David camrons bid to scrap housing benifits for unbder 25s WTF!!!

Everyones entitled to an opinion and mine is good about time - far too many handouts in this country - little britain is sinking,but I also appreciate there are people out there with circumstances beyond their control. But the sad thing is they are the minority and the majority of young people don't want to work are lazy and don't go for jobs because they aren't well paid enough or think the position is below them. When I started work you went in at the bottom and took what you could then work your way up. I recently advertised for a office assistant in my department. No specific qualifications were needed just a bit of common sense and basic computer and filing skills - do you know how many applicants I got? 6. The job was being paid £16k maybe not a lot down south but up here its enough to start out on and beable to live off plus had the opportunity to develop within the company. 6 people and 3 of them already had jobs! - in this recesssion where apparently there aren't enough jobs for everyone. That speaks volumes. The other solution david cameron did suggest was for everyone who wanted to claim job seekers and housing benefit who couldn't find paid work would only be entitled to their benefitis if they did full time unpaid work previously known as voluntary. I do wonder if people will be opposed to this also. I hope not maybe this solution is best and keeps everyone happy. I think this subject is going to be like hitting a nerve to some and like the previous author said a lot of people have very strong opinions on this. Not sure the threads a positive really as no doubt it will turn into a slagging match.

I actually totally agree with this. If you are on job seekers, you SHOULD have to do voluntary work. I think (not 100% sure) they do make you go to some training sessions (free) to help with your CV. Infact, I think its part of your contract. I think the voluntary work idea is very positive. Voluntary works makes you look more attrcative when applying for a job. It keeps your morale up and promotes a better outlook on people on benefits.
Perhaps a reviewing system might help?
I'm not sure.

For example, the gov agree to give you benefits for up to a period of 6-12 months. At the end of this period, they review your situation. I know job seekers works like this- but perhaps council tax & housing benefit should too?

I don't even know how people could want to live on benefits (I'm referring to people who live on it because they're lazy). How can you survive on £111 a week for a couple?

The council pays for 2/3rds of my brother's gf's rent - my brother pays the other 3rd as he works. If they didnt live together she could get it all paid for!!!!!
Hope I haven't offended anyone with this thread I support everyone's replies because everyone is actually right. I think the gov should actually do more to help young people get experience to get a good job, the amount of times my partner has asked about training courses or work placements and the job center have said there is nothing! This should be something they also work on in my opinionm
Def feel people should do voluntary work - it's not voluntary completely if you get the benefits in return. And it would increase morale and get people moving and not sitting at home with no skills or losing skills they have. It also sets good example to younger generation to get out and do something with their education and not think doing nothing is an option after leaving school x
I think the idea of keeping kids in school/ further ed/ apprenticeship until they're 18 is a bloody good idea in my opinion. I think this has helped somewhat.

I'm so glad because my brother is such a lazy arse and would stay at home on his computer if it wasn't the law.
We're not entitled to working tax credit either. My husbands job will only give him 19 hours of paid work as he's an NQT. This isn't enough to claim working tax credit. BUT we're not entitled to income support either because he earns over £111 a week.

Yes, he gets paid a good wage, but he still brings home less than someone who works for a lower wage with benefits on top. It doesn't make sense.

I'm also not entitled to ANY maternity pay- because I spent 4 years in uni. Yes, I did work casually, but not enough to qualify me for anything. So realistically, we are surviving on a minimum wage with no help or benefits what so ever.

So, we both went to uni- never claimed any benefits or job seekers. Worked in between AND paid tax, and still, we get nothing.

It is backwards.

Surely as an NQT he needs to be given a full time week in order to pass the induction in a year???? Is he working for a college or a school or an agency? Thats really not on.... ?
I am also one in two minds about this due to the simple face that I never see my OH as all he does is work from morning to night to support us. all our money goes on rent and bills, and we have very little left over to tide us through. If he quit his job and I quit university and we both signed on benefits, we'd be pretty much in the same financial situation only we would have precious time to spend together as a family. It really doesn't seem fair.

And although there are many honest people, like yourself, who rely on benefits through no choice of their own, there are also a lot of lazy scroungers taking advantage of this easy lifestyle which makes me think something really should be done!

Cameron is an ass though. How about taking money back of the bankers, the real reason this country is up sh*t creek!
I have mixed views. I am wise enough to know that there are many different people in many different situations with life . I don't think it would be back dated meaning everyone under 25 would move back home!! But what I do feel is that young people shouldn't be moving out of home until they can afford to care for themselves. Why should someone be entitled to mice out for no reason other than they know they can claim housing benefit ? Of course it should be there for those in need and I know not everyone an stay at hoe for various reasons but those that can should until they can afford to pay their rent by themselves
We're not entitled to working tax credit either. My husbands job will only give him 19 hours of paid work as he's an NQT. This isn't enough to claim working tax credit. BUT we're not entitled to income support either because he earns over £111 a week.

Yes, he gets paid a good wage, but he still brings home less than someone who works for a lower wage with benefits on top. It doesn't make sense.

I'm also not entitled to ANY maternity pay- because I spent 4 years in uni. Yes, I did work casually, but not enough to qualify me for anything. So realistically, we are surviving on a minimum wage with no help or benefits what so ever.

So, we both went to uni- never claimed any benefits or job seekers. Worked in between AND paid tax, and still, we get nothing.

It is backwards.

Surely as an NQT he needs to be given a full time week in order to pass the induction in a year???? Is he working for a college or a school or an agency? Thats really not on.... ?

He gets paid 19 hours of his teaching. So he has 19 hours a week contact actual teaching. BUT he's still expected to do all paperwork/ class planning etc on top. So he gets paid £15 an hour for 19 hours a week but works 9-5 every day doing paperwork on top. No its not fair at all. He's a college lecturer so its a bit different. At the end of the day, he's an NQT in art & design in a college. They're are no jobs at all going for this so he's lucky to even have a job- and they take advantage of this :nope:
I feel sorry for the genuine people under 25 who want to work and make their own living and contribute to society as a whole. This scheme will punish them because of the benefit scroungers who make me quite ashamed to come from the UK sometimes.

I'm not judging anyone who has to be on benefits at all, it's what they are there for to help people in need, but I just can't stand those who abuse the system.
I have mixed views. I am wise enough to know that there are many different people in many different situations with life . I don't think it would be back dated meaning everyone under 25 would move back home!! But what I do feel is that young people shouldn't be moving out of home until they can afford to care for themselves. Why should someone be entitled to mice out for no reason other than they know they can claim housing benefit ? Of course it should be there for those in need and I know not everyone an stay at hoe for various reasons but those that can should until they can afford to pay their rent by themselves

This is a realistic point to consider. Why are people moving out if they can't afford too?
BUT, then its not always black and white. Girls fall pregnant, people loose their jobs, overcrowding etc. :flower:
We're not entitled to working tax credit either. My husbands job will only give him 19 hours of paid work as he's an NQT. This isn't enough to claim working tax credit. BUT we're not entitled to income support either because he earns over £111 a week.

Yes, he gets paid a good wage, but he still brings home less than someone who works for a lower wage with benefits on top. It doesn't make sense.

I'm also not entitled to ANY maternity pay- because I spent 4 years in uni. Yes, I did work casually, but not enough to qualify me for anything. So realistically, we are surviving on a minimum wage with no help or benefits what so ever.

So, we both went to uni- never claimed any benefits or job seekers. Worked in between AND paid tax, and still, we get nothing.

It is backwards.

Surely as an NQT he needs to be given a full time week in order to pass the induction in a year???? Is he working for a college or a school or an agency? Thats really not on.... ?

He gets paid 19 hours of his teaching. So he has 19 hours a week contact actual teaching. BUT he's still expected to do all paperwork/ class planning etc on top. So he gets paid £15 an hour for 19 hours a week but works 9-5 every day doing paperwork on top. No its not fair at all. He's a college lecturer so its a bit different. At the end of the day, he's an NQT in art 7 design in a college. They're are no jobs at all going for this so he's lucky to even have a job- and they take advantage of this :nope:

Aw, no way thats PANTS! So he has enough hours to get the induction done, but doesnt get paid for his planning/prep! Keep on looking on www.tes.co.uk for jobs - there are usually a few on there. xxx
I do think we need to do something in this country and so do loads of other people and David Cameron is playing on the view that everyone who receives benefits are scroungers, which is ridiculous.

I have little time for him, as i do any of this countries politician, the Liberals are a complete sell out as well and i would not count on them not to support this - remember when they used to be supportive of students!?

Anyway what i think what this country needs is a culture shift, and that is not going to happen by taking money from those who desperatly need it in order for them to find jobs that simply are not there. It is unfair. He wants to look like he is doing something, but all he is doing in widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Fair enough if there were jobs, but there are not enough for everyone. Many people from 3rd generations who have not worked have no idea what it is like to work, nor i doubt have the skills. I work with some of the countries most vulnerable young people, and they have no confidence to get a job, have no social skills and no education. Who will employ them?!

It irks me as much as the next person that as both my partner and i have alright jobs that we have to pay full everything and that we cannot afford to stay at home, but i can pretty much guarantee that we have far better health/mental health and general wellbeing than some of those people who cannot for whatever reason work.
I agree, I don't understand why people choose not to work.

How can you feel good about yourself not getting out and about and earning your own living?

I left uni 3 weeks ago. No one will employ me and I'm bored as HELL!!!

Thankfully, we have some decorating to do and I help my family where I can but seriously, how do people not die of boredom?
I don't think it will ever happen. I think before they penalize young families who try to have jobs they need to focus on the drunks and junkies who get houses, money, handed to them on a plate without any intention of attempting to get a job.
In my opinion if you spend your benefits on drugs/alcohol and don't bother trying to get a job you deserve to be on the street.

We're not entitled to working tax credit either. My husbands job will only give him 19 hours of paid work as he's an NQT. This isn't enough to claim working tax credit. BUT we're not entitled to income support either because he earns over £111 a week.

Yes, he gets paid a good wage, but he still brings home less than someone who works for a lower wage with benefits on top. It doesn't make sense.

I'm also not entitled to ANY maternity pay- because I spent 4 years in uni. Yes, I did work casually, but not enough to qualify me for anything. So realistically, we are surviving on a minimum wage with no help or benefits what so ever.

So, we both went to uni- never claimed any benefits or job seekers. Worked in between AND paid tax, and still, we get nothing.

It is backwards.

Surely as an NQT he needs to be given a full time week in order to pass the induction in a year???? Is he working for a college or a school or an agency? Thats really not on.... ?

He gets paid 19 hours of his teaching. So he has 19 hours a week contact actual teaching. BUT he's still expected to do all paperwork/ class planning etc on top. So he gets paid £15 an hour for 19 hours a week but works 9-5 every day doing paperwork on top. No its not fair at all. He's a college lecturer so its a bit different. At the end of the day, he's an NQT in art 7 design in a college. They're are no jobs at all going for this so he's lucky to even have a job- and they take advantage of this :nope:

Aw, no way thats PANTS! So he has enough hours to get the induction done, but doesnt get paid for his planning/prep! Keep on looking on www.tes.co.uk for jobs - there are usually a few on there. xxx

This is completely normal for all part time lecturers, they only get paid for contact time. Nothing for planning/admin etc. Rubbish.
I don't think it will ever happen. I think before they penalize young families who try to have jobs they need to focus on the drunks and junkies who get houses, money, handed to them on a plate without any intention of attempting to get a job.
In my opinion if you spend your benefits on drugs/alcohol and don't bother trying to get a job you deserve to be on the street.


100% agree.
I agree that there needs to be a shift in 'young brits' mentality and I am sure that under 25s with families will not be penalised. I do agree that benefits are taken advantage of and a 'first step' needs to be made in order to tackle this issue! A great debate for sure (for parliament)!
I don't think it will ever happen. I think before they penalize young families who try to have jobs they need to focus on the drunks and junkies who get houses, money, handed to them on a plate without any intention of attempting to get a job.
In my opinion if you spend your benefits on drugs/alcohol and don't bother trying to get a job you deserve to be on the street.


100% agree.

I completely understand what you are saying, but what sort of job would a heroin addict who can barely function on everyday tasks be able to do? And actually get.
apparently its not to effect families on income support

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