Considering at-home insemination with donor sperm...?

Good luck, Soprano!

I'm pregnant with my second donor baby. I used fresh sperm and inseminated within 10 minutes of the donation being made and got pregnant on the first donation both times. I used the same donor for both my daughter and this baby.

I'm SO excited to hear about you getting pregnant the first tries with fresh sperm. I can't wait to see how this goes!
Good luck Soprano! :)

We did our first insem for this cycle tonight. Hoping to get one or two more insems in by the time I ovulate, either Wed or Thurs. I'm a little discouraged because this was the first time we've tried that there was any that 'leaked' after I stood up. Ugh. I use a Softcup w/ Preseed to keep that from happening so I don't know what's up with that but oh well! Can't change it now. I did prop my butt up for half an hour afterward so plenty is surely still up there. We'll see!
Good luck Grassroots! :thumbup: Did you get a few more insems in??

A few of us in the TWW!! Fingers Crossed!!!
Hi Guys,

I've been lurking around this thread for a while now and I thought it's about time I say hi, and introduce myself.

Firstly, I just want to thank ALL the ladies in this thread for sharing their stories. I am so thankful to come across this thread because it has given me HOPE. It has also restored a sense of normality back into my life, knowing that I am not the only one.

I am married, but hubby has troubles with ED (we are not sure what's wrong, he can get it up, but has trouble with penetration). Internally, I was thinking that it's going to be impossible to conceive. But coming across this forum, I've now got HOPE at least. Knowing that it can be done.

We have done 2 cycles of at home AI and so far no success :nope: I'm a bit bummed right now. The last cycle I thought was perfectly timed (using charting and ClearBlue ovulation test) - multiple insems through the fertile window. So I'm getting stressed thinking that there's something else not right. Hubby's semen volume seems a bit low - 1-2mls on average. Secretly, I'm bottling up all this frustration and disappointment, and starting to develop all these negative feelings. We're due to have another go soon (on CD 12 now). I guess I'll keep you posted.

But mainly, I just wanted to say hi and thanks to you all. I'll try to stay positive and hopeful!
Welcome lilaclily, I'm sorry your getting so stressed out :hugs: You are free to come here and vent as much as you need.. We all do.. Who would have thought TTC would be so hard when so many women/ teens make it look so damn easy... I hope this cycle you have better luck.. Sending lots of baby dust your way :dust:

AFM: :witch: showed up today... So back to waiting for O.. Think we may use pre seed this go round, see if maybe that helps with anything. Here's to hoping for a Christmas miracle.
Hi lilaclily! Welcome!! :wave: Don't get discouraged!! There have been so many success stories on this thread - you will also be successful with AI using fresh sperm! Sounds like you're doing everything right! It's only a matter of time before you get your BFP!

AshnAmber - sorry the witch got you! :flower:
Have any of you ladies used pre seed and have any recommendations on how to use it with AI??
Welcome LilacLily, you definitely aren't alone.

If you don't mind some friendly advice -- I'd suggest that you go ahead and have DH's semen analysis done ( a full analysis with count, motility, and morphology, not an OTC test). This will at least tell you what you are working with. Low volume isn't necessarily an issue. And either everything is fine, or you'll know its time to move on to IUI.

I think the softcup method is a great way to go for situations like yours -- you'll minimize any semen loss through transferring it to cup, to syringe, etc.

Your DH can also increase his volume by hydrating LOTS the day of insemination. It actually can make a big difference in terms of volume. Google it to get more info.

Finally, give yourselves some time. 8 months is the average time to conceive. So its way too early to stress. :)

I say skip the preseed and just drink a lot of grapefruit juice to increase/thin CM.

I found preseed too thick/sticky personally... I was not confident the swimmers could make it through that stuff. Then again, I might have had a bad batch. I used a little Conceive Plus, but not much. just a tiny bit in the sofcup.

I say skip the preseed and just drink a lot of grapefruit juice to increase/thin CM.

I found preseed too thick/sticky personally... I was not confident the swimmers could make it through that stuff. Then again, I might have had a bad batch. I used a little Conceive Plus, but not much. just a tiny bit in the sofcup.

:sick: oh god I can't stand the taste of that stuff... Had a very very bad experience with it as a child now the smell of grapefruit juice makes me gag :sick:
Lol... No grapefruit juice for you then! Lots of water plus some guafenesin should be good enough. :)
There's a girl in the August DDC who got pregnant on her first month of trying pineapple. She sliced it into 5 equal slices and ate one slice each day, and then ate the core around the fertile time, and she ended up pregnant. She tried for a while, so that might be something to try
I think I read something about pineapple and whole milk also..
Definitely whole milk helps. One serving of full fat dairy helps balance hormone levels.

I say skip the preseed and just drink a lot of grapefruit juice to increase/thin CM.

I found preseed too thick/sticky personally... I was not confident the swimmers could make it through that stuff. Then again, I might have had a bad batch. I used a little Conceive Plus, but not much. just a tiny bit in the sofcup.

:sick: oh god I can't stand the taste of that stuff... Had a very very bad experience with it as a child now the smell of grapefruit juice makes me gag :sick:

I was the same with grapefruit juice tbh :sick: but I know many people get on well with it. Preseed worked for me, as did 2 litres of water a day, the month I was successful I didn't use much preseed but inserted it about 20 minutes before insem.
I drink a glass of whole milk every day up until O.. Then I from what read your suppose to stop and I give up caffeine the day AF is done and even in my few days of AF I only allow myself one or 2 soft drinks a day usually with dinner but mainly drink water.. If we use preseed I will only use .5ml or 1ml 15min before AI.. I do get EWCM but not always on the days that we can get AI done.. Last cycle I got EWCM 1 day out of all my fertile days.. After that I didn't see it again until after I knew O had passed.. I figure any little bit can help..
Thank you for all the support ladies, I really feel so much better coming on here and reading all your stories and messages of support.

Thank you Nimyra. Any advice is appreciated. Reading about your stories gives me hope. We will be going on to semen analysis if this cycle fails. I agree, I want to know what we are working with.

Thank you. I will try to stay positive and patient! Had LH surge this morning and so far we have done 3 insems. Fingers crossed!
Preseed worked for me, but I only put a little around my cervix before inserting the soft cup. I used pineapple 1dpo-5dpo. It's supposed to help with implantation. The only month I used pineapple is the month I got my bfp...

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