*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Purpledaisy, Are you using a moses basket or cot? also Have you tried bathing Ava before bed?
I have a snuggle nest in my bed, she wouldnt go in the cot, gonna try the snuggle nest in the cot cos its hurting my scar to get her out the snuggle nest, yeah i bathed her last night but i was told not to do it everyday yet cos her skin is dry, its just she sleeps so much daytime and then is awake at night but i dunno if its normal to be backwards for now x
I know exactly what you mean about the scar :hugs:

the snuggle nest looks good we brought something similar to stop Emilie trying to roll over we bought it to put in the cot

re the bathing everyone has something different to say my HV says not everyday my mum says she bathed me everyday :haha: I say do what you feel is right I bath Emilie most nights & the dry skin she had when first born never got worse HTH :hugs:
Have you tried massaging her in grapeseed oil before bed, its brill for there skin purple.

Im thinking about changing hollie to SMA white, as shes drinking 4oz every 3-4hrs sometimes not always full. I changed amber over at 2-3weeks old, never had a problem from then.

Hope you all had a lovely xmas with your LO's :) x
i have no idea about the milks.. i just used the one the midwife used the first time she topped her up after a feed from me, so i stuck with it when BF failed, shes drinking about the same as hollie but seems satisfied and hardly ever has any wind, Is sma white for hungry babies?

anyone else have a c section? i am a bit worried about my wound becoming infected because im still so ill and it was leaking a little today..

my mw is useless, only been out once and everyday phones to say is it ok to come tomorrow, i need more antibiotics and now my scar but theyre too busy. Its just getting worse. Tomorrow if she calls im saying no way come now. Ava's fine but im not!
purpledaisy, tell your Mw you need to see her she should be coming to make sure your both ok! :hugs:

I had an emegergency c - section after failing to progress, & tbh I have found the recover the worse bit :wacko::blush: my scar is infected the anti - botics seem to be helping alot as well as the anti - botic cream :hugs:
Purpledahlia - Its quite normal for baby to confuse day and night. The best thing to do is to have a brightly llit, noisy house during the day and a quiet dark house when you go to bed. LO will soon learn that its time to sleep. Laura had it down at about 3 weeks or so and does occasionally wake at night for a cuddle and a grump but it takes time and nothing more i'm afraid :)
Last night was good, she had her awake time late evening and settled much better at night, and is awake now so hopefully the same again tonight, i think we're on track, shes such a good baby apart from that settling at night thing which might be not such an issue anymore!

how does everyone else feelw hen other people hold the babies? does anyone feel jelous? and like you wanna scream at them for not doing it right or whatever? i do :S
Ha ha! I hate it when people feed her and they don't do it properly, sounds silly but Laura dribbles and needs winding half way through, I can tell her signs and so can my mum as she feeds her often but I can't really say no to MIL so I find myself fussing and panicking that she's not feeding properly, it's important to me that she feed properly by day otherwise she plays catch up at night
ugh a friend came to visit, she was holding her and the blanket got all squished up and Avas head kept flinging back and my friend was like '' oh look how strong her neck is '' i was just screaming in my head '' she shouldnt actually be able to do that!!!! hold her head!!! '' she very swiftly needed a nappy change.. haha!

Im starting to feel a bit better, one lot of antibiotics finished today.

Had fried eggs with runny yolk yesterday and been eating pate since i got home! BLISS

AND.. i can drink a cup of tea again!!!!!!!!!!! waheyyyy!!
Purple, I never stopped drinking tea however I dont like tea normally Im a coffee drinker & it made me sick through pregnancy its good to be drinking it again :coffee: :haha:

I was alittle like that when Emilie was first born even with DH :blush:Ive calmed down alittle now though, the neck thing would have really annoyed me too

Im glad your starting to feel bettee :hugs:
Yeah i dont mind people having a cuddle if theyre visiting one at a time and washt heir hands but i hate when theres loads and they all try to pass her to each other i just want them to SIT and i will pass her, dont like people walking with her apart from my family. (my 77yr old gran was doing it on boxing day and i had to leave the room) I also was getting annoyed at my friend she kept taking the most horrible pictures of her AND ME, i was ill and didnt wanna be in any and said that a few times, yet when i looked at her pics im bloody in them. if she puts them on FB ill FLIP.
When i went to pee she took about 6 of her in the pram, yet i had said that enough flashing for one hour (my gran and aunt had just been visiting beforehand too... so many cameras)..

Think im actually gonna get a night off visitors today! wooo

Thought id update a bit lol .....i changed Matthew from SMA gold to white because he kept guzzling and guzzling the gold and throwing big amounts up then guzzling more etc.... :blush: I got told off by the midwife :( i didnt realise that they're like two completely different milks and that the white is "stodgyier" and can upset his wee tummy and cause kidney problems :( She scared me a bit...:( Said some babies end up back in hospital and things like that. I didnt know :( I thought it was fine to change it that it was just for hungrier babies type thing and didnt realise that you can change from sma to cow and gate or aptimal etc as you please. Feel like such an idiot :(

She recommended I change him to cow and gate because he a "bigger" baby and she said that bigger babies on sma gold tend not to be satisified enough and constantly want more and that cow and gate seems to work better for them and they go the 3-4 hours between feeds. So switched him over last night to cow and gate. He seems a lot better but boy she made me feel bad for changing him over from sma gold to white :( Also having to use infacol the poor wee mite has real trouble winding! Still sleeping quite well through the night. Just evenings he is really grizzly from about 7pm til 1am and usually doesnt sleep and doesnt know what he wants lol have been told to give him boiled water rather than keeping topping him up with a bottle because more food filling his tummy could be making him more grizzly etc.

I never realised how complicated and confusing things can be regarding feeding lol :blush:

Hope everyone else and their LO's are doing fine!!:) :hugs:

Anyone else's breakfast in the morning now a cold cup of tea and cold soggy toast? lol :haha: When Matthew wakes me in the morning he doesnt even let me get to the loo and pee without screaming for his bottle. He's quite bad tempered lol and he's getting chubby!! lol he went from 7pound15 to 8pound13 in just under two weeks! Bet on Thursday he's over 9 pound! Its scary how quickly he's growing!

awww that sounds really bad with the visitors! I've only let a few people hold Matthew lol if he's sleeping they dont even get to touch him or rock the moses basket and i tell them to shhhh all the time :haha: I've even told my mum off for "stimulating" him by talking to him and lifting him when he's having a wee grizzle in his moses basket because then he's fully awake whereas usually he has a wee grizzle and goes back to sleep for a bit longer.

Think i must have a "do not touch or il kill you" expression on my face :haha: because people have leaned over cooed and put their hand out to touch him type thing then looked at me and quickly drawn their hand away lol im just a bit wary coz its winter with flus and colds etc and strangers touching him lol
Yes i'm paranoid about her neck too. People assume because she's moving it about that she can hold it up herself but she's too little yet. She's still sleeping lots too which is great for getting things done but I do worry people are holding her too much at times.
Oh and for the record I had no idea the milks could cause such serious problems with babies x
me either but i did think that sma gold and white were different stages of the same milk.. like first and second or soemthing? not sure. Im using aptamil and it seems great so far. She wakes pretty much 4 hourly on the dot for food, sometimes in the night its 5 hours, so i get more sleep now than i did pregnant - cos of the itching,

Went to GP today as some antibiotics finished she gave me some different ones and is still looking at it as if its kidneys/uti ... im so MAD at daycare for not picking it up! they sent away samples for 5 weeks.. never once did anything about the stuff in urine. This is all their fault! it ruined the whole birth.

Does anyone else have cats? how are they being with the baby? mine are acting weird but i keep findign them on ehr stuff its really annoying to remember to close my door etc. grr
sweetlullaby, Dont let her make you feel bad this is all still new, its how we learn :hugs::hugs: Emilie is on cow & gate we havent had any problems :hugs::hugs:

Purple, I have a cat he is 4, at first he acted alittle weird aroud her, think he was pretty scared tbh he is alot better now he has has the odd sniff but doesnt really go near her, cant wait to see his face when she starts crawling :haha:
Thanks! Felt soooo bad coz i felt the midwife was telling me off and i felt a bit stupid lol guess we all make silly mistakes lol

Feeling a bit wary...Matthew has slept from 3.30pm til 6.30 pm then had a bottle and has slept from 20 past 7 tonight until now! he's never done that in the evening getting the feeling he gonna be up all night or something lol unless its just changing to cow and gate and he's sleeping better or something!

I dont have cats used to have one but im severly allergic to them :( its a shame coz i like cats lol can just imagine all these LO's pulling cats tails when they're older lol
sweetlullaby, Did Matthew sleep ok for you the other night? How are you?

Ambersmummy How are you? How is Holly & Amber?

Purpledaisy, How are you feeling? How is Ava?

:wave: How is everyone?

I cant beleive Emilie is nearly a month old :wacko:where is the time going?
My god, I know EXACTLY what you mean about people holding her. Everyone but my mum and OH seems to do it wrong. I have to demand that people sit while I pass her to them but they do what they like and get up and walk about. I hate it. She's my baby and they should do as they're told or they can just not hold her next time. My gran was going about how many babies she's held as she's sat in our living room (hard wood floor) and Molly is sliding further down her onto her legs and toward the floor.

I'm sick of people passing her around like a parcel and people not holding her right, to the point where I just don't offer her for a cuddle and I hold her all the time. I think people think I'm a bit of a cow but I don't care.

My great grandad was holding her and he was rocking her so much that her head was rolling around and she was crying so much. Ugh.

Annnyway, congrats ladies on your LOs! Pics!!! xxx

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