Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Big :hugs: Jo - cant believe she acted like it wad the first time you mentioned it. You have been asking everytime! Glad she is now being monitored and fxed its all ok. Did they say when the blood test come back? That sounded terrible, it must have been so hard for you to watch xxx

Helen hope you feel better soon, fxed Ollie gives you a nice night tonight xx

Had weird sensation today, felt like i was going to faint while seated today was pretty close to fainting. felt a bit off this afternoon so waited for dh to come home to carry Foley down. Feel bit better now, but still feel bit dazed.
No chance if that, we havent dtd yet, still waiting to start pill

How are you rach?
Hope you're feeling better Lou :hugs:

Hope motherhood is now a breeze Rach :)

Ollie got himself up to sitting from laying down today!! go Ollie!!

Go Ollie! Hes doing so well!

Jo did you get the blood test results back? Hope yo feeling ok x

Rach hows little Charles?

Off the the oval tomorrow to watch England v India. Excited and little nervous as its babies in arms and Foley loves laying on his back on the floor rather than being cuddled. Hes been giggling loads today, its very cute!
Clever boy Ollie! You'll be chsing him round the house before you know it ;)

How was the Oval Lou? I've always wanted to go to a cricket match.

Charles is ok. He has started crying a lot more this week. He wants holding and cuddling all the time. He seems to fight sleeping, so he's a really light sleeper in the day.

Nightwise, he's going from 8.30pm to 5am ish between feeds so I can't complain about that. He doesnt cry at night either, he just lays in his basket with dummy in, eventually falling to sleep.

It makes me sad when he cries, esp when I dont understand why he's crying :cry:

I was at my wits end yesterday but today was better. I'm worried I have pnd but dont seem to have a hv or anyone to broach the subject with. Its not exactly an easy thing to bring up either.
The crying is so hard - apparently they cry the most 6 weeks after birth - it's a big shock being born i reckon - hang in there - just get cuddling - it will pass :hugs:

You're doing better than we did on the sleep front - we were up in shifts holding him so he would sleep at one point - and his naps are still on me!!

Your hv should be doing a questionaire with you soon to identify if you have pnd - but it is natural to have some "baby blues" feelings - i was crying alot at one point - and everything is new and overwhelming so it can get you like that. Your birthing experience and issues bfing might not be helping so if they can get you some one to talk it all through with that might help. If it is pnd it is better to id it sooner rather than later tho - fxd it's just a passing phase :hugs:

Lou can you take a bouncer with you? poss a little impractical - hopefully all the action will keep him entertained - you're a braver lady than I!!

Oval was wet! Only got to watch the morning session. Foley didn't see much, fed for some of it, then we went for change, then caught bit before lunch. Did have a thought this morning of the camera panning around the crowd to me bfing! Went fine apart from when he wanted bum change and was crying and you can't leave seat till end of an over! Train and tube today, bed by 8, barely awake for evening feed and bath so maybe not such a long sleep tonight.

Rachel I still find his proper full on cry upsetting. When Paul is home he has to deal with him as I still struggle not to cry too. Foley fights daytime sleep, he's awake most of day (sleeps all his hours at night which is nice) so During the day if I just can't work him out, I now pop him in the pram and go for a walk.

Get in lots of cuddles. Could you go to a baby weighing session and then ask for a hv visit there as they should be at weigh in's if you don't have a number. As Helen said if you feel it could be pnd it's best to speak to hv now - but hopeforly it's just a passing phase. :hugs:
Baby was weighed yesterday - 10-11. the people at our baby cafe arent hv's. One is a maternity support worker and I'm not sure of the other lady. I fele better today. Its ups and downs for sure!

Bbay just winges all the time, I dont know what his problm is ffs!!
Are you going to any classes with Charles? that might help to break the day up - i have one day free usually in the week just to chill at home with Ollie but will be out at classes or visiting the other days - so only in half a day if there is a class ( or baby group ).

also - when he was v little I found Ollie seemed to get fed up of being held but hated being in his moses basket - so I would pop him on the footstool on his mat ( so he was at a good height with me on the sofa ) and just chat and sing to him - that seemed to help - was also a good place to massage him.

Also a baby gym with toys dangling down and a bouncer with toys to bat are good - maybe a light show or moving mobile?

I do same as Helen, we just have one free day at home together, otherwise we have groups/classes or visiting/meeting up with other mums and babies we met. Have you signed up to any groups?

Foley gets bored and moans (loudly he is very vocal now) after doing the same thing for a while, so i've started to rotate - play mat, mirror, swing, walk, milk. I also sit him on my legs and sing and chat to him. Mobile seems to work well too for a bit - use that for the shower in the morning.

Think i settled into it better once we had something to do most days, really helped to be getting out - though i do wish baby groups would not start at 10 all the time! Week goes much quicker now.

The doctors or the maternity support worker may know how to get in touch of a HV for you, did she put a number in your red book at all at your 10 day or 6 week visit?

Hi all have been a bit awol, so have all Olivia's test results and she is totally fine. I have been to see a variety of people this week, was discharged from the BF clinic and to be honest was going to stop going anyway. I saw my own GP today and we had quite the conversation, he told me that he just doesnt understand what the BF doctor has been going on about, he knew who it was and actually said she's a bit of a nervous one very odd lady. He said to me today you just have to take one look at her and know that she is a healthy and happy girl, urine tests and blood tests all clear, no sign of kidney disfunction but he is going to repeat both tests in 2 weeks. He said you have been worrying and putting yourself through alot of stress for nothing and he also said that her growth was more than adequate she was 15lb today when he weighed her, he said I was clearly doing a great job with her, she was getting enough and basically he said there are no problems with her, he said I am completeley unconcerned about her, so please stop worrying.
I do trust him so feel alot better now, I feel as if a massive weight has shifted. We have also decided that we are going to move back home, I know just now is not the time in terms of the economy as I dont think we would get jobs, nursing is in a bad way and there are no jobs right now but we will be here till next year so hopefully there might be something then, its so isolating here and I miss my family and friends, its hard having no one here that actually cares for me or my family.

Lou glad you got to the cricket, I hate cricket just dont get it but its quite something i imagine if you like it to go to the oval.

Ollie sounds like he is doing great.

Rach - I know exactly how you feel, I really thought I had PND and perhaps I had a mild case or it might have just been all stress but its tough, and its hard you think that you have this new baby that it should all be joyful and fantastic but the reality is its bloody hard work, struggling to feed, struggling to sleep, struggling to figure out why this little person does something and you being totally responsible and feeling alone in figuring it out, alot of the time its not fun and alot of the time its pretty boring. I know this is not what your supposed to say but I dont think people tell the truth. Obviously we love our children but at the same time its a huge adjustment. For the past 6 months I have been feeling pretty shit and isolated, but I feel better. Its really hard when your baby is demanding and you just dont know what to do, we have all been there. Its totally worth mentioning it to your HV, but just know that motherhood and especially being a new mummy isnt all a bed of roses, its pretty crap at times but the good days with the ups eventually outweigh the down days. You are going to be just fine.
Jo - totally agree with you - it's like you have to let go of alot of the old you - be totally selfless - and it's a massive adjustment for every aspect of yourself!!
Jo so glad everything is well with olivia, so glad you now feel a weight has been lifted. You must have been so worried. Is it early next year you are thinking of coming home? Hopeforlly by then the government will stop cutting the public sector - guessing nursing has been affected by the cuts too then? I can imagine how hard it must be being so far away from your family. Xx hope your feeling better now xx
Baby seems to have settled into a new routine, hurrah! His last bottle is 8pm then its bed (he goes down easily) and then dream feed at 4am. So i can't really complain about that!

i go to all the mum/baby things that i know of round here. Friday is our free day and ralph tends to work from home anyway on a friday. I've just been to baby sensory & then its post natal this afternoon. Just popped home to see if there is anywhere we can go this weekend. Does anyone know anywhere nice for a night or two in the south east or south coast? I was thinking brighton but its a bit far, its over 2 hours :(

right, going to read the posts now! x
There is a lovely b and b in seaford called the silverdale. Not far from brighton
A little break sounds nice, have fun Rach.

Lou glad your going back to the cricket hope you get to see a bit more this time.
Thanks jo, had good day, hot but we found a spot I could watch out of the stands in the shade, some nice stewards let me stay there. Very tired now, long day.
Ollie is now clapping and pulling himself to standing using furniture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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