Cycle day two! Anyone else with me?

Yes still feeling good. Nausea comes and goes but it's still very mild, haven't gotten sick yet. My appointment is Monday, I'm so excited and nervous! Eeeek! The cycle I got my BFP I didn't use the mini tubes of conceive plus, I had the bigger tube and then had some little applicator thingies from once when I got Monistat for a yeast infection. A while ago I did have those little individual tubes, and found that using the whole one was ok. They're a good size, not too big.

Glad your HSG is over and it showed nice open tubes! :thumbup: Funny, my dr couldn't get the catheter in either but it wasn't painful. So crazy how it's different for everyone. I bet that it was just the good "flushing out" that you needed. I would maybe try a few cycles before paying big bucks for the FS. One of my best friends tried for 18 months with no luck. She was just about to start the process of Clomid + IUI when she got her BFP naturally. She had her HSG in early October and got her BFP in December. She thinks (and I agree) that the HSG must have helped. (We are going to have babies just 2 months apart and I'm so super excited!! :))

Did she say why you can't try this cycle? I've never heard of that, and I did quite a bit of reading (on here and other sites) about the HSG. Most dr's say you can't BD for only like 2-3 days. :shrug: When do you expect to ov??

Firstly, I thought of you right away on my way to work today!! Can't wait to hear how the ultrasound went and if you get a pic!

At the time I didn't question why she said we couldn't try this cycle, but now I wish I had asked. From what I read online, most say their DR's told them to BD like crazy, and others said their Dr. told them there's a higher chance of ectopic pregnancy if you get PG the same cycle as an HSG. Soo, part of me is really nervous because if I had an ectopic I'd be so mad at myself. Idk when I'll OV, before Clomid I was OV'ing on avg. CD17, with Clomid, I OV'd CD18, CD14 and CD12. Not sure if I'll still OV a lil earlier this month, or go back to the CD17. I'd like to just BD once, and so I can at least say if there was a chance I tried.
Chill what the heck! Why would they give you a urine test, that you have at home and obviously isn't telling you anything! Have you found out anything since your last post? Wouldn't it be amazing for them to call back and be like oh yeah, you're already almost done with your first trimester! I'd freak for you!!!!!!!!! FX'd!!!!!!!!!
Aww, thank you for thinking of me. I'll post the pics in my journal. :)

I would BD, but that's just me! :haha: I don't think why the risk of ectopic would be higher. :shrug: Good luck.
korink- If Dr. said NOT to then don't...if by chance you did have a tubal then you'd loose 3 months TTC because of methotrixate...and you'd be sooooo angry if you had to wait it out!!!!!

and wouldn't that be amazing to hear yes you are preggo and are almost thro 1st tri..haha

Im actually starting to think the red spotting i had beginning of Feb was a light AF.....and maybe caught another egg weeks after that.. because 30 days after that spot i had 1 wipe of red then nothing but beige cm ..... grasping at straws that could be implantation bleed. If so then I would be 5 weeks 3 days preggo.... so past tests woudl be void...

so here's a long story short about my urine test.....
receptionist called monday at 8:30 saying my resuts were in....but couldn't tell me over phone as a Dr. had t look at I was either supposed to make an appoinment to come in or ust drop in and get results there....... F- that!!!!
I told her I do not live nearby and could someone look at it and call an appintment as well....
she said i call today and nothing...they didnt keep results because I insisted on blood work ........ so Now i have to go back ( 40m drive one way and $15 in gas) to have blood work done....
I am beyond pissed off right now....when I get results I will question my Dr......try to be somewhat poliet as a shortage of dr.s here..LOL but damn.....what nightmare...

I have to goto town on Thurday and get paid milage to do will get bloods done as well as buy a test...
I kkknnnoooww Chill, I would be so mad at myself if that happened....
Omg I'd be sooo pissed at your Dr's office!!!! Nobody even wrote a note in your chart what the results of your test was?!? I will be stalking big time tomorrow so update right after you test!!!! FX'd!!!!
Hope you'll be reporting a BFP soon CHILL!!! thinking of you :)
Looks like someone is getting ready to ov!! :happydance:

Go :sex:!!!!!!!!
:witch: is here..... slowly but here... I have never been so happy to finially see her!!!
My test was negative on friday... we had crazy thunderstorms so I had computer unplugged all day and night.....
So i am off to check my next due date..... :wacko: Im such a wacko...

korink- "bon chica bon bon" :sex: whoop whoop......:rofl: sorry had to!!!!!

Lisa- you wont be able to grocery shop the same again!!!! LOL
So my Dr. called me back and said to NOT take clomid this cycle to give my body a break......
Part of me wants to try Soy isofavonnes ( natures clomid) as it doesn't thin out lining like clomid does.....
been reading about it online, and actually bought a bottle 1 year or so ago...tried it once but it shortened my cycle too much...I may take it 3-7 but lower dosage......
Oh man, I totally missed your post about AF! Did your Dr. have any idea why you had such a messed up cycle? Will he monitor you more next time, to verify ovulation?
My next round of clomid I plan to take it CD5-9 but I've already decided if it doesn't happen I'm switching to 3-7 too!
No idea why it was so messed up...BUT I do have a few theories.....
#1 the 2 day red spot then 2 day brown spot could have been early AF on cd 24 instead of cd28-30.....
#2I have such strong mind control that I willed myself to NOT have schedualed AF when I had my weekend getaway!!!!! and it came early.
This happened on my honeymoon as well...... was due for AF on 2nd last day of trip to Cuba.....but then got it day we left for airport...( 1 week early) so that time it was week early as well.....
Now if I can only use that mind control to get a BFP.....
I think the next clomid cycle will be monitored for sure.. Will call my Dr. ASAP if I don't get an early bfp...

I was prescribed 5-9 for better eggs..( age I guess) BUT I only have 1 tube so..... I want more eggs to ensure an egg on each side...... So I think I may play with Soy on 3-7.....
I found another site that had 7 pages of girls getting BFP while on it...gave days taken, dosage, age and what cycle they were on...very interesting.... some are very young but a few were only a few yrs younger then I'm optimistic ( sp?)

Hows your cycle going???
Do you need to chat about non TTC stuff to tke your mind off of 2ww?
Oohhh mind control, yes, will us both to get BFPs!!!!
Alright, I think I need to look up this Soy business. And did most of them get BFPs with days 3-7? I was on CD5-9 also so that my egg quality was better (I guess my low progesterone indicates poor egg quality).
Af should come next week sometime, and then I start my 4th round of clomid. Do you think I should go straight to the days 3-7 or try a 5-9?!!?
Yes, chat about non TTC. Have you been keeping up with Survivor? I want to beat the crap out of Colton. He's the biggest B I've ever seen! I can't believe all the guys in that tribe follow him around like a puppy...crazy to me. anything else you can think of to entertain me through my 2WW?? :)
I'll private message you the lnk I found....honestly the days are as wide spread as with clomid...
I guess if ur dr.s say 5-9 we should listen....LOL but I'm going to play with this cycle cause I think next one..I am going to go IUI with clomid so will be monitered and get don't have to worry about Bd'ing on time ect.

So survivor.....i think its on tonight right? Can u believe what Colton said at last weeks tribal council...about going to all white private school and only black ppl he had contact with were his staff... that were like family....jeff spoke up and said PAID family!!!
Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!
It was sad to see all the hot guys get voted off...even if they were dicks..hahaha I need some eye candy!!!!!!
I haven't really paid attention to the girls......but kind of like Monica ( NFL wife with huge implants) 2 girls that look the same.... hate dumb Kat tho' and that other girl with frizzy hair and wears short shorts....
Colton was such an ass to christina..... I was yelling...karmas a bitch at TV when he left with appendicitus (sp?)
Omg I was getting so upset with Colton and whatever her nasty face is-I cannot believe she's a special ed teacher! Oh. I get fired up just writing this! Lol I just cant believe not one grown ass person stood up for Christina!
I'm really wondering if I'm making a mistake trying clomid alone without IUI. You've only done 3 rounds of clomid, right? My Dr really wants me to do 3 more good rounds of clomid before I go to a fs.
I agree about Christina....BUT know that its like bullies.... nobody stands up... that and its a game.nobody wants a target on their back plus she was from a different tribe so I'm sure the guys don't know her that well..... and maybe she is annoying...BUT the way they were acting was horrible for sure... I would have punched both of them in the face the way they were saying you're going home.......BUT now he is gone!! yay

I only took 2 cycles of clomid due to my extra long AF... and Dr. told me to take a break from clomid to give my body a chance to recoup..... ( only prescribed 3 cycles due to my age i think..and in case I need it to go with IUI )

if you can afford IUI why not just do that while on clomid......tht way you'll be monitered as'll know how many follies are being made or how big they are ect..... just better controlled!!!!!! But if IUI is not in your budget then keep trying clomid for now... 6 cycles is usually the max I think....
We can't necessarily afford it, but we can't not afford it. I just get so torn because it's around $800 a time, and if my Dr. insists that Clomid alone should work for us, I want to believe her. The other part of me just wants to say eff it and try the IUI. Idk, the first month for sure I'll probably for sure just do the clomid alone, and then consider the IUI after that. I'm still going back and forth in my head if I'll stick with the CD5-9 or switch to 3-7?!
So how is the soy going for you?!?! Noticing anything different yet?! Hope you had a good weekend!!
Just stopping in to say hi! :hugs: Hope you girls are doing well!
Koink- Its so confusing but if you feel comfortable with your Dr. and the direction they are may be easier to just go with it..... there's a reason why they prescribe on different days...maybe ask them why...and if you should change dosage or days? Due to my age and all...I wish i would have just did IUI after our 1st 6moths trying....just so much wasted time before I knew I only had 1 tube.... I did catch an egg but with the fluke tubal...It was actually implanted too high in my uterus...just few inches lower i would have been ok.....
Just try not to stress too much about whats gong on with your body..... thats going to be my moto this cycle...Juts gonna have sex...gonna have fun..and gonna get my baby!!! LOL

Lisa- Hiya mama!!!!!! I'm craving martinis after seeing your ticker..hahahaha

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