Yes still feeling good. Nausea comes and goes but it's still very mild, haven't gotten sick yet. My appointment is Monday, I'm so excited and nervous! Eeeek! The cycle I got my BFP I didn't use the mini tubes of conceive plus, I had the bigger tube and then had some little applicator thingies from once when I got Monistat for a yeast infection. A while ago I did have those little individual tubes, and found that using the whole one was ok. They're a good size, not too big.
Glad your HSG is over and it showed nice open tubes!Funny, my dr couldn't get the catheter in either but it wasn't painful. So crazy how it's different for everyone. I bet that it was just the good "flushing out" that you needed. I would maybe try a few cycles before paying big bucks for the FS. One of my best friends tried for 18 months with no luck. She was just about to start the process of Clomid + IUI when she got her BFP naturally. She had her HSG in early October and got her BFP in December. She thinks (and I agree) that the HSG must have helped. (We are going to have babies just 2 months apart and I'm so super excited!!
Did she say why you can't try this cycle? I've never heard of that, and I did quite a bit of reading (on here and other sites) about the HSG. Most dr's say you can't BD for only like 2-3 days.When do you expect to ov??
Firstly, I thought of you right away on my way to work today!! Can't wait to hear how the ultrasound went and if you get a pic!
At the time I didn't question why she said we couldn't try this cycle, but now I wish I had asked. From what I read online, most say their DR's told them to BD like crazy, and others said their Dr. told them there's a higher chance of ectopic pregnancy if you get PG the same cycle as an HSG. Soo, part of me is really nervous because if I had an ectopic I'd be so mad at myself. Idk when I'll OV, before Clomid I was OV'ing on avg. CD17, with Clomid, I OV'd CD18, CD14 and CD12. Not sure if I'll still OV a lil earlier this month, or go back to the CD17. I'd like to just BD once, and so I can at least say if there was a chance I tried.