stay positive, you will have your rainbow baby :)

I've been to the Doctors because I'm having pain in left side. She's sent me to the gynaecology ward for an early scan. I've had my observations done. I have trace of blood and +nitrate in urine so possible water infection. Just waiting for a scan time. Will keep you all updated.
Missed a lot this weekend

BB- i'm sure you're fine, but keep us updated!!

Amelia- I see the lines too. FX this is it!
BB- I hope all is well, I've had lots of pain on the same side since implantation. First they said implantation, then ectopic, then corpus luteum, and now "normal" ligament pain but I KNOW it's none of them. I think it's irritation from the blood in there, but wish they'd give me a straight answer. If I remember correctly they said they'd give you an early scan for any persisting pain right?? FX'd!

Amelia- I think this is it for you.. FX'd for some pinker lines this morning!!!

Katrina- FX'd for you too! Likin that chart! Good luck sweets, that BD sched COULDN'T HAVE BEEN BETTER!!! :)

Sandy- Will have to look into getting a grave blanket, it hurts my heart to know how cold it's been getting and that he's out there all alone. I have to constantly remind myself that it's just an empty body, the SOUL that's in heaven is what matters to us, and they are perfectly warm, safe and sound up there looking down on us. I guess we're waiting til his birthday to put his bench in and will have a little ceremony and plant a willow tree to grow with him. But as for pregnancy, my gosh I wish I could console you but it is always so worrisome. And not even that, but now I am worrying about SIDs and all the other possibilities that could happen after birth since we were that .01%, like you. I know it is irrational to think like this.. everyone says to "enjoy" my pregnancy but it's hard when every little pain makes you wonder if she's okay in there. I just want her out and this has been a long process already, and I'm not even halfway yet. You just have to put on that strong mama face and keep busy to get through the hard parts. I think that the initial shock of having another has just now worn off, it kept me preoccupied for the first trimester and some. I actually saw a kick from the outside the other day and just sobbed for hours, realizing that there really is another little person in there growing where her big brother just was. It hurts and has kind of prevented me from enjoying myself too much, which isn't good because I shouldn't give her less love than I did him.. but I won't lie it's so hard to get used to. Pregnancy is a long nine months, but having a rainbow will remind you how good God can be, and will make you lean on your angel for support. I feel like I've gotten closer to Jaxon, talking to him about his sister, I feel like he understands. It is hard but you CAN DO IT. You got through the worst imaginable, this will be a breeze for you. Just have to keep your chin up and persevere through the hard stuff. Don't be scared.. Either way I'm sure you'll have a CS so you at least don't have to worry about the same complication. And the family will be very supportive I'm sure. They will know how much this LO will mean to you. It's coming soon I can feel it in my bones! I hope you have a better day Sandy, Mondays stink for me too. Esp when you have to wake up at 4 a.m. bc your dog needs a flea bath and the whole house needs cleaned top to bottom bc of 2 fleas haha.. that was my morning. So stressful and then we had to leave for work at 7.. I'm thankful to finally be sitting in my chair relaxing haha, quite the morning for us lol. Oh and p.s. good luck with the BD this week, just make lazy love, it doesn't have to be anything special while the rents are in town ;) lol!
Sandy-I know its scary and I can't imagine what you have been through!
BB-I hope all is well.
It is cold and snowy here, off to move cattle soon. I had a bit of a temp drop today.
Im so sorry sandy and morgan x

BB - hope this doesn't take too long.

No AF yet but she normally arrives while I'm at work in the afternoon. Fairly massive temp drop this morning (following the same pattern as previous two months) so I think I'm out.

Another faint line on the test strip but i think I just have a super shitty batch.
cowgirl- didn't realize you moved cattle. I actually asked my DH today if ranchers ever lose their cows because they are in such a large area. Do you ever lose yours? If one gets out is it like a lost puppy in the neighborhood where you call the phone number on their collar to find its owner? How does that all work? Do you use a truck or a dog to gather them?
Morning Ladies...took me a few hours to catch up on everything!

Happy belated birthday Ashlee!

Congrats again to you newly preggos!!

Amelia, I definitely saw lines on your tests and I never see the lines...fx'd AF stays away

Sandy, I'm so sorry you're feeling that way...I can't imagine what you've been through physically and emotionally. You are such a strong woman :hugs:

Katrina, fx'd for you! When are you testing? (sorry if you already mentioned it and i missed it)

Amanda (robert) - you're incredibly strong and brave for donating your eggs, you are going to make some family very happy and I imagine your karma bank will be looking nice and full

umm...that's all I can remember right now...If i missed anything let me know. I will try to be more diligent about checking bnb when i get home from work so i can give proper replies to everyone.

AFM - waiting for AF, hoping she'll show before thanksgiving and PRAYING I will actually ovulate this month [-o<
This is this morning's... line was visible at about 10 mins.

My temp dropped from 98.28 to 97.78 sooooo everything is pointing to a bad batch of IC's and AF on her way due to arrive late afternoon as per usual. Same end of cycle pattern as the last two months.


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No F***ing way those are all bad. They look identical to my BFPs. If you got a bad batch you better get a full freaking refund on all of them. I still say BFP though.


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amelia, if that is a bad batch, that is incredibly sucky. there are lines on all those i.c.s! i sure hope it's not, and the line is real, but if not THROW those away!
still got my fx for you.
STUPID STUPID STUPID ICs Amelia :( Hoping that temp doesn't mean what it says, but what the HECK though seriously I'm angry for you. They should not look that pos if they aren't?!?! Cass had that same issue.. you may have a low level of 5 hCG or something.. very common, but shitty when being a POAS addict.. Sorry sweets. Either way you did fabulous as DH doesn't even live with you and you still got some BD in. You are truly wonderwoman, I hope you don't get too down this month if she comes.

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