Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Its so nice that we are all back on here keeping each other updated.

Have had Steven off for 2 weeks and he goes back to work tonight so it will be back to reality. I am feeling quite good now that we have a morning nanny and both have jobs. We had a house showing yesterday and the couple really liked it but they have to sell their own place first so we have 2 couples who want to put in an offer once their own places have sold so at least we have something.

About to head off to the supermarket... supposeed to be doing a shopping list right now but am on here instead.

Its a gorgeous day outside..super bright and sunny need to head out for a walk with the kiddos.
Charlie has the pox (chicken). He's ab fine and doesn't seem to haev noticed and the spots aren't bothering him. Really hoping this 'is it' and a proper dose so he becomes immune and doesnt get it again!
Oh no poor Charlie. Hope he's better now. Good age to have it though, my friends boys have just had it, one is 16 months, breezed through it, other is 4 and was terrible with it. Hope it wasn't too bad for him :hugs: to Charlie

Jo hope Euan enjoyed his birthday and Olivia enjoys her's this weekend too!

Busy day today of Jo Jingles and swimming. Feeling very tired today, went out with the sign language ladies last night just to practice, but find it hard to switch off and go to bed when get home late. Looks lovely out there today, so will be taking a nice walk to jingles!
Whats jo jingles Lulu, sounds fun!

I've signed up for a 6 week 'baby college' course just to see what its like and I turned up today a day late (whoops). Will let you know what its like next week!

I've been accepted into a pnd study that Oxford uni is doing. Being in the study I will get 11 cbt sessions (you only get 6 on the nhs if you go down that route) plus one other treatment tbc - either 'deep muscle relaxation therapy' (hopefully a massage once a week!) or 'baby communication' (where they film your baby playing and you watch it back together and talk about it thus increasing your connection with you baby).

I'd like to apologise for being so miserable recently and bringing the mood down. I love hearing how everyone is doing and how everyones babies are doing. My moan about C's slow development was more to do with comments that friends seem to make thus making me feel bad. Example - Me: C did this today, Friend: Oh yeah, its great when they do that isnt it (which I take as 'my baby dd that ages ago' when really they are just sharing!)

So now I feel really aware of my problem with pnd and bonding with C and since realising it and getting on the research programme I feel much better and have started changing my behaviour.

So again, I'm really sorry sisters :hug:
Hi all hope everyone is well :)
Just popping in to update you all as it's been what feels like forever
Well as you all know I was due to have ivf well i started injecting myself on the 29th jan daily then twice daily on the 5th feb with bloods and internal scans every other day to check follicles and hormone levels I had egg collection yesterday we are fortunate enough to have had 15 egg harvested and had a phone call today to say 14 are fertilised and are now embryos soo exciting :) x
chin up Rach - it's tough anyway and then pnd on top - the baby college and oxford study sound fab - and I don't think Charlie is a slow developer at all - all babies differ!

Yey to jo jingles - I love baby music classes! We were swimming today too

How's the nanny doing Jo?

Danni! So good to hear from you - good egg harvest! So when do you reckon you will be starting with implantation - how many will they put in? Keep positive - I know it has been a long hard road but this might really be it! It is v exciting!

afm ollie doing well - walking coming on a treat. Also am asking oh to marry me on the 29th!
Hi Danni, Great to hear where you're at. As H says, this could be it! How many are you going to put back and when? v v exciting. And well done injecting yourself, that can't be easy or much fun.

Congrats on your upcoming engagement Helen! Does that mean you will buy him a ring? How are you going to do it? I love a good engagement!

:happydance: for Oliver's walking x
Hi Sisters!!! Sorry I haven't been on for so long - had problems logging on and haven't had time to fix it. But I have been reading the thread! Congrats Mrs G!!! And how exciting Helen! Xx Rach, I've had PND, it's not nice. Big hugs. X Oliver's still not 100% better, had lots of problems, bless him, but is always smiling!! Been busy wedding planning also, only 8 months to go! Exciting!!! Em xx
Huge :hugs: Rach. You have not been a moan, you have been a wonderful mum under the difficult start. I am glad you have been accepted onto the study and will be getting 11 sessions of CBT..brilliant. I often thought that I might have had it two but I think I just had some very low moments about life in general due to our circumstances rather than baby related if that makes sense. I have spent at least 4/7 days of the past year crying and not feeling good but its missing family, and feeling lonely and bla bla bla. You have all listened to me moan an awful lot too and that's what we are here for to support each other through difficult moments.

Lou - sounds like you have a wonderful day with classes. I was at my final class yesterday with the kids and our nanny will be taking them from now on.

Helen - omg so exciting. Are you nervous? I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear all the details. Well done on the little man's walking. I don't think Livi will be walking for a bit, i thought she would but she is very wobbly still cruising around the furniture and very wobbly walking with one of us. The difference between 1st and 2nd children is huge...I worried about every milestone with Euan and worried that he was a bit slow at times and constantly compared him to other kids his age, this time around I don't care I know she will achieve it all in her own time and am so much more relaxed about it.

Danni - so exciting to hear that you have 14 embryos, this is going to be your time. I know it! When are they planning on putting the embies inside you?

Emma - nice to see you back on here with us. Ollie has had lots of problems bless him and I hope he is doing better now. Haven't seen a FB post for a wee while, hope I haven't just jinxed it.

We are doing fine, back to work on Monday and I feel sad but I feel ok about it. I just wish it was PT however I got paid today for the week i was in and that was brilliant.
Have resat my knowledge test and I have a learners license again so had my first driving lesson on Wednesday and it was ok. Our nanny started yesterday and she is so nice and both the children really like her after one morning.. Livi is normally a bit wary of new people but she was fine after 10mins. I am really happy with her and I feel comfortable leaving the children with her which is great, I am feeling really lucky to have someone that seems to genuinely like the kids and seems really nice.
Its Olivias 1st birthday tomorrow, so we will be having a wee party for her just the 4 of us, we bought her a little rocking horse for her birthday so she will like that.
Hey Em :wave: sorry your Ollie is not yet 100% do they know why? Your little ones look so cute in your avatar!

Jo - sorry you are having more pants days than good - that's hard going :hugs: well done on your tests and good luck for monday! Happy 1st bday to Livi too - have a lovely little party and must get a photo of Livi on her rocking horse - which was a fab club in edinburgh!

My plan for proposal is thus: have printed Ollie's vest with message "daddy will you marry mummy" and have cufflinks made in silver - one with 'marry me' on front and date 29/02/2012 and the other with 'marry mummy' on front and ollie's dob on the back - oh does ollie's bath so when he undresses him on wednesday he will find ollie's message on the vest! Eeeeeeek excited!

Wow Helen that sounds great...I can only imagine your partners face. If he is as good at not noticing details as my husband he would pull it off without noticing. Are you planning on hanging around outside the bathroom.

I will post some pics.. I have updated pics on my journal of both kiddies! You can find the link at the bottom of my signature if anyone wants to see them.
our bathroom is downstairs and tiny so he is undressed in livingroom
Helen, thats is awesome. Set the vid camera up in a hiding place to catch his face, it will be priceless! x

I'm g;ad the children like the nanny Jo, and I b et it was nice getting a paycheck (I miss that boo hoo!).

Hi Em! Poor Ollie, what is the matter with him, hope its nothing too serious and he recovers soon.

I went on a hen do today (bowed out of the evening due to baby commitments!) and the activity was indoor surfing. It was so amazing, I cant wait to do it again. First cbt on Tues x
Rach - hope the CBT goes well, it actually really helped me but I only had the 6 sessions and found it difficult to attend because of childcare issues. I'm actually on medication because of it now, had to go on it again after having Oliver - guess pregnancy doesn't mix well with my hormones!!! X Oliver's problems started when he was born, he had really bad reflux which they never treated because his weight gain was fine. Because the constant reflux seems to have caused him a lot of problems with his throat he has had periods of choking on everything he tries to eat, he chokes constantly on lots of mucus that settles in his throat, it's really scary when it happens, and horrible for Oliver. He's got suspected asthma which he's having inhalers daily for. And he loses his voice a lot. I can honestly say in the past year he's been poorly at least 2 weeks every month. :-( hope everyone is having a fab weekend? Happy birthday to Olivia for today too Jo! Hope she has a lovely day!! Jessica is 6 on Tuesday, she's so grown up!!!! Xx
Helen - lovely way of proposing!!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!! We've been engaged 4 years this year, can't believe we are finally getting married!!!! X
we need details em - have you picked out your dress?,pics?

v excited - will get pics from wednesday!
ps that sounds awful for Ollie - and dealing with a poorly baby so often must be hard going - when I went back to work and Ollie was in nursery he was poorly all of november and december with a week just before his birthday and it was seriously hard going so I can only imagine what you have been through - and he is such a brave little chap being so smiley through it as you said in your earlier post - bigs hugs :hugs:
good luck for tuesday Rach.

Happy birthday to Jessica Em
My dress is Mori Lee 4163, it's beautiful!!! Trying to lose weight ATM though before dress fittings!! Thanks Helen, it is hard, especially as I'm on my own during the week as Rob is working away a lot. How is Ollie's walking? Did he have a lovely birthday? I've missed so much being away!!! Xx

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