Cycle Buddies wanted! CD 1 Feb 6! No matter what CD you are on! more sleep and hopefully you will get some answers...

I need to survive one or two more sleeps... hopefully two ;)
how r we all doing?

Had a bit of brown CM when i wiped today. Nothing else as yet
Temps held this same morning (I took it an hour early because my excitement woke me up!)

No spotting

No witch yet...
My temps went down this morning but still feel really warm!

My stomach hurt really bad when I went to bed last night...not AF pains but "I need to go to the toilet" pains. Sorry this it TMI....but I went yesterday morning and went I came home from work so why am I getting pains that I need to go again! Two in one days is strange for me...sometimes I go 2-3 days without any.

But on the more exciting note I have no witch.

I am not due full flow until Monday or Tuesday (not sure of LP is 13 or 14).
hoping its a good sign then...I am having the pains again!
Spoke too soon...after going to the loo I have some light pinkish spotting on wiping.
Does anyone have any idea hope I would ask to get hubby's SA?

Will I just make an appointment with his doctor then when he is in there does he ask? Or is there some preparation that needs done?

I am also going to ask if I can get a CD21 done too...its because with me having high prolactin levels (even though it is coming down). Having high prolactin levels does effect ovulation.

I just want to rule out everything.
Where I live, your DH goes to the doctor and gets a referral. Then he goes home. If he hasn't had sex in 3 days then he can do the sample but needs to get it to the hospital very quickly for testing so timing is everything.

If your clinic doesn't have a lab then you probably won't be able to do it there. plus most guys can't do it in a dr offfice because of the pressure. But I live in small town so it is fairly easy to do it at home and still get to the hospital in time.
I thought it could be done in the doctors takes 15 minutes to get to it.

He should change his only takes 2 minutes to get to mine.
Well while DH is out of work he is going to make an appointment with his doctor anyway for a full check up.

So maybe I'll just get him to mention it and that we have been trying for more than 3 months. I get him to say a year.
well I think he should get checked out because of the pain he has. As for the SA, do you have any other reason to believe he may have low sperm count? Ie undescended testicle or something?

How long have you been trying? I can't remember
The only reason I am worried about him in the sperm department is because he drinks too much Snug...this is the reason the two off us are not talk at the minute. So this is why I am hoping he does stay out of work until after I am in the 2WW next cycle (I will scarfice (sp) the lack of funds for it). I don't know how he is with the soreness either as we are not talking :laugh2: Other than that no there is no abnormalities that we know of with him.

We have not trying not preventing for 3 years but this was only or 3rd month ttc. I know you are going to say it is early days yet but with my high prolactin level problem and DH's drinking I do think this is stopping us from falling pg. Well, I would want to rule it out anyway.
fair enough. Do you think bad SA results will get him to stop drinking?
I don't know...but I was thinking more so the doctor telling him to cut down would help.

I don't mind him drinking Snug...everyone loves a few bevvies but my DH takes the p*ss, pardon the pun. His life seems to revolve around it hence that "he was bored" because he had no beer so he went to bed early at 8.30pm. Now how does that make me feel? I am a boring wife!!! I am going out this afternoon and he is coming with me to get some beer...he has cleaned the house and he is preparing the dinner...anything to get me to agree to beer. Not that he is getting his own way...if he doesn't care about me then I am not going to care about him.

Sorry for that waffle :laugh2:
Awww irish i feel like we are in the same boat, my OH drinks 4-8 cans of lager 4 nights a week i hate it! but he wont stop, he had his sperm test last week this is how we went about it.

He went to GP said we had been TTC for 13 months (exagertaed a bit) also told them he had pain sumtimes when having sex (after we do it for like 4 nights runing he starts to ache a bit in his testicales) doc said has long as it doesnt hurt when he ejaculates its fine but pesonally i would have pushed for more than that explantion if i was him, the doc gave him his referral he was given instructions and a sample pot and told to ring the fertility clinic to make appt, the test has to be examined within 1 hour so there had to be sumone there ready to look at the sample he booked his appt for 2pm, because the drive to hosp is only 15 min he was allowed to produce sample at home then keep it warm in a coat pocket and take it there for 2, he had to restrain from sex for 2-3 days before the test. 1 week later we are jstill waiting on results hope to get them next week.

I have my procatlin (spelling?) blood tests on day 3 of my period this was going to be monday but since my body has decided to piss me around this month it will probs be tuesday. I have pink blood when i wipe but no full flow yet so im pretty sure my body is going to decide to have a 29 day cycle this month not a 28 one and will get full flow tomorow.

I am wondering if alcahol has affected his sperm if he stops will the sperm get better or has the damage been done, i dont think he will stop :(
After 2 or three months of "good behaviour" - vitamins, avoiding alcohol, no tight pants, limited bike riding etc etc, the sperm count is supposed to get better.
Well Claire my DH drink alot more. He wait for it...48 cans of beer a week and sometimes goes for more during the week. That is bought on a Thursday and a good majority of the time it will only last him until Monday...Tuesday pushing it. So you talking 8-9 cans per 5-6 days and for that 1 day without he may or may not get more. He knows that he drinks too much has he has said a few times to me and he has promise once the work situation sorts itself out that he will cut down. Basically I need to put my foot down. Well he got beer tonight and I can't say much as I got a few too and a bottle of rose wine.

What is procatlin? Well, the nearest hospital to us will take no more than 30 minutes to get to so if he was to do it he can do it at home which I think he would prefer. But whether he will say to his doc about the ttc I don't know.

Alcohol does effect sperm but it doesn't mean permanent damage. If he stopped or cut down there is a better chance in getting pg. I'll tell you a wee story. A fella that DH worked with was a drinker and I don't know why he stopped but when he had stopped for a month or so he girlfriend fell pg. And he was in his late 40s maybe early 50s. I remember we were joking that his sperm must have sobered up and be swimming straight now. And they weren't even trying.
Watcha ladies! Glad to hear there's still a good PMA vibe going on.
I fully expect a BFP any day now!

My OH drinks too much but he's really cut down since I stopped drinking with him.
Last night was a bit of an exception - he worked his way through a whole bottle of whisky. Its so difficult isn't it - I can't nag him to stop drinking or he just digs his heels in and drinks even more!

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