I have to temp and opk cause it puts mind mind at ease if i know (or at least believe) i have o'd.
I think i might be o'ing now cause i have ewcm and my cp is high and soft xxx I think talking to her might help i really do xx
Have some of the posts been removed from this group? It was 3 pages last night??
Probably because of all the negativiity and name calling etc.. That is not something onseers or newbies what to see or hear, they would be too scared to even post in fear of being attacked when all there trying to do is get help..
Lets just drop the subject and move foreward..
have a good day ladies![]()
Nope I think it's just on my end, it's just not showing all the posts. Weird.
Its because she had removed them from the thread and if this nonsense keeps up I'm pretty sure there will be other measures taken... so play nice...
Keep it TTC related please
Barring any major polyp, cyst, etc I will start Clomid with my next cycle. OH and I discussed this and we may go straight to IUI. We have just waited a long time and our insurance will cover it. Sooo...I will discuss this with my doc on Friday.
Did your doc give you any hint what he/she thinks? it would be so great to get some positive news!
Just the funny look on his face was enough... he knows I've been tryin for a while, on and off that is...It was priceless... I need some good news...
I hear good things about Clomid... I'm glad things are getting ironed out for ya, I know your time is real soon, I just know itThank you so much for your support, you've always been there for me
mysillygirls... i really hope clomid works for you. xx
This thread has a friggen bug or something, the only one that I go on that doesn't let me view the next posts.