I took 2 tests: digital but the big news was gone in 24 hours
, however it was a nice Easter present to my mother in law, we wraped it as a peresent and she thought it was a pen. Od course we had lots of hugs and tears! It was her last wish in her life. After 2,5 years of TTC everybody were hopeless.
Another test I took few days later in oreder to keep those two lines to remind me that I am preggo and show them to our child.
We couldn't make it to a second beta on time so we bought another digital which tells me weeks. I returned it cos we did beta and it won't make any difference.
I am so confused with all those due dates on computer. They give me different numbers.
I calculate myself I am 7weeks 5days gestation and 5weeks and 5days pregnant.
We have our first ultrasound tomorrow. I want to do transabdominal only, I hope we'll have a good view. I hope we'll get a right dates, finally!
My dr. puts gel in me, I don't want to have any gel in my vagina. I don't want to have any chances of infection.
I need only positive thoughts from you ladies, prayers and hope that everything is ok with my little one.
Sabster, how nice to hear your baby's heartbeat again!
Ladies how do you put a spoiler on your ticker? Thank you so much.
Since my BFP I grew some fat on my stomach and on my but. My pants got tight so I am putting those away.
I still afraid to exercise, I only walk. I still afraid to orgasm. Am I paranoid or what?