Darling buds of May and June bugs!

Aw of course we don't hate you! You've been through a hell of a lot lately, too much for anyone to deal with at the best of times but adding pregnancy hormones and being uncomfortable to the mix doesn't help matters at all. I had a bit of a cry myself after leaving the hospital this morning and I don't think Steven could understand why as in his mind she was ok so we should be happy - but the frustration and lack of progress just really got to me and for a little while I'd just had enough. Just had a nap though and feeling a lot more positive since I woke up :)

All of our babies being here this weekend sounds perfect to me! If the PMA works for you then I may have to try adopting it myself. If not then we just have to look at it this way - the final countdown is on! :) x
Aww bless you both :) Don't get me wrong Mark is very supportive if he can see what the problem is. Of course unless you are us you don't understand what the problem is where hormones etc are involved so he just detaches himself. He was fantastic about all the business with the police, holding me whilst I cried etc but this he just doesn't understand what the problem is.

I have a bit of progress, rang the doctors expecting their usual arsey attitude but I explained i'd spoken to the midwife and had they got any appointments on monday. Turns out mw had booked me in for 12.45 on Monday but hadn't told me. This is good, but what if i'd still been wallowing in self pity and hadn't bothered to ring the doctors? Oh well its booked now so at least if she doesnt appear over the weekend there is something proactive on Monday :) XxX
Oh that's good news then! At least you have a mini goal to aim towards in a few days time. Yeah I know what you mean, men just don't understand hormones at all no matter how hard they try. I'll start crying for no reason sometimes and Steven will ask what's wrong and I'll tell him it's just hormones but he becomes convinced there's some deep underlying problem I'm not telling him about and quizzes me to find out what it is when all I really want is a hug til the tears pass :) I guess it's hard to understand something that you've never experienced.

How you lot have done this more than once I'll never know :) I always said I wanted 3 kids but after this pregnancy 2 is my limit... I may even stop at 1!!
Yeah they just don't get it do they? Its the whole women are from venus men are from mars thing isn't it? (I think thats the one lol).

Yes a mini goal to give me hope over the weekend :)

I'm starting to think I couldn't do this again to be honest and I was all for having one last one, make it a nice round number and give Isobelle a brother or sister near her age. We shall see...... XxX
Forgot to mention earlier, I walked into Marks reinforced toe capped boots earlier that he'd left in an inappropriate place. I think i've broken my middle toe now on my left foot. Its been hurting lots since I did it and now its gone lovely shades of purple and won't bend. Boo hoo XxX
Just to top your day off hey rose! At least u have Monday to aim for.
No more signs for me but I'm
Happy to wait until at least Monday as I have such a busy weekend ahead!
I was just wondering how you were Megan :)

I'm happy with Monday yes, even if it doesn't do anything its going in the right direction and breaks the week up until the hospital on Thursday.

As for toe, yes I know lol. I'm thinking maybe its just badly bruised now as it does seem to bend a bit more than it was, still very painful though. I'll tell him its broken, and all because of his silly boots :rofl: XxX
I'm not happy to wait until Monday, although I probably don't have much choice! :) would love her to come before my induction, blood pressure had dropped a bit this morning so if I go into labour naturally I might still get to use the birthing centre

Wonder how Leanne's doing, bet she's exhausted and totally bewildered! I still can't quite comprehend that I'm going to be a mum in 5 days!
I know i've done it twice before and still can't believe it lol XxX
It all became
Shockingly real when the midwife said oooh hello there baby. That's the babies head I can tickle!!!!!!!!
My feet have grown to 3 times the size tonight. I really really want to go to ed and not move as when I do it starts things off and I don't want to go in yet. How stupid but the kids have so much planned this weekend. :/
That reminds me of when the me swabbed me at the hospital last week and said she'd just tickled her head lol. I'm starting to feel really weird knowing there is a fullsize baby in there, time for her tocome out! :) Hows everyone today? Any change? I got woken up by some strange cramping but i'm not going to get my hopes up XxX
No changes here. I was getting some weird pains last night but they've gone again this morning :( Hope yours come to something!

Aw Leanne's little boy is lush, just been looking at his new pic on Facebook! :)
I saw it too, he's very cute! Can't believe the 'lazy' boys turned up before our girls lol. As for the pains. I'm not convinced they're anything, they aren't lasting long enpugh. They're just a new one for me, dead central and very low. Having said that just had another one exactly ten mins since the last but theyre literally only lasting about 10-15 seconds. Thats nothing compared to the horrible bh's i getXxX
I know, I'm starting to get more and more convinced that mine is a boy because it's so late! I'm 41 weeks 2 days today apparently, although going by the measurements that the sonographer took yesterday, most of them seemed to indicate baby was measuring 39+6 so I'm tempted to believe my original due date is closer to the mark which would make me 40+3 today.

The pains sound promising if they're coming regularly, have you had any more and are they still 10 mins apart?
No they seem to have eased off, typical lol. I'm inclined to think they may be toilet pains lol. Just had another one but it only seemed to be the two I paid particular attention to that were regularly spaced. Eldest daughter and her mate are upstairs at the moment getting ready to go out but once they've gone i'll have a good sit on the loo see if thats the problem. :blush:

Thats interesting about your dates and measurements, do you think that is the case?

I know Megan said she'd got a busy weekend ahead but I hope she's ok.

Its so quiet in her now all these babies have arrived isn't it? Weird. Hope Brandy got on ok too. XxX
Oh yeah we've not heard from Brandy yet have we? She's probably too busy with baby Zoey :)

I saw that Megan had liked Leanne's pic on Facebook earlier so she's still around, probs just busy with the kids. One of us has to have a baby this weekend surely?!

Yeah I think they did have my dates wrong. My LMP, ovulation date and baby's measurements all seem to indicate that I'm just over 40 weeks. Obviously I'm not complaining though as it means I'm getting induced a week earlier than I would have of they'd not changed it. Her little legs were only measuring 38 weeks, she's definitely going to take after her dad's side of the family for her height :) Steven is only 5ft8, his mum is about 5ft3 and his sister is only about 5ft5 so looks like she's got their genes. My dad and brother are both over 6ft!
Awww, Isobelle used to have really long legs like Mark but they seem to have slowed down on the last few scans. I remember at my twelve week scan she looked like a frog lol. I'm pretty sure my original dates are correct too as I know my lmp and we only dtd a couple of times, but I don't like to think of that as that'd make me 40+6 not 40+4. I agree there has to be at least one baby this weekend! :) XxX
Helllllloooooo. Had a busy morning. Lots of pains but nothing regular. My sister is coming up to stay this after noon so I'm am relieved now. Just got a few things to do today so need to hold of until then. It's Katie birthday tomorrow too so would be nice if we had tomorrow first too. Lol

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