Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Oh Jo must be so hard, I haven't got a clue, are there any knowledgeable folk in the toddler section?

Good work Rach, love it when a plan comes together :) how did you sort dummy in the end - that was quick!

In the spirit of ttc Lucy, how is your cm?, what cds are you dtd? Are you using opk's?
Afm tfi Friday tomorrow - now for a weekend of making a nativity costume, making his 1st b'day card for cbeebies and cleaning the house and a swimming lesson - all on minimal sleep - oh the life of a working mum - roll on Xmas!
OMG H - I will be looking out for his first birthday card on Cbeebies!!! I'm definitly going to do Thalia one when she's 2.

Well we shoudl DTD tonight - its CD10/11 ( I spotted for a day before AF really got going which has never happened before so not sure which day was CD1 - I hope nothing up with me in there after the manual evacuation and then the D&C, I do worry as AF is much more painful since I gave birth) BUT I am so full of cold - just sipping a lempsip and going to bed straight after - plus tomorrow is the day my cleaner comes so I have to get up early to tidy everything( I hate the day my cleaner comes - I want to stop her coming as she totally doesn't clean properly anyway BUT shes so lovely I don't know how to tell her)Anyway I shall try and muster the energy once I get up to bed - don't want to waste an egg! It'll be a quickie for sure.

Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOu poor thing, sounds like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place - all I can say is I have seen this so many times with my friends children, I'm sure Euan is acting the way so many others do when the second baby comes. My god daughter was so so so horrible to her sister when she arrived, I never saw Edith for her first 6 months without scratch and bite marks on her face!!! In a year or two they will have such fun together. I think you are on the right track in trying to have some Euan time every day. Even if he's been naughty try and do 15/30 mins of just him at some point - reading, playing a game. Maybe it will help. I hope it gets better soon. - I'm sure you do this already but if he ever is nice to her praise him loads and loads and cuddles and hopefully he will realise thats a better reaction then he gets when he's naughty.

Off to DTD quick and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thanks girls for your understanding. I don't really want to post in the toddler section, the last time I did I had tonnes of mums tell me to take him to a child psychologist and I dont think that is what he needs. He is upset.

After nap time this afternoon, I was in bed watching a dvd and Euan came into my room. I watched him stand at the edge of my bed and he was crying. I asked him what was wrong and he just said 'Euan is very sad'. I asked him if he wanted to come into bed for some mummy cuddles and he flew at me and hit me in the face. Really odd! He has a big rash on his face under his lip that is quite wierd so I don't know if he is feeling unwell and he just can't tell us. After a few minutes of being furious about whatever, he came into bed and we cuddled for awhile... and then he was totally fine. We need to spoil him a bit I think.. my heart totally broke for him and even now writing this i am tearing up. He gave Olivia a big hug and kiss at bedtime which was lovely and he had a nice bed time tomorrow too. Here's hoping that tomorrow he is better :(
Ah bless Euan, it does just sound like he is jealous of Livi and cross with you for bringing her into his life whilst loving you both at the same time. - He definitely doesn't need a psychologist(well that's what I think) it just sounds normal 2 year old behaviour at the change in his life. Poor little chap, hopefully you will get through this stage soon. Just keep cuddling him. xxx
Ah Jo, bless little Euan. Sounds like the cuddles went down well. I agree with Lucy, normal behaviour, just hang in there and overdose with the cuddles :hugs: xx

The dummy is in no way sorted H, but getting better! My 'no cry sleep solution' book is in at the library so picking that up tomorrow. He is back to waking at 4am and them 7am to get up, so I'm a lot happier with more sleep. DH is really on board with the PPO method and we are doing night shifts (one of us til 2am, the other til 7!). He went down without it again tonight, so thats 2 in a row. If we can do 3 hopefully it will form a habit :happydance:

Enjoy your quickie Lucy! Keep us posted with the opks, I had forgotten how much fun poas addiction is! I feel your cleaner pain. You spend 2 hours tidying up for them, 3 hours keeping out of their way, then 2 hours cleaning up after them so its up to 'your standard'. Mine called in sick one time and I never called her back to rearrange. Bit naughty but I'm happier just doing it myself.
Jo - so sorry Euan is having a tough time. Sounds like he is struggling with all the changes. I agree with Lucy he doesn't need a psychologist, sounds like normal toddler behaviour to the changes. Sorry i have no tips for toddlers, hope he comes out of the stage too for you, it must be so hard xxx Does he like to help out with things for livi? Keep giving him lots of cuddles xx

Congratulations Groovey! Alec is lovely! Well done! x

Lucy so glad Thalia is ok, you must have been so scared xx Good luck on the TTC this weekend! x

Rach glad you have had some breakthroughs! Well done Charlie! Hope your feeling better Charlie is doing great. I was the same as Lucy, once i accepted he just didn't sleep through the night anymore he started sleeping better. One wake a night is so much better. He spolit us with sleeping till 6.30 on holiday! Whats PPO?

Helen hope ollie is feeling better. Hope xmas comes quick for you. is that it for you work wise then?

Back from holiday - had a good time. Foley caught a cold the day before we left. We made a mistake of not giving him calpol before the flight so he was bit grouchy but we got an extra seat on way out which helped. Nice and warm out there, and was nice spending quality time as a family. Looking forward to xmas now as DH be off again. His naps went out the window on holiday had to hold him to get any kip. But think he was growth spurting so may have had something to do with it - as seems to be back to normal now home.
Thanks girls.. Glad you agree that he is normal I think so too.

Decided to spoil him today. When Olivia had went down for her morning nap at 10am roughly. Euan and I headed out. We went to the mall, had a ride on the Christmas train at the mall which he was so excited by. Headed upstairs to toys are us and he played with a train table and thomas trains for 30 minutes.. headed for a soft play area for a bit which he enjoyed. Went to starbucks and got him his first hot chocolate, and a little scone. He didn't like the hot chocolate and he asked for cold juice instead. Went to the supermarket then the park on the way home. HE played on the swing, the slide and in the sand box. He had a really good time and told me that he had very good fun with mummy.
It was so nice seeing him smiling and laughing :)

We got home and as soon as he saw Olivia he changed into the hitter :(

Its such a shame as Olivia is following him around despite being hit and constantly pushed over she thinks he is fab! All she wants is to play with him and his trains. She so doesn't want to play with any of her baby toys! ;)

Anyway better get on.


Lou - so gald you had a nice holiday, it sounds lovely.

Rach - sounds like your getting somewhere with Charlie and its nice how your splitting up the night shift! Fingers crossed tonight will be the same!
Oooooh, how exciting Lucy!!! ttc all over again! looking forward to seeing your BFP! I need to catch up with all the posts i've missed! i see we have a new ccb!!! congratu;lations Groovey! i know i haven't been here for so long, it's been crazy for us at the moment, poor Oliver has been ill on and off since birth, he's on antibiotics again, poor little man :-( i manage to get on fb quickly though so i do try and keep up to date! Hope the 1st birthdays were fab!!! promise to try and catch up more!! Em xx
Emma - been following all your news on FB. Oliver sounds like he has had a horrible time, and not much support from your doctors. Poor poppet.

Nice to see you in here.

Hope your all doing well.

Not much to update on apart from Olivia was weighed today for her 9 month weigh in and she was 18lb.. so she is now doing fantastically well. Woohoo!
:happydance: for livi's weigh-in

Girls, what high chairs do you all have and would you recommend? I want the Ikea one but its a bit far to go really for just a highchair, so just wondering what else is there. I want a simple one and one that goes right up to the table so LO can eat off the table

tia x
I have a fisher price one for Euan that I still use as a booster seat now and it pushes intot he table with the tray off. I have this one for Livi it' its great. You could easily take the tray off and it will go under the table. Both are seats that are tied on to regular dining room chairs. We wanted this so it took up less space but the pain is that we have 4 dining chairs and 2 have booster chairs which is a pain if anyone comes to dinner.
Yey! Great news, go livi! So glad she is doing so well now

Rach I ended up getting a reduced price stokke wooden one. Pushes straight up. He seems to love being there. Wouldnt have got it if it wasnt reduced, was looking at the wooden baby Dan. Had decided on wooden one that converts to chair.

Foley has started blw, and is doing ask. Only thing that has gone down is yogurt! Just doing one meal a day at mo. Didnt think he would put any food in mouth as had tried him in bumbo few times, but guessing being up at the table made the difference!
I saw your picture on FB with Foley and his yoghurt holding his spoon, what a grown up ;) He looked great.
Soooo tired. FT work and poorly baby = knackered mummy! So glad I took redundancy especially as won't have to drag Ollie out in -15' at 5.30 in the morning! Def the right decision ! Too tired to post properly will update when we're back to normal - oh and def not ttc till Ollie attn!
:hugs: Helen, we are here for you! Will be thinking of you, hope it gets easier soon. At leats you can be on count-down!

Thanks for the chair tips. Am lookiing to get a booster too Jo, so will take a look in toys r us. I really like the Stokke ones Lou, will look into those too. Bit more than I wanted to spend but oh well. I'm loving the blw updates on fb! Did he get his finger sin the yoghurt too or just with the spoon?
Big :hugs: Helen. Not long till Christmas now, count down the days. Xx hope Ollie fees better soon.

Rach it was bit more than I was going to spend, but I am really pleased with it so far. Just thought least it grows with him so hopeforly long term. Want to get booster too for grand parents. Was a loaded spoon handed to him. Fingers went in it, all got sucked off! So proud of him!

Thanks Jo, can't believe how much hes grown and how he is now starting to eat. He had celery, breadstick and chicken today. Think some of breadstick went down, he loved it! Chewed off bit of chicken, but ended up coming back out.
Foley is doing great with his BLW, we are semi doing it too. Livi does well ish with it but I do confess to doing spoon feeding at the same time.

Helen sorry your feeling so tired.. I know its hard being back at work, when are you finishing up?
I got the first years swivel feeding chair - it's great as it has a five point harness and a big tray with an insert that comes out - so you can finish the mains and remove and get on with pudding - the trays go in the dishwasher too. The chair should last till age 4 as a booster too - it's another one which straps to a dining chair.

totally exhausted today - half day tho so off to breast pump in half an hour and then pick Ollie up. Gotta finish his star outfit for the nativity - it should look fab!! so this afternoon will have a bath ( oh is home too ), will stitch while he is napping - can do on the bed next to him and then we need to nip to tesco's as nothing in for tea - we were meant to be going to the icecream farm ( they have a softplay area and is fab ) so were going to eat there - however fate had a different idea - turns out we have a long term leak behind the sink - q the mould etc under tiles #( which we only had put in last year - remember my trauma with the floor!!! ) - I think it's the plumber that installed out tap in April is to blame- grrrrrrrr he is coming round this afternoon - he couldn't make it yesterday which would have worked better with Ollie been poorly - he is much better today so would have been lovely - double grrrrrr!!
oh - and 23rd December is my last day - woohoo!!

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