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Cystic hygroma and CVS....waiting for results


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
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A cystic hygroma was picked up at my 12 week scan and I had to wait a week to go to the fetal medicine department.

That was yesterday and we opted for a CVS, which was done there and then. I'm now waiting for the results to come in and I'm terrified.

Has anyone else been through anything else like this? Any advice for me?

I'd appreciate any input.

Thanks. Xx
I'm so sorry your going through the stress and uncertainty of all this. I don't have personal experience, but close friends were told their baby had cystic hygroma and further testing revealed their baby was perfectly healthy. Hoping and praying this is the same for you. Hang in there.
I'm so sorry your going through the stress and uncertainty of all this. I don't have personal experience, but close friends were told their baby had cystic hygroma and further testing revealed their baby was perfectly healthy. Hoping and praying this is the same for you. Hang in there.

Thanks for replying :thumbup:

I had the cvs results today, so I know the baby doesn't have Edwards, Patau's, Down Syndrome, or Turners, which is a relief....

I just have 10 days till the full chromosomal results, and another scan to see if the hygroma has changed at all.

I'll come back here to post, so at least if someone else is going through this in the future they can read my story. X
Glad you got some good news today, keep fingers crossed for the next set of results - such an anxious wait x
Can I join you?

I went to my nuchal scan two days ago at 12wks, didn't expect anything apart from a routine exam. I'm 27, DH 28 and we had a perfect little girl.

Anyway, the thickness was much more than expected, I didn't ask for the measurement at the time coz I was still trying to absorb the news. Saw my ob the next day, baby wasn't in a good position to get proper measurements but he confirmed that there were lots of fluid accumulating behind the neck and spine. His measurement was 6.5mm

So I'm booked in for cvs tomorrow... I really don't know what to expect. My ob said the chance of the baby surviving is low, he thinks she has hydrops and heart rate was 220.

I really don't want to give up on her if she's still fighting but yet I don't want her to live a world full of surgeries and complications.
Thanks for listening.
Can I join you?

I went to my nuchal scan two days ago at 12wks, didn't expect anything apart from a routine exam. I'm 27, DH 28 and we had a perfect little girl.

Anyway, the thickness was much more than expected, I didn't ask for the measurement at the time coz I was still trying to absorb the news. Saw my ob the next day, baby wasn't in a good position to get proper measurements but he confirmed that there were lots of fluid accumulating behind the neck and spine. His measurement was 6.5mm

So I'm booked in for cvs tomorrow... I really don't know what to expect. My ob said the chance of the baby surviving is low, he thinks she has hydrops and heart rate was 220.

I really don't want to give up on her if she's still fighting but yet I don't want her to live a world full of surgeries and complications.
Thanks for listening.

I'm sorry you're going through such a difficult time too.

The CVS is fine. You have local anaesthetic first & then it's just discomfort & a little bit of pressure. My advice is lie back, close your eyes & try to relax.

It's a difficult time, but its worth (in my opinion) to get all the facts to help you see the full picture.

What's the plan after your CVS? How long till your results?

Good luck. X
Thanks bumblebee for your kind words, I had the cvs today and the procedure went well, it was a little uncomfortable but bearable. It's just sad to see the little bean bouncing and waving inside with a strong heartbeat, and at the same time be told her chance of survival is low :cry:

So the ob today thinks there's a heart defect... So I really don't know what I want the result to be. If it comes back clear, but with a major heart problem, DH and I would rather terminate and end the misery, but on the other hand we feel terrible for giving up while she's still fighting :cry::cry:

Please dnot judge....
Bless you - to give you a little hope, they now can do amazing heart ops these days that it's not all doom and gloom. Sending you massive strength and hugs xx
Thanks bumblebee for your kind words, I had the cvs today and the procedure went well, it was a little uncomfortable but bearable. It's just sad to see the little bean bouncing and waving inside with a strong heartbeat, and at the same time be told her chance of survival is low :cry:

So the ob today thinks there's a heart defect... So I really don't know what I want the result to be. If it comes back clear, but with a major heart problem, DH and I would rather terminate and end the misery, but on the other hand we feel terrible for giving up while she's still fighting :cry::cry:

Please dnot judge....

I know how you feel. They were showing me the babies face & I almost couldn't look as there's still so much uncertainty.

When do you get cvs results...?

It's still very early ( In my opinion) to know for sure what's going on with baby so I'm waiting for my scan and full results on 2nd March. The baby will be bigger then & a few weeks will have passed so we'll know if cystic hygroma has changed/worsened/improved....

Until then I'm keeping a very open mind & still haven't been able to tell anyone besides close family that I'm pregnant as its still so uncertain.

Keep in touch & let me know how you get on. It's nice to have people to discuss with who understand x
Also I wanted to say I would never judge as I had to make that call myself. And in fact I found not many people judged full stop, just a lot of love and support xxxx
I will get the fast/FISH result on Monday, so fingers crossed... I'll keep you posted.

My little bean has fluid from neck to bottom, two separate obs said she's not go beyond 15wks from the ultrasound.

I'm feeling much better now, I guess I have accepted the bad news. Strangely, out of the blue, my toddler said to me yesterday, I don't want little sister.. I haven't told her about having a baby! It's a bit freaky

Thank you ladies for your kind support, it really means a lot to me :hugs:
I will get the fast/FISH result on Monday, so fingers crossed... I'll keep you posted.

My little bean has fluid from neck to bottom, two separate obs said she's not go beyond 15wks from the ultrasound.

I'm feeling much better now, I guess I have accepted the bad news. Strangely, out of the blue, my toddler said to me yesterday, I don't want little sister.. I haven't told her about having a baby! It's a bit freaky

Thank you ladies for your kind support, it really means a lot to me :hugs:

Good luck Monday. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Hi ladies, we got the results yesterday and it's trisomy 13 😪
The ob thinks my little bean won't make it till full term and we have decided to terminate to close the chapter.
Thank you so so much for your support and good luck to your little one bumblebee
Oh bunanie, I'm sorry you had this outcome. My first daughter had this and we ended her journey at 20weeks as this is when we found out. My little girl was like yours very poorly and it was the kindest thing as it put her out of pain and suffering. Be kind to your self over the next few weeks and months, sending you much love and strength xxxx
Hi ladies, we got the results yesterday and it's trisomy 13 😪
The ob thinks my little bean won't make it till full term and we have decided to terminate to close the chapter.
Thank you so so much for your support and good luck to your little one bumblebee

I'm so sorry to hear your news. :cry:

I wish it could have gone differently for you. I hope that you take the time to look after yourself and that you have family to help support you.

Thanks for your kind words.


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