Cycle 3 started, anyone wanna be buddies?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
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So af got me on Thursday, didn't really hold out much hope as got it completely wrong timing wise but o hey ho. Here's to this month, cycle no 3. Now on cd3 and have just ordered myself some more opks and also some conceive plus to try this month. Dh was struggling last cycle because he got sore. :dohh: Sorry tmi but Fx for a bpf this cycle. Anyone wanna be buddies? :flower: its stressing me out slightly having no one to talk to as we decided not to tell anyone we TTC :wacko:
Hey universa, im approaching cycle 5 of trying and losing hope (I know it's not that long but I'm a little older and scared I could have complications), anyway I think a buddy would be great!!!

I'm on CD5 so were right there together! I just started temping and I'm trying an opk this month too... Lets hope for some bfp!!!
Hiya hun :)

I'm on CD1 of Cycle 3 today :( got stomach cramps coming out of my eyeballs. I was just so so upset when I saw my temps dipping. Tried holding onto a bit of hope that it was an extra cold night, fiance was stealing the duvet etc. When I started spotting, I hoped it was late IB. But no... AF has found me.

On a plus side, my second cycle was only 41 days :-D yippeeee!!! As you may remember, my first cycle was 122 days, with no O! So I was chuffed to bits that I actually O'd :-D we obviously didn't catch it in time :-/

I'm thinking of taking Pregnacare this cycle. FF suggests I have a 13 day luteal phase - so I googled it, and saw that it 'should' be around 14-17 days. So I panicked a bit. I think its maybe my body still getting back to normal, so maybe this cycle will be a bit more normal. It may still be early for me to panic, but I can't help it :-/

How are you feeling?? I was crying this morning with my bad stomach. Then I came home to the news that my brother's best friend's girlfriend is pregnant... And I just errupted!! My brother's REALLY confused, as he doesn't know we're trying. My mother thinks I'm being way overly dramatic. My fiance just rolled his eyes lol. But right now I'm SO emotional, I've got hormones raging, and I just can't help it.

We've been trying for almost 6mths now, and it just seems that so many people around us are pregnant or having babies :(

Hey, thanks for replying.
I've had a bit of a strange af this month really, spotting for a couple of days then af but now really light so no idea what's happened really. No cramps or headache which is weird to but onwards I go.
Newj your right I guess 5 cycles isn't long compared to 'the norm' but it is when you so want it! Let's hope its a bpf for us :)
Kath, yay for the shorter cycle this time I remember how stressed you were waiting for af 1st time round at 122 days! I kept clinging onto hope when I spotted for a few days before she arrived but I couldn't even rely on my temps as I was poorly and they went all over the place for the last days of my cycle.
But I'm feeling good, dh is looking forward to the arrival of conceive plus and I'm hoping for better o symptoms this cycle!

Newj let's hope the opks do there job properly as I haven't actually managed to catch a + yet, and I think you will find temping really helpful. I certainly did last cycle as it was 1st time I'd done it I learnt so much.

Let's hope for out bpfs very soon xx
Congrats Kath on the shorter cycle! I've had somewhat reg cycles in length but just starting temping and will be using opks this month so who knows if I'm actually ovulating.

Universa, I know the feeling of a weird AF. This past cycle I swore I was preg. Every symptom was there. Then I spotted dark brown for about 5-6 days (extremely light) and prayed it was IB like you ladies, but then AF showed... Only showed for
2 days now here I am. Instill don't really get it as I always bleed for 5 but I'm just trying to let it go and start a new month. I guess we'll see!
It's funny, with my 1st cycle, as soon as I started to spot (eventually lol!) I was like YES this is IT!!!!! Now, with my second cycle, I was like 'naaaaaah, it coooould be IB, I cooooould be pregnant'. Then my temps kept dropping + this morning I just laughed when I saw how low it was. I was like 'omg I can't lie to myself anymore dammit!!'

TTC does crazy things to us ;-)

Come on cycle 3!! This could be it!!!! I hope soooo soooooo much!!!! Xx
So true ladies, I was so convinced on Sunday that I was pregnant that I did a test - I left it and forgot i'd done it went back later that day to 2 lines!
Needless to say I did another yesterday but was negative within the time frame but again, a line later when I went back - I put them both down to evaps but I feel like absolute rubbish! Sick, tired, headache, tender bbs you name it since I stated to 'bleed' on Thursday but I know what you mean about clinging on although my temp is waay down now.

Onwards and upwards to this cycle though - how are you both feeling today?
Hiya hun, my temps are way low too. Its horrible. I keep getting upset thinking of babies, hearing of friends getting pregnant/giving birth. Although I've always wanted kids, a few years ago I was like 'I never ever want to go through giving birth naturally, c section all the way' lol, well right now I want so much to be a mum, I want children with my stunning fiance so much, and I even want to give birth. I'm actually getting myself in the frame of mind, is that weird??? Its always been one of those things that we'd all go 'ewww, shut up!!' If someone brought it up. But now I find myself actually talking about birth, babies, nappies, screaming babies, lol omg its nuts!!

I always assumed when I wanted to start TTC, it would be quick and easy. Ya know, unprotected sex = pregnancy. But it doesn't :-/ my fiance kinda rolls his eyes when I start going off on one about it all! He's like 'you're only 25'. But he knows I always said I wanted kids by the time I was 25. Even though its only a few months into 2013, we've already passed the deadline for a 2013 baby :-/ not that it makes much difference, but a 2014 baby sounds so far away.

Oh dear, I didn't mean to start ranting. Its so hard not having anyone really to talk to about it :-/ I'm having a catch up with one of my friends at the end of the week, and I think I'm gonna let rip and pour my heart out :(

Hope you're doing ok xx
Hi girls!!

I´m starting Cycle 3 too!! Today is CD2 :D so after putting myself together with the disappointment of AF coming yesterday I have built my hopes up again for this cycle and wishing April brings me my Easter Bunny :bunny:

I read you are using an opk, what brand do you use?? I´ve never used them before but I´d like to try them, you know, to do that little extra thing :D

It is so nice to have other girls around going through the same rollercoaster!!

Wishing you the best grils!!!!

Hey love,

I just purchase clear blue digital. It's dummy proof with a smiley face on the days you o! I needed the least amount of interpretation so I didn't stress.

In now on cd7 and can't wait to get to the point of "o" so we can hopefully get out bfp!!!

GL to you! I'll keep my fx!!! :)
Kath and universa, I think it's safe to say we're all feeling the same. Upset and disappointed. I know we're all trying to stay positive but only speaking for myself all I want to do is throw myself a pity party.
I too thought it would be instant preggos, why did our parents lie when they said it only takes one unprotected night to get pregnant... Well I've had many nights unprotected with my DH and NOTHING!!! Honestly, I just want to cry lately.

To top matters, a girl I work with got preg on her honeymoon and isn't happy at all. She supposedly wanted to wait a year and was like... I'd give IT to you if I could. IT!!! Really?

Ok rant done. Lol
Hi JZ!! Thanks for the recommendation, I will go get them tomorrow... and see what happens.......

I also thought getting pregnant would be so much easier, specially after listening all those stories of girls that don´t even want to get pregnant and just do...... on top of it I DID get preg on my honeymoon!! i thought goosh that´s just so amazing and IT IS so easy and "they lived happily ever after" and all, but it didn´t turn out right, and suddenly after a punch of reality realized it is not that simple.... speaking for myself, i think maybe there´s something I still need to do or learn or accept or figure out or... I´m really not sure..... but it will happen.... for all of us...sooo, bottom line I think is to keep positive and truely believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything has its right time, and we will all get our turn.

Geez... this was just a thank you note for the opk recommendation and turned out to be a five kilometer post.... hahaha sorry!! :shrug:

Good night!! :sleep:

I know what you mean completely, my dh is exactly the same when I talk about babies, he's like oh great this again! But its ok for them! He has only decided he wanted to start a family a few months ago, i've been wanting this for years! I'm 27 atm, 28 this year so I just wanna get started ya know!? :wacko: No one knows that we're trying, its so hard not having anyone to talk to so its great to come on and chat to you ladies :flower:

NJ thats well off, how heartbreaking your collegue saying that! Some ppl are just unbelieveable! :growlmad: The clearblue sounds really good but i've got some internet cheapies on the way so will have to stick to them for a bit - i'm hoping that I can catch the surge this time so we can get the best chance possible - who ever throught baby making would be so tiring! I always thought 'yeah, we'll just bd and bam, we'll have a baby!' How wrong and I totally agree about the girlies that have a one night stand and end up pregnant when they dont even want it! And the thing that REALLY annoys me is you see people about who are sooooo horrible to their children, swearing and cursing at them and they have been given the blessing of those babies - then there's us who just desperately want a baby to love and care for and are trying sooooooo hard!! RAH! :growlmad: Rant over lol

Hope your all ok today, and welcome love xx
Hi girls!!!!

Ahhhh its fab that I'm not the only crazy one ;-) lol!!

Thenewjz - I constantly feel sorry for myself. Jeeeez, on the weekend when I found out a friend is pregnant, I errupted. Had a full on tantrum. And people thought I was mad. I thought omg you should be pittying me and feeling sorry for me :-O but nope, they just think I'm a drama queen - which I am lol! But that's not the point :-D I actually work with 2 girls who've BOTH just gone off on maternity leave. Its so hard to pretend not to be that interested in all the baby talk :-/

Loveforlife - sorry it didn't work out before :( I hope we get our BFPs soon! It is so annoying when people get pregnant from one night stands :( I mean, my sister in law missed one or two BCPs, and now my niece is 2!!! She's amazing, but I do get teary lately when I'm with her. I'm finding it hard not to be so emotional. I really do try to cover it up, especially as not many people know we're TTC. But its so damn hard :(

Universa_2k - god I know what you mean about people being horrible to their kids. I've literally seen a teenage mother screaming and swearing at a tiny baby in a pram before. Omg whaaaat!!!! It was crazy!!! Me and my mum stopped when we saw it, I was almost crying. What on earth could that baby have possibly done to deserve that??? Omg don't get me started lol!! I can't wait to be a mummy, and I look at people like that and think 'how did they get from here, to there?!?!'

Girls, let's hope this cycle is our cycle!! I've had a few others on other threads announce their BFPs, and while I'm chuffed for them, I want to announce my own!!

My AF is withering away now, light today yippee!! So we're gonna get back on it soon, really gonna try our best this cycle!!! Fingers crossed!!! Come on BFPs!!!!!!!

Hi girls,

I am so glad to feel less alone on this,:hugs: DH is really supportive and I know he tries to be as understanding as he can, but of course there are some things he just doesn´t get as a guy... and let´s face it, not all girls get it too, they´re either too pregnant or just not into babies lol

Anyways, yesterday was cd2 and i just felt so devastated because the idea got into me that I was having another early mc, though I don´t really have any particular clues to jump into that conclusion.... I think I´m just paranoid... but seriously I thought I was going tu burst in the middle of work, so I came back home to DH and cried for a while, then I did some meditations and slept.

Today I decided to start Reiki therapy, I´ve done this before just not focused on fertility...Don´t know if it works or not, but hey! there´s nothing to lose, in fact, it will sure help with relaxation and keeping calm... yesterday´s storm made me realize nothing good comes from frustration, not for the relationship with DH, not for myself and not for the folicules.... so for the sake of healty ovulation, No more getting frustrated!! :rain:

How are you all feeling today???

That's a nice positive attitude to have :)

Its good that you're into meditation + reiki! I heard accupuncture is meant to help with TTC. I find things like that stress me out more lol! I'm not very good at 'chilling out' or being pampered hehe!

I'm on CD4 today. Really waiting impatiently to start BDing again. I'm not very patient. I'd like to fast forward to the TWW, and get it over with!!! Trying to be positive for this cycle though. Even though I was convinced last cycle was 'the one'. Ugh!

I feel the same! But I'm slightly more happy today as I got a flashing smiley face on my opk so I'm at the start of my o! I thought it was a little early but maybe that's my problem, maybe I just o earlier than I calculated. We're bd'ing later no matter what lol so keep all fx for me!
I feel the same! But I'm slightly more happy today as I got a flashing smiley face on my opk so I'm at the start of my o! I thought it was a little early but maybe that's my problem, maybe I just o earlier than I calculated. We're bd'ing later no matter what lol so keep all fx for me!

HOOOOORAY for you JZ!!! Fingers crossed, good vibes, best wishes and lots and lots of baby dust!!!

Good luck & have fun!! lol


Thank you!!! We bd'd last night and will again if there's another smiley today (hopefully)...

I'm trying smep (google it, super doable) this month too. A pp mentioned it, you ladies ever try it?
Hey ladies, glad your all doing ok. Meditation sounds really good although I'm also not good at that kind of thing! Well ladies, I'm really confused and slightly peeved! After my weird af of a few days spotting, full on cold, light and weird af I was really poorly Tuesday night (sick, cramps, tired beyond anything normal!) Today I have brown cm spotting again, achy back and tummy and pains in my bbs. I have no idea what's going on and dh can't work out what I'm stressing over! ARGH! Thinking if this continues I might have to pay a visit to the Drs :wacko:dohh:

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