My equipment is as follows:
I use the liquid concentrated formula you just add equal parts water into, it comes in cans. More expensive than the powder but I read in a magazine that this way the formula is sterile, the powder is not. I also don't have to fuss around about measuring or anything either.
Pot to boil bottles, nipples, rings, lids in (just any regular kitchen pot!)
I have 6 4oz bottles with the smallest slow-flow nipples I could find. I use glass bottles. This is enough for me, but if you want to go longer between boiling them, buy more!
I have closer to 10 8oz bottles but Elyse doesn't use those yet (however will be off the 4oz ones in a couple weeks, which is why I'm not rushing out to buy tons of 4oz bottles).
I have tongs to remove the bottles from the boiling water,
I have a sterile can opener from the dollar store I bought to keep separate for the baby's stuff.
I have a juice jug sort of container with a lid that I bought to be used ONLY for formula (I make the batch up in there, pour the concentrate in, pour the water in, shake it up--easier than stirring, and one can makes more than I need for the bottles right now so it stores the extra formula).
BIBS!! lots of bibs.. and receiving blankets (I use them for burping)..
Also when I feed her I keep a damp washcloth nearby to wipe her face when she's being messy and to get the formula out of the cracks of her neck if it drips down there.