*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Charlie, :happydance: on steps wont be long now :flower:

Emilie is still on the formula atm, she has 8oz in the morning & 8oz at night in the day she drinks water/sqash from her beaker

How are you feeling?
Wow i missed loads...

Hope everyone is getting over the xmas and birthday craziness and good to see bubba's are getting better after the times of illness recently.

Dewi is on cow's milk in afternoons now, we're still using up some formula tins in morning and night though. I need to shift him to cows milk in the morning, we may keep him on Formula for the night feed if theres any toddler milk on the asda baby event thats supposed to be next weekend just to make sure he's getting all the vits he needs. although his diet is great especially when he's at nursery as they have so many different meals. and thankfully he isnt fussy.

How much milk are you guys giving the kiddos now?

Dewi gets 8oz morning, small beaker of cows milk (maybe 5oz) afternoon and 8oz before bed.

He's started taking a few unaided steps now so wont be long before he's everywhere and covered in bruises/cuts on his face!

Good luck with the next test Ann Marie come and join me in the crazy club! <facepalm> 2 under 2!! eek!

charlie cole has 7oz in morning then i mix 5oz with his breki then 7oz b4 bed , well done dewi on the walking he will be running around b4 you know it , thanks im going to test again in the morning just hoping its a clear BFP because i know im pregnant and if the test dont get darker i will know somethings wrong, will deffo be joinging you in the 2 under 2 bring on the madness lol i had 2 under 1 with my middle 2 kids omg all i rember abt it was nappys nappys and more nappys lol hope your well have a good weekend x

Lorna hope your having a good weekend i didnt have to work 2day , as the heating in the building is broke so all was cancelled x

Faye thanks love , glad to hear abt Caleb being discharged x

hope everyone is having a good weekend

:flower: Xx
I'm feeling ok the ligament pain has kicked in now so I feel a bit like I've been kicked in, all my joints are killing me, especially my hips, they keep feeling really weak like they'll buckle out form under me sometimes. But I had a few hip probs last time so it's not unexpected - hopefully it wont last.

Feeling lots of wiggling now which is lovely again, can still suck most of my tummy in except I'm too lazy so I look kids pg now but my maternity jeans wont stay up - i didnt bu any mat trousers last time as I had a pir of hipster jeans I buttoned underneath with a bump band over so mat jeans are new to me lol!
charlie i hope the pain dont last the rest of your pregnancy, may wont be long flying around i love when baby starts kicking its such an amazing experiance i love being pregnant although i cant relax till i get the first scan and see baby is in the right place and growing :flower:

i done a tesco hpt this eve and its deffo a BFP alot darker than the frer :thumbup: im starting to get excited girls we are going to keep this to our selfs for the mean time so if your on my FB friends please dont mention it :haha:

Ohh yay!! congrats hun!!! :)

We're grand here :)

Matthew has 5oz on waking
7oz around lunchtime before nap
and 7oz at bedtime

but he'll drink more through the night atm with this growth spurt (only one that's ever really affected us badly!lol) and him not eating much in general food wise though he's loving his cornflakes!! He's also discovered and decided he now likes sweetcorn and carrots :wohoo: and chicken and mushroom or chicken and ham pies all the filling scrapped out and mixed up with carrots, peas and sweetcorn though he hates brocolli for some strange reason :haha:

:hugs: Chuck on the hip pain etc hope it doesnt give you too much trouble over the next few months! Well done on Dewi taking steps!! Loads of the dec stars have started taking first steps!!

Matthew's latest acheivement is standing on his own for few secs and I've noticed a lot more cruising rather than crawling past week or so. He followed me out of the living room and down the hallway using the wall to support himself lol
Hi all

Ann Marie :happydance: congrats. I don't think you need to feel guilty at all, enjoy it :)

Charlie - Jake has 7oz at bedtime, 6oz in the night (arrgghh, sleep child!) and 4oz when he wakes up. All formula.

SL - hope Matthew's eating gets better. Jake is quite picky, will only eat things with lots of taste like chilli and curry. We're going to try and get him to eat more bland things, and more finger foods, this week, imagine it's not going to be fun.

Faye - yey for Caleb being discharged.

How are are the LOs sleeping? Jake decided that he was going to wake up in the early hours Friday night and Saturday night and not go back to sleep for hours. In the end we had to take him downstairs and cuddle up on the sofa with him and watch a film (UP) until he fell asleep. Really cute if it wasn't 3am!

Hope you're all well
Sleeping?? Whats that?

Since he's been off nursery before xmas he's been terrible. Back at nursery now so hoping the routine and gettig work out will get him sleeping again.

Although saying that he's got a snotty nose so isnt sleeping at the mo, I got maybe 4/5 hours then had to go to work ...... sllleeeeppppyyyy!

Yay for the BFP Ann Marie! Good news hope it's a good sticky bean missus!
Ann Marie, Congratulations :happydance::flower:

Sweetlullaby, Great to see you :flower: Matthew will be walking soon too :D How are you doing?

Jaydee, Sorry your having trouble sleep wise :hugs:

Charlie, Oh no I hope the ligiment pain doesnt get too bad :hugs::hugs:


How is everyone & the Lo's?

Emilie has always been a pretty good sleeper, she does has her moments but shes still sleeping well
Chuck - I didn't have any of the over the bump maternity jeans - I had one pair of under bump ones (which basically were normal hipsters with electic pockets) and then 2 pairs of regular hipsters that went under the bump as well as leggings.
Hope Dewi's sleeping improves soon, Jake woke up every 2 hours last night - joy! Went back to sleep on his own a couple of times but once we're awake it's harder to get back to sleep.

Trying to get Jake to eat more finger food, but he is a bit picky, won't eat normal (plain) food, just chucks it off his tray and onto the floor. Think we'll just have to keep with it.....
We're so lucky Dewi will eat anything - especially bits and pieces of fluff he find on the floor lol - off a spoon or finger foods.

BUT no sleep again last night, we all have cold so I had over an hour non stop screaming before he went to sleep with me. I'm exhausted.

What are you guys goging to do about beds/cots?

I've been rooting around the toddler section (scary eh?) and I see some people are moving their monsters into beds at 18months or so - any thoughts?

I want Dewi in a bed by the time lo goes into the other room so when therye maybe 3 months old so they can have Dewi's cot.

Oh how are the transitions to beakers going instead of bottles? Dewi seems fine with his sippy beaker thankfully so far.
i havent thought about th bed yet but potty training has come across my mind for 18months. I need to start giving caleb his milk in his beaker at night. He only has the 2 one at 10 then one at 5am. In the day he is fine with a beaker so shouldnt see why it wont work.
We have cut out morning nap and he seems to be sleeping better. will wake up for milk and normally sleeps till 8am. xx
Charlie, Im sorry Dewi still isnt sleeping well & you all have a cold :hugs::hugs:

Jaydee, How are you? were also pretty lucky Emilie will eat anything Emilie went through a phase of throwing the food on the floor too she still does it now when shes had enough :haha:

Faye, How are you?

We brought a cotbed so hopefully Emilie will be in that for a while yet, she wont drink milk from a beaker but will drink water/squash fine from it tbh she only has milk in the morning & last thing at night the rest is water/squash but when I try to put milk in it she spits it out & refuses, the HV said to just keep trying & she will evenually

have any of you heard about the MMR jabs yet?
we booked to have it jan 24th but I've had to put it back until end of Feb when I;m on half term because they insist it's done at a baby vaccination clinic and they arent on Fridays when Hubby is off work.

We all have horrible colds now so Dewi has spent most of the past 2 nights screaming at me. Nice. He even headbutted me last night and split my lip, there was blood on my pillow this morning! when he's like this we sleep in the double bed in the back bedroom to save me having to get in and out of bed all night.
DH's sister's lo is in the bed version of the cot bed (with a guard to stop her falling on the floor) and has been since 18m ish, little monkey learnt to climb out of the cot and they were scared she'd hurt herself.
We got a cot not a cot bed so will probably just take the side off so he can get in and out, but not yet, he wriggles too much in his sleep, he'd end up on the floor.

DH took Jake to baby clinic for the first time in ages this week, and asked about injections cos the red book says boosters at 12m. Apparently they do those and MMR at 13m now so just waiting for a letter. All the ones for the first injections came really late so guessing this one will too.
caleb had all his 12/13 month jabs together. dec 10th i think.xx

Erm trying to catch up a bit.

Matthew has been really unwell the past few days so I've been surviving on very little to no sleep and scrubbing the carpet and sofa at 2am in the morning to get rid of the smell of vomit :dohh: But he's starting to really recover now thank goodness!

Our HV sent our appointment card to my mum's :dohh: So i only got it this week for the 12month jabs even though he's 13 months now. MMR here in our clinic seems to still be 15months I think but we're gonna wait anyway. Going to phone Monday for appointment seeing as he's getting better for the 12month jabs.

Matthew's still in his cot and think I'll keep him in it until he starts climbing out or is close to two which ever is sooner lol He wiggles so so much and sleeps in every possible position including sideways :rofl:

Potty Training - I've heard it's easier to do it in the summer months because the cold makes it difficult for them or something along those lines so depending on the number of dry nappies/speech in telling me wee or poo and amount of milk and fluids he is taking etc we'll give it a go at 18months and If he isn't ready we'll try again when he's a wee bit older.

Does anyone elses LO's like one food when it's in one form but not in another if that makes sense? Matthew loves mashed potatoes but won't eat normal potatoe's/baby potatoes etc :rofl: He likes carrot's almost raw or if I buy the frozen veg one's with a knob of butter and microwave them :blush: But won't eat tinned or mushy carrot's lol
Calebs not too bad with his food but can be funny with some stuff. Sometimes he will eat pasta and other time he just spits it out.
we have been succesful with swapping bottles for beaker wooohooo. He has one at 10/11 then one maybe 6 ish. Sleeping loads better and gets up at 8.
He has took a few steps but im not expecting him to walk yet. Oh was eating a pot noodle and he wanted some so that was when he took his steps lol.
Caleb is great with standing and funny when he looses balance a little and wobbles.
Nothing else really to report. Hope everyones ok xx
SL -Jake won't normally entertain chips/wedges but quite happily ate the cr@ppy ones from the pizza shop the other night!

Well done Caleb for taking steps. Jake's fully walking around everywhere now, scares me to death cos he doesn't walk round things, just expects them to move and keeps tripping up and bashing himself. Doesn't seem to hurt him that much but he has got a couple of bruises on his head - doh!
Sweetlullaby, Sorry Matthew isnt well I hope he is back to himself soon :hugs: were pretty lucky Emilie will eat anything atm How are you?

Faye, :happydance: on Caleb taking steps :D How are you?

Jaydee, How are you doing? How is Jake?

Charlie, How are you feeling? How is Dewi doing?

Ann Marie, How are you feeling? How is Cole getting on?


How is everyone & the Lo's?

All is good here :D I was at the Drs the other day so decided to ask about the jabs apprantly she was due for them in December but I had no letter/card to say she was so we made the appointment than she has them the 28th
Hi Lorna - we're doing ok thanks. Not sure if I dare say it but Jake seems to be sleeping a bit better now but DH and I both went out (seperately, playing tag team looking after Jake) at the weekend so we're both a bit tired!

Glad you got Emilie's jabs sorted out, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a card for Jake's as the ones we got for the 12 and 16 week ones were both late (8 weeks was right, not sure how that works?)

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