David camrons bid to scrap housing benifits for unbder 25s WTF!!!


Mummy to Gorgeous Girls<3
Mar 16, 2012
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I'm so annoyed about this I'm 21 and so is my partner, we rely on housing benefit to help pay our rent. Now I know I have a 2 year old and one on the way, but this is totally unfair. My partner got a job last year but it ended after 6 months because that's all they could afford to keep him for, since he lost his job he's been trying so hard to look for work. Applying for so many jobs with either a no or no reply. So yes were on benefits not because we want to but because we have to. We don't go out buying alcohol or drugs and out money is spent on our daughter things for this baby food and bills. This is so ridiculous. I'm now fearing for my actual living for my family there's no way the 4 of us (come sep) go and live back with my mum, and if my partner can't find a job it seems were fucked (sorry for the language) now a lot of under 25s don't have jobs because we don't have enough experience to get the jobs that pay enough to live so it seems either way we're all screwed. Surely he can't actually put people like us in jeopardy, and tbh if he does the majority of young people will be come lazy and not want to find work as they can live off there parents.
Sorry for the rant. am I alone?
Sorry if some of this is abit buffled lol I'm on my phone :p
Well im from Ireland but i think this is absolutely shocking !! we have the same thing here called rent allowance and if our government ever tried to scrap it so many families would end up homeless! Hoping it doesnt go through for ye anyway for sure!
God knows if it does , ireland wont be long following suit :mad:
I can't stand that d*ckhead.
I hope he falls over :haha:

I've not heard of this one until now.
The good news is, any plans like this need to be put forward and voted on. They'll be a lot of uproar about it. Another good thing is- he needs to give a date of when it'll happen. It wont just happen overnight, so this might give your OH more time to look for another job.
It crazy.. I don't think David cameron think about people who like you guyz looking for work and can't find any because of all the massive job loss/cut in the Country.. here in the North East it's so bad right now.. I think he only about himself and doesn't think of the young one..I'm not even British, I can't go on any benefits or recieve things( which is fine) because I'm only a visa. but I do feel you guyz over here..
Um, I have mixed emotions about this one... and please be warned there are alot of people with VERY strong opinions about this issue. When I was under 25 I'd left home, had a job and never needed any benefits.... but now when I see my brothers girlfriend with a baby, never had a job EVER able to spend all her days with her baby, see him grow up and be with him every day and get her rent paid, given income support etc etc whilst I have to work full time in order to pay someone else in the future to look after my child it gets me extremely mad.

Its all political nonsense at the moment anyway... Cameron is trying very hard to play on the majority of people's angers at the moment (I mean, take me for example!) to hide the fact that its the banks faults and they're the ones that need to do something about this financial mess but they're too scared to deal with them because they are so powerful and the government have so much invested in them they can't make things harder for them.... look at Jimmy Carr.... now the under 25 "benefit scroungers". Not saying YOU'RE a scrounger... just saying that there are thousands out there who are because they know that they're better off on benefits than a minimum wage job!

Just to keep you calm for a bit longer, I found this.

And it is true- I don't think this is gona go down well with the Liberals, and without them, it can't be passed.

(BBC News 24th June 2012)

Adam Fleming Political Correspondent

Number 10 admits that David Cameron's proposal to remove housing benefit from young people may have to wait until the Conservatives' next manifesto.

That is because it is deeply unpalatable to many Liberal Democrats and is unlikely to become coalition policy.

Instead the prime minister "wants to begin a debate".

He asks: Why is it right that some youngsters cannot afford to move out of the family home while others are paid benefits to rent a room in the private sector?

Lib Dems ask: But what about those who are leaving care, or have no family, or don't earn enough to pay their rent?

Labour says it's the wrong solution when the young simply need work.

Looming over them all is the prediction made by the chancellor in the last Budget that a further £10bn will have to be saved from the benefits bill in the next parliament.

It feels like the 2015 general election campaign has already started.
While I completely sympathise with your situation and I feel the wrong people are being penalised at times the benefits system in this country is a complete joke. And in my honest opinion is the reason people are lazy and stopping benefits for some will mean they have to work.

I live in an area where there are families whose third generation have never worked - there parents didn't work and grandparents didn't either. They are funded by the government and when they don't have enough money they seem to have another child or try another benefit (the disability living allowance etc). I am not tarring you with this brush or saying all on benefits are like this but something has to change. I work for the NHS and the worst offenders always think the world owes them something. Me and my other half work very hard and I think we are very lucky to have jobs and I truly feel for those unable to get a job as its bleak out there at the moment. I do think government should use these cuts to benefits to fund jobs to give people willing to work and not stop support for these people. Those who have no interest in trying to work shouldn't be able to live for nothing. Again I don't think giving up work to raise children is an issue but at a certain point people can work again and this should be supported.
We actually are in a country where there is lots of support compared to others and lucky to have free at point of contact healthcare etc. just feel some people focus on wrong things.

Again I'm not going at you and I hope you and your partner get a break soon as you say it's not that he isn't trying. It's really depressing the way the recession is effecting everything. All the best :hugs:
It won't even be properly discussed until the next election in 2015 so don't worry yet. Although I'm not 25 (older) and have studied at uni I don't get any help and we struggle with rent. We can't afford a mortgage. Sorry but I'm on the other side of the fence on this one! My husband might lose his job in a few weeks but we wont get any benefits and have to just get on with it, possibly moving back in with parents at age 30. I appreciate everyone will have a diff opinion and just putting mine across.
Similar to ericacaca I have mixed emotions. Whilst a lot of people are just sponging off the government (and an end needs to be put to it) a lot of people are on benefits for a reason! I have never claimed benefits in my entire life, however now I'm having a baby and I'm going to be a single mum I am going to need to claim housing benefits as I live alone. It certainly isn't permanent as I will only be claiming it for 1 year whilst on maternity leave (getting paid maternity allowance) and then for 1 year after that whilst I complete my degree. After that I will be a fully qualified teacher and have no need to claim benefits. However, if I cannot claim this housing benefit then I will have to move away, never complete my degree and end up living with my parents with no hope of ever amounting to anything!!!
Um, I have mixed emotions about this one... and please be warned there are alot of people with VERY strong opinions about this issue. When I was under 25 I'd left home, had a job and never needed any benefits.... but now when I see my brothers girlfriend with a baby, never had a job EVER able to spend all her days with her baby, see him grow up and be with him every day and get her rent paid, given income tax etc etc whilst I have to work full time in order to pay someone else in the future to look after my child it gets me extremely mad.

Its all political nonsense at the moment anyway... Cameron is trying very hard to play on the majority of people's angers at the moment (I mean, take me for example!) to hide the fact that its the banks faults and they're the ones that need to do something about this financial mess but they're too scared to deal with them because they are so powerful and the government have so much invested in them they can't make things harder for them.... look at Jimmy Carr.... now the under 25 "benefit scroungers". Not saying YOU'RE a scrounger... just saying that there are thousands out there who are because they know that they're better off on benefits than a minimum wage job!


The fact remains though that a minimum paid job will not always cover the bills and rent.
But then people have to consider the way in which they live. Do they NEED sky TV? Can they really afford another child? Would moving to a cheaper area help?

We need to make sacrifices in order to survive or work harder. Thats the jist of it.

BUT, my husband works as a teacher, but it doesn't mean he gets paid well. When Louie is here, we'll be relying on benefits for the first time.

People work BUT they still require help.

If they're gona cut help, they're gona HAVE to cut the cost of living.
Similar to ericacaca I have mixed emotions. Whilst a lot of people are just sponging off the government (and an end needs to be put to it) a lot of people are on benefits for a reason! I have never claimed benefits in my entire life, however now I'm having a baby and I'm going to be a single mum I am going to need to claim housing benefits as I live alone. It certainly isn't permanent as I will only be claiming it for 1 year whilst on maternity leave (getting paid maternity allowance) and then for 1 year after that whilst I complete my degree. After that I will be a fully qualified teacher and have no need to claim benefits. However, if I cannot claim this housing benefit then I will have to move away, never complete my degree and end up living with my parents with no hope of ever amounting to anything!!!

I do believe that benefits should fit people in your situation and it should be the reason they are there. As you say it's support to better yourself and you are not wanting to do it forever. Too many people think they can! X x
I agree there are a lot of benefit scroungers out there who just sit at home because they can't be arsed. But its unfair to put people like us in strain. I'm open to all views so anyone is welcome to say what they like :) I just think what he's 'planning' on doing is extremely unfair on young people, not just the ones like us that have a family, also ones with other family problems too that like us don't have work and want to but can't go back to there parents for serious reasons.
What he's saying is get a job or go back and live with your parents. But what if we are looking for work but as there's job cuts we can't? I think if he tries to go ahead with this he'll have some serious problems on his hands.
Perhaps a reviewing system might help?
I'm not sure.

For example, the gov agree to give you benefits for up to a period of 6-12 months. At the end of this period, they review your situation. I know job seekers works like this- but perhaps council tax & housing benefit should too?

I don't even know how people could want to live on benefits (I'm referring to people who live on it because they're lazy). How can you survive on £111 a week for a couple?
It's a shame that they are scrapping benefits for those most in need but like previous poster said it won't happen overnight it might even just be a reduction instead of getting rid of it altogether. Not that I agree with Mr Cameron I can't stand the guy but the benefits system in the UK is not sustainable anyway and can't possibly be long-term- too many people are relying on benefits as their income and it might be the kick up the butt some need (and I mean those that are too lazy to work or find a job), most people have realised by now that often they are better off not working and just claiming benefits so it's no wonder they have to make cuts really. DH and I are borderline and are just above the cut-off's for pretty much every benefit there is so we don't qualify for any help and with tax taken into account our take home pays end up being less than those on benefits! Surely they will still keep jobseekers allowance or something similar to help those who are actively seeking employment but the changes won't happen overnight so it should give your OH plenty of time to find a job
I agree there are a lot of benefit scroungers out there who just sit at home because they can't be arsed. But its unfair to put people like us in strain. I'm open to all views so anyone is welcome to say what they like :) I just think what he's 'planning' on doing is extremely unfair on young people, not just the ones like us that have a family, also ones with other family problems too that like us don't have work and want to but can't go back to there parents for serious reasons.
What he's saying is get a job or go back and live with your parents. But what if we are looking for work but as there's job cuts we can't? I think if he tries to go ahead with this he'll have some serious problems on his hands.

It wont go through- the tories wont get re-ellected I doubt, unless something extraordinary happens. This is something the Labour party would never consider.
Everyones entitled to an opinion and mine is good about time - far too many handouts in this country - little britain is sinking,but I also appreciate there are people out there with circumstances beyond their control. But the sad thing is they are the minority and the majority of young people don't want to work are lazy and don't go for jobs because they aren't well paid enough or think the position is below them. When I started work you went in at the bottom and took what you could then work your way up. I recently advertised for a office assistant in my department. No specific qualifications were needed just a bit of common sense and basic computer and filing skills - do you know how many applicants I got? 6. The job was being paid £16k maybe not a lot down south but up here its enough to start out on and beable to live off plus had the opportunity to develop within the company. 6 people and 3 of them already had jobs! - in this recesssion where apparently there aren't enough jobs for everyone. That speaks volumes. The other solution david cameron did suggest was for everyone who wanted to claim job seekers and housing benefit who couldn't find paid work would only be entitled to their benefitis if they did full time unpaid work previously known as voluntary. I do wonder if people will be opposed to this also. I hope not maybe this solution is best and keeps everyone happy. I think this subject is going to be like hitting a nerve to some and like the previous author said a lot of people have very strong opinions on this. Not sure the threads a positive really as no doubt it will turn into a slagging match.
It's a shame that they are scrapping benefits for those most in need but like previous poster said it won't happen overnight it might even just be a reduction instead of getting rid of it altogether. Not that I agree with Mr Cameron I can't stand the guy but the benefits system in the UK is not sustainable anyway and can't possibly be long-term- too many people are relying on benefits as their income and it might be the kick up the butt some need (and I mean those that are too lazy to work or find a job), most people have realised by now that often they are better off not working and just claiming benefits so it's no wonder they have to make cuts really. DH and I are borderline and are just above the cut-off's for pretty much every benefit there is so we don't qualify for any help and with tax taken into account our take home pays end up being less than those on benefits! Surely they will still keep jobseekers allowance or something similar to help those who are actively seeking employment but the changes won't happen overnight so it should give your OH plenty of time to find a job

We're not entitled to working tax credit either. My husbands job will only give him 19 hours of paid work as he's an NQT. This isn't enough to claim working tax credit. BUT we're not entitled to income support either because he earns over £111 a week.

Yes, he gets paid a good wage, but he still brings home less than someone who works for a lower wage with benefits on top. It doesn't make sense.

I'm also not entitled to ANY maternity pay- because I spent 4 years in uni. Yes, I did work casually, but not enough to qualify me for anything. So realistically, we are surviving on a minimum wage with no help or benefits what so ever.

So, we both went to uni- never claimed any benefits or job seekers. Worked in between AND paid tax, and still, we get nothing.

It is backwards.
At the end of the day, it sounds like all he really cares about is saving money from a huge defecit that the government has to deal with. This plan could save them £2 BILLION!

And the under 25s are a weak target as the majority of them have no real status or influence over many things in this country. And he is also targeting the ones with status and playing on their emotions about this issue in order to get support from them.

What gets me is EVERY over 60 can get £200 per year for winter fuel allowance... this includes people like Ann Robinson, Lord Alan Sugar and Sir Paul McCartney!!!! Yet they would never DREAM of taking this benefit away - which could save MILLIONS more!!! xxx

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