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{CLOSED} We'll be thankful forever for BFPs in November!

Congrats on your beta numbers, Mirolee! :happydance:

Amelia, I'm sorry you are having worrisome signs and need progesterone :hugs: but congrats on being PG after all! :happydance: FX'd for a sticky bean!!

Good luck to all those still in O time! :dust: Praying for Christmas miracles for you all!

BB, I'm so sorry to hear about your bleeding and how you are feeling! :( :hugs: But I'm hoping and praying it all works out like it did for Morgan! [-o<

AFM: The weird orange crush discharge has begun, but it's still just at spotting level. I'm expecting AF to arrive about the same time as last month (so another day or two and the witch should be here).

Today and yesterday, I've been nauseous and not wanting to eat. DH fixed delicious salmon recently, though, so I think I can motivate myself to warm that up and eat it, with some cheesy potatoes.
^Oooh cheesy potatoes and salmon, got ole preggy droolin' over here in Ohio! Lol

P.s. was looking at your chart, have you started to spot? I see AF is due here soon. FX'd for a lil miracle for you guys, but so happy the hubbs is on board to try IVF.. what an exciting step!!! :)
Thanks Girls :) I'm just snuggled up in bed doing some online shopping for the rest of Tristan's Christmas stuff.

I'm not really cramping but I do have quite a sore butt cheek on the left hand side :wacko:
So sorry bb. I would want to be in bed too. Shut all the blinds and snuggle up in bed.
Robert- how are you doing? how are things with you and DH?
BB honey I'm so sorry. I'm with Ash - maybe it's the scientist in me, but you want the healthiest baby you can get and YOU have done everything you can to make that happen and now you have to let not only your body but the blast do the same... and if that blast decides it's not going to happen there aint nothing you can do.

Please give yourself permission to do whatever makes this ok - if it's prayer or hot chocolate or crying uncontrollably for the next 7 hours. You are strong, very strong.

I meant what I said last night - especially the bit about the truck load of ladies in your corner x
Bb, I'm so sorry. Rest up and do what you need to do for yourself to get through this.

Nikki, DH and I are okay. Just okay. I'm pretty conflicted right now.
I think it's so cool that you've decided to donate eggs Amanda.. will you follow up with the ladies or it is random?

Amelia- NO PRESSURE jw if you've tested lately. I would prob wait to see the doc tomorrow (Wed follow up betas right??) instead of messing with the stupid tests again.. jw if you have seen some progression, it could be reassuring. Also when's the hubbs getting in town? Hope his/our flights aren't delayed due to all this snow coming..
Yeah I poas and then walked away this morning - my temp went up so progesterone is working. Cramping has stopped now.

Hubs arrives Thanksgiving morning.

Endo appoint now so i gotta run I'll catch up on everything in a bit xxx
Sorry for what you are going through BB :hugs: Hopefully it is something like what Morgan had and that sticky bean is snuggled up nice and tight.
I really really hope so. The blood is like a period now. No clots but it is red.
Amelia- Good luck at the appt and plzzz post pics of the test when you get back home to look!

BB- Still can't imagine how you're feelin' today sweets.. lots of comfort food and snuggles with lil Tristan might help ;) Hoping all is well. No clots is still a great sign.
Test looks the same as the others - it's my last IC so I'm done. I'm not doing this to myself any more. What will be will be.

I feel great today tho - cramping is almost zero. Boobs don't really hurt, just are really full (which is fun because i have teeny tiny boobies normally). Progesterone creme done.

Bloods taken today for endocrinologist and new bloods tomorrow for baby-doc.

BB stay calm honey - remember what happened to Morgan x
What is the endo bloodwork for? Good outlook on the tests etc. What will be, will be.

I like to think of it that way because, for us, without losing our precious Jaxon we would have never in a million years been pregnant again.. meaning this little Marley never would have existed, and I never would have met all of YOU fabulous girls!!! <3
Morgan, I agree. I think in a kind of weird way, it was destined that we all meet each other. The universe just wanted it to happen.

I got dressed in the dark this am, and ended up wearing entirely grey. I look like a grey smurf. whoops.

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