My LO has been on Aptimal Comfort formula more or less from day one. Everything was going great until last weekend, when she started wanting feeding every couple of hours and then later developed some colicky symptoms early evening.
I tried her on some infacol drops and after a day her eating went back to normal. However she is still having some colicky probs early evening and since the weekend has only had 1 BIG poo every 24 hours almost to the minute. Her poo is greeny coloured and of normal consistency but prior to this she was going more regularly.
Im not sure whether to just grin and bear it and see what happens or if there is anything I can do to try and help my LO be more comfortable. Im a first time mom so pretty clueless, any suggestions ladies??
My LO is currently having 120-150ml every 4 hours {approx} and has been for about 10 days now. Her last check up and weigh in was before the weekend and the HV & MW were happy with her eating & weight etc.
Help xx
My LO has been on Aptimal Comfort formula more or less from day one. Everything was going great until last weekend, when she started wanting feeding every couple of hours and then later developed some colicky symptoms early evening.
I tried her on some infacol drops and after a day her eating went back to normal. However she is still having some colicky probs early evening and since the weekend has only had 1 BIG poo every 24 hours almost to the minute. Her poo is greeny coloured and of normal consistency but prior to this she was going more regularly.
Im not sure whether to just grin and bear it and see what happens or if there is anything I can do to try and help my LO be more comfortable. Im a first time mom so pretty clueless, any suggestions ladies??
My LO is currently having 120-150ml every 4 hours {approx} and has been for about 10 days now. Her last check up and weigh in was before the weekend and the HV & MW were happy with her eating & weight etc.
Help xx