Could use a buddy

Hey gals! No one's been on this for a year!!! I was just missing getting regular news about my crazy ladies. I hope everyone is doing great!
Wow, that's a long time! How is everyone? It'd be nice to have a little update from everyone. Hard to believe it's going on 3 years since we all 'met'.
Hi girls!

God I can't believe its been another year :O

Still no baby for us..... :( But we haven't been properly TTC for a long time now. I've been putting off the doctor for a while but now I am going pretty regularly and am waiting for the results of repeat blood tests at the moment. The problem on this end is that unless we are actively trying RIGHT NOW there isn't much the fertility doctors can do for us.... So I am unable to find out specifically if my tubes are blocked I would have to rule out everything else first. Silly NHS budget!

Anyway I'm still doing my nursing training and so I'm now in a tricky situation whether I carry on and complete my training or I go ahead and start the fertility process with the doctors. I'm scared if I leave it any longer things could get worse and more time will be wasted, but I also want to complete my training so I can practice as a qualified nurse instead of a care assistant. (MORE MONEY!) haha.

Anyway I kinda know for sure now that there's something up because 3 years is a LONG time. Never in a million years thought it would be this hard :(

How is everything going with everyone else? I am keeping up with you guys on facebook and I do think about you girls still and hope you are all doing well :)

P.S All the wee ones are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!

Treasured! It's so great to hear an update from you. I loved your Toronto vacation photos on Facebook and hope you had an amazing time here. I'm especially glad you got to try a Poutine!!!! I'm sorry to hear that you haven't found any answers and that they won't investigate without you actively trying. I hope that you do get your answers soon, but it also sounds like you have an amazing opportunity with nursing. It's so hard when you don't know what the future holds and I know what it feels like to have that time pressure with ttc. But I say do what feels right to you and don't worry about the clock.

I really can't believe it was March 2012 that we all came together on here. I will always be grateful for the amazing support from everyone. Those were some really dark times for me and I only got through it because of the crazy ladies.

Well some of you know from Facebook that my son Levi is going to be a big brother in March! I'm still actually shocked even though I'm 15 weeks pregnant. Now if you recall my doctor told me I would never ever be able to conceive naturally because of my poor egg quality and if I waited more than a year to try for IVF again, I had low chances of success since I technically have "old" ovaries. Over the summer I started to see lots of pregnant moms with toddlers and I felt sad that Levi would likely never have a sibling, but I was okay with that because we have him. I had accepted he would be an only child although we agreed to try IVF one more time down the road. I just wasn't emotionally ready now. My period returned in March and we started kind of ttcing in April. I wasn't charting just guessing when ovulation was. April and May were both BFNs so I had accepted it wasn't going to happen on it's own. In June I used an OPK and we tried a couple times during the + time. I didn't think much of it but started to feel a little off and had a late AF. I used one of those cheap strip HPT and it was negative, but when I checked later there was the faintest of lines. The same thing happened the next day. Finally I caved and bought a FRER. I felt foolish for buying it, so I completely fell off my chair when it was positive. So I'm not sure exactly how I got pregnant naturally but I am incredibly grateful. I am also very nervous to have two babies under the age of two and worry about how Levi will react, but I am thankful he will have a sibling! I kind of feel like I cheated here, by IVF wa a very hard experience and I am thankful I didn't have to go through it again.
Treasured I'm so glad you updated the crazy ladies! I have been missing hearing about you :hugs: It's so irritating that you can't get the full range of tests if you're not officially TTC, though it makes sense that they have specific funding etc. It sounds like a very tough decision but the one area where the "Don't worry, you're young" advice might apply is with your career! Can you defer your program if you decide to TTC? I 100% get wanting to get on with it so you can move up and earn more money and be more satisfied with your work, too. I have found it hard to walk away from my "career" and everything that goes along with that and I do feel like I've been out of the game a while so I might face trouble re-entering the workforce. I don't know about the UK, but in the states nurses are always in demand and taking a break hasn't affected the career of any nurses I know. Is it the same there?

Anyway, I am really glad you posted! Keep us updated about what you decide to do. It's a tough decision but you'll know what's right! :hugs:
Hi girls! Thank you for the supportive words! Sash I am soo amazed and happy that you were able to conceive naturally and it gives me such hope for the future :) I hope this is a great pregnancy!

Soo, OH and myself went to see the doctor today to get the result of my blood tests- which are all normal! We have suggested to get refered on to the fertility clinic :) OH is going back in a few weeks to have his bloods done and then our doctor will refer us! So the ball is rolling- although I have no expectation of anything happening straight away so I'm carrying on with my training regardless! I am able to take a year or two out of my training so have decided that that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Hopefully by the time anything happened I would only have 1 more year to go anyway :) I had an interview today for another job which allows me to do clinical support work while I am in university so hopefully that will allow me to save some money up in case I have to take time out!

Anyway that's our update for now bit would love to hear more from you all! Hope everyone's well xxx
:wave: so great to hear from you girly~~

i miss you crazy onesss~ :hugs: hope you are all doing well~ :hugs:
Well I'm sure it was a relief to get normal test results and also to be pushed through to a specialist! I imagine with a specialist you'll get a pinpointed reason pretty quick--let's hope so anyway :) It's great news you have so much flexibility with your program! And that you can pick up more work while you're studying.

Off topic but... does fall happen in Scotland? Like leaves changing? I imagine it does and that may be a silly question... :)
Yess it feels a bit better that things will be taken out of our hands a bit.

Yep we do Lauren, although not as pretty as it happens over there I don't think. Just gets really chilly! !!
Hello! Update:

So a bit of slightly surprising news from the doctors surgery when OH called to get his blood results. Everything is fine excent from his fsh levels which are slightly raised. Now I know I shouldn't go all panic stations but I completely freaked out. All I remember about fsh is that it can mean testicular failure in men. And OH has had problems in that area before due to testicular torsion :( . I have prepared myself this entire time for the problem to be me. I was the one that was broken. And now it could be somthing completely different? WHAT?! Obviously we don't know the extent of the problem and it could very well still be my issue but I am jumping way ahead of myself here and having terrible thoughts about how I might not have this problem if it wasn't for OH. How horrific of me. It just terrifies me cause I don't think there is much that can be done for testicular failure. It's confusing though cause I'm sure his last sperm test was normal I was sure. Hmm.

Anyway we have managed to book an appointment at the start of December and we will get refered to the fertility specialist who can go over all this in more detail! In the meantime I just need to stop over analysing and convince OH that he doesn't need to worry.

Easy :(.

Sorry for a rant! Hope everyone is ok! Xxx
Hi Treasured! I'm so glad you updated us. It makes sense that the news is shocking and upsetting. I have a friend whose body is perfectly capable of making babies but her husband was born without a thyroid and has basically zero sperm count, and I know how hard it's been for her knowing she could conceive herself just fine. Their difference is that she's always known it was her DH who had the problem--I can't imagine how helpless it would feel to find that out :hugs: It's good news that he had a normal sperm test and I feel like I remember you telling us about his good test, so perhaps it was a fluke! And slightly elevated doesn't necessarily mean testicular failure, right? I'm glad you have your specialist appointment and I hope they get to the root of it quickly and put your mind at ease. In the mean time, we are here!!!
I'm so glad to hear an update from you, Treasured. I wouldn't be too alarmed over slightly raised levels, although it is so easy to google this stuff and get panicked. It's great that you have an appointment so soon and can finally get some solid answers, then come up with a plan. The main thing is to find what is causing the problem and then deal with it from there, no matter who's problem it is. My husband works with an IVF mom who was a huge support to us when we went through IVF. Her husband has an extremely low sperm count, but they still found success through IVF. All it takes is one sperm and one egg!! This mom told me how she found it really hard to deal with when she found out her husband had the issue. She blamed his lifestyle of using hot tubs every day and drinking tons of diet coke as the cause of his extremely slow sperm. But they ended up having a beautiful little boy!

When I was told I had a low ovarian reserve, which basically means I have old ovaries, I was really upset and felt like it was game over. But there are so many solutions for a wide variety of problems. And eventually it just works when you find the right solution for you.

I'm excited to hear what your doctor has to say at your next appointment. Good luck and please keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you!
I'm thinking of you treasured. It's not easy hearing there's a problem anywhere but at least you are getting to the root of it now. Like Sashimi said, all it takes is one egg and one sperm so even if it's a low count, it's still very possible you'll end up with a baby. Hoping you are finding peace with the news so far and the information you find out next will be useful and promising!
Hey girls.

I have NO idea if anyone still uses this page but I just came on to read over my posts from years ago and thought I'd share an update :)

It's been an absolutely ridiculous amount of time since we started this page and so much has happened. I'm gutted that I've not been able to conceive naturally after all this time but I now know exactly what the cause is and am on the right road.

I've also completely finished my training and am now a fully qualified nurse, hope to be starting a new job in the next few months! So I guess at least if I hadn't had all these issues I never would have achieved that. (One positive thing haha)

Anyway, we decided to defer IVF for 6 months so that I could complete my course and we are now due to begin treatment with my November cycle! Since I last posted I have discovered I had blocked tubes and the fluid was poisining any potential egg that made it through, so I had an operation last November to remove one tube. The other was supposedly open but nothing has happened since then so I'm sceptical.

I'm pretty pissed cause all of this was due to complications with previous surgical adhesions and infection which could have maybe been avoided. But anyway I'm still vaguely positive. IF IVF is successful i will be monitored really closely as my womb is attached to my bowel with scar tissue and could cause a perforation during preganancy. Yay!

So that's me! Hope you ladies are all doing well and I'd love to hear from you al, if you read this!

Oh my gosh! I check this sometimes but it never ever says I have any new threads to read! Lauren mentioned you were trying to connect!
I am so glad you got some answers and have a plan. What a relief! And congrats to you on completing your nursing program and starting a new job. What an achievement!!!
Well you know that I went through IVF, so if you have any questions I'm happy to answer. I know it can be daunting when they describe these issues with scar tissue etc, but they will monitor you closely and it sounds like you are in good hands!!

We actually ran into my fertility doctor this summer at a sports store. It was totally random but we were with our boys and he was buying hockey equipment for his sons! We have often told Levi a special Doctor made it possible for him to be born. We were able to introduce Levi to this doctor who made his life possible and tell him how grateful we are! Sometimes I ask Levi what took him so long to be born. He says he was "too busy working on a computer." And it was "very annoying" when I kept calling him before he was ready. Lol!

Well treasured I am excited for you. I think babies all have a time they are supposed to be born and I think now will be the time for your baby to come. Please keep us all posted on what's happening with the IVF! I will be thinking of you!

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