I'm two weeks late with all BFN. Anybody else ever have this happen to them and end up pregnant? I'm starting to lose all hope. I've had so many symptoms but every single test I've taken is BFN except for maybe 2 very faint positives. I'm so confused. I just want AF to show up so I can start over, or I want to see a BFP on a stick so I can start making appointments and getting ready for a little one!!! This is just so frustrating! I think I'm going to go and try getting a blood test done!
Opinions on this? I really don't think I can even consider thinking I'm pregnant anymore.
Symptoms I've been feeling: nausea, bloating/firm stomach, white discharge, sore nipples, extremely tired, non stop cravings for fruit, heartburn, back pain, stretching/slight cramp feeling in lower abdomen, gassy