Crazy symptom spotters wanted :) 5 BFP's so far!! Congrats ladies!

see thats how im feeling, a bit like im coming down with something. keep waking up to expect to have a full blown cold but then nothing? read something on one of these threads about a study that said even before baby implants ur body produces a hormone that lowers the immune system so it doesnt attack the baby. which is why so many women get ill during the tww. have to try post a link. was a good read.
dont despair hun. with one of my pregnancies i had no symptoms what so ever. really was sure i was out but then had a huge suprise. ya never know :)

Symptoms came back today! Have woke up with a raging headache and I keep getting heartburn late at night. Have a really bad gag reflex and when I changed my LO's nappy this morning, omg I thought I was going to be sick!

Have had 2 faint positives, but nothing I would consider a definite :BFP: which is why I am SO FRUSTRATED. However, I don't have any tests left now so it's tough boobies! I'm either pregnant or I'm waiting for AF to arrive, either way, it's up to nature now. The stress of doing a test every time I needed a wee was getting to me lol.
have u got any pictures of ur tests hun. i have very good line eyes lol
I have but nothing dark enough and no camera strong enough to pick it up very well =[ My phone camera is poxy and although I know where the line is and I can see it, no one else has said they are able to. =[
ah i wouldnt worry about that. us women have that instict to be able to see the lines before anyone else possibly can. doesnt mean they arent there.
Has the attachment worked?! This is the test from 2 days ago! We can see the line definitely, but when I showed my sister in law the photo she couldn't see it.


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i cant see it hun. but then my laptop is s**t so thats nothing to go by. have u tried using any other tests bar those 10mui ones? from my experiance they arent the best and lead to alot of upset and confusion.
I did use a different test but it was faulty! Might ask OH to buy me one today lol
This help? lol


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i would. if u look close enough on those tests there is always a slight line there, especially on the green handled ones rather than the blue. not saying thats whats happening in ur case but if u buy a different brand of test u may get a little reassurance and the line may come up clearer :)
lol Okay. Will have to wait and see what happens later =]
awww sorry hayleyums11, roll on next month for you!

Think I might be out too, hard to tell. Just starting feeling a bit crampy :wacko:

Might be over thinking it, but think its in my back which is actually a bit unusual for me but probably wishful thinking.
awww hayleyums im sorry. just count it as a clear out ready for ur bfp next month :) xx
I am hun also first proper period since stopping pill so I can't complain :)
maybe ur body does need that. at least u know that everything is in working order now ur off birth control and can really focus on ttc :)
Yes it was a relief now I no that everything works as I was on bc for nearly 8 years so I will be able to focus a bit better next month :)
it just sometimes takes ur body a while get back into the swing of things after being on bc for so long. but now u have had a proper af u can really go for it as it shows ur body is back to normal. i know how sad it can be though. just dont let it get u down :)

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