Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Jo that's huge and hopefully the start of a new beginning now you have made the decision. Its great that you mave decided sooner rather than later. I don't think you'll regret it. When do you think things will start happening?

Af arrived last night, thank goodness! Never thought I would say that. Drama over hehe!!

Charlie is on the mend now. Am going to try and fed him every 3 hours per his ususal routine today. I've been feeding him up to 3 x a night for the last 5 days and its killing me! Just had a shower for the first time since Sunday too :blush:
Ok so we have changed our minds again... so I am just not going to mention it until we do something.

Rachel I am so glad that AF returned last night... you would have coped if it had been a BFP but at least this way you don't have to try until you are ready.
These big decisions are so hard Jo :hugs: I know I would have gone back and forth over redundancy thing forever and a day if there hadn't been a deadline. But you have decided you need to do something at least, maybe give yourselves a deadline for deciding what... If only we had a crystal ball as it's fear of making the wrong decision that stops us in our tracks ( also reminds me of film "sliding doors" ) but maybe neither decision is wrong and either would make you happier......

Yey for af Rach and Charlie feeling better

Ollie now has chest infection and had a tummy bug, was then sick every night - twice on our bed - but not sick in the day - odd - but he's on antibiotics now so fxd

V sad too ay mo as my gran is dying :'( she 92 but I am angry as she was living in a Latvian community of people she's known for years but her behaviour went a bit nuts so as she was diagnosed with dementia and now Alzheimers they evicted her and wouldn't let her in the part which was able to deal with dementia etc as her behaviour was so bad , but the dr pleaded with them to let her stay while he medicated her which would of sorted out the behaviour as it was down to dementia - and such a move at 92 would be hard on her, they refused and she moved ( to a really nice place ) and within a fortnight she was in hospital and is slowly slipping away - I don't think it would be the case if they hadn't foced her out - v angry

Helen that is very hard about your Gran. My Gran is 92 aswell and I think she has Dementia too. My mum is there helping to look after her, she still lives alone and still manages but she doesn't know who alot of people are these days. She has forgotten how to make soup, she has forgotten how to address and envelope.. small things like this!
It is horrible that your Gran was made to leave her home.

Your right about the decision making a crystal ball would be excellent. Each place has its good and bad points and its tough deciding which one will be best.

We have ruled out Nova Scotia as there are no jobs.

The main reason for staying here in BC is we could afford a much larger house with a garden that we are never going to be able to have in the UK. The other biggie is that we both have jobs. The scenery is beautiful and there is so much to do for kids here, everywhere has kids programmes.

Home would of course be grandparents, and close friends. It would be fantastic to be able to drop off kids to grandparents while Steven and I get to do a few things. Just having support around would be really nice.

We are putting the house on the market in January so we will be forced to make a decision soon which is good. I just know how to be happy with the one we make. I don't always want to think it was the wrong decision.
Helen I am so sorry about your Gran and her situ. It's true that we revert as we get older, sounds like your gran has picked up a bug at her new place and her immune system can't cope. I feel for you. When my Grandad was dying I was so mad because I know his careres didn't pull out all the stops as I would have done, because they have seen it all before and to them its just another person along the production line. It shouldn't be like that and I'm sorry they made her move even though it was to her detriment :hugs:

Nice to hear you are sounding more positive about staying Jo, you listed quite a pro list there. x

No news here except Ralph is now poorly. Oh my boys! (C is better hurrah!)
Hello Girls,

Sorry to hear about your gran Helen, its awful and can totally understand why you're angry.

Glad that things worked out for you Rach. Seems that you have some big decisions to make Jo!!

We're going to start trying for number 2 after next cycle, fingers crossed it won't take too long. Not sure I've got the energy with Thomas. xx
We're going to start trying for number 2 after next cycle, fingers crossed it won't take too long.

I hope it doesn't take too long for you. Its very exciting. It's hard work with them being close together but lots of fun too, although I know it doesn't sound it reading my posts ;) but it is worth it.

Rach - I am a pro at lists.

Euan has been unwell since Friday picking up the bug that everyone else has. It started at bed time on Friday night, he came downstairs and told me he didn't feel well. He looked fine, no fever, no runny nose... he just wanted a big cuddle and then he went to bed. He was up a few times on Friday night again just wanting cuddles, but no apparent symptoms so I knew he was brewing something.

Saturday morning and all day Saturday a wash out as he is so stuffed up and he suffers from 'man cold' He would not go to his own bed on Saturday night so I cuddled him to sleep in my bed which took approximately 2 minutes. At 12 he was back in our bed and didn't sleep until 5am... it was unbearable as he was a little furnace but got lots of snot filled cuddles and kisses. He is still clingy but getting better.

It was a shame as we had loads of special plans for the weekend.. we were going to a place called Van Dusen gardens on Sat night its all done up with lights and really pretty, and Sunday we were supposed to be going up Grouse mountain which has Christmas activities... but figured taking snotty up into the snow was probably a bad parenting activity so we stayed home. We will do this next weekend instead, except on Saturday night we are riding a Christmas train in Stanely Park.

Hope your all having a good week.

I see on FB that Emma's little Devon is 4 tomorrow so Happy Birthday Devon.
So sorry to hear about your gran Helen - its terrible they made her move, its a big thing for someone with dementia. Two of my grandparents have/had dementia so know how tough it is. So sorry they made her move. Big :hugs:

Jo i love lists too! Really helps put things down and work things out. Sounds like you have some good points on both sides, i'm sure which ever one you decide it will work out great!

Yeh rach for AF and charlie feeling better!

Toni good luck! Hope it does not take too long for you BFP!

Sorry been bit awol - Foley had a terrible week last week. He was not feeding during the day, then feeding all evening in a cluster till 11pm, then waking 2 hours later for further 3 to 4 hour cluster feeds. He really was not his normal self. Tried not feeding him but it was just food he wanted as only thing that settled him. I was shattered and was in tears most of last thursday as my dog got an upset stomach too so was cleaning up after him too. Anyway feeling much better now, Foley has slept through for 3 nights in row now (well he wakes up but self settles back) and feel asleep for his nap in his cot by himself today for the first time in 3 months! Woohoo!

Christmas pressie wrapping and card writing for me today. Foley is on a move via rolling and likes to roll over steal my tags and roll off with them! Cheeky boy!
Louise well done on getting your presents wrapped. I will be doing ours most likely on Christmas eve, however its not too bad as I only have a few things for the kids. Steven and I stopped buying for each other 3 years ago when I was first off on maternity leave and it has stuck, I dont buy for friends any more and I dont have any pressies for parents. The only rubbish part is no gifts on Christmas fay for me apart from my one parcel from my mum.. I so miss all the pressies but it will be a nice day regardless and lots of fun seeing the kids with their new toys.

We spoke with Steven's sister today about Euan because he is just so violent.. she has worked in a nursery for a long time 20 years so we were picking her brain, she reckons we didn't start disciplining him soon enough and our excuse was he was too little.. he basically rules our house hold and us so today we are putting a stop to it and trying to change his behaviour, she gave us lots of great tips to deal with him and as we speak he is upstairs in his room crying well bit of an understatement he is screaming... because he doesn't want to go to bed and he wants to apologise for kicking me about 10 times really hard in the tummy as I was drying him after his bath. I have been doing the silent back to bed thing for over an hour so far and now he is very upset but he hasn't came out his room again. I hate letting him cry it out but I don't want him to think he has got his own way at the same time.
:hugs: Jo, he is old enough to understand, he isn't a tiny baby with feelings of abandonment - you are doing well and taking back authority - which in the longrun is what he needs, boundaries make them feel secure
Your right. We do discipline him and give him boundaries but I think our problem is we have not been consistent with them and we give in too quickly. We have not been using the right discipline for him either, lots of negative attention.

He has had a hard today and he has had the silent treatment all day, the poor little guy has barely been spoken too but I have to say he doesn't seem to bothered. Day 1 down...
Does anyone want to guess how long it will take to change his behaviour? My vote is a month!
Hope it does not take too long for you Jo. Did your sister in law suggest any time frame? Hopeforly he will learn quick that his behaviour is not getting the attention he wants. FXed for you Jo! xx

Busy day of jo jingles and swimming. Foley has really improved on the BLW front, he just loves eating now! Any tips on getting him to drink from a cup? He won't take a bottle and i need him to be able to have some EBM by january as i'm starting a course on a saturday.
She thought that as long as we are consistent that we might notice a difference in a month or two. So nothing is going to happen fast. We started on Tuesday afternoon so 2.5 days in and he is the same in actual fact a little bit worse I would say.

Hope Foley manages to take a cup soon. I don't really have any tips, with Livi we just tried lots of different cups and eventually she took it. We tried from a spoon, from a syringe, from a egg cup and she started taking it. It was just persistence.

Glad he is doing well with the BLW. Its lots of fun but so so messy!
It appears we are all going a bit awol.

I thought I would have missed tonnes of posts but glad I haven't.

Its a busy week preparing for Christmas. I cannot believe its at the weekend.
my gran passed away yesterday, I was there to hold her hand as it happened :cry:

sorry been awol, last day at work on friday so expect to be more with it zfter xmas
Helen I am so sorry to hear your sad news. :hugs: She is at peace now, and I am so glad that you were there with her at the end. Thinking of you.
So sorry to hear about your gran Helen :hugs: Glad you were able to be with her at the end. Thinking of you x
Hope you all have a wonderful first Christmas with your babies.

I am really looking forward to it as Euan is semi excited about it, not fully understanding it yet.

Euan's behaviour is improving lots which is great. I am so in love with him right now which I never thought I would feel again. He is the sweetest little boy, his favourite thing to do right now is give me a huge hug, the ones with arms and legs wrapped right round me, huge sloppy kisses then he tells me 'I so love you my mum'. Ah my heart is filled with love and joy right now.

Sorry I know I sound a bit mental there.
Aww Jo thats wonderful. Wanted a like button for your post!! So glad his behaviour is improving and he us being such a sweet little boy! It must be exciting for euan this year!

Hope everyone has a great Christmas with their babies! Cant believe its Christmas eve tomorrow!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

We had a great time, Euan adored one of his toys and seems to have taken a shine for Livi's instead. We keep saying that is Olivia's toy let her play with it. He says no its not its mine, Olivia isn't playing with it. Poor poppet.

We have a man coming round a week tomorrow to photograph and video the house for it going on the market the following week. We are tidying, cleaning and generally running around trying to get the house into tip top shape for selling. We need to pain and do a bit of plastering at the weekend and yesterday the wardrobe doors fell off Steven needs to try and fix those.

We are definitely staying here now and have definitely decided on the place called Mission to live in so we are looking at houses there, really looking forward to looking at other houses. I have a job interview on the 9th Jan for a job in Mission hospital so very local to where we want to be living. The job sounds fab its a daycare job and the hours are part time every tuesday and thursday and every alternate friday. I want it so badly but it is unlikely that I will get it. The rules over here for jobs are very silly. The top rule is seniority so if someone applies with 10 years service and I have 5 they will most likely get the job over me, even if I am the better candidate. Anyway there is the part time post and a casual post and hope I get the part time... keep your fingers crossed for me.

The only bad things would be if I do get the job we will have to sell the house, buy a house and be moved in before the end of February for starting work. I cannot get there by public transit there is none.

Anyway hope you all had a wonderful time. Look forward to hearing all the details.

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