Hi girls! Sorry I have been AWOL, but my world never stops turning, and limbo land doesn't help, but thought it was time to make my comeback to the thread!!!
First a huge congrats to all my girls with BFP's and those making great progress!!!!

So happy for each of you! And a huge welcome to the new girls who have sadly had to join us...
Now, as for my update... we applied for an IVF grant a few months ago. I poured my heart out to them and told them EVERYTHING, only with the hopes of getting some "sympothy points". They announce the winners Oct 15, so praying we are one of the chosen ones!!!!
BUT, if not I finally got my bank loan last week and have the cash $ sitting in my safety deposit box waiting on me for one shot at IVF!

Now I am just waiting to hear if we've won our grant or not, and in the mean time I am gyming it as much as possible and have lost 13 lbs in a month (with the help of Lipozene cause I have gained about 30 lbs since my last failed IUI)... and now to tackle quitting smoking again!!! I have fell off the deep end girls since my last IUI! I pretty much just gave up... but I have a new hope now!!!!
Hope everyone is well and I will be checking in more often!!!

to all!!!