Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Oh by the way facebook - surname is Gill and my picture is of just my head and chest smiling on my wedding day if any of you want to add me.


You should have a friend request from a Kate. That's me :)
Hi Chicks,

I can't believe another week has gone by already! Did everybody have good weekends? The painting is almost finished in the nursery - phew! Just need to decide on a theme but that can wait till I see what goodies there are in the sales :)

Had a presentation scan on Friday and the baby has flipped back to head down :) The sonographer said there is still plenty of fluid though so could flip back but the MW said it would be unlikely to move back to breech. She also did a quick growth scan of the abdominal circumference and it was measuring a week ahead at 37w+5 which was surprising (getting really annoyed now with everybody commenting on how small my bump is!). She also pointed out that the baby now has hair (very surreal!).

Almost nearly finished backing my hospital bag, just need to chuck in some music and speakers and a 'going home outfit' and I think i'm done!

Only 3 more days left at work <whoop whoop> but not quite sure what i'll be doing with myself when I finish. Am sure I will blub like an idiot on my last day (have been there 9 years) but I don't really care, they all know i'm an emotional wreck at the best of times anyway!

The breastfeeding NCT class was really good. The women didn't put any pressure on anybody that we 'must' breastfeed or anything, she said she didn't mind how we fed our babies whether it formula, express or breastfeeding. What it did do was reinforce that I haven't a scooby what i'm going to do with the baby when it arrives (if that makes sense!!). We watched a DVD and were able to ask lots of questions and she said she is always a phone call away at anytime of the day or night (and, it turns out only lives a mile from me). The men all took a good interest too which was comforting and they are going to email out lots of leaflets.

Emma - How did your appt at the MW/Hospital go?

BTW - my friend's baby is now 7w old and she said the best book she has got (by far) is one called 'Your Baby Week by Week' by Simone Cave & Dr Caroline Fertleman. She sent us a copy and it does look really really good. Very straightforward and clear as to what should be happening each week.

They don't do the StrepB test as a norm at my practise but this seems to be a UK thing (Emma, Jaydee - are you getting it done?)

Will start on the Raspberry Leaf Tea this week methinks! I really really want to avoid being induced if at all possible so anything I can do that might help, I will give a shot!

Wonder which of us will be first!! Spent last night going through a Celtic Names book and managed the boys names so will do the girls tonight and hopefully get a short list! I like Lachlan but OH isn't so keen :( but as you say Amerikiwi am sure they will agree to anything when we are in the throes of labour!!

Never even heard of the strepb thing so i'm guessing i'm not getting it! did get a call to go for the swine flu jab - to which i declined - i just dont believe that people have stood there and said "here - test this on my unborn child"

hospital went okay, was there 4 hours, seriously, i hate that place, i am not looking forward to giving birth - i was hooked up to monitors and she walked in and says "i'll be back in 15 minutes and take you off that and get the doctor in" 1hr45 mins later she came back, its just pathetic, urgh.

doctor said that my waters have resealed and shes confident i'll get to 37 weeks, we'll see!

had some random pains today, pains that i didnt recognise, they werent braxton hicks, and they came every 10 mins for a few hours, never got to less than that though - and had nothing for the last 5 hours.... I tried to look up if they were contractions and i dont think they were as they were thru the top of my bump and none of the descriptions on google fitted that...

Pie i'm still not sure what i'm doing either, i want to breadtfeed but i have a stupid paranoia about boobs... if i get over it before the birth, i'll give it a go! How many bottles do i need, does anyone know? for both options?

is the raspberry leaf tea available in tablet form? i cant drink anything warm...

Pie - i get the opposite to you - "arent you huge, sure its not twins?" my midwife says i'm measuring neither small or large so i think they just look for something to say!
Daisy - hope you enjoyed your weekend. Sounds like your little girl really wants to come and meet you soon, scary but lovely at the same time.

Keira (TTC doesn't seem right any more, you're nearly a mum!) - Thursday sounds stressful, glad you're ok though. Hopefully it's a sign that baby will come a little early, but hopefully (s)he will hang on till 37 weeks.

AK - I'm trying to think about what advice they gave us at breast feeding classes, given I've been to 3 different ones! I think the main things were:
- don't force the baby onto the breast, if you let them do it themselves (only put your nipple in at the last minute) they will latch better. Sure the mw will show you this once you've had LO.
- don't worry about how long they feed for, if you feed them when they tell you they want it they will be getting enough. It's also best to let them take as much from one breast at a time as you can, as the milk gets thicker the longer they take it (it's kind of like, the first bit is a drink, the second bit is food) so if you swap over a lot they don't always get a full feed.
- if you are going to express, try not to do so until about 6 weeks, as your body needs time to get into the habit of producing the right amount of milk. (Not sure how well I'll stick to this, was hoping to do a bit before that but I guess we'll see).
- find out where your local support people are (if you have them in NZ, there seem to be a few in UK, NCT is one of them but there are local ones near me too) and don't be afraid to ring them whenever. If you really find it's not for you, don't beat yourself up, even sticking at it for 2 or 3 feeds is better than not trying at all.

Other ladies who have been to classes, have I missed anything important?

I agree with Emma - I don't think we have strep B tests as standard. I have a feeling it's considered low risk here if you have all white family groups. I think people from some countries have more risk of getting it than others, I really can't remember.

Emma - glad your waters have closed up again. I've got raspberry leaf tablets, from Holland and Barratt, think they were about £6 for 100 (you're meant to take at least 3 a day so isn't as many as it sounds). I got the tea bags as well but I've not tried them yet, they will be my reserve incase baby is overdue and I run out of tablets I think.

In terms of bottles, I think, if you are going to bottle feed, they recommend having about 6. They usually come in multiples of 3 so 2 packs should do. I've got bottles/sterliser and stuff just in case, because I'm also not keen on the idea of having a baby permanantly attached to my chest. Maybe I'll feel differently once I have him in my arms I don't know.....

Whoever it was who said they were getting backache, me too, and I've not really had it before either. I've been having to sit up really straight or lay down, no more slobbing on the sofa for me for a while.

I'm 37 weeks now and already getting impatient. Hopefully the midwife will tell me tomorrow that he's a bit more engaged than he was last week (was 3/5 last week and I think you count down so 0/5 means ready to come out, I'm not 100% sure).
I can finally actually feel BH now, which I'm taking as a good sign, although it feels similar to baby sticking his ass out at me (which he does regularly) just at both sides!

Going to (hopefully) finish off my xmas shopping today with my mum (so she can choose something she wants - kind of defeats the object but it seems wrong not to buy each other stuff doesn't it?)
oh i thought it was the opposite on the engaged thing i took 3/5 as you were three fifths engaged so 5/5 would be fully...

all mines said to me is "baby is engaged" no fifths mentioned so i shall ask on monday - the appts seem so close together now!

hope your back ache eases up JayDee, i get it occasionally, i mean really occasionally, feels more like a trapped nerve...

remember back ache can be a contraction so if it comes in waves start counting!

I'm off to bingo again, see if i can win some more pennies :D
I'm having back aches too the past few weeks - been noticing it once I dropped & thinking baby is sometimes back to back which would explain some of my back pain. Also since she is gaining weight faster than back in earlier pregnancy thinking some of it might be just her getting heavier!

We had a lovely time this with all the family things going on - but I didnt feel well! I was crampy and spotting after the dr appt on Friday that lasted til late sat. night. Iam having lots of braxton hicks which have become much more frequent (sometimes 4 an hour) and MUCH more painful. Its making me worried about real labor - cause I get all crampy and the whole thing seems to get hard - vs. just the very top & I have to breathe through them - they are not fun! Friday night I had horrible stomach problems & Sat midday I noticed I lost part of my plug. So don't know if I lost more of it before that? I wasnt really paying attention :shrug: So my weekend was spent thinking about labor, the baby, and how I was feeling vs. really enjoying time with my family.

I can't believe a bird would be so expensive over there AK! Sounds like a good thing to get your tree up though! I am wanting to get ours done - but thinking its not going to happen til after the baby is here. My dr. did my swab for strep - it was just a long qtip that she put in my vagina (quite a ways in it seemed) and then quickly put the same one right inside my rectum - pretty simple and over in 2 seconds.

Other tips for breastfeeding I remember - is to switch how you hold the baby so you empty out different ducts better (the football hold vs. cradle hold basically). Less chance of getting a plugged duct that way.
You need to tease the baby's mouth with your nipple while you hold your breast like a big sandwich and then when baby opens wide you stick your nipple in really quick.
Bring your baby to your chest vs. bringing your chest to the baby (don't bend to reach him/her). When you are going to unlatch - use your finger to break the suction - don't just pull the baby away or it will hurt!

Never heard of the rasberry tea idea over here - thinking it must be more of a UK idea?

I'm trying to get last minute things finished up - deciding that if I have the baby this week I'll not be home to tidy up, etc. before we would be bringing her home!
Emma - yeah, if the backache comes in waves I'll start counting! MIL says that baby will calm down the kicking before he's ready to come out and he's still wriggling like mad so don't think he's going anywhere fast. My mum is convinced that he'll be a week early and I'll be back to my normal size by xmas (cos that's how she was with me and my bro) - I can but hope I guess....

Daisy - sounds like getting last minute things done might be a good idea, your little girl def seems keen to join you - only 2 more days then she's past the magic 37 weeks :happydance:
Well.... I will be first! Had my dr apt and scan today & dr has said that my LO should come out now. So dh is on his way home and we go to the hospital tonight! We are both pretty freaked out! I know they said it might be this week - but don't know if I didn't really believe them or what? My LO had dips in her heartrate today during the non-stress test for the first time. They are showing her rate of growth between 1 month ago and today is only 5-10% which isn't very good at all.... so they are guessing she is around 5 lbs. I am praying she will be ok and will be healthy and strong. I'm trusting the dr's now to tell me what is best. Please don't say anything on my facebook - as we aren't going to tell our families til after she has arrived & I probably won't get to update you guys til the weekend at the earliest.

Hope you are all doing well..... can't believe its actually time to have my baby. You have all been so wonderful to share this journey with. :hugs: Thank you all! I couldn't have gone through this without this xmas cake bunch!
Has anyone heard from meerkat? we havent heard in this post since she went for her scan a coupla weeks back... im gonna go check out if shes posted anywhere else!
Daisy, Good Luck!!!! not that you'll need it but i hope everything goes smooth and your LO is healthy! cant wait to hear your news!!!

Does that make it more real to everyone now? the first member of our lil group is gonna give birth over the next couple of days!
OMG Daisy! Good luck!! I"m so excited for you. Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl--our first little christmas cake. Keep us posted when you get a chance. Do you have a text buddy that can update us? I'd imagine you may not have internet and will probably have more important things to do, like cuddling your daughter! :happydance:

Emma, I was wondering about Meerkat as well. Hope all is well.
Daisy good luck. Sure you won't see this until after your little girl is here but I think a similar thing happened to a friend of a friend of mine earlier this year (baby wasn't growing properly so they got her out a bit early). I saw her yesterday with the baby (about 6 months old now I think) and she's gorgeous, and looked very contented in her snow suit. Don't think it did her any harm.
We'll look forward to an update (and hopefully pics) soon.

Meerkat has updated her facebook status a couple of times, but I've not seen her on here, hopefully she's ok.

My baby hasn't made any more signs of moving anywhere, he's still 3/5 engaged and measuring 35cm. BP has gone down a bit so luckily no-one seems concerned anymore so I am just playing the waiting game now, same as everyone else.... Hopefully he won't keep me waiting too long so my appointment to get a sweep is 23/12. Given these can take a couple of days to work it significantly increases the likihood of me being in hospital at xmas. Que cera cera I guess.....
Daisy - good luck!!! Can't wait to see our first little christmas cake baby.

Just back from the midwife (36+5 today) and all is well. Apparently we're in for a tall baby... After explaining i was getting alot of sharp pains which were making me jump and that i presumed it was baby trying to engage...she took one look at my tummy and said no you've not engaged at all yet you're shape gives it all away! But after having a proper feel she could only feel 3/5ths of the head so i'm 2/5ths engaged. She was a little gobsmacked and had a right poke and prod at the rest of baby Gill... bottom right up under my ribs and told me yep this one is a tall one! She couldn't believe i still looked so high up (bump loooking quite square under my boobs to be honest with you all. This seems to be baby bum under one boob and limbs under the other!) with babies head in the pelvis.

BP and urine all fine and so the swelling i've been getting is normal!! Really thought i was heading down the route to pre eclampsia as my ankles, calves, knees and hands all swell badly and my face has been very puffy the last few days. So pleased about it all really.

Next appointment at 38weeks with my GP then 40 weeks with midwife either at home with my baby (eeekkk) or to offer me a sweep!

I finish at work Friday next week - then things will become more real. At the moment birth and labour still seem a little in the distance to me. Finished my NCT classes now and booked in a reunion for march with mums,dads and babies! Seems very strange to be thinking about sunday lunch at the pub with the group and babies in toe, but look forward to it as some of the girls and partners seem lovely and we'll be keeping intouch for coffee etc when we're all on mat. leave!
Hi Girls,

OMG Daisy! It's so exciting to think that you have probably had your baby girl by now! Can't wait to hear your news as to how it all went and see some piccys! x

Had my last day at work today and am not ashamed to say I blubbed big style! I've been there for 9 years and have such great colleagues so it was a really emotional day but I did manage to blub a few words out after they had presented me with flowers!

Unfortunately I need to try and get an emergency dental appointment as still have half a cracked tooth with an exposed filling to get sorted asap, especially before bubs arrives!

Jaydee - I thought they let you go 2 weeks over your due date before giving you a sweep (or is that a myth?). My midwife muttered something about the 2nd of January to me (2 weeks after due date of 20th December)? Now that i've finished work it's slowly starting to hit me that life is about to CHANGE! :)

TTC - my bump is also still very high under my boobs and I don't think bubs has engaged yet. Have got my 38w appt with the midwife on Monday so will ask her then. Still feeling plenty of quite uncomfortable kicks and prods right under my boobs and my tummy is still squirming away quite vigourously on an evening!

Will pop over to the Older Mums thread too and see if Meerkat has posted on there recently. We've got one more NCT class to go next Tuesday and then that's it! They told us last night that unless something is wrong they release you from the hospital after 6 hours! That seems so quick ?! We have also been warned about DAY 3 HORMONE HELL, when seemingly all of your euphoric hormones from birth come crashing down at the same time as your 'milk' comes in! Least OH has been forewarned!

Pie x
Pie - Glad your collegues gave you a good send off, just think, the next time you go in will be to show everyone your new baby! Scary thought?

I'm not completely sure what the deal is with sweeps but MW said 40 weeks (well, it'll be 40+3 by the time I see anyone) so.... I think here they induce you once you get to 2 weeks over, which would take us into next year, that sounds so far off!

TTC - glad all is well with baby, I've not been given any indication of tall or otherwise although neither DH or I are short so I guess it's possible - does it work like that do you think or is it just random? I don't think my bump looks like it's dropped that much either although clothes feel slightly tighter around my hips, but my baby is also 2/5 engaged.

Daisy - just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you, and hoping all is ok with you and baby.

Had a weird feeling that things were going to start happening yesterday afternoon. Driving home it was like I could feel his head pressing down as I was sat there, and got a couple of "new" pains between my hips/at the bottom of my bump. Once I got home they seemed to stop, maybe baby just couldn't get comfy in the car, who knows?
was it like a pressure feeling JD? could be engaging more!

I wake up every morning to contractions now, but they usually disappear around lunch time... I have noticed that when i wake up i'm always lay on my back - this is strange for me, i've never done that! not supposed to be good for you is it? everytime i notice i turn on my side but when i wake up again i'm back on my back!

pie - Meerkat has posted there a couple of times, i searched on her names, but not much there either! said shes busy socialising now shes done work!

I'm done work now too, this week is my week to get things sorted, i'm nearly done with my hospital bag, just need some big black knickers! not even started on babies bag!
I think (hopefully) that what I could feel was him engaging a bit more, if that's what it takes to get him out I'll have to think of somewhere far away to go today so I can sit in the car for a while!

Completely random but DH felt a contraction last night (BH I assume given I didn't). He had his head rested on my bump asking baby if he was gonna come out soon and then said "he just kicked me" - I looked confused cos I didn't feel a thing. DH put his hand on the other side of the bump and said "no, it was you". Don't suppose he'll be offering to do the same when it's the real thing, I might be shouting at him too loud!

Xmas tree time at the weekend - yey!
Is anybody else bored not being at work?! Or am I the only loonie that feels like that?

Went out for coffee & cake with the other mums to be from my NCT class yesterday which was really nice. Unfortunately on the way home two of us got stuck in a bad traffic jam after an accident and were totally blocked in for 90 mins and had to joke about needing the loo / going into labour!

We were also talking about sweeps and you're schedule sounds about right Jaydee - they will offer a sweep on/around the due date if there is still no sign of bubs. Will quiz my midwife on Monday! It's very bizarre to think that any one of us could be woken up in the night by going into labour! OH is going to Norway on Monday with work for the day which is making me feel a bit antsy but he should be back by 3pm. Still .... it does make me feel a bit vunerable!

Well, suppose i'll go and do some washing, food shopping etc and go and get all of the baby stuff that we've been leaving at my mum's house! And get some Christmas decorations too! Is this this weekend that they are supposed to go up?

No idea when they are meant to go up Pie, but our xmas tree went up yesterday. MIL said that baby must know it wasn't up yet so we can't have been fully ready for him! Didn't work, he's still in there. SIL's baby came 2 weeks early so, even though ours still has two weeks before EDD, they are all expecting him any time now. Would suit me fine to be honest.

I've had lots of spicy food, we even went out for a walk today in the cold and rain to try and encourage him! Seem to be getting more BH (which still don't hurt luckily) so hopefully that's a good sign.

And it does take some getting used to having every day to yourself doesn't it, hopefully it won't be for too long, you'll have baby to look after soon, we all will :)
Hello lovlies,

All well here with me. It's my final week at work this week!! Woo Hoo. I've been getting more braxton hicks too JayDee... and i think i've been loosing my plug - alot of thick white discharge tinged with yellow. Taking it as a good sign. I've also started taking the rasberry leaf capsules each day rather than every couple of days when i remembered!!

Have had horrendous toothache - which i'm now on antibiotics for. I was a bit tearful about taking them to be honest- i've been avoiding all medication etc in pregancy and felt stupid after talking to my husband about it! But i just wanted the pregnancy to be as natural as possible. (Emotional due to hormones is my excuse!)

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