Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Big :hugs: rach. I agree with Helen, set your self a date to reassess. It's not worth making yourself stressed and unhappy. You have done so well xxx bum wise I'd head ack to gp and discuss it. With reuseables you could ask the council if they do any schemes for free starter ones. I know my council does give ones away for free and offer discounts on them too to encourage reusables. Not sure what the most sensitive throw aways are.

Helen go ollie for his 3rd tooth! How has he been teething wise? And 6 months!! Wow!! Glad you had a nice day! Does it feel like it's flown by?

Had lunch put today at nandos, lady said table for 2 and a pram, we said yes, and all was fine! Just popped us in the corner. It was yummy! Gotta write a list tomorrow for things to pack in car Wednesday. I'm bridesmaid on Thursday and it's an early start as need to get to venue by 9, and gotta go round m25 a bit. Then we are going to my mums on Friday straight from there, so got weekend to pack for too.
it has flown for sure! Although haven't had a full nights sleep in over a year - pg insomnia first and Ollie not being a sttn type of a chap - I would kill for a good 8 hour sleep! But teething - not as bad as i expected - he is off on some days and drools and might not sleep as well.
Happy half birthday Ollie.

Rach - do you want me to send you some of the cream I use over here. It's fab! Otherwise head back to the doctor if there is no improvement. We go through alot as mummies don't we. Your doing great though try to remember that.

We are ok here going back to the BF clinic tomorrow. I thought livi was doing better with her weight she has put on 11oz since the last BF app. Got her weighed yesterday for the first time in 10 days and she is losing weight again. She still absolutely flat out refuses formula but will take breast milk from the bottle. Am going to ask for advice and try and get some meds to see if they help.
Hope you can sort something for Livis feeding Jo. It must be worrying when they lose weight but she'll gain it all back as soon as you find a fix

Whats the cream you have there, do you know what the main ingredients are. Thank you so much for offering to send me some! v v kind.
Hope you get some advice tomorrow jo at bf clinic. I'm sure she will puck the weightback up, but it must be so worrying. Big :hugs: She seems to certainly like the taste of bm only, will she try the formula then realise it's not bm and then refuse? Or can she tell before even tasting it? Hopeforly they will have some good advice to help you both xxx

bit of a rubbish start to my day today. After losing my extra hour sleep I get after foley has his morning feed due to my new shed being delivered at a stupid hour, I found my guenia pig passed away in her cage. It was a real shock, she was only 2 and had been out running around the floor the night before when I cleaned them. Felt bad as I was so tired yesterday I didn't give her a cuddle like I normally do before she goes back. Think the tiredness didn't help. Hoping for good nights kip tonight as gotta get up at 6 30 to get to my friends wedding venue for 9 for bridesmaid prep.

Hope everyone is well xx
Had the BF clinic appointment and am a bit confused to be honest about what to do, at the last appointment which was at the start of the month ish she was 13lb5oz, today she was 14lb3oz which I am quite happy with as its 3oz heavier than monday. However she is still falling off on the growth chart, so the doctor is still concerned. She told me to stop pumping as I have no milk to spare and it should all be going to her via BF, she told me to stop stressing about giving formula as its not working, and she told me that she wasnt going to start any medication because she really doesn't think it will work and its a big dose to take for no result which I agree with.

Her recommendation was to start rice cereal twice a day despite the fact that its 4 weeks too early and also to give some liquid via a cup. She wants to see me again in 2 weeks to assess how things are going again.

I had rice cereal at home so I decided to take the doctors advice even though its not the magic 6 months. She had the started amount of cereal at lunch time and she just experimented with it, spitting it out mainly as expected. I tried the cereal again at dinner time the same small amount and she ate the entire lot so not bad for her 2nd ever feed. Will BF as normal and do the x2 cereal and see what happens at next weigh in.

I know she hasn't been getting enough because a few times a week there are red urate crystals in her diaper which means she is a bit dry. I feel so bad for her, I hate to think she is hungry and she might have been hungry for months and there is nothing I can do for her. I have been so worried about her and I hate how my body just doesn't work. I am happy to start feeding her as its evident she wants it since she ate the entire amount at dinner time.

I am quite pleased about her weight though. She has put on quite a bit I think since the last appointment.

Rachel - The cream I use on bums is called bumbum balm. I used it from day 1 on Euan and have been using it on Olivia too and they never had nappy rash, slight redness yes but it was gone the next day. I don;t know if its the cream or if I am just lucky. Alot of my friends use the same cream and it was given to me as a gift pre Euan being born. How is his bottom getting on?
The ingredients in the balm are : coconut oil, pure unbleached beeswax, organic jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, organic calendula oil (infused in sunflower oil), Cocoabutter, Vitamin E oil (derived from pure Soybean oil), pure Lavender essential oil. It smells lovely and is kinda the same consistency as vaseline but not as thick and it goes a long long way. Let me know if you want some am more than happy to send.

Lou how was the wedding?
Am on the 3rd day of rice cereal and it seems to be hit or miss if she takes it or not. I dont think she is ready for eating properly but going to try and get a wee bit in each time its better than nothing.
Hope your all well and planning a good weekend.
She's doing great Jo :hugs: When she growth spurts is she waking more in the night? Is she demanding more feeds?

I think Ollie is either growth spurtinng or it's his teething ( he's getting a 4th tooth as well - not the top centre rigiht to match his left one but the other side of top centre right iykwim ) but the last 3 nights have been awful with lots of wakings - been v jealous of oh's sleep!

Helen no she never asks to be fed and I have noticed no changes when she has had her growth spurts. The 6 month one will be coming up soon. She cries when she is tired but that's about it.
This morning I woke at 7.30 she fed last at 12.15 I hear her for about 10m before I get her she is babbling and giggling and when I look at her she is on her tummy up on her hands just waiting and gives a huge smile. No ok get me up mum I'm starved. She gets a www bit frantic when she is in position but mainly just moving her head around and hands trying to get the nipple in faster.
Maybe step up the bf again - to increase your supply. It might help - when Ollie growth spurts there are def more night feeds....
Morning ladies,

I'm back in the land if wifi. The 3g connection was terrible at the wedding venue then was all go at my mums. Glad to be home in my bed. Woke at half 6 and couldn't get back to kip, just listening to dh and foley sleep. Foley just yawned so think he's stirring!

Wedding was good jo, tiring though. Managed to just about fit in the feeds and get him through. Toast mistress asked if I wanted to feed at the back in the speechs, which I replied that would be quite a sight as my dress needs to come off! Was quite surprised that everyone I spoke to presumed I was bottle feeding. Managed to settle him in the room and get back down for 2 hours of dancing in evening too.

Jo How's she been doing on the rice over the weekend? Sounds like she is doing well giving it a try and experimenting with it. Did the doctor say how much she should be having or to up the bf at all? did you say she only crys when tired not when hungery? You could try offering boob at more intervals during day see if she wants it? Or does she not seem hungery when you do?

Helen been up to anything nice this weekend?
Just avoiding the heat - I would love to move to Scotland - the 18-20 degrees is my max and I think I am more suited to that climate!! I just wilt when it gets over 20 degrees - I don't see what the deal is - whenever it gets to the high temps everyone complains that it's too hot anyway!!

Glad you enjoyed the wedding Lou - and well done on managing the feeds - it's hard when you're out sometimes.....

We're introducing a 2nd meal in a day for Ollie today - so now he is having fruit for breakie and porridge for dinner - going to be doing the loaded spoon thing - fxd it's not tooo messy!!

Glad the wedding and the feeding went well Lou.

When I try to feed her more she turns her head away a lot. Dr said to give small amount of rice cereal twice a day. She iis liking it though had to give her a wee bit extra at dinner time not thinking she would eat it all she did. We will see if it makes any difference in 2 weeks.
Fxd the rice does the trick - maybe she is ready for it - am sure I read something about weight loss or plateau being a sign too.

Ollie fed himself his porridge - we gave him loaded spoons and he found his mouth straight away - and couldn't get enough!! :happydance:

I think she is well ready for it. This morning at breakfast Steven fed her for the first time. She was really excited knowing what was coming, the entire lot was swallowed, nothing was spat out at all.

Both kids still napping and its 5.30pm need to go and get Olivia up so I can feed her, and then will get Euan up. We are going to have dinner and either go for a swim at our pool or head out for a walk.

We have discovered Geocaching and going to give it a go. I had never heard of it before until recently but it sounds like fun! We tried to find one this afternoon close to the house but couldn't find it and there are tonnes more close by.

Well done Ollie on feeding, its fantastic when all these things start to happen.
What's geocaChing jo?

Do glad she's enjoying it, should like she was ready for it! Must be so nice seeing her so excited for tea time! Has it got hot out there now? I'd love going for evening swims!

Well done ollie feeding himself! Know what you mean Helen boutthe heat, I can do it ok in the shade, too hot for me out and about. I'm hoping it doesn't get any hotter than this!

Dh back driving himself to work today. We have sorned the other car as it needs loads of work so being a 1 car house for a while. Got dogs yearly jabs today, and foleys 8 week ones tomorrow! Hoping they both be good!
good luck to Foley for his jabs Lou :hugs:

Well Ollie is stepping up the eating - gave him double the porridge tonight - he ate it all!! so dinner was porridge with 1/3 of a banana squished in - on loaded spoon, pear, 4 rice cakes, a bit more banana - go Ollie!!

Hating this heat - can we come and use your pool Jo!!

Sounds like Livi is loving the rice!!

Wish you could all come and use the pool have one big pool party. It was hot here today and spent a few hours there we are so lucky to have that.

We discovered that geocaching existed when we were on the island on a break. It's been around for years. It's a worldwide game where people hide a whole manner of objects and put all the details on a website and you go and find them. It's basically like a big treasure hunt but all outdoors and it's great gets you out hunting and adventuring. We found 2/3 yesterday and going to do some more tonight. It seems like fun. Apparently there are 14 million things worldwide. Looked up next to our old house in Edinburgh and near my parents and tonnes there too.

Anyway watching Torchwood. Not sure if any of you like it bit this is the 4th episode not that keen on it.

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