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Cycle buddies needed!! CD1 Oct 25th

I have my CBFM and I'm hoping for slightly earlier O think month (CD22 last month) I would 'like' to O about CD18 ... lets see of the AC can help!!!!
Just whizzing by with some :dust: for this cycle ladies.

Miel - Im so so so sorry :hug:
Boy! Af was such a pain yesterday ...i thought i was going to die with pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i feel better today :)...hope fully she will be out by tomorrow!!!
then a little week to wait and i am off to my romantic week end on the 7th and guess it should be ovulation week end too!!!
i can't wait!!!
Ohhhh romantic weekend!! :happydance: sounds wonderful!

CD5 today, AF almost gone which is UBER weird .. but hey ho might be the ac I guess? whatever .. i'm staying happy and positive and going to remember that what ever happens i have the most brilliant DF who loves me, with or without a bump.

Roll on Friday and our trip to Legoland!!!!

How are you all getting along?
Farie? how long you have being TTc?
Hey chick, 12 months now :cry:
Feels like a very long time TBH but heyhoo it WILL happen for us, I have to believe that. I just have to.
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing ?? I'm waiting to ov next weekend, have it all planned...hee....hee. Hopefully everyone is starting November with a smile on their face!! :hugs:
Hey well I started my AC yesterday ...reminds me I haven't taken it today yet! And I was supposed to start using OPK yesterday but forgot aswell. Abit scatty! Yes I hope next weekend is the time but having such long 40+ cycles who knows....I have promised myself to relax and not stress and hopefully that will help regulate it.
Hi ladies :)

I've been ttc for 8 months now after no OV at all, and have had my 1st official CD1 on the 25th Oct after 9 years contraception/suspected PCOS (false alarm, thank goodness). So for the first time in literally aaages I was very happy and welcomed the :witch:, had 3 positive OV tests on 2nd, 3rd + 4th (yesterday) Nov and have been :sex: like mad and will continue to do so until I get that :bfp: !!! Hopefully before :witch: comes back and I wont be happy to see her anymore!

Couldn't tell you how long my cycles are because like I say this is my 1st real one since coming off the pill, and I had all the tests for PCOS/infertility but they all came back fine! So wishing myself plenty of luck, and even more for the rest of you! x
Hey Tryingforever,

...Yeh, weird I know but I'm not arguing it... my :witch: was very short and sweet, only 2 proper days really to be precise, and 3 very strong positive's on my OV tests... how long is it usually after your :witch: ?? I'm quite unsure as this is my 1st proper time of tryinga dn having positive OV results! x
And 1st positive OV result was on Mon 3rd, which was CD9! x
Well maybe it's going to be a short cycle..... good luck!!
I've been getting negative OPK's so far but I was expecting that as I have very long cycles. Good luck with yours! How is everyone else going so far?

Hope you have a fab weekend everyone! ;)
I got a positive OPK last night on cd14...I thought that's abit unusual with the fact that my cycle is usually 40+ days...but maybe I will have a shorter cycle this month as I have started the AC...will have to see if it does any good! Lots of :sex: this weekend though just in case its right! Will see how the temps go as well as this is the first month I am monitoring them.
Hi ladies, I'm on CD 17 at the moment and trying hard this month to distract myself form symptom spotting. Let's see how long this lasts!!
Oh my goodness!! It's so hard not to symptom spot!! I'm 3 dpo and I have these strong twinges behind my pubic bone. It mainly happens when I go from sitting/lying to standing.... hope it's my uterus working overtime! :) hee hee Good luck to all!!
oh well i think theres def something dodgy going on in there....got PMS, feel really bloated and got sharp pains in my ovaries over last few days...thinking i'm ovulating but have been getting negative OPK's ......temps flat line.......don't think i'm alive .......or is that supposed to be heart monitor line?

And oh yeah...got :bfn: today just so that I can put myself out of misery and wishful thinking this month.
How is everyone?? Any testing?? I'm 9dpo & not testing until 12 dpo....it's hard, but seeing a BFN is harder!
3DPO .. and the days are dragging!!! another 7 or so to go .....

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