daytime naps (AGAIN)


Hannah & Rhys <3
Oct 3, 2007
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Yep we are still having issues with Hannah's sleep during the day (and recently at night but that's a whole other issue). I tried the put her down method, pick her up to comfort her, and put her back down until she went to ended with us both in tears. I tried sitting by her until she went to sleep......she'd almost go to sleep and than fuss for me to pick her up. I'm open to any and all suggestions at this point! :wacko:

Another thing, she's three months much did your/do your 3 month old's sleep during the day? Hannah tends to be awake for an hour-hour and a half than want a nap. I don't have any set naptimes, I just let her sleep whenever I notice she's tired.....
Chloe-Marie is awake nearly all day. She wakes bout 8am then has a feed and goes in her swinging chair she then sleeps for about an hour or two, then she wakes and is awake till about 7pm ish which is when she goes to bed.
maddi too just sleeps when she tired, if i see shes sleepy in the day i have a really odd trick and your going to think me an awful mum - if maddi needs to nap and is all fussy i simply cover her eyes with a blanket/muslin etc, normally i make us both a tent and shes asleep within 30secs, i then remove the item of course - i no - bad mother :blush:
its so hard when they're tired sweetie - thinking of you :hugs: maddi also sleeps to music during the day, perhaps thats something to try to :hugs:

I'm really not sure what to tell you honey. It's tough, I am sure. I never really got into the habit of carrying my babies around while they napped in order for them to stay asleep. In some ways I was guilty of putting them down within 5-10 minutes after they fell asleep to feeding. Sometimes not even that as I had employees and customers to deal with, or Dan's incoming calls.

But, I have to say that each one of my babies were always in my arms when they fell asleep and never really learned to go to sleep on their own until they got older.

Some days I have the problem where Chase will lie down and as soon as I think he is asleep and go try and do something, he wakes. These days happen once per week.

Other days, I feel like he sleeps too much and I feel like a crap mom for letting him sleep so much.

Either which way, neither seems to wreck his night time sleeping...he's awake one or two times per night, which is good. On the other hand, having issues with Jayden waking me at another time of night saying he's scared and to "watch him sleep." ::dohh::
I have a hard time too getting Ruby to take daytime naps, she doesn't take them quietly. Everyday is different as to where she'll take her naps and she always fights them. She'll take a nap inbetween each feed ranging from half an hour to an hour. And where she takes them varies as well. I've tried putting her in her cot for an afternoon nap but she'll only sleep for half an hour, I usually end up taking her into my bed and napping with her, I've found that if I nap with her she sleeps for a couple of hours, but when I wake up I'm such a moody cow so I don't do it often.

Mostly I put her in her bouncer(just a cheapy one) tilt it up so she's horizontal and bounce it, it usually works, or go for a walk with the pram.

If I do put her in the cot though, I take off her bottom half clothes, put her in her sleeping bag etc, kinda like the night time routine without the pj's. I'm not really sure what else you could try!
I usually nurse and rock Bren to sleep. I tried the same last night with laying him down, letting him cry for a bit. IT DOES NOT WORK for us. He just got more and more upset and I was up for 2 hours. At this point I really don't know the answers hun. Bren used to be a good napper, but these days he takes lots of little naps. It sucks.
Kaya is a really bad napper so, just to get nap times established, I'm taking her to bed and letting her fall asleep in my arms. I take a book up with me and get an hour and a half with each of her two naps. I think that getting her to nap is more important than getting the house work done.
I know Lola is younger than Hannah but she hardly sleeps during the day.

I put her down for a nap and she'll sleep maybe an hour,if that.And thats after her feed,when I put her on my shoulder or lay down with her.It's the only way she'll nap during the day.
Same thing when she wakes up during the night.
Actually the only time she falls asleep easily is in the evening,when it's bed time.

Ted also wants to sleep after he's been up for 1.5 hours. And he doesnt have a set routine either. I think they're still very small. I tried the leave him to cry a bit then soothe him, leave hima bit longer thing at night and I couldnt do it. He looked so sad and I'm sure it's put him off being in his bed altogether. I'm taking a more relaxed approach now and as long as he goes to sleep at a reasonable time - even in my arms - then that'll do for now. I find the whole sleep routine issue soooo exhausting!

during the day he'll nap for anything from 15 minutes to 3 hours depending on his mood it seems.
i think its all about routine really. ffion has set nap times, i put her down in her cot and turn on her mobile/cot toys, walk out of the room and shut the door. usually shes quite happy watching the mobile and falls asleep whilst the music is playing. she naps at 10 till 11.30 (when i go and physically get her and wake her up) and then she sleeps at 1 until 2.30 whilst me and rhys have lunch and tidy up. then rhys naps from 2 till 3.30 (he sleeps on the couch with his blankie) then we usually go out in the pram and ffion sleeps again.

i think its all about persistance, it is so difficult at first watching your child cry but it will NOT get easier.. when they are older they will scream even more and get even more upset. best to do it now when they are little. it only takes a few days of crying to sort it out.
Thanks everyone, it's good to know we aren't the only ones with problems. I don't mind holding her and actually miss her when I don't but I do want her to learn to be able to sleep on her own. We will definitely be trying some of your suggestions. Stan and I talked last night and I think we are going to work on her night sleeping first because it will be easiest to adjust and go from there.

Caitlyn has quite a few naps in the day but she fights it a lot. I don't rock her or anything though i just let her fight it out. Eventually she does go to sleep, not ideal but i dont want her to rely on me to sleep. Hope it gets better with Hannah xxx
Grace hardly sleeps in the day. At 3-6 months the recommended guideline for sleep is 15 hours, 5 in the day, 10 at night. Grace only has 3 naps a day, only lasting half an hour or less and she rarely sleeps 10 hours at night, through or broken

Caitlyn has quite a few naps in the day but she fights it a lot. I don't rock her or anything though i just let her fight it out. Eventually she does go to sleep, not ideal but i dont want her to rely on me to sleep. Hope it gets better with Hannah xxx

Hannah's the same! She does several short naps during the day, sometimes throws a 2 hour one in there in the mornings, but rarely. Usually just 45 minutes here and there. Unfortunately Hannah does rely on me to get her to sleep and in the next few weeks we are going to hopefully start getting this sorted.
Maybe I will join you on that one.

Chase was up later last night than usual and I was so tired. Finally gave him a soother and that lulled him. I ended up falling asleep on the sofa sitting up with him in my arms. We both slept like that until 4 this morning.

It's tough enjoy the moments when they fall asleep in your arms. Yet, I know, he needs to learn to fall asleep on his own.
Hannah is Chloes double! She will only sleep on my lap. If I keep hold of her she'll sleep for an hour but as soon as I put her down she wakes up.

She used to never sleep during the day but now she sleeps every 1-2 hours for anything from 10 mins to 90 mins (if I dont need to move!)
I gotta say that I am just coming to realise this, do what ever works for you.
Some moms like tezzy manage to have a set routine that works for them and their babies do it with minimal fuss ( a few cries here and there), other moms dont have set routines and just let their babies fall asleep when they want. Some days my LO doesnt sleep at all during the day and hes fine and plays all day. I know hes tired but he doesnt want to go down and honestly what is the point of all the back and forth with both of us crying? Some days he goes to sleep fine. I really believe its all about what you choose to do, your baby will react to that. If you really need him to have set nap times then go for it, be consistent and it will work out , but if you dont, go with the flow and let him sleep when he wants .
with rhys... we just went with the flow and let him nap whenever and we always cuddled him to sleep, we still co-sleep with him. we tried and tried to get him in his own bed but we just didnt have the will power.

so i know it from both sides of the coin.. im not just coming in here saying its easy and boasting that we have a routine etc
Hannah is Chloes double! She will only sleep on my lap. If I keep hold of her she'll sleep for an hour but as soon as I put her down she wakes up.

She used to never sleep during the day but now she sleeps every 1-2 hours for anything from 10 mins to 90 mins (if I dont need to move!)

She and Hannah are TWINS!! Hannah never slept much at all a month to a month and a half ago :lol:
with rhys... we just went with the flow and let him nap whenever and we always cuddled him to sleep, we still co-sleep with him. we tried and tried to get him in his own bed but we just didnt have the will power.

so i know it from both sides of the coin.. im not just coming in here saying its easy and boasting that we have a routine etc

I do have to say that Hannah's night routine is not nearly the nightmare that her daytime sleep is. We do have to hold her until she goes down but she will stay in her own bed, thank goodness!

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