I bought a box of cheapies so I can test every day from 10 DPO, it took everything I had not to use one of my normal tests this morning. I felt nauseus after breakfast and my bbs are big but could be anything. Gah.
Good luck to you!
Fingers crossed for you! It's hard to not get excited at the thought of finally getting your precious baby.
I think we're both 2DPO? Are you still waiting until 12/11 to test?
Hey, girl! Yes, I'm waiting till 12/11 to test. I'm going to give myself a break from the early testing. Heck if i can wait till AF doesn't show would be even better. I have never waited in the the 2 plus years of ttc#2. And if my Progesterone test comes back high on 7dpo it will be just that much harder..LOL..if is low I will know not to bother testing at all. FX for will power
Let me post my chart so you can stalk me if you like.
BABYDUST everyone
Holy temp raise Batman. I don't temp religiously but I'm usually around 97.3-97.5 and this morning at 7-8 DPO I was at 98.2. Could this be a good sign?!
Well I hope so! Thanks!It means your progesterone is doing what it's supposed to, which is keeping you warm for potential pregnancy Fingers crossed for you!
Only 3dpo and I've got my suspicions....rofl. I just don't feel right. Either this is my first anovulatory cycle or my body is making a lil bean. Normally my opks are positive for days with FRER opks, this time I'm using Walmart brand sensitive to 25iu and they are super negative. I mean I can go up to 6 dpo with blaring positive opks. Maybe FRER have crazy sensitive opks???
My cm is different too. Its been like water since before ovulation. No bbs pain at all. My temps on the other hand suck .
I bet its all my new supplements messing with my mind. The 11th can't get here soon enough. If I crack, it'll be on the 7th when I'm 10dpo I believe. I'm so tempted to waste money on an FRER Opk pack just to see the difference...lol
How is everyone else doing?
Maybe you're ovulating late like I did lol They say that your CF is supposed to dry up after ovulation so it's weird that you're still getting water CF. Mine usually dries up for a few days and then I get creamy CF later in the TWW. Fingers crossed for you!
My nipples are super sensitive today so that confirms O for me. I have a feeling that this is going to be a LONG TWW. But I have a lot to look forward to! Hubby and I are seeing Hamilton tomorrow night!
So my AF was due for November 30th. I started the December thread cause for a moment I decided I would be super chill and not test early for the first time ever and wait till my missed period to test on December 1st.
Well, I couldn't wait. as per usual. I tested yesterday at 10DPO and got my first ever BFP! After a long 20 cycles TTC#1 we couldn't be happier. I've got an appt this afternoon with my gyno to get a blood test. I know the November thread has been booming with BFPs so hopefully December does too! I'm rooting for everyone!!
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