Dealing with azoospermia?

My DH has no sperm also after any injury last year. We are TTC a sibling for dd since March 2010 but he never got his swimmers back:cry: Has anyone looked into donor sperm? DH and i wanted to have a big family so no sperm does not fit well into our plans....... very disheartening. lots of baby dust to all:)
Hi Rae and V! Welcome! :friends:

V- we are going for donor next year. We were thinking May/June, but maybe sooner... depending on how busy I am at work during income tax season. I am SUPER excited!!! Hubby seems ok w/ it. He knows it is the only way I will be happy if I stay with him. I didn't see where you were from, but we are ordering from they even have international too. Like I keep telling ppl, it is like picking your baby daddy out all over again! LOL!

Hope everyone else is doing well and had a great Christmas... I spent the holiday weekend sick in the bed with a head/chest cold! Merry Christmas to me! haha! Now I am just counting down the days til this shitty year is OVER!!! I am SOOOOOO ready for next year and all the potential exciting things that are coming due to us! :happydance:

Hope everyone has a great New Years! :hugs: to all!!!
My DH has no sperm also after any injury last year. We are TTC a sibling for dd since March 2010 but he never got his swimmers back:cry: Has anyone looked into donor sperm? DH and i wanted to have a big family so no sperm does not fit well into our plans....... very disheartening. lots of baby dust to all:)

Welcome Viola :flower:

Without knowing much about your situation, could the injury have just damaged things internally meaning that your dh is still making sperm, but they just aren't getting out?

Has he had any blood tests / investigations done?
Hi Ladies, :hi:

I have been reading all of your stories and admire the strength you all have for going though something so difficult. :hugs:

I don't want my question to come off as insensitive, as it is in no way intended to be. You ladies have gone through a lot. :shy: I worry about this as I have seen other posters on different topics offend ladies who have been LTTTCing and it was very upsetting to see someone so insensitive. I just wanted get advice from people who have dealt with azoospermia.

DH (30) and I (26) have not been TTC all that long, however he was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease 3 years ago and has been on medication since then. The auto-immune and medication are known to cause azoospermia, it is actually the most common side affect of the drug. As we have not been TTC for over a year, it's unlikely that the doctor will let us do a SA, however we have not tried yet. DH has not been diagnosed with azoospermia, but it is a concern based on his disease and medications. My question is if you think it would be worth it to request a SA now before TTC for over a year? My thought in requesting the SA now would be so save the heartache of going through an entire year of TTC just to find out he has azoospermia.

I really appreciate any help you're willing/able to provide. GL and FX'd for all of you! :flower:
Hi Ladies, :hi:

I have been reading all of your stories and admire the strength you all have for going though something so difficult. :hugs:

I don't want my question to come off as insensitive, as it is in no way intended to be. You ladies have gone through a lot. :shy: I worry about this as I have seen other posters on different topics offend ladies who have been LTTTCing and it was very upsetting to see someone so insensitive. I just wanted get advice from people who have dealt with azoospermia.

DH (30) and I (26) have not been TTC all that long, however he was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease 3 years ago and has been on medication since then. The auto-immune and medication are known to cause azoospermia, it is actually the most common side affect of the drug. As we have not been TTC for over a year, it's unlikely that the doctor will let us do a SA, however we have not tried yet. DH has not been diagnosed with azoospermia, but it is a concern based on his disease and medications. My question is if you think it would be worth it to request a SA now before TTC for over a year? My thought in requesting the SA now would be so save the heartache of going through an entire year of TTC just to find out he has azoospermia.

I really appreciate any help you're willing/able to provide. GL and FX'd for all of you! :flower:

Your question in no way offends me and I'm sure it wont offend anyone else here :flower:

As you say it is a side effect of his disease and meds, I would definitely get a SA done. If you feel you have an understanding doctor then just explain that you are TTC and are worried about the effects of his meds / disease. If you don't think that would get you anywhere, then, in your situation, I think you would be quite justified to 'exagerate' the length of time you have been trying for. It's not like you're jumping the queue or getting something for free that you should be paying for, you're just pushing things through a bit quicker because of the situation your dh is on

Good luck and please keep us posted xx
Completely agree with Deb.

I myself told a white lie to the GP in order to get ourselves tested. I think we went just after my 9th failed cycle, so near enough in my opinion. We said we'd been trying for 1 year. I'm so glad we didn't wait any longer.

Wishing you all the best and hoping it's a great result for you both. :hugs:
Nick, I also agree with Deb and SB. I only wish we would have found out sooner and saved myself years and years of hopes, wishes and heartache; and maybe, just maybe, I would have already been a mommy by now! We waited 10 years until we really started digging into our problem... The sooner the better in my opinion! Even if you have to lie to get things on the ball! Best wishes!!!!!
Thanks ladies! I really appreciate the advice and support! :hugs:

He is going to talk to his Rheumatologist about getting on different medication, however the research that we have done shows there aren't really any other drugs he can take because they all pretty much have the same side effects and some of them are even worse (cancer causing!). :dohh:

Unfortunately because of the type of auto-immune he has (Behcet's), there is very little research that is conclusive and most of it really outdated (over 10+ years). The disease mainly affects individuals in Asia and Middle Eastern countries, rarely people in the US and there is no cure for it, only maintenance through medication to control flare-ups. It took him over a 1 1/2 to be diagnosed with it because most doctor's are familiar with it here.

He'll also ask about the SA and possibly fib if he has any push-back from the doctor. Not sure if the Rheumatologist can order the SA test or if it has to be done by an RE- do any of you in the states know? He's got an appointment on 1/13, so I will let you know how it does!!:hugs:
Nik, my obgyn referred us for my hubby's SA and the retest so it doesn't have to be by an RE here in the states.

We just submitted our retest today but hubby had a lot of trouble this morning since we were under pressure to fit it into a specific time for our drop off appointment. I doubt that these results will be any better since, if anything, he was more uncomfortable and under more pressure even though we were at home.
We had only been TTC since July, but since I had been charting since 2005, my doctor took me seriously when I told him I was concerned about my cycles being so long. We did bloodwork on me and my LH and estrogen/testosterone were off. He referred me to a gyn at first, and then agreed that we should do a SA on my DH. His doctor had refused and actually made a sex joke. We were floored when we got his results back. Since he's 43, I'm so glad we didn't wait the whole year. I would absolutely stretch the truth about how long we were ttc if we had to do it over again with DH's doctor.
Well, I know it's a bit early, but we have Terry's aunt here for new year so not sure if I'll get a chance to come on B'n'B before 'the big countdown'!

So, unfortunately the '2011 has to be better than 2010' promise never came true. I know we've had some positive news in terms of finding tiny numbers of sperm and in getting some great embies, but in many ways I actually feel even further back in our journey than I did before - hard to explain though.

Anyway, we have to look forward to 2012 because what's the alternative? :shrug:

I don't think I am the only one here who will be glad to see the back of 2011 (with the exception of our graduates :baby: :happydance:) Things have to progress in the next 12 months, for all of us, however slowly and frustratingly that might be and however much we have to fight to get things done - and boy do us azoo ladies know how to fight for what we want?! :wink:

So to those of you who have already got your precious bundles - thank you for giving us hope. Make sure you don't forget us and 'visit' us whenever you can :hugs:

For those of you who are still battling this every single day, I'm not going to say "I know 2012 will be our year" because let's be honest, non of us can predict the future, but I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and hope that 2012 will bring you closer to your dreams.

So yes, 2011 has been a crappy year (for many of us) and I wouldn't wish this diagnosis on anyone, but I have to say that it is only because of this hell that I have been truly privaledged to have 'met' each and every one of you and will always be eternally grateful for all of your support. You really are the only people who 'get it' when to everyone else I'm 'over-reacting' or 'blowing things out of all proportion' or 'being irrational'! I know that we will continue to support those new members who join us too. I'm sure I'm not alone in getting that awful sinking feeling when I see a new member's name - but also that feeling of being pleased that they have found such a great group and hopefully wont feel quite so alone in this. So I'd like to thank you all for making this group what it is :kiss:

I'm really not into all the 'Happy New Year' pictures and fireworks but saw this image and thought it was quite symbolic - washing away 2011 and moving forwards ..... xxxx


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Happy new year to you too. What a beautiful post. I hope that 2012 brings all of us another step (or 10) closer to our babies we all long for.
Guess I should introduce myself. Been reading some of the posts in this forum since last night (I'm now on page 94) so might be a while longer to catch up on what's up with you all and the information I've yet to learn.

I'm 29, DH is 29. We have been ttc for #1 for more than a year now (as of Dec. even though DH says it hasn't been that long) but at least the dr I went to referred us for tests and stuff. Just got DH's results of the SA yesterday. He went in to give a SA sample at noon and they gave him the results (and did a physical exam) at 1:50. The dr commented that his balls are smaller than average and took blood to check the hormones.

I was crushed to hear that he has 0 sperms. I did the worst thing possible when he came home after telling me that- I laughed my head off because I got this image in my head at realizing all these years we invested in condoms and he was shooting blanks? What a waste of money on condoms that was. Since then the shock has worn off and I've cried some. I managed to find my way over here last night before bed and have been trying to figure out what the chances of us having a baby of our genes (seems like there's a slim chance but not without some help). Granted they will want to do a second SA to make sure, and they'll want to do more exams. Meanwhile, I will go ahead and get my u/s done next week to rule out other issues we might have to prepare for (which I'm expecting there to be none considering how regular my period is and all).

Guess I'm going to be joining you ladies for the long haul. This is only the beginning of my hard journey but I see it will still bear a fruit of some kind somewhere along it. :hugs:

At the moment, it's just DH and me that knows (and my Bnb followers on my journal- which includes one real life friend out of state). :hugs: I'm just relieved that we're not the first or only couple to deal with this "infertility" issue. I'm angry that we turned out to be in that group, I wanted to have his baby by now damn it. But that will take more tests and time than I figured. Thanks for listening and I will be reading some more of your stories and experiences with the tests and stuff along your journey.
Hi Deafgal and welcome :flower:

I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and I'm sure you will realise from the posts you have read, that you will go through every emotion possible over the next few eeks and months - never be afraid to let it all out on here - we've all been there and are still there often.

Good luck with your tests and keep us posted xx
Happy 2012 everyone. Fingers are crossed for less :cry: and more :cloud9: for all of us! Thank you all for your support in 2011 - not the year I expected but I've "met" a wonderful group of people here, so not entirely bad :flower:
PS Nic, I absolutely agree with what the other girls have said about telling a little white lie to get the SA happening. The less months wasted on tears and heartache the better in my view. Trust your instinct if you think that something isn't quite right, I wish I had!
PS Nic, I absolutely agree with what the other girls have said about telling a little white lie to get the SA happening. The less months wasted on tears and heartache the better in my view. Trust your instinct if you think that something isn't quite right, I wish I had!

Totally agree with this. We waited until we had been properly trying for 12 months and ntnp for 4
months before that... I so wish we'd gone sooner and that's the ine thing I'd change if I could go back x
Happy new year girls :flower:

I know we are all glad to see the back of 2011, and I really hope that 2012 is better for us all.

To get to the rainbow you first have to get through the rain.

Sending lots of :dust: :dust: :dust:
dealgal01, we just got a diagnosis like that on Dec 1. I found the first 2-3 weeks to horrid, I couldn't seem to be able to even talk about it and went from obsessively TTC to a dead stop. It's so, so hard. I hope you get answers soon. We get our first appointment on Jan 25. DH's testicles seems smaller than average too, something I hadn't even really noticed until just before we got his SA done.

Here's to 2012 being a great year for all of us!
So glad I found this group as well. I've now moved out of shock and into sadness. I can't seem to stop crying over this new diagnosis. I'm sure it will pass but right now I'm just tired of feeling so depressed. Glad we have each other at least.

Sure hope the new year brings better news for all of us!

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