What is everyone's latest craft project they are working on?
I am just painting some cheapo Ikea shelves black to hang above my windows to put some breakables on, far out of Helena's reach, and I should work on my scrapbooks a bit.
Putting all the house decorating aside, I'm working on painting a toy box for Byron. It's midnight blue with yellow stars. Just simple because I couldn't afford to buy lots of different colours! But I'm using stencils for the stars which is a bit tricky. The box came cheap from Argos. It's going to be for Byron's birthday.
I'm also working on a large embroidery piece that's really time consuming! Actually I'm working on three!
I don't have photos so this is what they will look like.
I've been doing this one since before I was pregnant when I just stopped sewing completely: https://www.sewandso.co.uk/prodimagesh/35314h.jpg
I already made https://www.sewandso.co.uk/prodimagesh/46037h.jpg so now I'm making: https://www.sewandso.co.uk/prodimagesh/46035h.jpg
For my parents ruby anniversary I'm currently sewing https://www.sewandso.co.uk/prodimagesh/46039h.jpg
For Christmas last year I gave them https://www.sewandso.co.uk/prodimagesh/47997h.jpg and my first proper piece of embroidery was https://www.sewandso.co.uk/prodimagesh/179h.jpg