Cycle day two! Anyone else with me?

Lisa, I'm patiently waiting for you to test! Anything new from you Chill?
AFM, I don't know what the hell is going on. Depending what my temps do tomorrow, it looks like I OV'd on Cd12 this month?!?!?!!? My CBFM never picked it up (last month the thing got a peak the day AFTER my ovulation---clomid seems to really mess with it). I've never OV'd that early, and don't even know if it's possible to get a decent egg if I I'm still spotting from AF until CD 6/7. And, we didn't BD on Ov day again this month so I'm feeling a bit discouraged! I just hope my temp today was a fluke and tomorrow it drops for OV and all will be better then!
I'm glad you're patiently waiting cause I'm not!!! :haha:

It doesnt look to me like you ov'd yet. You last few temps have been higher then the few before, but earlier in your cycle your temps were similar to your most recent ones, so it hasn't been a noticeable jump. Does that make sense?
I hope you're right...but I've never gotten higher than 97.18 at this point in my cycle unless I OV'd (I do sometimes get higher temps during AF and during clomid). I just hope it's clomid messing with my hormones a bit.
Alright, alright, so I'm not so patient either--and I'm dying to see your kick ass temp tomorrow! Any chance of testing tomorrow with FMU?
Lisa-:test:when Af is due..hehe

I have no idea about temps and how to use he info..haha I can't

korink- just keep on :sex:!!!!! til cd26 haha
so what did u think of survivor last night?? The men are such pussies... stealing from the women, and what they did at the competition!!!! I won't say mr in case u didn't see yet!

So I got to spend the day driving with 2 dogs and 9 cats.:wacko:.....hahaha I'm a volunteer with the local shelter and have to taxi them 1 hr drive to vet clinic.....sure as a "loud" drive in my Suburban..... I wanted to keep all of them......:shhh:

oh ya...I got another negative test.... not even a shadow of line.:nope:....So I bought digie to use afer this weekend....Will wait til 1 week late.:wacko:
Hahahaha. AF is due tomorrow. Still trying to hold out until Saturday morning, or at least tomorrow night. If I don't start spotting tomorrow something will definitely be up, cause I always spot 12 dpo. The main reason I haven't tested yet (can't remember if I said this on this thread yet?) is that I'm going out with coworkers for dinner tomorroe night and they are always looking to see if I'm drinking, so I want to at least order and sip a drink. I'd feel too guilty doing that if I already saw a bfp!
Lisa- if you drink beer...just ask bartender to pour non alcoholic beer into glass for you...then they'd never know....or prearrange other non alco drinks..... thats what i that is.
or virgin screw driver...ect...

I leanrt after a few years TTC tha to test early is horrible...I'd rather see Af then "Nothing" on test. this cycle i wuld have waited but had my weekend trip... then since I am late....I'm testing every day....ugh....

I have my fingers crossed for you Lisa......
and korink...I'll try to keep your mind off of 2WW.......
Well I was trying to think of things like that, but we'll be ordering drinks at the table so there won't be any way for me to sneak in a non alcoholic beer or something. Oh well. If I am pregnant, a drink this early wouldn't hurt anything. I kinda think I'm going to wake up to AF anyway. I'm going to bed with a pad on just in case. Ugh.
I've been wearing "just in case" pads since 5dpo....ughhhhhhh
I had a small glass of red wine on 13dpo....... was very good...and i had a cigarette when I spotted 5dpo! I thought AF was coming and i was pissed off....haha

Have a fun night....and hope you get your positive test and can't drink..haha
Omg Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe i had to stalk your chart to see you got a BFFPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations girl!!!!!!!!! :cloud9: :happydance: :baby:

Chill---anything from you yet??? I did watch survivor finally, and wow, those guys are some pussies! Can't believe the crap they pulled!! Should be a good season to watch I think.

AFM, I just have no fricken clue on OV day. My temps are pretty ridic and the whole peak on my monitor yesterday really throws things for a loop. Guess we'll just have to see and keep BD'ing just in case.
Lisa, anything you did diff. this cycle?!
Oh sorry! I thought I posted it on this thread!! Here is the pic! :happydance:'

There are a few things I did differently this cycle....
-We BD the day before, day of, and day after ov
-On those 3 days I used Conceive Plus internally about 15 mins before BD
-On those 3 days I also took Mucinex 3x each day
-I wore my moonstone anklet most days of the cycle, maybe like 75% of the time

Also - my hubby's SA in August showed that motility was a bit low (I think 40% and they said it should be greater than 60%) and % normal sperm was only 3%....goes to show that doesn't always mean anything! :thumbup:
So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome news.....
I'm next then korink!!!!!!!!
Wait Chill, are you saying you're next to tell me you got a BFP!?!?!??!!? Are you saying you got one too!?!? OMG?!

Lisa, I'm googling conceive plus as we speak. I've been trying Preseed, and got PG 1st try with it back in May, but have had no luck since. I think after you getting your BFP with it, I'm switching to Conceive Plus next month! You'll have to pop in to tell us how your PG is going....can't wait to hear.
Oh no...I ment I'll get mine next...and you after your 2ww is over......
I wish I had mine already.... I'm getting tired of testing and seeing negatives....
oh well...trying to stay positive and not stress..... when is your test date?

and I am conflicted about ordering OPK's and preseed/ or concive plus like you all are using.....
I can't order and get by time af is over and ready to use for ovulation...arggggg....
hope your weekend is going good!!!
So i was a bad girl.......tested and looked at test 3 hrs later and saw an evap type line.:dohh:....shadow so I'm not coninced its anything..but kind of nice to see...bit delusional but oh well.:wacko:..( its till there if I look very very very closely at it more then 12 hrs later)
I also noticed when comparing 2 of the same typ was a thicker I wonder if these dollar store tests are really as reliable as the reviews.:shrug:..Hmmmmm

no more peeking at tests past 10 min mark..haha
Omg Chill!!! When I did $ store tests, I never had a hint of a line no matter what time I looked at it!! When will you test next? Have you ever had a cycle this long??
Lisa hope you're feeling good---when are your appts?
I feel fine, it's kind of freaking me out to be honest. I mean I know it's still super early, but aside from sore boobs and occasional pinching in my uterus I've got nothing! Guess I shouldn't complain huh?! :haha: I have no appts yet, I'm going to call my dr in the morning. I was supposed to go Wednesday as a followup fo Clomid, but I bet she'll have me wait a few weeks. The days are already dragging!
When do you get your first scan???????

korink- I have only had a 31 da cycle back in 08... 2nd month TTC.......but before clomid 29 days with 1 or 2 cycles a year earlier.
1st cycle clomid....was 2 days longer( as Ov was 2 days later) natural cycle was cd 29 i think....this is 2nd clomid cycle....
tested today and of course negative......I'm loosing hope....but I do have a few weird symptoms....very gassy.hahaha and full when I bend over...but i think AF is like that!
I have had a week of pre AF cramping.... every morning...I'm so confused but will take a blood test at Dr.s by next week for sure.
hey korink-maybe I'll nd up getting a BFP when you do...haha since my cycle is probably gonna be 2 weeks slow.....
So I just called my doctor to see if she still wanted me to come in tomorrow, and it was soooo weird to say the word I'M PREGNANT! We told our families and friends, but we gave our parents little gifts, or told friends "You're going to be an auntie!!" or it was so weird to say the words! The nurse was going to check and see if the dr still wanted to see me and then call me back. I hope she does! Maybe it will feel a little more real if I at least go to the dr! She was funny, I could hear her reading my chart, and reading the description of what tomorrow's appt was for, and she goes "Well, I guess it worked, huh?" :haha:
You must have been so excited to tell family....
Have you started a preggo journal or thread in 1st tri...
give me somethig new to obsess abot instead of my own screwed up cycles..haha

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