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{CLOSED} We'll be thankful forever for BFPs in November!

Well I'm getting dressed - we'll find out today either way - I'll either bleed all over myself or I'll get a happy phone call.

If the nurses ask me if I've done a preg test before they do the bloods I'm going to lie and say no.
Hey Amelia- Maybe it could help to say YES I've done a bunch and they're all faint positives!! So that they can see if maybe you are one of those women who have that low amount in their system always. Could give you some useful answers!
whoa, sooo much catching up to do!

Amelia, holy crap I see lines!!

Cassidy, holidays stress me out too. My parents had a really nasty divorce which means that I have TG with each parent, plus one with OH and his family, and generally one with my mom's parents (they don't get along, so my brother and I go by ourselves). Although, I'm slightly jealous, i don't have a grandpa telling prostitute stories :rofl:

Nichole- WOOOHOOO for pos OPK! :bunny:

Yay STG!!

AFM, had a meltdown this weekend and pulled my IUD. Turns out I don't do well on hormonal BC anymore and the little bit of hormones in the mirena made me nutso.
Amanda- I feel ya on that one.. I said eff these pills.. I am already super hormonal and BC just messed me up even more. Why are you even on BC if I may ask? For lighter periods? (that ttly makes sense to me! jw) Sorry it bothered you. I personally don't believe in any BC, it is so bad for your lady parts and moods, even though they all claim to be safe.
Morgan, going on BC was kind of a two fold. One, to take the pressure of of OH so we could focus on getting his spermies well and swimming. Two, lighter to no periods.
I've spent the day in hospital. My pregnancy levels are really low. It's either ectopic, very early pregnancy or I'm going to miscarry. They couldn't tell from the scan. I go back for bloods on Wednesday and a scan Monday. I can't stop crying.
Aw BB, I am so sorry to hear that, BUT don't get down just yet. Remember that Morgan was told that demise was imminent, and now look at little miss marley. Keep your head up, relax, and see what happens.
BB, I'm so sorry, but I agree.. hopefully everything will be okay. Look at Morgan!
Wow, BnB just changed it's coding! :shock:

FX'd for O, Sandy! :dust:

Afm, my RE said that if I get a bfp on my first Clomid cycle it probably won't stick. The reason he put me on Clomid is to help shorten my cycle a bit (by balancing the hormones). He says that first month my endometrium probably won't be ready. Does that make sense to you girls? If that's the case, why would he want me to do an IUI this week if it might fail? If I do decide on the IUI (still not sure if it's something I want) I'm thinking it would be best on my 2nd round of Clomid. Then again, I read many stories of women getting pregnant on their first Clomid cycle.

What do you girls think?

P.S. I've had no weird side effects from the Clomid. Thank God! Not moody and no hot flashes. Hard to sleep first two nights but that was it.

Maybe he thinks that since there's still a chance it's worth doing, and the knowledge he'll gain from doing the procedure (like seeing how your follicles respond to the drugs) will be worth it and help him hone the procedure protocols for increased odds of success in future cycles. I'd ask the RE exactly what his reasoning is, though, before deciding.

okay I need to vent. I'm really nervous about getting pregnant again. everything was fine until the end last time. then I almost died and he did die. nothing like facing your own mortality at 26 eh? and that of your only child .. I really want another chance but I'm really scared too . I truly don't think I could face it again .. I know the only way to get from here to there is pregnancy , but I sure do wish the stork saying was true

:hugs: Sandy :hugs: !

And :hugs: to Morgan, too!


Sorry things aren't looking good, Amelia :hugs: Still hoping for you, but it's always better when things look more promising. FX'd for the blood test.[-o<

(And IA with the others, throw that batch of tests out if they are lying like dogs to you! And grrr at the manufacturer if they are bad!)

Also, IA with Morgan that you should tell them about all your pos hpts.

FX'd for O, Brittaney! :dust:


Thanks, Amanda :kiss:

And sorry you had a meltdown due to the IUD and had to pull it! :( :hugs:


Oh, BB, I'm so sorry for the scary and upsetting news! :( :hugs: I'm praying hard that it's just early PG for you!!! [-o< And like the others said, Morgan's bean wound up sticking when the docs were doom and gloom.


AFM: No AF yet, but got gucky brown discharge. Still not enough/the right color to call it AF, but nasty. Bleh.

Just called my RE to sched the IVF consult and am waiting on them to call me back.

Now that I have some light at the end of my IF tunnel, I'm thinking I might be able to handle a TG this year. Maybe. We'll see how I feel that day.

Also, I'm going to see "Hunger Games - Catching Fire" with my mom this Fri, so I'm excited about that.
Hey Amelia- Maybe it could help to say YES I've done a bunch and they're all faint positives!! So that they can see if maybe you are one of those women who have that low amount in their system always. Could give you some useful answers!

I met them in the middle - said "not recently" when they asked if I had cheated... she marked down HCG too so I'll have a full spectrum work up by this afternoon.


I'm pretty ready to quit. If my boss wasn't on vacation today I would have. I've told DH I'm ready to come home. My room mate is 110% supportive which means the world because he's going to have to find somewhere else to live (ok he doesn't but he was cute and said - well if you aren't here I don't want to stay in this house because it's going to be weird without you and the dogs here).

Soooooo next Monday I'll be putting in my notice and I'll start the negotiation about when I will leave. My cut-off is the last week of January. But I'll be happy to leave before that, though it's unlikely...

FUCK BB - I sent you love on FB but here *throws arms around BB and squeezes really tight but not to tight so her head explodes*.

STG- sounds like you have shit on lock down which must feel good! Well done.

Amanda - jesus, you pulled it yourself???! Well shit..... I'm so sorry for your meltdown (and ps thank you for your text during mine - I didn't reply but it helped so much) and let me know if there is anything I can do... that sounds so lame... but you know what I mean.
i saw hunger games this past friday - it was great.
Mirolee, we saw hunger games last night, it was great! I haven't read the books, but OH has. I left the theater freeeeaaaking ouuttt.

Amelia, You're welcome. As much as leaving a job/friends/ a house is difficult, I'm glad that you're focusing on you and what makes you happy. I think being with your hubs and having him nearby to support you will make a huge difference. Are you going to have blood work done? Did I miss it?

And yes, I pulled it myself. Not bad, a little pinch, instant relief once it was out though. I have been spotting/cramping realllly badly since I had it put it, and it all stopped as soon as I pulled it. My body didn't like that little fucker.

zero F's given at work today too. I nearly walked out last week..just so over it as well.
Mirolee, we saw hunger games last night, it was great! I haven't read the books, but OH has. I left the theater freeeeaaaking ouuttt.

Amelia, You're welcome. As much as leaving a job/friends/ a house is difficult, I'm glad that you're focusing on you and what makes you happy. I think being with your hubs and having him nearby to support you will make a huge difference. Are you going to have blood work done? Did I miss it?

And yes, I pulled it myself. Not bad, a little pinch, instant relief once it was out though. I have been spotting/cramping realllly badly since I had it put it, and it all stopped as soon as I pulled it. My body didn't like that little fucker.

Bloods this morn, will know this arvo. Fuck BC. I'm sure I was a total psycho for all of my 20's because of it....

Hey - do you ski? Do you want to come skiing/snow boarding in the new year?? AWESOME skiing will happen in Feb once I'm home.

That goes for everyone actually... if you want to ski in Colorado let me know - spare room at my house always available and if we aren't around I'll leave you a key - just gotta feed the cats for me in exchange ;)
Oh, I KNOW I was a total psycho while on BC. The Nuvaring made me a crraaazzzzyyy person. Yes, we do ski! I'll be in Boulder/ Niwot sometime this winter (we go every year) visiting friends, and then a few days up in breckenridge playing in the snow. My godparents live in Denver and we make a pitstop to visit them for a few days too! If I make it out there this year..we may go to Hawaii instead, I'll DEF let you know. Maybe I'll make a special trip! I adore Colorado!
Oooh Ameliaaaa I can't wait to see those resultooooss.. :winkwink:

When will they be here lol? Ik you got the last results fairly quick!
Oh, I KNOW I was a total psycho while on BC. The Nuvaring made me a crraaazzzzyyy person. Yes, we do ski! I'll be in Boulder/ Niwot sometime this winter (we go every year) visiting friends, and then a few days up in breckenridge playing in the snow. My godparents live in Denver and we make a pitstop to visit them for a few days too! If I make it out there this year..we may go to Hawaii instead, I'll DEF let you know. Maybe I'll make a special trip! I adore Colorado!

let me know too!!! you can meet Alia!
@morgan: They said in the afternoon.. but I'm not sure if I heard them say "early afternoon" or if my brain is making that up:shrug:

No call yet.

Still nothing... aaaaand still nothing.... 12:30 *sigh*

I'm literally going to vomit from anxiety. I've already told myself I'm not pregnant and don't expect any other answer but I'd like to know asap because I'm either going to pass out or binge-eat. Work is useless today which is unfortunate because I have so much to do.
Lol I'm waiting on my Quad-screen/placental hormones results to see if things are okay.. Friggin nurse says "well I've got a HUGE stack of results in front of me, I'll call if I find yours.."

........5 hours later. :x

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