Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Hope everyone had lovely christmas's!

Jo glad you had a great time. It must be exciting looking for new houses. Is it far from where you are now? Fxed crossed for the job! sounds like really good job! Hope the sale goes nice and easy for you xx

Foley has been ill all over christmas. He has been crying and moaning most of the day since christmas day, just wouldn't be happy. We thought i was just a cold with teething, but he started throwing up on wednesday so went doc thursday. Turned out to be chest infection and then a tooth came through yesterday too! he's on some medicine now and has been much better today and is playing with his toys by himself which he has not done for over a week. DH had taken holiday over christmas so not really had the relaxing family time! So going to take long weekend over my birthday so we can try again!

Happy new year to everyone. I'll be in bed as so tired from this week!

Looking forward to hearing about everyones christmas time x
Happy New Year girls. May 2012 be filled with happiness and joy.

So far ours has been brutal, something odd is going on with Euan and after him being better, he is worse than ever. We are getting the house ready for picture/video taking so both of us are running about like mad things very stressed out. Since we have no one to take the kids we are working it around them. I think he must be sensing all the change and that something is going on. He has become VERY violent with Livi and we cannot leave them together for 2 seconds. One of us literally has to be in the middle or she is going to get hurt. Steven said a funny thing today stating that this is maybe going to be the new Euan. NIghtmare, he is either getting sick, or he is sensing all the change and stress (plus we are not doing that many fun things) or he is just a monster ;)

The place we are looking at is about an hours drive from here so not too bad.

What did you all do for new years? Steven was painting walls and I was scrubbing tiles in the kitchen, we missed midnight and realized about 5 minutes after :)
poor foley! It's horrible when they're ill! And over xmas too!

:hugs: jo, I don't think this is the new Euan, it'll be a mixture I reckon of post xmas, big changes and poss reacting to your stress? Just keep being firm and consistant...

afm new year was quiet, just round my parents with family, am now unemployed :yipee: but considering going in to business with my sister -lots to research! But for january my plans are;

get routine in order and ollie napping in cot
get house straight
grans funeral
ollie's 1st bday - plan and implement

so plenty to be going on with

happy new year ladies!

Sounds like you have a lot of plans in place for January. Happy New Year.

What sort of business would you be thinking about with your sister?
We had the men round doing measurements on Friday for the house and taking pictures and videos for the marketing. The sale listing goes live on Thursday and we will have our first open house on Sunday so looking forward to it.

I have my job interview tomorrow morning and I am super nervous about it, the hours would just be utterly perfect and I feel under so much pressure to get it.

How are you all doing?

Lou your new pic with Foley on FB is just fab!
Hi Jo - was just coming on to wish you luck for tomorrow! Will have my fingers crossed for you! Sounds exciting! Do they just do open houses out there? I'm sure it's not a new euan, he prob in sencing the change.

Helen sounds like you have a busy january. What sort of business are you thinking of?

We are good, Foley is now napping in his cot during the day so i'm able to get some bits done rather than walking him around. He can now enjoy watching the dog play ball over the park, rather than me trying to get him to sleep, henow flaps his hands and shreks with delight. Thanks Jo!

It's my birthday Tuesday so off to the zoo tomorrow again. Looking forward to it, hopeforly not be too cold. Hope Foley has a good night, seems to be having a growth spurt again! Think he's working on crawling, keeps throwing himself forward then just moans cause he can't move!
Foley is doing great.

Have a great birthday and a wonderful time to the zoo.

Will pop in to let you know how the interview goes.

As for selling they do a mixture of open houses and appointments to see houses.
Foley is doing great.

Have a great birthday and a wonderful time to the zoo.

Will pop in to let you know how the interview goes.

As for selling they do a mixture of open houses and appointments to see houses.
Hope the interview went well Jo! Had my fingers crossed for you x

Had lovely day at zoo. Foley was in his carrier most if day which he loved so he could see more. after sleeping through last night, Foley has woken after 5 hours tonight. Ive fed him but can hear him babbling still, think he may still be hungery!
Well the interview turned out to be only a pre interview and the job is only temporary so we will have to wait and see what happens.

Thanks for thinking of me.

Glad you had a fun day at the zoo.
Had done a post in the week, but seems it did not come up!

Whats the next step Jo? Is there a 2nd interview? Hope the open house goes well tomorrow x

2nd lesson of sign language today, Foley took the bottle last week, so hopeforly he be good again for daddy. Leaving 5oz so hope thats enough!
sorry ladies been busy - gran's funeral on tuesday and ollie's bday party on saturday so lots to do - and all on minimal broken sleep (still haha) far too much to do! Will catch up soon hx
Waiting for a 2nd interview hopefully I get one.

The open house is tomorrow and not sure how many people will turn up, we had quite a heavy snow fall over night and its snowing just now, and its supposed to snow alot overnight too. It might put people off driving.

We have seen some lovely houses that we want to go and view but they are pricey and a bit worried to go ahead since I will be handing in my notice for my job. Scary and uncertain times ahead. Our realtor tells us that he has had quite a few phone calls of interest so what if our house sells fast and we have nowhere to go.

Lou well done for doing the sign language course. Are you doing it with FOley or is it for job stuff?

Helen :hugs: you do sound very busy. Can't believe our babies are fast approaching 1.
How did the open house go Jo? Did you get any interest? Any news on the 2nd interview? Must be really scary, but im sure it will all work out.

Big :hugs: Helen. Cant believe Ollie is almost 1, what are you doing for his birthday?

Im doing the sign language for work, though im doing it with Foley too at same time. Im not sure what I want to do anymore and being made redundant in august so just thought id try something new and get a new qualification.

Off to meet some mummy friends at soft play today! Feel tired, I dont seem to sleep well anymore, very dreamy
I don't sleep well either. I go to bed far too late and then think I am going to be up in 5 hours ish with the kiddos.. so entirely my fault really.

The open house was ok, lots of people came 22 different sets so at least there is interest and we had 3 appointments on Monday. We have another open house on Sunday. We went out to Mission on SUnday to look at houses but its been pretty snowy, we were able to be on the main roads but as soon as we went down the side streets the driving conditions were too bad. People buy snow tires over here for winter we don't have them so we had to abandon the day and come home.

Have not heard anything about the job yet but I did have a phone call about the possibility of a great job I am waiting to hear more details. Its a job that I would utterly love so just have to keep my fingers crossed.

Lou its nice to do something new and get your brain working, I hope you get another job soon when its time to go back to work.

I had a bad night the other night thinking about going back to work. I so don't want to leave my babies and it makes me feel like less of a mother if I can't look after them myself. I really don't want to have someone else raising my kids but I know that I am creating a roof over their heads and will always be their mum. SOent hours the other night sobbing in bed.

I think its just being overwhelmed with everything too and you need an outlet... getting a new job, selling a house, buying a house, finding chilcare and now we decided that I need to learn to drive so its a lot at one time to cope with but I am sure it will all be just fine.

Hope everyone else is ok.

Sorry haven't been on for so long. Had a nightmare 4 weeks of illness. T had a vomiting bug for 4 weeks over xmas and new year, I'd looked forward to her first xmas for so long and then was a total exhausting wash out. She lost so much weight and it was awful. However she's been better for a week and eating non stop, she's practically doubled in size!!!

Helen, am so sorry about your gran. I hope you're ok. I hope Olivers first birthday party was good fun and took your mind off it for a bit - Thalias was chaos but we loved it. In fact its her due date birthday today!! So we're having a small family party - this will be the only year she gets two birthdays though!!

Jo - I like the sound of 'Mission' it's a great name for a town, In the US and Canada they have some fun sounding places to live. How is Euan doing now? I read back a few pages and it sounds quite stressful. I hope all is OK and he's settling down a bit. I read the bit about OH's aunt saying you didn't discipline him early enough - he's still quite young though isn't he? What age does she think we should start? I never say no to Thalia yet!! I just do distraction.

Lou, keeping up with you on FB, Foley is doing so well. Where did you get those carrot muffin recipe from? I need some food ideas. T will eat anything except fish(I can hide cod in pasta sauce but everything else is refused) but I always give her the same things - pasta and sauces or potato mashed with things.

Any easy recipes greatly received.

My big concern at the moment is that T still BF. We offer water with every meal and snack from sippy cups but she hardly takes any and still has milk from me 4 times a day. I want to stop in the day but need her to take water from a cup. Any ideas? I guess if I don't give her milk she'll get thirsty and take the water?

Anyway we TCC in Nov and BFN - god I was crushed even though Iknew would prob happen. We couldn't TTC in Dec as too exhausted from T being ill - she didn't sleep for the whole 4 weeks for more than 90 mins at a time.
Back to TTC this month but think we didn't BD on ov day only the 4 days leading up to it.

My cycle has gone from 28 days to 26 the last 4 months which is really worrying me(I'm 36) and think my luteal phase shortened to 12 days from 14. I hope I can still get pg. I need to lose a stone still since I had T. Started healthy eating last week and when I have going to start acupuncture again too. That might help my cycle. Prob around end March time if I can stick to eating plan.

Right off to celebrate Thalias second First birthday.

Lucky Thalia having 2 parties... its a nice thing to do.

Sorry she has been so poorly. Hope she continues to get well. Livi doesn't eat much fish either but she likes it in fish cakes.. disguised with potatoes and peppers. We use the baby led weaning cook book and she has liked everything out of it so far.
Jo - any news on the job front? Big :hugs: don't feel bad about using childcare, as you say you are putting a roof over their heads and they will do great. Sounds like you have a lot on at the moment and i can imagine that its all mounting up on you. Are you going back to your old job at all until you move? Im sure everything will work out xx Good luck learning to drive, are they like the US and have automatics?

Lucy so sorry Thalia has been so unwell. Its so hard, esp over Christmas. Foley was ill over christmas too and it was not what i had imagined as our first christmas! But hopeforlly they will be better next year! Good luck with TTC this month! Will have my fingers crossed xx I get my receipes from the baby led weaning cookbook too, the carrot muffins and cheese flapjacks come from there. He loves cheese so anything with that is a win with Fo! Not much help with the cup, Foley too will take some sips of water from a cup, but still feeds from me 4 times a day. Just hoping he will get used to the cup and eat more then hopeforlly i'll just feed him in morning and night when i go back to work. We only just found a cup he will drink from, just a basic Tommy tippee one.

Well foley is starting the crawl. Its an odd kind of crawl at the moment, sort of a push along but each day he is improving. I've just had to move away from him as he wants the laptop and its worth crawling for! Redundancy is all going ahead so now looking up re-training with sign language in mind and feeling quite positive even though i have no idea if things will work out ok
Yay to Foley crawling and like you say he will improve every day and he will soon be zooming about super fast. Olivia is showing very little interest in walking as she can get around very well and fast with her crawling. She walks with a walker but has not attempted it alone.

It sounds like you are making a good plan for your future and sign language will be a great skill to have.

We are fine over here. Never heard anything from the job so I guess I am not going to now.

I am going back to work on the 6th Feb for a week then finishing up my mat leave... and should be going to work FT from the 27th as a transplant coordinator again. I am not really sure what I want to do to be honest. I love that job and its great to be doing it again although if we follow up with our plan the commute will be hard.

I still can't help thinking that I am lying to myself.. My parents went to Tenerife this morning so gave them a quick phone to wish them a good holiday and my dad was telling me how much he enjoyed seeing the new pictures and videos of the children and again it just made me feel sad and guilty. I wish so much that they were part of the kids lives and I am again thinking that perhaps I am trying to fool myself that we can be happy here. Its hard as a bit more than half of me wants to return home so badly and then the other half wants to stay here. Its rubbish!
Hi Girls,

Im at work so havent read through things for a while but just thought Id let you know Im pregnant again!!!! Bloody first month of trying. Cant quite believe it and still v early days. Hope you're all ok xxxxxx

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