Erm trying to catch up a bit.
Matthew has been really unwell the past few days so I've been surviving on very little to no sleep and scrubbing the carpet and sofa at 2am in the morning to get rid of the smell of vomit

But he's starting to really recover now thank goodness!
Our HV sent our appointment card to my mum's

So i only got it this week for the 12month jabs even though he's 13 months now. MMR here in our clinic seems to still be 15months I think but we're gonna wait anyway. Going to phone Monday for appointment seeing as he's getting better for the 12month jabs.
Matthew's still in his cot and think I'll keep him in it until he starts climbing out or is close to two which ever is sooner lol He wiggles so so much and sleeps in every possible position including sideways
Potty Training - I've heard it's easier to do it in the summer months because the cold makes it difficult for them or something along those lines so depending on the number of dry nappies/speech in telling me wee or poo and amount of milk and fluids he is taking etc we'll give it a go at 18months and If he isn't ready we'll try again when he's a wee bit older.
Does anyone elses LO's like one food when it's in one form but not in another if that makes sense? Matthew loves mashed potatoes but won't eat normal potatoe's/baby potatoes etc

He likes carrot's almost raw or if I buy the frozen veg one's with a knob of butter and microwave them

But won't eat tinned or mushy carrot's lol