Hi Chicks,
I can't believe another week has gone by already! Did everybody have good weekends? The painting is almost finished in the nursery - phew! Just need to decide on a theme but that can wait till I see what goodies there are in the sales
Had a presentation scan on Friday and the baby has flipped back to head down

The sonographer said there is still plenty of fluid though so could flip back but the MW said it would be unlikely to move back to breech. She also did a quick growth scan of the abdominal circumference and it was measuring a week ahead at 37w+5 which was surprising (getting really annoyed now with everybody commenting on how small my bump is!). She also pointed out that the baby now has hair (very surreal!).
Almost nearly finished backing my hospital bag, just need to chuck in some music and speakers and a 'going home outfit' and I think i'm done!
Only 3 more days left at work <whoop whoop> but not quite sure what i'll be doing with myself when I finish. Am sure I will blub like an idiot on my last day (have been there 9 years) but I don't really care, they all know i'm an emotional wreck at the best of times anyway!
The breastfeeding NCT class was really good. The women didn't put any pressure on anybody that we 'must' breastfeed or anything, she said she didn't mind how we fed our babies whether it formula, express or breastfeeding. What it did do was reinforce that I haven't a scooby what i'm going to do with the baby when it arrives (if that makes sense!!). We watched a DVD and were able to ask lots of questions and she said she is always a phone call away at anytime of the day or night (and, it turns out only lives a mile from me). The men all took a good interest too which was comforting and they are going to email out lots of leaflets.
Emma - How did your appt at the MW/Hospital go?
BTW - my friend's baby is now 7w old and she said the best book she has got (by far) is one called 'Your Baby Week by Week' by Simone Cave & Dr Caroline Fertleman. She sent us a copy and it does look really really good. Very straightforward and clear as to what should be happening each week.
They don't do the StrepB test as a norm at my practise but this seems to be a UK thing (Emma, Jaydee - are you getting it done?)
Will start on the Raspberry Leaf Tea this week methinks! I really really want to avoid being induced if at all possible so anything I can do that might help, I will give a shot!
Wonder which of us will be first!! Spent last night going through a Celtic Names book and managed the boys names so will do the girls tonight and hopefully get a short list! I like Lachlan but OH isn't so keen

but as you say Amerikiwi am sure they will agree to anything when we are in the throes of labour!!