Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

I POAS this morning!! 3 dpo - but I just couldnt resist! I have a spot on chin(never get spots) and feel exhausted - that could be because been so busy recently though juggling work and baby. I always organise too much to do.

HB I really feel for you, you must be exhausted but only 16 more days to go!!! It will be wonderful having all that time with Oliver xx

We have a high chair that was way too expensive - when we go to friends they either have the Ikea one or some other cheapo one which T loves, I wish I'd just got the Ikea one, hope your facebook call out gets results!!(presume thats what you're asking for)

I need a seat attachment high chair if anyone can recommend to use when we're out???

Well done Foley with the BLW - we did TW with T but she likes to feed herself too. She eats loads - and is skinny!! Luckily got dads metabolism and not mine but if its something like fish which she hates the mouth closes and head goes side to side, she knows what she likes!

Right - totes exhausted and got my uni reunion tomorrow EEk!! Can't believe have to face the ex love of my life still carrying a stone of babyweight - I have tried and tried to lose but it will not shift. I hope its because I'm still BF and once I stop it will fall off. Two pairs of Spanx tomorrow night me thinks.

Your too funny POAS at 3dpo. Fingers crossed for another try in 7-10 days time.

I am sure you will look just gorgeous in front of the ex, just think what you have achieved since then, your in a fab relationship and you have little T, you will be fine. Enjoy it.
Hope your all having a good weekend. Livi is down for her morning nap and Euan is watching a wee bit of tv so I am on here waiting for DH to get up.

Trying a toilet trial this morning. Euan is so hot or miss with it. He has on some Thomas pants this morning that he was very excited to get on and he isn't wearing a nappy. He has peed twice so far in the toilet but every time I ask him now he has a meltdown and shouts mummy I dont need a pee pee. I am expecting wet pants and trousers soon! Will keep trying it.

Need to get out today and do something but not sure what just yet. It depends on what Steven wants to do.

We are going to see some houses tomorrow about an hours drive from here which would make the commute to work massive but they are big houses so going to see them anyway. Trying to explore all our options.
I still want to come home but Steven really really doesn't and I think that as a family and for the kids here will be better for them since they are Canadian. I just need to get over it and learn to live with it I think. I should start trying to immerse myself into life properly.
Good lucks with the potty training Jo, my niece is doing that atm and tends to do half and half - half CARPET half potty. Oh dear.

lol Lucy with your poas. GL for this month

I poas yesterday too - BFN - still waiting for AF though. Am sure she must be due anyday but i'm not noting down so a bit lost in my cycle

Yes, def need a highchair soooon. thinking of just getting the tripp trapp now, you can get them for £50 off ebay so v tempted. I'm curious Lucy, which spenny one do you have

Have fun in the double spandex tomorrow. Hope is a cool reunion venue!
its this high chair Rach

I liked it as colours suited our house - the pro is its very easy to clean, when we go to others houses she prefers the comfy padded ones they have, but they are a nightmare to clean so I don't know whats for the best really.

Good luck on the potty training and House hunting Jo!

Have you seen this book?

Its supposed to help brilliantly with potty training if you read it a lot to LO.

hi everyone

my heart is breaking. Charlie is really poorly. He's got a terrible chesty cough and cries all the time like he is in pain. He is not taking his milk. he has had less than half his normal milk every day for the last 3 days

Took him to the docs on Friday morning. the doc wasnt concerned and said it was the back end of a virus and the cough is his body getting rid of it. the cough could last 2 weeks. He projectiles all his feed (after a hocking cough) if I give him over hald his normal feed size.

Its awful. Am just feeding him little and often and hoping each time he will not throw up. He hasnt had a wet nappy at all this afternoon :cry:

What would you do?

I feel like he needs some liquids pumping into him. Cam you call the hv on a Sunday night?
Big :hugs: rach. Know how you feel its heartbreaking xx I only have office number for mine, but if you have home no maybe? Otherwise nhs direct for advice would be my best bet or a call for the 2out of hours gp. Hope he has kept some milk down since xx def give someone a call if your worried xxx

Lucy hope you enjoyed your reunion

Jo good luck with the toliet training x

Foley has been v hard to get to kip last 3 nights, plus waking up for food a lot. He has been crying so much today which us very unusual for him. Not sure whats going on. Hes hardly feeding during the day too. Hes still awake now.
Lou, I hope Foley hasnt got this virus. Its an upper restiritory tract virus that is going round aparantly. Me and Ralph have sore throats too now.

Now syringing rehydration fluid into Charlie. He got really lethargic last night and that was the only way he would take it. Called nhs direct and ooh doctor who confirmed the virus and to keep offering fluids often. He has had 3 little feeds today which is great compare to yesterday.

Lucy, love your highchair. It is v-Hery nice! not sure I can go to £200 though!

So, finally MIsha B got the boot. Marcus needs to go next then either of the others cna win for me. The winner doesnt tend to do well anyways. Look at Matt Cardle vs Oli Murrs!
karvol plugins, saline nasal spray, baby nuerofen \ calpol, raise the bed at head end, sit in steamy bathroom with him, lots of cuddles - hope it passes soon rach- ollie has been poorly too so feel your pain - goddam nursery!

teething lou? Growth spurt?6

what were the houses like Jo, how's pt going ?

afm we went on the family annual outing to llangollen on the santa steam train - was lovely, ollie has had a cold for 2 weeks but seemed much better - he was knackered by the end of it, stayed at my mums sat night and sun morning ollie threw up, gy the 4th time we decided couldn't go to nursery today but today he seems fine, there is 48 hour exclusion anyway but he's at my mum's tomorrow so I can go to work - not long left now tho! Thank goodness! So glad, still getting the odd overwhelming feeling but it's all good!

Sounds lovely Helen, even with the cold. You will almost be in single digits count down

Thanks for all the tips. When did you start getting cuddles from Ollie? Charlie will be held in the side hold position and rocked. But I just wish he would snuggle up on the sofa and go to sleep. He s definitely a baby6 that is cuddled, rather than who cuddles
I think around 6 mths but he used to nap on me so was always snuggled up on my chest or by my side on the bf pillow so that's when I sneaked mine - while watching xfiles - them were the days! Hx
Rach glad Charlie is getting some fluids now, poor mite. Ive done the bathroom thing, seemed to work for us. I agree either amelia or little mix to win. Marcus is just a bit samey each week. Foley doesnt cuddle me either, its kinda forced on him! He usually pushes back and plays with my clothes or face. The only time ok get proper cuddle is when hes tired.

Helen the Santa steam train sounds lovely. Hope Ollie is feeling better soon! Think it was teething, he was much better yesterday.

Just sitting in foley's room with his sleep sheep on. He woke at 5 10 and fed, but now trying to convience him that its not time to get up. Its dh birthday tomorrow, he has half day today so going for lunch. Just dont want to be shattered by 5am start!
Lucy have not seen that book going to look it up now on amazon, PT went well for 2 days and he is off it again. He just isn't fully ready! His interest lasts for a very short spell.

Houses were great, some were just too big and didn't flow right, we really really liked one, but by the time we sell ours I don't think it would be there anymore. It needs a lot of logisitical working out as its far away, we would need new jobs most likely and I would need to learn to drive not to mention getting childcare for both kiddos. I guess if you want something badly enough you will let it work!

not sure if these links will work but our favourite is the top one.

Hope all the babies are getting better, its horrible and scary when they are sick!
Really like the houses Jo! They look really nice and spacious. How far are they from where you are now?

Just up feeding fo. Going to the zoo today for dh birthday
Lovely houses Jo!

I am pretty sure I am pregnant. Just worked out I am about cd35. I just have that 'feeling'. Dreamt I got a bfp last night. Oh god. I am not ready for another, it was a moment of madness without proper thinking. Scared I will end up neglecting Charlie and never get back into my career. Bugger. Will do a preg test tonight when Ralph gets home!
Oh flip tach. Fingers crossed its all ok. Fingers crossed to you too Lucy. Xxx
OMG Rach. You need to post on here tomorrow. We are here for you no matter what.

Ok so had not mentioned it too much here but have talked about it in my journal. Steven and I have really been struggling pretty much since olivia was born in terms of what we want to do. We have been living with stress levels so high that we have discussed breaking up however I think we have pretty much reached the decision that the only practical move for us is home. Its been so hard here with the kiddies with absolutely no support and with Steven working nights so I feel like a single parent during the week.

I miss our families and all my good friends at home and we miss them. We wont be able to get a house anything like the ones above and its going to be tough to begin with finding work. I have tried so hard to make friends here but after 5 years I have people I can meet but no one that really cares for me or my family if that makes sense. I am really worried its the worst decision ever, and I know that so many people would think that we are utterly crazy moving home again. Not sure where we will end up in terms of living, I can't really face living anywhere but Edinburgh, so we will see.

Its going to be a massive adjustment, and I hope we don't change our minds again.

Going to log in tomorrow Rach to see if there is any news. :hugs:

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