Thought id update a bit lol .....i changed Matthew from SMA gold to white because he kept guzzling and guzzling the gold and throwing big amounts up then guzzling more etc....

I got told off by the midwife

i didnt realise that they're like two completely different milks and that the white is "stodgyier" and can upset his wee tummy and cause kidney problems

She scared me a bit...

Said some babies end up back in hospital and things like that. I didnt know

I thought it was fine to change it that it was just for hungrier babies type thing and didnt realise that you can change from sma to cow and gate or aptimal etc as you please. Feel like such an idiot
She recommended I change him to cow and gate because he a "bigger" baby and she said that bigger babies on sma gold tend not to be satisified enough and constantly want more and that cow and gate seems to work better for them and they go the 3-4 hours between feeds. So switched him over last night to cow and gate. He seems a lot better but boy she made me feel bad for changing him over from sma gold to white

Also having to use infacol the poor wee mite has real trouble winding! Still sleeping quite well through the night. Just evenings he is really grizzly from about 7pm til 1am and usually doesnt sleep and doesnt know what he wants lol have been told to give him boiled water rather than keeping topping him up with a bottle because more food filling his tummy could be making him more grizzly etc.
I never realised how complicated and confusing things can be regarding feeding lol
Hope everyone else and their LO's are doing fine!!
Anyone else's breakfast in the morning now a cold cup of tea and cold soggy toast? lol

When Matthew wakes me in the morning he doesnt even let me get to the loo and pee without screaming for his bottle. He's quite bad tempered lol and he's getting chubby!! lol he went from 7pound15 to 8pound13 in just under two weeks! Bet on Thursday he's over 9 pound! Its scary how quickly he's growing!