Current *Possible* Miscarriage Buddies

hi guys, thanks Misfit76 for showing me this thread.
well i found out last week that im pregnant for the second time.... i miscarried in january with my first pregnancy and we were really excited about it, last night i went to the toilet and found brown discharge (sorry for tmi) there was quite a lot of it. this is how my first miscarridge started so obviously im very concerned.
as the night went on it seems to have gotten lighter but i dont know if this is because i have just been sitting down and lying down all night. im really not sure what to do.....i have my first midwife appointment on tues and i dont know whether to go or not or to try and arrange a doctors appointmt for monday? im so confused and upset. dont want this to be happening again!
best wishes to you all. so sorry for your losses.
hi guys, thanks Misfit76 for showing me this thread.
well i found out last week that im pregnant for the second time.... i miscarried in january with my first pregnancy and we were really excited about it, last night i went to the toilet and found brown discharge (sorry for tmi) there was quite a lot of it. this is how my first miscarridge started so obviously im very concerned.
as the night went on it seems to have gotten lighter but i dont know if this is because i have just been sitting down and lying down all night. im really not sure what to do.....i have my first midwife appointment on tues and i dont know whether to go or not or to try and arrange a doctors appointmt for monday? im so confused and upset. dont want this to be happening again!
best wishes to you all. so sorry for your losses.
Amy, I'm so sorry. I miscarried in November and just had it happen again last week. Since you are only spotting brown, then hopefully it will stop! I would just stay off your feet and try to rest. If you can get an appointment on Monday, that might make you feel better :hugs:
I really need to know how far along you are in order to be of any help. There are some women who get a period or two in early pregnancy and thats why they did not know they were pregnant. Also on the other hand you could have a blighted Ovum like me and most women dont know they have those either because they miscarry as soon as they find out they are pregnant or not at all and they just think their period was late. If your HCG level is at 5...I am not so sure you are pregnant. But I dont know how far along you would be either. I was 6 weeks pregnant measuring under 4 weeks as well with a empty sac. You can also have a thik lining for a couple months. I was told after my miscarriage I could expect to have a heavy couple of periods to get rid of all the lining.

Yeah.. I'm kind of going with I'm not pregnant, especially since i had positive hpt's, and now nothing. I'm assuming that the levels already went down and that I miscarried. that makes more sense since you mentioned that you were told it could take a while to get rid of the lining. I'm not sure exactly how far along I would be If I was.. my periods have been a bit irregular the last few months (coming early or late) I guess the only way I will have a definite answer is just to wait.
With the positive tests, you definitely were pregnant. It sounds like you may have had a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). I hope that is not the case, but that is REALLY low HCG if it is under 5. Are they having you come back for another scan in a week?
I really need to know how far along you are in order to be of any help. There are some women who get a period or two in early pregnancy and thats why they did not know they were pregnant. Also on the other hand you could have a blighted Ovum like me and most women dont know they have those either because they miscarry as soon as they find out they are pregnant or not at all and they just think their period was late. If your HCG level is at 5...I am not so sure you are pregnant. But I dont know how far along you would be either. I was 6 weeks pregnant measuring under 4 weeks as well with a empty sac. You can also have a thik lining for a couple months. I was told after my miscarriage I could expect to have a heavy couple of periods to get rid of all the lining.

Yeah.. I'm kind of going with I'm not pregnant, especially since i had positive hpt's, and now nothing. I'm assuming that the levels already went down and that I miscarried. that makes more sense since you mentioned that you were told it could take a while to get rid of the lining. I'm not sure exactly how far along I would be If I was.. my periods have been a bit irregular the last few months (coming early or late) I guess the only way I will have a definite answer is just to wait.
With the positive tests, you definitely were pregnant. It sounds like you may have had a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). I hope that is not the case, but that is REALLY low HCG if it is under 5. Are they having you come back for another scan in a week?
I will be getting some more blood work on Monday to see if my hcg levels have risen at all. Probably not another scan unless they do.

It is just like a roller coaster ride for me at the moment. All last night I was trying to prepare myself and accept that my baby is gone. And then I wake up this morning feeling sea sick, much more and I would be puking... Which gets my hopes yet again. Nothing like telling yourself all night the baby is gone, and then waking up to the same type of nausea I had with my first.
I really need to know how far along you are in order to be of any help. There are some women who get a period or two in early pregnancy and thats why they did not know they were pregnant. Also on the other hand you could have a blighted Ovum like me and most women dont know they have those either because they miscarry as soon as they find out they are pregnant or not at all and they just think their period was late. If your HCG level is at 5...I am not so sure you are pregnant. But I dont know how far along you would be either. I was 6 weeks pregnant measuring under 4 weeks as well with a empty sac. You can also have a thik lining for a couple months. I was told after my miscarriage I could expect to have a heavy couple of periods to get rid of all the lining.

Yeah.. I'm kind of going with I'm not pregnant, especially since i had positive hpt's, and now nothing. I'm assuming that the levels already went down and that I miscarried. that makes more sense since you mentioned that you were told it could take a while to get rid of the lining. I'm not sure exactly how far along I would be If I was.. my periods have been a bit irregular the last few months (coming early or late) I guess the only way I will have a definite answer is just to wait.
With the positive tests, you definitely were pregnant. It sounds like you may have had a chemical pregnancy (early miscarriage). I hope that is not the case, but that is REALLY low HCG if it is under 5. Are they having you come back for another scan in a week?
I will be getting some more blood work on Monday to see if my hcg levels have risen at all. Probably not another scan unless they do.

It is just like a roller coaster ride for me at the moment. All last night I was trying to prepare myself and accept that my baby is gone. And then I wake up this morning feeling sea sick, much more and I would be puking... Which gets my hopes yet again. Nothing like telling yourself all night the baby is gone, and then waking up to the same type of nausea I had with my first.

Doesnt it suck being in limbo? I was in limbo for over a week before I started my miscarriage. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing that you may or may not lose your pregnancy. I am so sorry for you.
hi guys, thanks Misfit76 for showing me this thread.
well i found out last week that im pregnant for the second time.... i miscarried in january with my first pregnancy and we were really excited about it, last night i went to the toilet and found brown discharge (sorry for tmi) there was quite a lot of it. this is how my first miscarridge started so obviously im very concerned.
as the night went on it seems to have gotten lighter but i dont know if this is because i have just been sitting down and lying down all night. im really not sure what to do.....i have my first midwife appointment on tues and i dont know whether to go or not or to try and arrange a doctors appointmt for monday? im so confused and upset. dont want this to be happening again!
best wishes to you all. so sorry for your losses.

If you are only bleeding brown I wouldn't jump off the deep end just yet. Lots and lots of women bleed dark brown blood early on in pregnancy and go on to have a healthy baby. I did have light brown discharge before my miscarriage but it didnt last long before my actually miscarriage started. I called my OB at like midnight and she told me there was nothing they could do or that the ER could do even if I was having a miscarriage. She didnt seem concerned at all because bleeding is so common. Are you having any cramps? I think the big thing is cramping with bleeding. Just keep us posted and I hope that the bleeding is normal. If you have a scan on Tuesday you should be okay to wait. I couldnt wait so I went to the ER. Thats when I found out I had a empty sac :-(
Hi....Yup....the scan showed 'no evidence of the previously seen pregnancy'. So I am indeed miscarrying. Had a really huge horrible clot on fri...but bleeding really light now, and I think the clots have all finished. So, lucky I'm not in pain...just feel so so shit really.:hugs:
Limbo really sucks. My boobs still hurt!! Still have nausea. How are we supposed to be convinced that our babies are gone, if we still feel pregnant??

The funny thing is, I never had a cramp or any pain whatsoever, throughout my miscarriage. Even now, the pills they gave me to take are supposed to force the rest of it out :cry: , thus making me bleed excessively, but I'm not having too much bleeding. Still red. I'm also supposed to be getting clots and I'm not getting those. It's just so weird..

Even though I'm mourning for my little bean, I still really want to try for another. It's not fair that we have to wait...
Limbo really sucks. My boobs still hurt!! Still have nausea. How are we supposed to be convinced that our babies are gone, if we still feel pregnant??

The funny thing is, I never had a cramp or any pain whatsoever, throughout my miscarriage. Even now, the pills they gave me to take are supposed to force the rest of it out :cry: , thus making me bleed excessively, but I'm not having too much bleeding. Still red. I'm also supposed to be getting clots and I'm not getting those. It's just so weird..

Even though I'm mourning for my little bean, I still really want to try for another. It's not fair that we have to wait...

Im glad im not the only one who isnt convinced. It is really hard to accept that this has/is hapenning wile having symptoms that say otherwise. I feel like i constantly have to remind myself and convince myself.

I am very sorry for your loss, but i just know we will move forward and eventually have our precious baby...hopefully soon :) baby dust to you
Well just when I thought it was over for me and I could get back to normal. Or at least close to it. I started bleeding and cramping again today like a regular period. Could it be that I am having my period? I was told that I should expect my period in 4-6 weeks but has it ever happened sooner for anyone? Or is this just a extension of my miscarriage. I had gotten down to spotting so lightly (Dark brown) I only needed a panty liner and now I am like a regualt period again 3 days later. Ugh!!!!!!11
Hi misfit.
We wen't trying, we had a baby in november, and he was stillborn at full term, and we wern't sure if we wanted anymore, but we didn't do anything to stop it. So the inevitable happened, and I was happy to begin with, but have been really stressed the last few weeks.
I am actually much more upset than I thought I would be. They didn't offer me any pills or anything ( a small bit of sympathy, but as I was obviously so upset, I can't believe they didn't offer for me to go and sit in a room for a bit, or chat to anyone, I was just sent on my way with no support, and I had to walk past so many people while I was sobbing my stupid heart out. I felt so so silly for not being able to stay in control and act normal.)...the scan said it was a complete miscarriage....But a small part of me,well, I'm still wondering if maybe they just couln't see the heartbeat because of all the blood? Maybe I am still preg? But I know this isn't true. I know I have miscarried.....I just don't get it. After what happened in can anything else go wrong? but it has, and it hurts so much. I have woke up with real bad lower back pain again this morning...guessing thats all part of it.:cry:
s4m4nth4 -

:hugs:I am so, so sorry for your losses. Honestly, I can not even imagine how you must feel and wish that I could just give you a big, huge hug :hugs:

Take care of yourself hun, you need it and deserve it, and my thoughts are with you
Hi misfit.
We wen't trying, we had a baby in november, and he was stillborn at full term, and we wern't sure if we wanted anymore, but we didn't do anything to stop it. So the inevitable happened, and I was happy to begin with, but have been really stressed the last few weeks.
I am actually much more upset than I thought I would be. They didn't offer me any pills or anything ( a small bit of sympathy, but as I was obviously so upset, I can't believe they didn't offer for me to go and sit in a room for a bit, or chat to anyone, I was just sent on my way with no support, and I had to walk past so many people while I was sobbing my stupid heart out. I felt so so silly for not being able to stay in control and act normal.)...the scan said it was a complete miscarriage....But a small part of me,well, I'm still wondering if maybe they just couln't see the heartbeat because of all the blood? Maybe I am still preg? But I know this isn't true. I know I have miscarried.....I just don't get it. After what happened in can anything else go wrong? but it has, and it hurts so much. I have woke up with real bad lower back pain again this morning...guessing thats all part of it.:cry:

I find myself doing the same thing. Since my doctor refused to give me a scan, I often catch myself wondering if I could still be pregnant. I know its not possible because my betas are reducing. But I know how you feel. I am so sorry to hear about your birth on November. That had to be horrid. I cannot imagine the agony. I also know what you mean about the lack of support. I was not offered any suport either. I would likely have not taken it, but I still think it should have been offered to me. I didnt know how to cope. My method is just moving forward like a train. I got some baby chicks (Already planned) which helped sooth me a lot. I thought about getting a puppy but my husband encouraged me not to because we were going to start trying again for a baby soon. God I love him. So I got a bottle baby goat instead. I am just tyring to fill my life with furr babies. Its helping to distract me. I cannot wait to start trying again. The sooner, the better.
Well, the results are in...

My doctor reviewed the u/s scan and says that I have a small cyst in my endometrium, and a small cyst on my right ovary. that is all.... no baby... very sad right now but I guess I just gotta keep trying right.
Well, the results are in...

My doctor reviewed the u/s scan and says that I have a small cyst in my endometrium, and a small cyst on my right ovary. that is all.... no baby... very sad right now but I guess I just gotta keep trying right.

I'm sorry hun. i had a small cyst on my right ovary as well. Are you going to start trying right away? We are. If I can ever stop bleeding!
Well, the results are in...

My doctor reviewed the u/s scan and says that I have a small cyst in my endometrium, and a small cyst on my right ovary. that is all.... no baby... very sad right now but I guess I just gotta keep trying right.

I'm sorry hun. i had a small cyst on my right ovary as well. Are you going to start trying right away? We are. If I can ever stop bleeding!

I've had a few minutes to cry and think, and heres whats going on for me. I apologize ahead of time if this sounds stupid.

I have been trying to prepare myself for this for quite a few days, and I know that half of me was expecting to be told bad news. But ontop of the sadness, I'm also feeling a bit of insult to injury. I remember when I found out I was preg with my first LO, they found a cyst on my ovary and told me that its normal in early pregnancy - before you develop a placenta, this cyst actually works as such. Thats the only other time i've had any kind of cysts. So I just happen to have a cyst on my ovary again.... and also have a cyst in my endometrial lining, where a baby implants to, correct?

I have accepted that my baby is no longer with me.
But I feel like they are calling my baby a cyst.
They never once admitted that I had a miscarriage, though there is no way that I got 5 + BFP's, followed stringy blood and clots and the works...
I just wish that my angel was acknowledged, and not just amounted to a cyst. does this make sense?

I am lucky I have such a great husband. He told me our little one is in heaven with their grandma :sad2:
Hi misfit.
We wen't trying, we had a baby in november, and he was stillborn at full term, and we wern't sure if we wanted anymore, but we didn't do anything to stop it. So the inevitable happened, and I was happy to begin with, but have been really stressed the last few weeks.
I am actually much more upset than I thought I would be. They didn't offer me any pills or anything ( a small bit of sympathy, but as I was obviously so upset, I can't believe they didn't offer for me to go and sit in a room for a bit, or chat to anyone, I was just sent on my way with no support, and I had to walk past so many people while I was sobbing my stupid heart out. I felt so so silly for not being able to stay in control and act normal.)...the scan said it was a complete miscarriage....But a small part of me,well, I'm still wondering if maybe they just couln't see the heartbeat because of all the blood? Maybe I am still preg? But I know this isn't true. I know I have miscarried.....I just don't get it. After what happened in can anything else go wrong? but it has, and it hurts so much. I have woke up with real bad lower back pain again this morning...guessing thats all part of it.:cry:

I find myself doing the same thing. Since my doctor refused to give me a scan, I often catch myself wondering if I could still be pregnant. I know its not possible because my betas are reducing. But I know how you feel. I am so sorry to hear about your birth on November. That had to be horrid. I cannot imagine the agony. I also know what you mean about the lack of support. I was not offered any suport either. I would likely have not taken it, but I still think it should have been offered to me. I didnt know how to cope. My method is just moving forward like a train. I got some baby chicks (Already planned) which helped sooth me a lot. I thought about getting a puppy but my husband encouraged me not to because we were going to start trying again for a baby soon. God I love him. So I got a bottle baby goat instead. I am just tyring to fill my life with furr babies. Its helping to distract me. I cannot wait to start trying again. The sooner, the better.

How soon are you going to try? I've been trying to find out when I can start trying again, but my doctors won't tell me anything.

Btw, I went to the doctor yesterday. They did an ultrasound and checked my HCG levels in both blood and urine. They are dropping (2300 thursday, 320 yesterday). Monday getting another test to make sure it gets to 0. I thought the bleeding was gone, but I guess I'm just spotting now.
Hi misfit.
We wen't trying, we had a baby in november, and he was stillborn at full term, and we wern't sure if we wanted anymore, but we didn't do anything to stop it. So the inevitable happened, and I was happy to begin with, but have been really stressed the last few weeks.
I am actually much more upset than I thought I would be. They didn't offer me any pills or anything ( a small bit of sympathy, but as I was obviously so upset, I can't believe they didn't offer for me to go and sit in a room for a bit, or chat to anyone, I was just sent on my way with no support, and I had to walk past so many people while I was sobbing my stupid heart out. I felt so so silly for not being able to stay in control and act normal.)...the scan said it was a complete miscarriage....But a small part of me,well, I'm still wondering if maybe they just couln't see the heartbeat because of all the blood? Maybe I am still preg? But I know this isn't true. I know I have miscarried.....I just don't get it. After what happened in can anything else go wrong? but it has, and it hurts so much. I have woke up with real bad lower back pain again this morning...guessing thats all part of it.:cry:

I'm so sorry. I cannot imagine what this may be like for you. I felt the same way... However I did get too much sympathy. It was like they were more worried about me falling apart rather than explaining what was going on. OH felt like they should have tried for the heartbeat. All weekend, he kept asking me about my bleeding and asking questions like "why didn't you have cramping?". I think he's finally getting used to the idea, as horrible it is. You are in my prayers :flower:
Well, the results are in...

My doctor reviewed the u/s scan and says that I have a small cyst in my endometrium, and a small cyst on my right ovary. that is all.... no baby... very sad right now but I guess I just gotta keep trying right.

I'm sorry hun. i had a small cyst on my right ovary as well. Are you going to start trying right away? We are. If I can ever stop bleeding!

I've had a few minutes to cry and think, and heres whats going on for me. I apologize ahead of time if this sounds stupid.

I have been trying to prepare myself for this for quite a few days, and I know that half of me was expecting to be told bad news. But ontop of the sadness, I'm also feeling a bit of insult to injury. I remember when I found out I was preg with my first LO, they found a cyst on my ovary and told me that its normal in early pregnancy - before you develop a placenta, this cyst actually works as such. Thats the only other time i've had any kind of cysts. So I just happen to have a cyst on my ovary again.... and also have a cyst in my endometrial lining, where a baby implants to, correct?

I have accepted that my baby is no longer with me.
But I feel like they are calling my baby a cyst.
They never once admitted that I had a miscarriage, though there is no way that I got 5 + BFP's, followed stringy blood and clots and the works...
I just wish that my angel was acknowledged, and not just amounted to a cyst. does this make sense?

I am lucky I have such a great husband. He told me our little one is in heaven with their grandma :sad2:

This makes complete sense. They should have acknowledged your baby. I'm sure its not a cyst. They just don't like being clear about things. I'm sorry for your loss. Just remember we all here for support. :hugs:
Hi misfit.
We wen't trying, we had a baby in november, and he was stillborn at full term, and we wern't sure if we wanted anymore, but we didn't do anything to stop it. So the inevitable happened, and I was happy to begin with, but have been really stressed the last few weeks.
I am actually much more upset than I thought I would be. They didn't offer me any pills or anything ( a small bit of sympathy, but as I was obviously so upset, I can't believe they didn't offer for me to go and sit in a room for a bit, or chat to anyone, I was just sent on my way with no support, and I had to walk past so many people while I was sobbing my stupid heart out. I felt so so silly for not being able to stay in control and act normal.)...the scan said it was a complete miscarriage....But a small part of me,well, I'm still wondering if maybe they just couln't see the heartbeat because of all the blood? Maybe I am still preg? But I know this isn't true. I know I have miscarried.....I just don't get it. After what happened in can anything else go wrong? but it has, and it hurts so much. I have woke up with real bad lower back pain again this morning...guessing thats all part of it.:cry:

I find myself doing the same thing. Since my doctor refused to give me a scan, I often catch myself wondering if I could still be pregnant. I know its not possible because my betas are reducing. But I know how you feel. I am so sorry to hear about your birth on November. That had to be horrid. I cannot imagine the agony. I also know what you mean about the lack of support. I was not offered any suport either. I would likely have not taken it, but I still think it should have been offered to me. I didnt know how to cope. My method is just moving forward like a train. I got some baby chicks (Already planned) which helped sooth me a lot. I thought about getting a puppy but my husband encouraged me not to because we were going to start trying again for a baby soon. God I love him. So I got a bottle baby goat instead. I am just tyring to fill my life with furr babies. Its helping to distract me. I cannot wait to start trying again. The sooner, the better.

How soon are you going to try? I've been trying to find out when I can start trying again, but my doctors won't tell me anything.

Btw, I went to the doctor yesterday. They did an ultrasound and checked my HCG levels in both blood and urine. They are dropping (2300 thursday, 320 yesterday). Monday getting another test to make sure it gets to 0. I thought the bleeding was gone, but I guess I'm just spotting now.

I asked my doctor how soon I could start trying again and my doctor is very straight forward. She said that they commonly tell women to wait 3 months but that is more for emotional reasons. She said that we could tray again right away once I was done bleeding. I am still spotting so I am still waiting. Going on 3 weeks of bleeding. By the time I stop bleeding, I will get my period.

So I think if you are emotionally ready you ca try again after a few weeks. I think it was easier for me because I had a blighted ovum so I was really mourning the loss of a pregnancy, not the loss of a baby. Not that I am saying those who have had a blighted ovum shouldn't mourn. This is just how I feel personally. I am ready to go right NOW!!!! I went to have my HCG levels checked today and because I got stuck in traffic, The lab closed. So I have to go back tomorrow.

So here is hoping for a 0 tomorrow for HCG.

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