Hebe has slept thru since just under 3 weeks and I dont really know why but I have a couple of theories.
I never put her in her bed during the day. She naps in broad day light in her swing, on the sofa, in her car seat or pram but never in her bed. I wonder (its only a theory) if she knows that when she's in the bed in the dark, thats proper sleep time??
Even tho Im BFing on demand, I know roughly what she has. This weekend I left her with expressed bottles and she took smaller amounts at the feeds where she goes shorter in between. We dont always want a big plate of dinner for every meal!!
Not sure if Jasmine has the same amount each feed ??
I've never tried to get her into a 'routine'. She fell into it and we just go with it. She goes different times between different feeds of different amounts. I know people following, plans and systems and it all sounds so ridged and such hard work. She's just settled into a rough routine of feeding all evening then going down.