Considering at-home insemination with donor sperm...?

Hey girls,
I'm on 7dpo & just was a pregnow one that came fee with OPKS I bought over the Internet. Cost about $20 all up for a heap of OPKS. They're little skinny sticks that show pink lines if it's a positive.

So today I decided to try out the pregnancy poas bcos it says on the leaflet that they are 'ultra sensitive' & can be used from 'as early as 7 days from conception date' & 'can detect hcg as early as 5-7 day before period is due'.....

Well I got a BFN.. No second line.. So am feeling very dejected today.

Anyone used these tests before? Am I jumping the gun believing the tests or are they pretty accurate? Going by the info they come with I feel like I'm out for the month if they're THAT sensitive.. But I'm wondering also if bcos they're cheapies that makes a difference???

Any opinions would be appreciated : )

We had some of those internet ultra sensitive tests too. FRER and the dollar store tests showed up at 10 days and those did not give us a positive until 11 or 12. They are not as sensitive as they claim. 7 Days really is too early, give yourself a few more days.

Thanks.. I guess I was thinking it WAS too early.. But then worrying that I was just trying to convince myself otherwise so as not to have false hope. You know, looking at a test that 'says' it is ultra sensitive but then convincing myself that it the test is cheap & therefore wrong!

But I think ur probably right- I know some girls on this thread have gotten BFPS around 7dpo but maybe with better (more expensive!) tests.

Thanks again.. Needed to hear it from someone other than myself ; )
I bought a load in IC's (internet cheapys) when I started TTC. They claimed to be ultra sensitive and I thought it was a bargain considering the price. I don't use them anymore because I've read sooooo many reviews on amazon about them not being reliable and so many women reporting on here and on amazon that these tests gave a BFN and the same day, they got a BFP on a FRER.

Implantation can occur anywhere between 6 - 12 days after ovulation (on average) and even if it occured 6dpo, I think I'm right in saying you need about 2 days after that for the HCG to get to a level that can be picked up by the PG tests. The earliest I used to test is 9dpo; I don't anymore cos I realised that the IC's are probably just going to cause disappointment when seeing that single line!

Sooo, just because that was a BFN, you may not be out yet but try to give it a few more days before you test again. :hugs:
Jules- I agree it may have been too early to test. implantation may not occur until 10dpo. I would wait a little while and test again.
I am now 2dpo and being quite obsessive! I really need to find other things to do with my time! I started eating pineapple as I heard that it may help with implantation. 1/5 of a pineapple for 5 days after ovulation. the waiting is no fun!
Well we are still in limbo ladies. Woke up expecting another drop in temp and the start of AF. Instead we have a rise and no spotting or any sign of AF. Tested agin and got a BFN. according to FF we are 14dpo so I have no idea what is goin gon. My wife's LP has Never been more than 14 days. She is climbing the walls not knowing what is going on. I feel so bad for her. I just keep trying to remind her that we have done all we can and the rest is out of our hands.
Jules- I agree it may have been too early to test. implantation may not occur until 10dpo. I would wait a little while and test again.
I am now 2dpo and being quite obsessive! I really need to find other things to do with my time! I started eating pineapple as I heard that it may help with implantation. 1/5 of a pineapple for 5 days after ovulation. the waiting is no fun!

Thanks c.30 & Firechild... I'm not letting myself touch another of those cheapies! I had such a rubbish day today bcos I started on that negative note. From now on I've resolved to wait until AF is late, & then buy a decent test if I need one. There's no point in torturing myself every month!

Can't thank you guys enough for your replies.. Its a bit of a rollercoaster this journey isn't it. My DP told me off tonite for being soooooo negative.. I was whining about how we'll probably never have children & we've left it too late.. Missed the boat etc etc.. I was getting kinda angry actually. It was welling up inside like i was gonna burst! My hormones feel out of control which is typical for me a week before AF is due. I also started crying about 3 or 4 times when he was playing some Christopher Cross songs to me!!! LOL.. Am showing my age here : ) He kept having to skip thru songs because once I started I couldn't stop myself crying every time another soppy song started! I think he secretly thinks I'm losing my marbles! He's probably right!

Anyway thanks again girls.. Here's hoping tomorro is a better day. I've decided to plan a 2 day getaway to the Snowfields in 2 weeks so that will keep me occupied for a few days anyway : )

What do you guys do to distract yourself from the TWW??
Just got the best news! So about this point in each cycle, I start planning for the next. I was working on next month's plan. Our Dr had suggested that if this cycle didn't work we should have some blood, and ultrasound, and an HSG. I was told by a co-worker that fertility was not covered by our health insurance so I haven't put much thought into it. I just got off the line with my insurance. Not only is the HSG covered but all testing leading to a medical diagnosis of infertility as well as 6 AI attempts are covered!!!!!! I want to run around cheering out loud. I am about to get really serious about this baby making. All my poor wife can say about it is "I don't really want dye shot into my uterus." LOL! I told her hopefully we'll get our sneaky BFP and it won't be needed but if it is at least we have options. Yay!!!!
:bfp:Hello ladies, and may I jump in here with my story. I've been reading this forum for the last 5 days during the dreadful TWW and itching to share my crazy (for me at least) experience. Some background first - I'm a 34 yrs old and single American, decided two months ago to look for a donor while living in Paris for the summer (well, to look for a co-parent) for AI via one of the well known web sites, thinking it's so unlikely since I'm here just for a few months, to find a match. I was actually looking for a co-parent. Prior to that did not have a clue about ovulation, timing, charting, syringes, nothing. In july I found someone after I tracked my ovulation for the first time in my life - CD12, so in August my window was 7-11th. My donor (gay) went on vacation and was returning on the 8th. On the 6th night, I got first LH+, lots of cm, etc. tested very positive LH+ surge on the 7th and the morning of 8th. We insem the evening of 8th & the 9th (this was day 1 &2 past LH+) and I was 100% sure we had missed it by a day or so, and that I'll have to look for another donor (co-parent in US, although I really liked him). Also, I thought no way to happen on my first try at the age of 34 (I'll be 35 in few months) and not when insem 1 day after LH+...But what do you know - did my first 11dpo with IC -very very faint, then ClearBlue Plus on 12dpo - :bfp: and then today a ClearBlue digital - :bfp: at 13dpo. I'm really beyond belief and planning on doing a blood test on Sat if not earlier if possible. Sending baby dust to y'all :kiss: And thank you for getting me through TWW
Ooo Leah it's all looking really good. Sometimes it can be late. What brand are you using for testing? Can your missus not go to the gp and get bloodd taken? X
Ooo Leah it's all looking really good. Sometimes it can be late. What brand are you using for testing? Can your missus not go to the gp and get bloodd taken? X

So far we have used a FRER and a clearblue + (not digi) and 1 IC. No go on any of them. We agreed to wait to test again til Sunday if AF hasn't shown and that will be on a digi because that is what we have left. :haha: I feel like tomorrow's temp should be a really good indicator of what's to come so I am just waiting it out. As far as blood goes if no AF and BFN on sunday, we will try to get bloods done Monday.
:bfp:Hello ladies, and may I jump in here with my story. I've been reading this forum for the last 5 days during the dreadful TWW and itching to share my crazy (for me at least) experience. Some background first - I'm a 34 yrs old and single American, decided two months ago to look for a donor while living in Paris for the summer (well, to look for a co-parent) for AI via one of the well known web sites, thinking it's so unlikely since I'm here just for a few months, to find a match. I was actually looking for a co-parent. Prior to that did not have a clue about ovulation, timing, charting, syringes, nothing. In july I found someone after I tracked my ovulation for the first time in my life - CD12, so in August my window was 7-11th. My donor (gay) went on vacation and was returning on the 8th. On the 6th night, I got first LH+, lots of cm, etc. tested very positive LH+ surge on the 7th and the morning of 8th. We insem the evening of 8th & the 9th (this was day 1 &2 past LH+) and I was 100% sure we had missed it by a day or so, and that I'll have to look for another donor (co-parent in US, although I really liked him). Also, I thought no way to happen on my first try at the age of 34 (I'll be 35 in few months) and not when insem 1 day after LH+...But what do you know - did my first 11dpo with IC -very very faint, then ClearBlue Plus on 12dpo - :bfp: and then today a ClearBlue digital - :bfp: at 13dpo. I'm really beyond belief and planning on doing a blood test on Sat if not earlier if possible. Sending baby dust to y'all :kiss: And thank you for getting me through TWW

:hugs: awwww!!! Congrats ! What an amazing story. I hope you have the happiest and healthiest 9 months and beyond!
Hey girls,
I'm on 7dpo & just was a pregnow one that came fee with OPKS I bought over the Internet. Cost about $20 all up for a heap of OPKS. They're little skinny sticks that show pink lines if it's a positive.

So today I decided to try out the pregnancy poas bcos it says on the leaflet that they are 'ultra sensitive' & can be used from 'as early as 7 days from conception date' & 'can detect hcg as early as 5-7 day before period is due'.....

Well I got a BFN.. No second line.. So am feeling very dejected today.

Anyone used these tests before? Am I jumping the gun believing the tests or are they pretty accurate? Going by the info they come with I feel like I'm out for the month if they're THAT sensitive.. But I'm wondering also if bcos they're cheapies that makes a difference???

Any opinions would be appreciated : )

I used ultrasensitives on 8 and 9 dpo, was both negative. Faint positive came only on 10 dpo with FMU. My normal tests were so faint I thought I was dreaming it. You have to remember that at 7 dpo, you may not even have implanted yet, so no HCG has been released into your system at all. It's too early babe, don't give up! There is still time yet.
:bfp:Hello ladies, and may I jump in here with my story. I've been reading this forum for the last 5 days during the dreadful TWW and itching to share my crazy (for me at least) experience. Some background first - I'm a 34 yrs old and single American, decided two months ago to look for a donor while living in Paris for the summer (well, to look for a co-parent) for AI via one of the well known web sites, thinking it's so unlikely since I'm here just for a few months, to find a match. I was actually looking for a co-parent. Prior to that did not have a clue about ovulation, timing, charting, syringes, nothing. In july I found someone after I tracked my ovulation for the first time in my life - CD12, so in August my window was 7-11th. My donor (gay) went on vacation and was returning on the 8th. On the 6th night, I got first LH+, lots of cm, etc. tested very positive LH+ surge on the 7th and the morning of 8th. We insem the evening of 8th & the 9th (this was day 1 &2 past LH+) and I was 100% sure we had missed it by a day or so, and that I'll have to look for another donor (co-parent in US, although I really liked him). Also, I thought no way to happen on my first try at the age of 34 (I'll be 35 in few months) and not when insem 1 day after LH+...But what do you know - did my first 11dpo with IC -very very faint, then ClearBlue Plus on 12dpo - :bfp: and then today a ClearBlue digital - :bfp: at 13dpo. I'm really beyond belief and planning on doing a blood test on Sat if not earlier if possible. Sending baby dust to y'all :kiss: And thank you for getting me through TWW

Congrats! That is wonderful wonderful news! And yes, it only takes 1 sperm to make it happen! :) Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :)
Thank you, ebelle I'm super excited and scared too. Going for some blood work and check up to see if everything is OK. Baby dust to all :hugs:
:bfp:Hello ladies, and may I jump in here with my story. I've been reading this forum for the last 5 days during the dreadful TWW and itching to share my crazy (for me at least) experience. Some background first - I'm a 34 yrs old and single American, decided two months ago to look for a donor while living in Paris for the summer (well, to look for a co-parent) for AI via one of the well known web sites, thinking it's so unlikely since I'm here just for a few months, to find a match. I was actually looking for a co-parent. Prior to that did not have a clue about ovulation, timing, charting, syringes, nothing. In july I found someone after I tracked my ovulation for the first time in my life - CD12, so in August my window was 7-11th. My donor (gay) went on vacation and was returning on the 8th. On the 6th night, I got first LH+, lots of cm, etc. tested very positive LH+ surge on the 7th and the morning of 8th. We insem the evening of 8th & the 9th (this was day 1 &2 past LH+) and I was 100% sure we had missed it by a day or so, and that I'll have to look for another donor (co-parent in US, although I really liked him). Also, I thought no way to happen on my first try at the age of 34 (I'll be 35 in few months) and not when insem 1 day after LH+...But what do you know - did my first 11dpo with IC -very very faint, then ClearBlue Plus on 12dpo - :bfp: and then today a ClearBlue digital - :bfp: at 13dpo. I'm really beyond belief and planning on doing a blood test on Sat if not earlier if possible. Sending baby dust to y'all :kiss: And thank you for getting me through TWW

:hugs: awwww!!! Congrats ! What an amazing story. I hope you have the happiest and healthiest 9 months and beyond!

Thanks, Leah. I've been stalking you for a while - what a journey! I can only imagine, but you have the greatest spirit (and awesome sense of humor to top it off), so sending my wishes, and prayers and much baby dust :dust: your way and your Misses - you guys deserve the darn :bfp: already. Thanks again for the support.
Leah-that chart def looks like a bfp. unless ovulation was late. I can't imagine how crazy you guys must be going! hopefully it will be so worth it.

I am driving myself insane in this 2ww! I am only 3dpo and I am looking for any indication of a symptom, even though I know its too early. also, I am not not sure what are just side effects of Clomid. I go on Sat to get prog levels taken again. pretty sure that I definitely ovulate this cycle.
Symptom spotting is the pits. It's so easy to geet lost in every twinge and feeling in your body. My wife was so silly about it our first couple months that Everytime she said anything from I'm sleepy to I need to use the restroom, I replied "it's because you're pregnant." lol! The 2ww is enough to drive a person insane. Here is what I do to get through: There are always 2 approaches depending on my mood.
1) I created a board on pintrest called nursery dreams. I web surf and look for all of the things I want for the baby room and even go so far as to research product reviews and such to make better choices.
2) I read. If I am feeling particularly baby obsessed, I read parenting or pregnancy books but mostly I just try to loose myself in a novel. It's a great way to escape and pass the time (although I know reading isn't a great pastime for everyone) Trashy gossip magazines are another favorite.

As far as going insane, we are that and then some. This is her longest cycle EVER and her temps are so pretty. She got a promotion last night that started today so this morning was easier than the last couple because she was distracted being excited and nervous about her new position. Mostly though she just wanted to go back to bed. She says she is sleepy in a way she didn't even know was possible. LOL! There are so many things that make us believe that this is our BFP but we just cant get the tests to agree.
Leah what is happening any news ? have u got ur bfp ? been looking for an update hope to hear xx
So here is our INSANE update: Temp increase again this morning and still got a BFN. Emailed our midwife our chart and started chatting about DPs medications. She only takes supplements except for 1 med that the doc told us was ok to take while TTC. *tmi alert* DP has IBS with chronic poopies. She takes this med to bulk up her poo and slow her stools. So....turns out the med has a binding agent in it that basicly sucks up some hormones and vitamis. Midwife suggested a call to the pharmacy that I made and it turns out that the BFNs are most likely due to that. Pharmacist confirmed that the med can create a false negative. After revieving the chart and signs/symptoms Midwife said that with 90% certainty we are expecting. We go Tuesday for betas and if they are negative (which apparently is ALSO possible) Then we will have a scan by the end of the week as our Midwife does her own scans!!! So we have an ALMOST BFP. LOL!! I am climbing the walls here!
wohoo thats great for you to know that there is a reason for negative tests then hun i will be looking out for another update i really hope u get ur well deserved baby both of you hun xxx
So here is our INSANE update: Temp increase again this morning and still got a BFN. Emailed our midwife our chart and started chatting about DPs medications. She only takes supplements except for 1 med that the doc told us was ok to take while TTC. *tmi alert* DP has IBS with chronic poopies. She takes this med to bulk up her poo and slow her stools. So....turns out the med has a binding agent in it that basicly sucks up some hormones and vitamis. Midwife suggested a call to the pharmacy that I made and it turns out that the BFNs are most likely due to that. Pharmacist confirmed that the med can create a false negative. After revieving the chart and signs/symptoms Midwife said that with 90% certainty we are expecting. We go Tuesday for betas and if they are negative (which apparently is ALSO possible) Then we will have a scan by the end of the week as our Midwife does her own scans!!! So we have an ALMOST BFP. LOL!! I am climbing the walls here!

That's great news! Good luck and keep us posted!

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