Cooking our little Christmas cakes - late Dec babies

Hi all

NCT class was really good, SOOOO much better than the NHS ones, DH agreed as well (although he did think 10am-4pm was a long time to sit there, but that's what you get for booking the intensive classes I guess). The woman taking it wasn't a midwife, so was able to be less biased about the information she gave and the way she answered questions, always nice to feel that people are being honest with you I think. I would recommend them to anyone if they can afford the time/money to go.

AK - baby shower, what a lovely surprise! Sorry your DH has been ill, hopefully he's on the mend now and you'll avoid catching anything.

Pie - I know what you mean about seeing people having seizures. I've seen MIL do it a few times (luckily usually in hospital). She used to suffer with fits a few years ago (after a brain op) and I had been told what to do if ever it happened when I was there (I used to stay at their house when DH still lived there and left later than everyone else) but I'm glad I never had to.

Daisy - glad your BP hasn't got any worse. I bet the fact that's its borderline high is stressing you out in itself, catch 22 situation if ever there was one. Hope you enjoyed the baby showers at the weekend, did you take them socks as a gift? ha ha

Meerkat - hope your scan goes well and placenta has moved out of the way. I know you say you're undecided about whether you would prefer natural or c-section, I guess that's good because the decision might be made for you, at least you won't be disappointed either way.

I'm sure baby was listening at the NCT class about what position he should be in to come out because after she said they should be head down, their back to your front, I'm pretty positive he moved into that position yesterday! He was up my right hand side, but def seems more central now, and the movements have moved position. DH was panicking saying "Has your bump dropped as well? That doesn't mean he wants to come out now does it?" Everything else seems the same so I'm guessing I'm good for now.....
Hello lovely ladies!

Jaydee - hope you enjoyed your nct class! We've been doing the nct ones that are once a week for 5 weeks. We're on week 3 now, and they've been brilliant. Although i know alot from my job as a nanny and looking on the internet etc They've been a godsend for reassuring my hubby. He had no idea what to expect in labour let alone what pain relief or options were available. I was so proud of him asking questions and getting involved in the classes. We've come home and discussed what's best for us - and written a little birthplan together. (sad i know but i love that he's involved! He's not the reading type and wouldn't look up stuff on his own usually!)

I'm much more comfortable knowing that he knows what to expect in labour, and that he knows what i do and don't want so able to stick up for me if i can't do it myself at the time!!

My mum (who lives in Australia) has booked her flights to come over.... i'm due on the 25th dec and she's coming on the 20th and staying until feb!! So that'll be brilliant to have her around too. She's a hands on grandma - and knows how to fade into the background and just get on with jobs without having to be asked (cook a meal or put on some washing etc and leave me and new daddy to be parents!) Hopefully she'll be in time to come with us to the hospital for baby's birth. But i'm not as anxious about it now that hubby knows what to do!! She'll be a great support for him and allow him to have some time out, have a walk, get something to eat etc without leaving me on my own though!

I have my 34wk checkup on wednesday - will let you know how it goes!!

Emma - more than happy to be a text buddy with you! PM me if you like.
AK - what a fun surprise with a baby shower! Pretty sneaky of your dh I'd say! Don't know if mine could pull it off - LOL! Hope your dh is feeling better and that you stay well!

Pie - how scary about your brother in law! Glad all is well - that would have been scary to go through though.

Meerkat - I'm surprised that they can kick you out of the ward that soon! I will be staying at least 48 hrs after the birth or 96 hours after c-section. I think you'll be fine though - just figure things out as you go. Really newborns just love to be held, need to eat, and need diaper changes. You can also come on here and ask everyone if something has you stumped! (or your dr :winkwink:) Good luck with your scan - FX that your placenta has moved. I agree also about neither option being appealing (c section or natural)! :happydance: for being your last days of work!

JayDee & TTC - so glad that your class was useful! Think its good to be prepared (though someone told my dh that you forget everything once labor actually starts - LOL) I'm hoping my dh remembers some of it cause thinking I'll be a little distracted.

JayDee - so cool that your baby has moved into position - does that make it seem real or what?!?!?!

TTC - so great that your mom can be there for you! Sounds like she'll be a great help! :hugs:

So - my dr appt today - non-stress test was good. Baby passed with flying colors - she didnt like the things attatched to my bump and she kept having huge kicks at the one at the top - LOL Fluid level was good - they said something about wanting it to be over 10 and mine was at 12something. BUT blood pressure wasnt good. And I wasnt really worked up today either - so thinking its just heading up. It was higher yesterday and Sunday too. So they did blood work and I have to do another 24 hr urine test tomorrow. I go back Friday for another appt & to do another non-stress test. I asked about what happens if I dont develop pre-eclampsia but my blood pressure remains to be like this and the dr replied "well we are going to get you through to 37 weeks" :wacko: OK - that is only 2 weeks away!! Scary real now - and making me feel like I'm not ready. So now this week I'm going to try to get everything done. Hoping that they ok my Thanksgiving/early xmas party that is 2 hours away with my family (in 11/2 weeks). My brother is making a surprise visit home for it from Arizona (he had thought he couldnt come and yesterday decided he would make the trip) So I'm the only family member who knows... and if he comes all the way and I am either stuck at home or giving birth I'll be mad! :growlmad: And hospital has changed visitor policy with swine flu - only me, dh, and my parents, and his parents are allowed in to visit. OK enough rant! LOL

So - has anyone heard from Emma?? Havent heard from her since her bump shrinkage issue!??! :hugs: Hoping your doing ok Emma!!
ohhhhh i'm so behind, sorry ladies! Just not been feeling the greatest....

I never did see anyone about the water leak and shrinkage issues, but bubs is doing fine, so i guess that puts my mind at ease - pains are getting more and more constant, anyone else gettin this? a day doesnt go by now where i get a strain of period pains, back ache or braxton hicks... the pressure i feel down below is pretty darn strong - I honestly feel like it could be any day now - does any one else feel like this or is it just me?

Hows the last week of work going Meerkat? how did your scan go today? made your decision about the swine flu jab yet? I dont think i'm getting it...

Hi Daisy, dont think i disagree with the hospital changing its policies, playing it safe! and its better to be safe than sorry, i would be quite happy if they told me no one could visit me, would make my life much easier! not having a good time with the blood pressure are ya?! i'm the opposite, its so low and i cant get it up! keep having dizzy spells and that and the midwife is so impressed with it shes unwilling to help the fact that it makes me feel so ill!

TTC - i'll PM ya shortly, think we all need someone in this thread on text should anyone go to hospital and we get to keep peeps updated! How nice that your mums coming over to help, should be a nice relief for the hubby!

Jaydee - glad your NCT classes went well and glad bubs is getting into position! I think youve had the easiest time out of everyone so far havent you!

Amerikiwi - so jealous on the surprise baby shower!!! how very nice of them! hope your hubby gets better soon!
Emma - thanks for pointing out that I've had the easiest time so far, probably means I've got the hard bit to come! I hope not. I did mean to PM you my mobile number, but kept forgetting, happy to exchange numbers if you want, just let me know.
Glad bubs is behaving a bit better now. I keep getting back ache (usually if I sit for too long) and lower leg cramps (usually when I'm laid down) but nothing too bad. Still can't figure out if I'm getting BH or if it's just bubs moving, either way, I notice it rather than get pain from it if you see what I mean.

Daisy - Sorry to hear your blood pressure isn't playing properly, at least they are saying 37 weeks now (which is classed as full term) rather than 35 or 36 - easy for me to say I know. In my head I'm preparing myself mentally for LO turning up anytime from 37 weeks onwards, just in case! We ordered the baby monitor last night because we found it cheap on amazon, that was the last thing we needed to buy, so I just need to pack my bag and we're good to go....
I agree with Emma, I'd rather only a few people were allowed in if they think swine flu is an issue. Not cos I think my friends/family would be irresponsible enough to come if they felt ill, but you can't guarantee the same for everyone else's visitors. I guess if you know you'll have your own room then it's not so bad, but I think on the ward in most UK hospitals you'll probably be in a room with maybe 1 or 2 other people so their visitors are near you as well.

Meerkat - hope the scan went well.

Well, after saying I thought he'd moved into position I think he might have moved over to the side again. Kicking away as ever :)

I'm going to try and do some Christmas shopping today, I really want to get it all done in the next week or two. I've got as far as wrapping paper and cards so far! Oh well, it's a start....
Hello lovelies -

We all seem to be going through the same types of things - braxton hicks, aches and pains and worries of is this it? It's reassuring to hear that i'm not the only one!!!

Emma - thanks for the number swap... and i'm so sorry to you all that you don't know my name!!

Thought i'd included this early on when we were showing faces but obviously not! So, a little background on me -Anywhoo i'm Keira and my picture is with my husband Lee (been together almost 10years now but only married for 18months). Completely and utterly still head over heals for the guy and this whole experience has brought us even closer. He's a typical male and tries to be really calm and cool about me complaining about pains or worrying that this may be 'it'!! (which is happening alot lately!!) He has never held a baby, changed a nappy and doesn't really connect with babies, but toddlers/school age is another story - he's the one throwing ball or playing hide and go seek with the young kids at gatherings!! Our baby was very much a planned event, and after a miscarriage early on we were over the moon when we fell pregnant immediately afterwards and got past that 'danger' period! It doesn't stop the worry that something may still go wrong, but i've realised that this is never going to end it's part of being a parent, and it starts before they're even born!!

I've decided that although i'm not worried about the labour and birth bit - only a little anxious about what it'll be like. I don't like the unknown, and not knowing when it's going to happen is freaking me out more than anything. Because we've been doing the nct classes i now have a good idea of what could happen during labour and birth and that's really calmed me... but i don't know when it will all kick off - and that worries me. Silly i know but every backache, twinge and period type ache (and there's alot of them!) i seem to freak myself out that maybe this is it. I'M 34WEEKS not 39 SO I SHOULDN'T BE THINKING LIKE THIS YET!

I'm due 25th December and all of my family live either in Australia or Ireland, and Lee's family are in Wales. So our visitors are likely to become stay over visitors rather than day ones, which can be nice but daunting at the same time. We invited my mum to come stay with us for as long as she can (she's a brilliant hands on mum, who knows when to step back or disappear for a while but you look around and dinner is cooking or a load of washing is on!) She's coming on the 20th Dec and staying until Feb, so she may be intime to come to the hospital with us or maybe not... (we have the option to ship her off to Ireland to visit other family if we want our own space in the NY)! Hubby is taking 2 weeks paternity leave after the baby is born. Not sure when Lee's family will want to visit - this could become a problem as we only have a 3 bedroom house so not room for them to stay over while my mum is here... will deal with that when the situation arrises! LOL

Anyway, i've taken up loads of space with me me me me me talk!! Just wanted to fill you in so you know me! (especially Emma, my text buddy!)

keira xx
PMed you my number JayDee! if you keep getting issues with leg cramps try upping your potassium intake, as thats what its a lack of, best things are spinach and bananas! but most green veggies are good!
Good luck on your xmas shopping, i'm all done and wrapped!! apart from mum! no idea what to get her, shes so awkward to buy for! i havent got cards yet either, i should do that at some point this week...

Keira - I'm sooo the same, its the fear of not knowing when its gonna happen that freaks me out, if i knew when it was i'm sure i'd deal with it all a bit better but nope! so every pain and ache is like "ohhhhh shit!" everybody i see thinks i'm gonna give birth early, they all reckon he'll be out within the next 3 weeks, this doesnt help!
Its nice to learn more about you!

Not sure what to do today, quite fancy a trip to gala! lol...hmmm... yep, think i shall do that! good luck to meeee!
Emma - my braxton hicks have been getting worse too - and more painful also - with cramps down low. This surprised me for some reason - wasnt ready for pain yet! Glad to hear things are going well with you (well as well as we can all hope for, right?!)

I agree with the hospital policy - and was glad for it til I thought of my brother being in town and the posibility of not seeing him. Well, if I make it to 37 weeks it won't be an issue - so I'll try to think positive! JayDee - we do all have a private room so that should help with visitors & spreading things around, but lots of people have come down with it where I live so they are being careful.

I spent yesterday stocking up on food - esp things that dh can make without my help (he is not the cook in the family - LOL.) Also snacks and soda for family and friends who I assume will be showing up at my house since they won't be allowed in the hospital. I also did more xmas shopping - I'm mostly done - basically dh's family needs a few more little touches but thinking I may make dh go do that part since they are after all his family! I also bought some nursing pj's (the top is very elastic so they pull down for nursing) and some more nursing bras (with no wire since last time I bought ones with a wire). I got talked into some nursing pads that stick to your chest vs. stick to your bra and after looking at the directions for washing them last night think I am going to take them back. The last thing I am going to want to bother with is correctly hand washing them daily - think the disposable ones will be easier. Bought the pad for changing diapers and covers for it also yesterday - I think one of the last items I needed. When I got home from shopping dh had been busy organizing and also got the carseat/stroller combo out of the box. So now just need to install the base - hopefully its not too hard!

Yes - 37 weeks is better but its still scary - seems like its so soon where Dec. 23rd seemed a little further away! As long as my baby is ok and healthy - thats all that matters!
Keira - what a nice idea to tell us your story. Don't think any of the rest of us have done that specifically, although it's probably all there somewhere on here! Most of us have buddied up on facebook as well if you want to join in...

My hubby is the opposite of yours in terms of worrying about aches and pains. Every time I flinch because baby kicks too hard (which happens pretty often cos I've not got much water) he looks concerned at me. I said I'm sure he'll know the difference between a kick and something more serious when it happens, promised I'll scream really loud rather than flinch and gasp - ha ha.
He's really sweet though, after a night out a couple of weeks ago when he, for some reason, panicked that baby would come when he was an hour's drive away and having had a drink so he couldn't drive back he's said he's not going to have any alcohol at all until baby is here. Personally I don't really mind, I was hoping he would do this in December, but hopefully baby is staying put for a few weeks yet!

Daisy - I'd forgotten about your brother being in town, it is annoying that he might not be able to come and see you and LO given he lives away. Maybe if you explain to the hospital they'll make an exception?
I don't think car seat bases are too hard to fit, my SIL seems to switch her seat belt one between cars quite often (it's been in 2 of hers, mine and MILs that I know of) and DH had no problems with putting the isofix one in ours.
It's sweet that you're stocking up on food for DH, I have a feeling, although mine can cook as well as/potentially better than me he'd use the excuse to live on take aways if I let him!

Emma - it's weird but I actually got some bananas when I went shopping on Monday, without even thinking about the potassium thing, I just fancied them. I guess there maybe is some truth in the "your body will tell you what it needs" theory after all. Not eaten any yet, so I'll see what happens when I do.
Great minds think alike eh Daisy, just done my stock up too! got it all delivered so i wasnt lumping bags so i think i'm set to go for a while now, cupboards are bulging!

JD - ooooh yeah, i guess your body does let you know, i had potassium issues when i did the Atkins diet quite a few years back, weird what you remember!

is anyone not doing the different washing powder for bubs? my sis in law is recommending that i dont, as she didnt with my neice and now she has great skin, whereas her other daughter is constantly having sensitive skin issues and she ensured to use the fairy stuff for her, prolly just a coincidence but wondered what you were doing.

Did my trip to gala yesterday and we won £85 each, weeeeeee, lol... something must of been telling me i was gonna win!
Realizing you are in the final box JayDee!!! Is that crazy or what?!? My dh would live on take away too if it were up to him. He could actually cook if he was forced to - the times he does actually cook (not just from a box) it is awesome - he just chooses not to take the time. So figured if I was busy with recovering and up all night with breastfeeding that if I had easy things he would be more likely to make that than serve me take away every morning, noon, and night. LOL

I was thinking the same thing with my milk habit - that my body is craving what I need. Whole 1st half of pregnancy I was craving tomatoes (fresh, sauce, juice, etc) which I am normally not a fan of! The whole last 1/2 I've been drinking milk like its going out of style. Hopefully the bananas do the trick for you!

I'd forgotten about facebook - LOL I think the pregnancy brain is a real thing.... when out shopping the other day I couldnt sign my last name for my credit card. How weird is that!?

I've been really emotional about my dh lately. He's been so awesome and this whole experience has just brought us closer together which I didnt realize was even possible. He is going to be an amazing dad and just thinking about it makes me get all choked up!
Emma - I'm using different washing powder - but mostly cause I like the smell! LOL It smells like babies.... I'm not planning on using it for long - probably a month or 2 or whenever I run out :shrug: Most babies would be fine with whatever soap you use - you will know if you need to switch (if he gets a rash, or is scratchy, etc)

Gala is casino?? :happydance: for winning $$!!
Ahhh! LOL Still think its funny the different words we use.... even "washing powder" is not a term we use over here !
Hello lovely Christmas mums!!

How's everyone doing? I have a midwife appointment today and hope that my latest glucose blood test comes back clear. After passing the first blood test, my last two pee tests have shown glucose so I had to have another blood test.

Jaydee, can't believe you're in the final box!! And Daisy, can't believe that you may be meeting your LO in two weeks!! In fact, I can't believe how quickly pregnancy has gone. Having said that, I'll probably go two weeks over due and be complaining that the pregnancy has lasted forever-lol.

I've decided to cook a bunch of meals and freeze them to avoid the takeaway habit after birth. My DH cooked at a restaurant for a couple years during his youth, so he knows how to cook but generally makes very large quantities when he decides to cook. I'm using that to our advantage now. Found a couple of good cookbooks ("Freezer Cooking" and "Once a Month Cooking") that give tips on what foods freeze well and how to organize a months worth of cooking into one day.

Emma, interesting you ask about the washing powder. I had planned on using the sensivite skin baby wash, but then I got a big baby sample pack yesterday and included in there was a sample of the normal washing powder that I usually use. It doesn't say anything about being for sensitive skin, but I wonder if maybe it is?

Keira and Daisy, come onto Facebook! I love that the UK ladies are getting texting sorted to keep us posted as you go into labour.

Jaydee, I understand about DH being worried about when labour will start. Mine was saying yesterday that he's worried he's forgetting what we learned in our antenatal classes. He was quite relieved when I told him we are meeting with the other parents this Saturday so we can compare notes on what everyone remembers. He then suggested that he should start practicing the massage techniques that they were taught more frequently! :happydance:

Keira, I know what you mean about visitors being longer term international. I'm lucky that all of DH's family lives within an hour but we live in NZ and my family is in the USA and Germany. We've decided to keep the guest bed in the nursery for the first 6 months to accomodate the visitors as bubs will be in our room during that time as well. What part of Aussie is your Mum?

Meerkat, how did your scan go?

Random note: We had a company gathering for DH's office the other day and there's 3 pregnancies in the office right now. All 3 of us are due within one week of each other. I wonder what was put into the water cooler during the first week in April?!
AK - a girl that I used to work with (and was at the time) is due a week before me, so whatever they put in your DH's water they must have put in ours as well, just a week earlier!
DH is also the same about forgetting everything, in fact, they asked last week what the biggest fear for the OHs was and they said forgetting what to do and seeing their us in pain and not being able to help - think that's quite sweet really. I keep saying to him (and myself) that people do it every day, and come back for more, so it can't be that bad (childbirth I mean).

Emma - I have bought some fairy washing stuff, and sensitive conditioner, it was on offer and it smells like baby :) I know that sounds silly but if you smell something that's been washed in it, it really does honest. MIL warned me that if stuff gets really mucky you might have to wash in normal stuff anyway, and if you want to, then wash in non bio to make it baby proof again.
Congrats on your bingo win - maybe you have a bit of this pregnancy psychic-ness that I seem to have as well...

Daisy - I can't believe I'm in the last box either, just noticed that myself :happydance:
I wonder which of us will be first to meet our baby? I guess if you get induced at 37 weeks it'll probably be you won't it? How exciting!

Well, I didn't manage to go shopping yesterday, my grandad died on Wednesday so I went round to help my nan with all the paperwork type things - she's not that great at stuff like that and my mum isn't much better either. I don't mind at all, it's nice to be able to help I suppose. Apparently she had all of her kids (4) without any pain relief (at home as well) as did my mum (2) (but in hospital) so I'm hoping that means I'll be able to cope relatively well - fx anyway....
So, I'm going to get dressed and go now before I start doing something else!

Got friends coming tonight, we're going to go out for a meal, probably the last time before we have baby sitting to worry about because they are going on holiday next weekend (alright for some, I'm not jealous - much!) Only problem is they have let me pick the restaurant, hope it's as nice as last time I went (about a year ago!)

Hope you all have nice weekends whatever you're doing x
JayDee - I'm sorry to hear about your grandad :hugs: Have fun tonight with your friends. It's weird thinking about babysitters isn't it? I had people offering to babysit at one of my baby showers & at the time I realized it was something that had never crossed my mind! LOL I've been so occupied with thinking about other aspects - wonder what else I haven't thought about?!?

AK - great idea about the freezer cooking! Something I hadn't even thought of - LOL That would be a good thing for me to be doing next week to try to keep myself busy and not thinking about childbirth! Also want to start my xmas decorating - cause it may be the best time I have to do it. If I have the baby in early Dec. I'm guessing the first few weeks will be kindof chaotic at my house!

Went and did some more shopping yesterday and then went and got my feet done. I stared at colors for a while then realized that I should have pink toes when I meet my little girl! So - they are the same pink color as all the baby stuff I have (that lighter pink color). Have my dr appt (again!!) so hopefully all goes ok. My blood pressure was high last night but lower again this morning. I kept checking it last night & almost called the hospital but after laying on my left side it went down by a lot so decided I could wait til this mornings appt. New dr - so hopefully he is in the loop & I dont have to reexplain everything again!
Jaydee, I'm so sorry to hear of your grandfather. :hugs: That's a good sign that the women of your family tolerate childbirth well. Have you decided your views on pain management during labour? I made my birthplan with mw yesterday and decided I'll see how long I can with gas and air and then go for the epi only if I request it. My sister and mum all went drug free with their births as well so hoping my family history helps as well.

Daisy, great idea to have pink toes to meet your little girl with! I wish I could take credit for the freezer cooking, but that was a great little tidbit that came out of my antenatal classes. I got the cookbooks from the library so I"m doing a big grocery shop and starting the cooking!

I got my blood test results from the mw and all is good on the glucose front. I'm still showing high levels in urine and it appears it's just a weird reaction that my body has during pregnancy. Instead of processing the sugar into my bloodstream, my kidneys are dumping it directly into urine. The huge sugar cravings are so that my blood sugar doesn't get too low since I only take a small percentage of what's ingested. Weird huh. I also got a referral for free antenatal swim classes! :thumbup: My midwife didn't even know they existed but were told about them in the antenatal classes so my midwife just followed my instructions on what needed to be said on the referral. :happydance:
Well my dr apt went well - blood pressure was the same - not great but not bad enough to be induced today! LOL Baby's heartrate was good during the nonstress test -she was kicking super hard at it! Even harder than on Tuesday - biggest movement I think I've ever seen from her! So new dr was good - better than expected. He says every day between now and 37 weeks is a good thing. Better odds of the baby not having to be in NICU. :thumbup: So he says we are buying time right now til 37 weeks. So guess that kindof makes it even more official that I'll be delivering in early Dec since I am 37 weeks on Dec. 2nd. So I'm supposed to take it easy & come in to the hospital if my blood pressure gets to crazy here at home. Tuesday I go in again to do another non-stress test, another ultrasound to measure fluid, and do my group-b strep test which they do around 36 weeks at my hospital.

Spent time wrapping presents today- hard to do with my bump in the way! Think I may have dh do the rest!

Trying to get facebook sorted - so if you see a request from Laura that is me!
I got ya Laura! :thumbup: what fluids do they measure? is it ya waters? i think i want one doing, do you think they'll let me request it? i want them to check that it was my waters that broke a couple of weeks back, i am positive it was not urine, came from wrong hole and it was uncontrollable! I dont want a dry birth!:wacko:

Sorry to hear of your grandfather JD :hugs: Have fun tonight!

Whats this thing about you lot wanting pain!?! just gas and air? you must be mad! lol my MW asked me what i would be wanting and i just said anything and everything just make it pain free!! lol

I want free antenatal swim classes!!!:cry:

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