Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

ha I got an antique one off ebay - a little art deco one with a saphire inbetween 2 diamonds - I like it :)
Helen, the ring sounds just lovely.

Livi had her 12m injections yesterday.. 4 injections in 1 go which is always a bit much and I always wonder if I should split them up more. She had her MMR (1st dose) Varicella (1st dose) a meningitis one and a pnemonia one. She has been super unwell since she had them. She was vomiting every 40m or so from 8.30 last night till about 2pm today. After many phone calls etc and seeing our GP today turns it that its an extremely rare reaction to either the MMR or the Varicella as they are both live vaccines. After some pedialyte drinks and some tylenol suppositories she is a bit better. Had to do lots of adverse reaction forms with the public health team. Bit scary as she was shivering like mad with a huge fever too and at first I actually thought she was having a seizure.

Worried about the next ones at 18m... there will be a recommendation from the team who review the adverse reaction forms and they reckon they will still recommend the next dose because a day of vomiting will not outweigh the benefits of having the injections. I will think a bit more about it though.

Had to take today off work as I didn't want the nanny having to deal with it besides from 8.30 last night till bedtime tonight she was almost permanently attached to me with her head on my chest, crying, napping, or puking! Poor pumpkin. Hope she is better tomorrow.
Sorry to hear Livi had such a nbad reaction to her jabs. Sounds terrible for you and her. Poor little mite. Hope she is feeling better now big :hugs:

Helen the ring shounds lovely! What time of year are you thinking of?

Rach how was CBT this week?

Fo has been unwell since monday, has high temp or fever, goes up and down, and everything is just going through him. 4th day of it now. Last night he would not be put down. got him down at 1 at last (thought it was he was hungery as hasn't wanted solids), but then just kept crying him his sleep all night, so went back to him at 4.30 for an hour and he managed to not cry till 8.20. This morning he has a fever again and all he wants is to sit on me, or feed. missed all our baby groups so far this week, sad we are missing swimming today. hoping we will be back next week.
oh no poor Livi! Ollie was booked in for today but his naps got messed up so he was tired and having one meltdown after the other, couldn't get him in his pushchair - so I put them off for 2 weeks as there was no point - he's having a late nap now - will have to wake him in a mo.

We are thinking march april next year

Poor Foley - hope he gets better!
Jo, I'm so sorry to hear about poor Livi. Bless her, hope she's in the mend soon :flower:

And poor Foley too. Hope he's better soon and you're managing to get some down time and you're not too tired :hugs:

H, your ring sounds amazing, just the kind of thing I would like. Well done you getting it on ebay!

Just catching up on this week's obem!

cbt today was good. I really enjoyed watching back the 'watch and discover' and seeing how C interacts with me and stuff. Feeling a lot closer to him today.

She also shed light on his 9pm 'friek outs'. He would wake crying pretty bad and nothing appeased him. Nada. Until he accidentally woke up. He would stare at me as if to say 'Mummy, why are you holding me when I should be in my bed'. Anyways, seems he had night terrors. The last few nights he hasnt had them thank goodness so hopefully it was a phase that has now passed.
Helen - March/April would be a lovely time for a wedding. Its all so exciting. I am so happy for you. You should pop a pic on here of the ring when it arrives.

Lou - so sorry to hear that Fo isn't well either its just horrible to watch isn't it. Hope he is sleeping well tonight and feels better tomorrow.

Rach - glad that CBT was better today it sounds like it is already having some positive results. I hate to say it but the night terrors come and go. Euan went through a spell a few weeks ago having them almost every night for a week or so. They seem to happen for him more when he is over tired before bed time.

We are doing ok. I went back to work today and felt a bit guilty about that. Livi is still poorly but much better from yesterday, its kind of wierd to say and a bit horrible too, but her being so unwell really made me feel like her mummy. Up until now she has bonded with all of us but I never felt like I had a particularly special place for her until yesterday, and she wanted proper cuddles all day which was actually kind of lovely.

1 more day at work and then its the weekend again...yay!
Hello everyone. Bit of a rant alart I'm afraid.

Charlie is poorly AGAIN. again!! So annoying, I know all babies are ill but ffs Charlie, please cna you just get over this tummy bug in less than a month like normal children.

He has been throwing everything up all week and can only keep water down. Lost lots of weight. Worryingly, he is already on 'special milk' so there is nowhere to turn to for an answer on that front. Another kick in the ribs for me towards my bf failure.


Rant over :)
if it's a tummy bug then it's nothing to do with bf Rach - don't beat yourself up- it's hard and stressful looking after them when they're poorly - you don't get downtime when they're ill which doesn't help so big :hugs:

hope Charlie is through the worst if it - keep on at the drs if you are worried
Thanks H. going back to the docs tomorrow. Mum came down on Monday. Ralph and I were throwing up all Sunday night and we txt her at 5am to 'come asap, we are really ill boo hoo' and she got on the train at 8.45 and was here by 11. She is such a life saver, I am so lucky. She has been an absolute star all week helping but I am dreading tomorrow when she goes home. I just hate that none of the formulas agree with him and just feel that if he was on my milk then he wouldn't be throwing it all back but maybe he would so you never know x

Hope all our other poorly babies are on the mend too. Its certainly the month for it.
Tummy bugs must be doing the rounds worldwide. Olivia was super sick on Saturday morning we were really worried about her, took her to the doctor who told us to take her to the emergency department at the sick kids hospital. So we go there and by the time we arrive whatever was up with her was gone and she was back to her happy self, blowing raspberries and singing and we felt like total frauds. It was actually very funny.

Turns out her 'vaccine reaction' was totally a stomach bug. We know this because Euan started puking on Sunday, he puked from 2pm on Sunday afternoon till 5am on Monday morning. I was up all night and once he fell asleep at 5 I just got up and went to work. It was fun! I am pretty tired.

Steven and I have not got anything yet so I am hoping that it has bypassed us.

Rach try not to beat yourself up about the breast feeding. I punished myself for a long time for being unable to feed Euan and I punish myself for not being able to feed Livi. It makes me mad that one of my best friends at home can comfortably BF twins when I failed at feeding 1 baby. In baby club there is a thread for mums who are doing just this, grieving the fact that we were unable to BF. There are a lot of mums in there.

Hope your all well.

Just had a lovely phone call with Steven at his work which ended with him telling me I should go and see someone about my 'low moods'. I am so fed up, lonely, frustrated, missing the kids but I also feel that when I do see them for the 2 hours before bedtime, I feel quite detached and I don't interact with them properly. Euan told me tonight that he wanted me to go back to work so our nanny could come in, I know its what children do but it has really upset me. I just can't help feeling like such an utterly crap mother.

I see Steven for about 50 minutes Mon-Sat afternoon and we have Saturday afternoon and Sunday together, I feel that we are starting to struggle because we are not spending any time together. I desperately want to go back to Edinburgh, but Steven doesn;t and he takes every opportunity to tell me how crap our life is going to be there and how he hates it. He tells me if I want to go home then we better get used to the kids never getting jobs and becoming kids with ASBOs.

I suppose I just feel very alone over here, with no one who cares about me. I have tried to make friends but I have to say Canadians are a bit wierd and I have put in so much effort with a lot of people with no result. Its one of those things that I am always the one to phone,email,facebook with places to meet. I have stopped and as a result have not spoken to anyone in a social setting since I started work. Its crap!

Anyway, need to get to bed!

Sorry for ranting again. I am so f*****g fed up of crying at the drop of a pin, being over emotional.

On the up side started folic acid at the weekend. Not sure if its going to get me anywhere. Steven told me that we must have had a conversation that he knows nothing about.

I don't think I have depression, I think I am just fed up with our circumstances and after almost 6 years of missing home, its taking more of a toll on me now.
:hugs: Jo. It is so hard being away from friends and family - the world seems like such a lonely place. Naughty Steven saying your Edinburgh children wouldn't amount to anything. Its parenting that counts not location. Would you ever put your foot down and just say right thats it, we're moving! ?

Naughty Euan too. Kids love winding ther parents up. The more they look you the more the do it so I would take it as a compliment!

Charlie's getting better and has constipation now. Lovely.
:hugs: Jo - I think a big sit down with Steven is in order - I reckon put a time limit on it - say you're prepared to give it a year but if nothing changes then you are going to push to come home.

glad Charlie is on the mend Rach - get some good fruit in him and some fibre - his syatems probably just sorting itself out

oh I'm so split about what to do - they are advertising comliance/complaints temp roles to deal with ppi claims coming into banks for like £200 a day - my old job had a lot to do with compiance/fsa etc as had to check strategies were compliant etc so think I'd have a shot - and we want to move with a likely neg equity problem that this could really help - it is full time though - and puts my sahm/ artist on a back burner - aaaarrrrggghhhh! I need to put together a cv if I am to go for it - hate doing cvs!
I did tell him that I wanted to go home. We need jobs first though and as a nurse it's not going to happen right now. The whole country is only hiring internally so that needs to change. Our house isn't selling so we are stuck for now anyway.

Sorry about the depressing posts.

Rach - thankyou and sorry to hear your little man is now constipated. Prunes helped Euan a tonne when he was little for constipation. I bought one of those baby pots of prunes. Worked a little too well though ;)

Helen - thanks your right, we need to have a big sit down problem though is getting the time. I know your in a dilemma and you are thinking with your head in terms of finances and your heart for art and Ollie. It doesn't mean that if you get the bank job you can't pursue art. It's maybe going to out you in a better position for doing that.
That's quite amusing H. I used to do endowment complaints contracting and have been tempted to do some ppi complaints as its flexible temp contracts. But I am too scared to take the plunge. You could put the grand plan on hold just for a bit and do it for 6m?

C is better hurrah! We had a lovely weekend in Brighton, I have never been but always wanted to go and it was great.

Hope everyone had lovely mothers days x
Hi everyone.

Jo hope your feeling better. Hope you get a chance to have a good sit down with OH and have a proper chat about how you are feeling. It must be so hard being away from family and friends. hope livi is better now. xx

Rach sorry to hear charlie has been so unwell. Hope his contipation is all sorted now and he's feeling better. Glad the CBT went well last week, how was it this week?

Helen maybe set down a list of pros and cons of doing each thing? I was/am in same sort of situation and just applyed for a job i wasn't sure if it was what i wanted. Nothing came of it so decision made for me, think things do work out for the best, and as Jo says it does not mean if you go for it you have to give up on your art xx

Sorry been bit AWOL, foley had the stomach big, then i got it and was wiped out for 5 days after his 5 days! not much fun. Milk supply dropped too as i could not keep anything down, so had him waking in the night as hungery and all i wanted to do was be sick! Anyway we are all better now and trying to plan something for me and DH anniversary to get some family time.
Lou - sounds like a nightmare time. Glad your all better. Nothing worse than looking after a sick child when you are feeling really unwell yourself. Did your milk supply come back up to normal once you were able to keep fluids down?

Rach - glad that the little man is all better. Brighton is really nice, I only went for a day trip once from London with a friend and all I remember is the palace looking thing..a little trendy area of shops and the famous cake shop...with the wierd name. Glad you had fun!

Helen - have you came to a decision?

We did have a chat and he is prepared to go home if I decide that is what I want, but he isn't going to make it easy. He made it clear that its not his choice, he thinks its a poor choice, he told me that he will be utterly miserable and no matter what happens he isnt going to change, he basically painted the grimest picture EVER of our future that sounded so utterly depressing that I am not sure what to do. Our house is not selling so we dont have to make any decisions soon.

Kiddies are all fine, turns out 3 year old behaviour is worse than the terrible twos that I think the terrible Ts should be a better term, maybe it is as I dont think I would have come up with that myself ;) I think he is having a bit of separation anxiety still and he is totally attention seeking.

He had poos the other day that were a bit alarming, they were white like clay colour... I of course googled it and found pages and pages of white poops i toddlers all saying that its an extreme emergency, take your child to the ER now, and it usually indicates that your liver is not working. Even though the nurse in me was thinking 'if his liver wasn't working he would be sick and have some more symptoms other than white poops' but the mum part was starting to get a bit scared until I found a page by a pediatrician saying that white poops while it can indicate serious life threatning conditions it can also be malabsorption of fat post a viral illness aka gastroenteritis, normally presenting a week after lasting for a few days.

That is totally what it is.. and they are starting to go brown ish again. Poor poppet, he is still pretty tired and is napping in the afternoon for a few hours and he is still complaining of of tummy pains. Other than that he is ok.
no decision, need to get cv done anyway I guess.

Jo hang in there - I bet you feel like you are getting it on all sides - with Euan being 3 and Steven and the moving home thing on top of going back to work! It's tough - it's so tough as your hearts are pulling in different directions - or is it Steven's head and your heart - I mean if you both got good jobs and the right place to live would he be happy in Edinburgh? Does he have another reason to hate the place?

Glad you're all better Lou - what a nightmare! Happy anniversary!

Yay to Charlie being better Rach!

The cbt lady thinks that Charlie has slow fine motor development skills and that I should discuss with HV which I will do tomorrow. Can you guys remember what your babies were doing at 9m?

Any tips for developing these skills? x
Helen - that is exactly it. I am thinking with my heart and Steven is totally being sensible. We both have good very well paid jobs here and our own home, car etc. we are in the position to buy a 4-5 bedroom home with garden and another car probably as our combined salary is about 125K per year. However if we come home, we cannot afford to buy anything decent property wise and realistically we will be going into a flat and a nursing salary is less than half of what I make here and similarly for Steven. We live in a beautiful area of the world and we are 30m away from the US so there is an awful lot to give up. I get it!

Rach -I dont remember what my 2 were doing at 9m. I remember noticing everything with Euan but I dont remember paying much attention to Livi but I did notice the other day that her pincer movement is fine and she can pick up very small things. I am sure C is just fine!
Rach - what sort of things do they think he should be doing. Foley is 9 and half months. Just started pulling himself up, can pass for hand to hand, think he can pick up small things - not really noticed his pincher grip. He has his development check next week. I'm sure Charlie is fine x

Helen hope your CV writing goes ok x

Jo hope things sort itself out for you soon. It's hard when your heart is telling you to go home, but the head tells you something else. Hope Euan is better now. How is the nanny getting on?

It took about a week after i could eat again to get my supply back up. I went into work one morning and could barely express 1oz, and had a wobble and phoned DH at work, saying how could i leave him with that, and would this be it now! But DH sorted me out and told me to calm down and he can eat food now and it will be fine once up back to normal.

Busy day ahead today, jo jingles and swimming again. Fo was up early today. he cut his top tooth yesterday, didn't even realise he was cutting it, he felt hot but just ignored it as he was his normally beasty self! Think 2nd one is on way today so why he is up early. Long day ahead, better shower x

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